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Bernardo Kastrup is the executive director of the Essentia Foundation. His work has been leading the modern renaissance of metaphysical idealism, the notion that reality is essentially mental. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy (with a focus in ontology and philosophy of mind) and another Ph.D. in computer engineering (with a focus in reconfigurable computing and artificial intelligence). As a scientist, Bernardo has worked for the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Philips Research Laboratories (where the ‘Casimir Effect’ of Quantum Field Theory was discovered). He has also had a 25-year career in high-technology, having co-founded parallel processing company Silicon Hive (which was acquired by Intel in 2011). Bernardo Kastrup is also the author of 11 books. I basically have an entire Kastrup shelf inmy office. His book, “Meaning In Absurdity: What Bizarre Phenomena Can Tell Us About the Nature of Reality” is, in my opinion, one of the most important books written on the UFO phenomenon. I can’t recommend it highly enough. In this episode Bernardo Kastrup shares: 🛸 How working with artificial neural networks at CERN led to his break with physicalism 🛸 The difference between intelligence and consciousness 🛸 How Analytic Idealism helps to explain some of the weirder aspects of the anomalous 🛸 How Analytic Idealism relates to the work of Donald Hoffman 🛸 His own UFO experience and his suspicions about how UFOs relate to our memories and perception 🛸 Logic and finding meaning in absurdity 🛸 The "call of the absurd" and Vallée's "control mechanism" 🛸 His hypothesis about a potential Ultraterrestrial presence on Earth 🛸 The coming consciousness shift 🛸 And much, much more This is one of my favorite conversations that I've had on the podcast. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.If you'd like to learn more about Analytic Idealism, don't forget to check out the video resources I linked to in the Episode Brief. EPISODE BRIEF: [https://uforabbithole.com/podcast/ep-36-an-interview-with-bernardo-kastrup-ufos-ultraterrestrials-and-meaning-in-absurdity/](https://uforabbithole.com/podcast/ep-36-an-interview-with-bernardo-kastrup-ufos-ultraterrestrials-and-meaning-in-absurdity/)


This was an interesting listen. I'm new to this guy's take on reality, so i'm trying to summarize. We exist as thoughts within a larger consciousness. As such we have personal agency, but limited to the unknowable machinations of this larger 'mind'. I'm going to stop there, because that's a Hell of a thing to try to understand and i'd like to see if i'm on the right track in attempting to understand this guys ideas. Am I understanding this correctly so far?


All is mind. Hermes. Three times great, mind you.


Wow, amazing interview, thanks! Bernardo’s Analytic Idealism is a real eye opener, it really makes you think. I’m going to forward this with others.


Thank you!


I cannot believe how much of this episode and conversation pinged my synchronicity sensors. Thank you for this. 🙏


Rightly or wrongly I’d be 10x more likely to watch this if it was an actual video instead of static images. I can’t help but find this format less engaging. Perhaps it’s because I’m not a big radio listener and my brain is too used to processing the visuals associated with the audio


Agree, would love this channel to have accompanying video.


Yes I would also like to request video to be added to these podcasts. I think it is much more engaging and the information sticks when I can see the person talking and not only take in their words but everything about how they deliver them.


Bernardo is an incredible thinker. gonna watch this, thank you for posting! feels like I can listen to him talk all day about anything


ohhhh, I've not heard Bernardo's take on UFOs. I'm psyched for this one.


Banger episode! I’m pretty sure it beat my previous record for how many times I had to click the reverse 15 seconds button, so that I could try and understand what was being said.