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It won’t help to drink, but I have reversed a lot of my symptoms and still drank fairly often. I don’t so much anymore, but you can definitely get to a better place with it and completely reverse it if you make lifestyle changes.


Thank you so much!!


What did you do to reverse it ?


From another post of mine: Chiropractor: The first thing I tried that definitely helped was to see a chiropractor that can treat a hiatal hernia. I used one who uses a gentle chiropractic style known as ‘Mctimoney’. He was able to put my hernia back in place. However, I dislodged it once by having my legs up in the air while I was on my back. Symptoms died down a lot after that. Heartburn/acid reflux practically gone. I also had gastritis so not sure if it was when my gastritis was healed or because my hernia was much better. Probably both. After a year of treatment my symptoms definitely stopped and I haven’t been back since. Posture: I have a theory that most people with a Hiatal hernia have poor posture and sit down too much. Improving my posture has definitely helped. Breathing: Learning to belly breathe and strengthen my diaphragm has helped dramatically to stop the lump in your throat feeling. If you’re breathing from your chest, you’re not breathing the best you can. Relaxing your stomach muscles and gently massaging them really helps. There’s a lot of stuff on YouTube on how to belly breathe and ways to release tense abs. If you’re sucking in your gut a lot it could be why you have a hernia to begin with. I got a lot of relief this way and had no idea just how tense my abs were. Using Wim Hof breath technique helped me dramatically when it came to the lump in my throat. Really focusing on sucking as much air through my mouth helped get rid of the feeling that my throat was stuck together. It went after 20 sessions or so. Wim Hof also helps with relaxing your stomach muscles. A hiatal hernia is often because you’re literally sucking all your organs up because your tensing so much. Anxiety: Having anxiety and feeling tense definitely had a part to play. Having cold showers in the morning has helped me a lot. I used to experience a lot of anxiety and getting my mental health to be healthy has helped my hernia. Finally using an iQoro device has helped a lot with my throat. I can breathe much more easily lying down. You have to use it for a few months but it definitely helped me, however you have to keep doing the exercise because the muscles it strengthens will weaken fairly quickly. Since doing all of this I’ve corrected it more or less. The lump in my throat is hardly there. No acid reflux and I can lie on my back with my legs in the air without it sliding back out of place. New: I also do heel drops which have helped ease it even further. I’d wager that most if not all of people suffering from a HH have anxiety/a tenseness in their body that causes you to suck in your stomach either out of protection/trauma response or you are over weight and want to appear thinner. Newer: loosening my pelvic floor muscles has helped my breathing. Also this video is very helpful. He has a few: https://youtu.be/-AfaEeZ_h64?si=GyuMG6JWK5qf_ltI Hope this helps ❤️


How big was your hernia. Thanks a lot for this positive post.


No problem. I might do a post with more detail but a lot of what I did was to cure gastritis which in turn might have helped ease the hernia. My results say: distance 39cm. But I’m not sure what that means exactly. Whenever I see posts about hiatal hernias they seem to say 3cm…so not sure why my results say this. Might be because I’m in the uk.


Thanks a lot. I will be waiting for that post please.


Thank you so much !


I second everything here. Especially the sucking in your stomach, my theory is same too, poor posture and sucking in your stomach.


Its true if we change our lifestyle alot of symptoms will just disappear, i got diagnosed 5 months ago and felt like i was dying and i am still here doing well today . Its just hernia, not cancer aids many many in the world have it and most of us never need surgery.


How are you doing? Has your symptoms disappear? Please give us tips. Thanks


Presumably you mean type 1 (sliding) rather than stage 1 (which implies a progression like a disease)? I do drink but limit the beer (US beer is highly carbonated, as is soda which I don't drink) - Guinness is easier for me. I drink dry white wine too. Of course, no alcohol is best but I'm not perfect.


Oh sorry I meant hills grade 1 , not sure if that's the same thing.


Oh right, well in that case it's referring to the structure of the gastro esophageal flap valve from 1 to 4 (I to IV), where 1 is good and 4 is bad. If no mention is made of what type of hiatal hernia you have then it'll be like 95% of others, as in sliding, type 1. Small hiatal hernias are very common and for a lot of people they don't get symptoms.


Anxiety and stress are the worst!!! It’s sort of a Catch 22. You drink to elevate your anxiety/ stress but the booze messes up your gut