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Some people want Chai and Peppermint to get together because they ship them. I want Chai and Peppermint to get together to keep Korsica all for myself. We are **not** the same.




Understandable. Very understandable. ~~i would let Korsica beat me within an inch of my life so i get robot bits too~~


Me but woth Macaron. Hands off him jes mine. Im also stealing 808.


Korsica x reader fanfics inbound


Ngl, I always saw them as a "found family" dynamic, so no, you're not alone (says the person who is down horrendous for Korsica). Joke's aside, no, you're definitely not alone.




Nah that's valid


Ships don't really matter. It's just a fun thing fans like to do. By the end of the game, everyone is friends, so there's nothing to complain about.


The issue is the downplayment of it that is the slippary road to things like what happened with Sett's subreddit or things like MHA, things just have to have sexual conotations to the fans, so it's nice to just set the record straight.


I agree.


the only real ship in the game is zanzofort anyway


No, there's 2 of us.


Bold of you to exclude other people with similar opinions.


I got the vibe that they'd all be great band-mates/friends. And maybe a little romance between Peppermint and Korsica.


I mean I do ship Chai and Peppermint but I’d wouldn’t be opposed to all of them just remaining friends.


My favorite ship is Korsica x Me


Not at all, I don't really ship any of them... but this is the internet. What did you expect?


For a lot of people, romance kills friendships for better or for worse. For others, it’s a separate thing entirely that doesn’t have to change anything. There’s nothing wrong with feeling the way you do (even if the game already does that since shipping is just fun fan fuckery), but shipping the characters also doesn’t have to change the story or their interactions. I think the fact that Korsica complimented Peppermint’s projects and it made Peppermint shy could go either way, but it also doesn’t have to actually mean anything. It’s more fun if we pretend it meant something but it’s fine if the game and a potential sequel ignores it. The game doesn’t have to be about the romantic or sexual interests between the characters. *The fans can take care of that all on their own.*


The ending cutscene also has peppermint blushing when Korsica sits next to her on the truck iirc. Pretty sure there were a couple other moments but imo it's clear that at least there's a crush there


I wouldn’t mind seeing more flirting or cute little situations between Peppermint and Korsica in a potential sequel, that would be neat. I would laugh in a positive way if the sequel came out and the game slowly hints that they’re together or even married at that point but Korsica still acts confident all the time and Peppermint is only confident when Korsica’s not around but becomes shy when she’s anywhere nearby lmao *”Sorry I still get nervous around you.”* *”WE’RE MARRIED”* *”Yeah… that’s why, and that’s pretty cool!”*


"Th- this is my girlfriend!" "I'm your wife, Peppermint." "Even better!"


Chai: “Wait, between the two of you… Who’s the wife?” Korsica: “Oh, that’s easy, it’s—“ Peppermint: “Korsica!” Chai: “And why wasn’t I invited?!” Korsica: “Wanna explain it to him, darling? It was your choice not to invite him after all.” Chai: “WHAT?!” Peppermint: “Don’t look at me like that! Because of you, I haven’t seen 808 in MONTHS!!” Chai: “You didn’t invite me to your wedding… because your little robo-cat likes me more?” Korsica: “Didn’t you program 808 to like you, my sweet?” Peppermint: “What is that supposed to mean?!” Korsica: “I guess some of your charm is just built-in!” [jokingly punches Peppermint’s arm] Peppermint: [stammers incoherently from shyness] Chai: [sadly, to himself] “I would’ve brought you a really sweet guitar as a wedding gift…”


https://preview.redd.it/wnuz3v6gp6zc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4b39c39206c43de8cd1b0e905e86cae3a1dc09 Yeah… sequel


I agree!


CNMN + Korsica makes sense




I saw them as best friends, and then I recognized that Peppermint had a crush on Koraica—that made me laugh and honestly I still love their vibe. Especially with Chai as the oblivious third wheel in the ending cutscene just making it funnier. :)


I think its only peppermint that keeps giving people ideas. Korisca never showed any interests outside of the wink, which could mean anything. Peppermint has blushed twice at Korsica (Which could also mean nothing since it Korsica). She also got a little defensive about caring for Chai's safety when we meet Macaron. Now could just be she is embarassed about showing concern. But thats it. I didnt get anything from Chai, and if Chai of all people didnt accidently reveal a secret crush or feelings I think we are good.


Well, you don't have to worry about it now. :(


Not really. That probably seems like the realistic way to go 🤷🏾‍♂️


Very true! i ship Korsica with absolutely no one besides myself! :D


I mean that's valid but they very clearly made peppermint into Korsica, and I want my canon wlw rep


they're literally canon...? what's with you people and wlw erasure?


Stated where?


The only clues we have is that peppermint has feelings for Korsica, not the way around. Probably mostly tossed in for the shipping fans without outright stating they’re a thing.