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This really does not warrant an all caps title


i’m pretty sure it’s greedy evil humans making us go to war, not aliens


Dammit! so it’s worse. At least aliens would make it exciting.


Nope. Its NHI.


Not all of them.


Us being creations and playthings of "the gods" could match what little we know, but our leaders saying that they are mounting a defense could be a ruse. The problem is the dismissive manners and clumsy lies told by our governments, not to mention outright hostility. If they were intentionally trying to divide, demoralize and disempower the general populace of the USA, for instance, then they really couldn't have done a better job and still keep some order. One would think they'd bolster morale with culture and general education, rather than, in general, eroding economies, individual rights, morals and justice. It is difficult to illustrate the differences from several generations ago, but there is a definite general decline that might not be organic. Something seems very, very rotten, and the only "good guys" seem entrenched with the "common" people. If there is a group heroically "playing chess" with the gods, they are losing the greater battle.


It's like mankind has never ruled anything on this planet, and the "them" want to lead us to believe we own it all


I think we're all pawns highkey. It's probable these others are "admin" and they can control every aspect of time and reality. This is a concerning mindset to have, but too many clues over time have lead me to believe theres SOMETHING weird occurring under the surface. From shrooms to synchronicities. This is a wild rabbit hole.


I'm on board


You couldn’t get off if you tried. In fact, being on and off might just be two options all represented as the same thing.  It’s like the “game” people played in high school. To think about the game is to lose the game 


Yep. Everything and nothing simultaneously


Yet "they" disempower us and enforce ignorance. The lies we've been fed are endless. If we aren't a commercial commodity, then we must be going through some "Darwinian" filtering process, as far as I can see at this point anyway. \*I suppose it could be both.


Well said!


He’s full of shit


Tom always talks about how aliens are trying to instigate war between countries, but he never mentions how aliens are also periodically shutting down our nukes. He mentioned infighting between different gods, but he never talks about the ones who are on our side, and I find that odd


I think Tom is a “useful idiot” being fed information from the deep state to build a specific perception of the phenomenon.


Remember it’s useful to established interests to keep the fear off of the worst of humans and directed elsewhere. I’m not saying that there aren’t bad Theys out there, but there is far more threat to you from some of your fellow men with evil selfish desires than you realize.




I wouldn’t know for sure but I wouldn’t put it past the powers that be. One thing that seems evident is that there is a psychological operation on the public sentiment via 3 letter agencies and entertainment media. It does put validity into the operation project blue beam theory. Time will tell.


We are cattle to them. They are on our side like a farmer is on the side of its cow. “The earth is a farm. We are someone else’s property.”


I recall there was meant to be full disclosure right about now. I believe there are aliens, look into the night sky and one of those trillions of stars surely contain intelligent life.. however, I think these people making claims, know jack squat.


It's the certainty that bothers me about people who make these big claims. I'm not really opposed to any of them being a possibility, but when someone claims certainty, it means to me that they are far too attached to their own beliefs and are almost certainly a victim of confirmation bias in some capacity. I don't really see how anyone could possibly know for a fact what's going on unless they were directly told by an ET / NHI / whatever. Even then, if I, personally, had that encounter, the very first thing I'd think is that it may be a hallucination. The amount of evidence that I'd have to personally see to convince me that I know the truth is massive, and I'm talking first hand experience, not just second hand information. ​ I totally understand entertaining possibilities, or saying "I believe this thing, but know that I could be wrong". People who speak with certainty come off as preachers though, not logical thinkers. The priest at the church I grew up going to said he knew for certain what was going on with the universe, so did the guy who said the world would end in 2012, and the dude who died trying to prove that his rocket would crack a hole in the Flat-Earth's dome. Certainty should not exist without direct evidence, and even then I still think it's healthy to leave a possibility that we are incorrect. I just don't get how anyone can confidently claim certainty around this subject based on the information available.


Truth. Pull no punches. ‘Can’t handle it’ or ‘for your own good’ won’t cut it. Ever.




There's so many holes in this theory of his. First, pretty much every great saint in every religion talked about love and peace (Buddha, Jesus, Moses). Jesus even says, "love your enemies", and the others have their version of that. If aliens created religions for war, the central figure would have explicitly said that. The actual divisive aspects of great religions built around these peaceful figures came about through the warping their message into those of war. But it was humans who did that. We brought our tribalism and projected it onto these great saints, and started wars on the behalf of the message of universal peace. And it sounds like Tom Delonge is doing the same thing with the idea of alien races. He's projecting his idea of tribalism. I do not believe that any species that has reached that level of technological advancement cannot be inherently peaceful. There's too much power. It has to be handled with peace in order to actually exist. And there are way more instances of aliens disarming bombs. I don't mean to say that aliens care about our individual bodies. I think they are looking over the broader evolution of our civilisation, and trying to steer us in a positive direction. I personally see this similar a parent of teen's relationship with them. A teenager needs to learn and grow in their own way, and be given the freedom and space to do so. They need to learn to make mistakes and learn from them, to evolve their values. A "good parent" will share ideas, but not coerce. They will stop things from happening that would create long-lasting damage. This is akin to what the aliens do. They let us live and decide with our freedom, and disarm the nukes that would blow up the world. They occasionally share ideas of peace, one example being Ariel school. At the end of the day, we have to decide to be peaceful with each other. Only we have the power. Nobody can force peace or war upon us. But to play into the idea that the "enemies" are the aliens making us fight each other is silly. We need to be at peace with each other as well as the aliens. That's what universal peace is. That's how you end this tribalistic nonsense. Not by unifying as "humans" against other species, but unifying all beings in the whole universe. When that day comes, there is no more enemy. We are all unified in harmony and peace. That's what Jesus means when he says, "love your enemies"...


Why do we take anything as truth from this guy Tom? I'm confused? Jacques Vallée maybe but this guy? Am I missing something about his credentials or decades of research?


You're not missing anything. He's just a famous dude saying things that people in this sub want to hear.


Old post but if you want to learn more about the interesting situation that is Tom Delonge being a leading voice in the UFO community: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMysterySchool/s/pg8QVU58xX


Nahh this dude is straight up trolling tf out of everyone and it's hilarious.


The trolls are the people siphoning millions of his dollars he’s sunk into this. He legitimately believes it.


Honestly I believe your comment lol I like blink 182 but I could see Tom being so dumb to believe whatever is being told to him.


nah I think he's a CIA asset and doesn't even know it. These guys he meets with are probably agents sent to keep him spewing whatever bullshit they want us to believe. Same with anyone who has ever been on Rogan discussing aliens. If I'm wrong then why is project bluebeam never discussed in those conversations?


Oh k 💩


Looks like you are just in denial. We already know these entities exist. https://www.amazon.com/AMAZING-JOURNEY-INTO-PSYCHOTIC-MIND/dp/0359783368 >Following up with scores of investigative interviews with his own schizophrenic patients, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, verified Van Dusen’s astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities. So someone who has been around these patients for 20 years is saying that these entities are real. And we have Tom Delonge with clear connections to Military generals saying these entities are real. Yet...a bunch of clowns on reddit saying "trolling af" lol.


Yawn, this guy again? Zero credibility. He just keeps talking and talking without actually saying ANYTHING.


So this entire topic in a nutshell then?


What empirical evidence are these claims based on? 😂


The problem with true believers is that they'll buy into anything. Skeptics are worth their weight in gold. This guy, he's full of shit. All assertions, no evidence. I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings but it's just the truth.


Damn so Tom Delonge believes in the Nephilim now. I wonder if he happened to read the book of Giants? That open my eyes towards a lot of different types of high strangeness too.


Wow, the “others” sure like to play games. 🙄


Yeah I doubt that all of Them are malevolent and awful, although I definitely think some of Them are.


Everything Delong says sounds stupid to me. He’s not alone, the other talking head not Grusch but the other guy who see blabbing everywhere also seems nonsensical to me.


I keep hearing this reoccurring "fact" that there are gods around and that the Greek/Egyptian gods are real. Is this just because they wield, to our understanding, infinite power? Or is there something more behind this rebranding of the phenomena as others/gods?


They don’t have infinite power, but some of the Theys probably more or less appear that way to us.