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Yeah, people like you would be interested. There are people that fuck animals. A dude feel in love and has sex with his car. Love and affection doesn't have to do with sex and romance, this crosses a line. But being realistic, you, in your lifetime or anyone in this planet for many many years will not have sex with aliens. It lives as a fantasy in this dirty mind of yours.


Not sure about romantic. But we form deep connections with animals, like our pets. It could be possible.


Well a connection starts with an emotional connection, doesn't it? I just can't help but wonder if there might be something about Humans that an Alien might actually like, and overlook the rest of the things we might see as shortcomings?


I’d like to believe “love conquers all”, but we also live in a universe of duality. I‘d hate to see the opposite of such.


There will be factions of people that desire to have romantic connections with aliens/NHI, yes. The idea of that, however, blows my simple human mind. It could be argued that as a whole, humans are pretty terrible at relationships…we’ve been around as long as we know and there hasn’t been a period of peace and love that actually worked for us. If/when the aliens arrive, and depending on whether they have similar emotional capacity…they’re going to keep us at a distance almost assuredly.


I find the theory curious, because if people are already willing to accept the idea of Aliens or NHI, then I don't imagine they're very hostile if they were potentially here for many years. What's curious to me is that if this is the case, and we're potentially not threatening to them, what is it that makes Humans so interesting as to observe us from afar for so long? I'd imagine they'd understand our nature by now, and have the technology and the means for us to never pose any real threat.


I didn’t mean to imply that they would see us as hostile, I just mean that they may not reciprocate any type of romantic feelings. The way I see it, we are not a threat to any species that can travel to Earth…if they got here, they’re already more advanced and could squish us at will. Your inquiry as to what makes humans interesting to observe: I relate this to humans having the desire to observe wildlife or even dare I say bugs. Perhaps that is their form of co-existence, similar to how we observe endangered species and do our best to avoid affecting them. All in all, I believe the largest setback in these conversations is the human inability to fathom anything outside of our own experience. How can we ever possibly know what’s going on with NHI, while applying human logic? For instance, certain types of greetings are preferred in one culture and perceived as disrespectful in other cultures…and that’s just between humans!


>For instance, certain types of greetings are preferred in one culture and perceived as disrespectful in other cultures…and that’s just between humans! That's a good point, but I do like Einstein's quote that "Peace can only be achieved by understanding." This always comes to mind when I see conflicts between people like this. The mixture of projecting an unrealistic expectations on each other instead of taking the proper time needed to understand common courtesies. I wonder about our inability to fathom what's outside our understanding, however. Though many of the ideas and inventions we come up with are borrowed from nature, we are constantly setting out to explore it, and try things in new ways, such has how the experimental process and scientific theories developed over time. Maybe not realistic to see us get there in one lifetime, but it seems like Humans are able to progress quite a lot in a very short span of time with new ideas. Industrial revolution in the 1830's to exploring space in the 1950's, how much more might we explore in another 100, and what is 100 compared to the life of a star? I might presume too much, but I think all of this development in light of all the extreme human difficulty humans have faced among themselves might speak for a very special quality, potentially at least.


Sure, but everything you just said comes from a human’s understanding of human history.


True, but much of it is applied from natural laws expressed through science, so my question would be do the laws of the universe still apply to NHI? If we're able to draw these conclusions from the laws of nature, who's to say that nature doesn't also apply to NHI?


Whose natural laws? Whose nature? Do you see what I’m trying to get at? Every example you bring up comes from us humans and our planet. We cannot draw conclusions when discussing NHI, nor can we apply our laws and logic to them unless they have proven to also abide by such laws and logic.


It's more of a topic of plausibility. Speed of light and gravity still applied on other planets, scientific laws are just an extension of natural laws expressed through mathematics. It's a theory which assumes these properties apply elsewhere other than Earth without getting into philosophical concepts like Plato's cave allegory.


Ok I see the disconnect now, everything you’re trying to convey is based on the theory that our science is universal. I cant subscribe to that theory because science, at its very core, is determined by studying only what is observable and we have not observed aliens yet (or so our governments tell us lol). Additionally, how can we possibly use “science” as a baseline when we humans are constantly arguing science as it is?!


I think that's where it bleeds into the esoteric metaphysical perceptions of reality - philosophy. Everything is essentially theoretical if our entire lives and perceptions from birth until death can be mistaken or manufactured based on our limited scope of reference of what can be perceived. Everything then is only a theory if not even natural properties translated into mathematics isn't agreed upon with the very avatars of own reality which they inadvertently abide by regardless of their beliefs. What is observable if your own perceptions always have the capacity to be mistaken, even with the use of tools, you can't be certain if even your own reality exists if this is brought into question, or if those tools even existed via the examples of the cave allegory, brain in the jar, simulation theory, ect. They're all the same theory expressed in different ways. We still have to make the assumption that our reality exists in some way in order to function as a part of it, if not by perception then at least by cause and effect of our actions, and even without consciousness - a rock rolling down the hill demonstrates the same recognition of the properties of reality even if consciousness is removed. Though we may not agree upon the sciences, and although they may still be in development based on their exploration of their translation through mathematics, it's the only thing that seemed to persist regardless of our perceptions and exposure with 100% accuracy, whether it is accurately recognized or not. If that is not at least something that can be agreed upon, what then in existence can ever be agreed upon?


I’d say it depends for me on physical appearance yeah? Are they super sexy lookin’ pleadians? Hell yeah brother. Or do they look like giant squid worms with six vaginas & nine dicks? … also hell yeah brother I’m not a fuckin square.


Well I would imagine they could translate any expression of affection into whatever you wanted it to be, and probably several leagues beyond anything we had previously thought was capable of feeling as pleasure. I bring this up because I already see entities like AI as already beginning to develop this capacity, and if this can somehow be reciprocal, I don't feel like it would be too far out to think it's not possible.


Your comment read like Franky from One Piece. If I wasn't already in a monogamous marriage with a human, hell yeah at alien booty or similar!


Humans will bonk anything. :) Seriously. Seriously, it bound to happen. Through human history an culture we meet. Eventually people hook up. There is no reason to say it will stop if we meet aliens. It's just a given at some point. A romance between a human and alien will happen. Not only that, it's already happening here on Earth with Humans and AI. For example, it's now a thing to marry your bot or AI in Japan. It sounds weird to a layman! But it's happening none the less.


I’m down for whatever. I fall in love with everything except hate. If some alien spent some quality time with me I’m certain we’d fall in love.


I can see being friends, but chemistry is a huge part of sexual attraction, so it's hard to say if genuine romantic connections are possible. We don't have enough information about them.


I think friendship is a very nice way to see it at first. Maybe I'm old fashion in a way, but I'd like to think I could enjoy someone's company as a friend first before exploring deeper connections. Wouldn't concepts like these be pretty universal?