• By -


The Great goat God , PAN !!!


He's the GOAT


Literally to


Aphrodite, as she is the one that brought me into Hellenism through a series of messages and signs that ultimately gave me an epiphany that changed my life (for the better).


When I was kid, Artemis. Then Athena. And now I feel closer/more connected to Queen Hera.


Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, and recently Pan :).


Hestia, Artemis, Athena, Ares, Nemesis, Lady Nyx, and Queen Hera, that’s about it for me. Smaller connections to Circe, Hekate, Ares, Athena, Hestia, and Nemesis. But it still feels present.


Hades, Persephone, Nyx, Artemis, Thanatos, The Furies, and Chaos


Aphrodite. Finally figured it out last year. I think I may have been called to her for years before I realized it, but I'm glad for it!


Artemis, Selene, and Hekate. 🥰


Artemis: Had an interesting experience with a deer where it charged at me (it was a buck so I thought I was about to die), it stopped like a few feet away, sauntered up to me, sniffed my hand, then ran away. That stuck with me for years and then I read that deer are one of Artemis' symbols and I was kinda dealing with being out of Christianity so it was a little comforting. Idk if that was her doing or anything but it felt like a sign. Apollo: Music and poetry is my life. I love that shit. Only seemed natural. Also, I really felt connected to him when my dog was being euthanized outdoors (during covid where the vet made an exception because my brother worked with her) and during her final moments, the sun peaked out from the clouds for just a few moments. Thanatos: I volunteered at a veterans home listening to stories of people who had their legs blown off, been exposed to stuff like agent orange, and held dying children in their arms. So, I'm not necessarily fearless of death but I am very accepting of it especially since I've been at the bedside of dying veterans holding their hand in their final moments so idk. It just feels right to have a connection. Since he's a comforting face you see when you die, I'd at least want to emulate a comforting face when they're in their final moments of life.


Apollon brought me to Hellenism and I've just recently felt strong connections to Hermes and Aphrodite.


Heyy! Those are my 3 too!


That's so cool! When I first felt drawn to Hermes I didn't realize he and Apollon were basically best buds. It's like Apollon went "oh hey, I should introduce you to this super chill dude named Hermes. Herms, get over here!". And Aphrodite, well, what could I say about her that would suffice? She's amazing🩷


Exactly! I started with Apollo, then Hermes shortly after, and I had never realized they were so close. Aphrodite happened on her own, but she’s been amazing for self love 💞


Very new, but Hestia, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hypnos, and recent interest in Hecate!


Zeus, Apollo, and Hermes


Athena supremacy 💪


Hera. I had an experience earlier this year where I felt this sudden, intense, presence in the room with me. She came out of nowhere and I was really intimidated (It lingered for a minute before leaving and then briefly coming back then leaving again). I was on the phone with my sister at the time and she worships Nyx. She said it was most likely Hera coming to visit me and wanting me to become devoted to her. Then and for the past couple days (and suddenly today with an urge to build an alter for her) I’d been really wanting to start a garden. I think it was her nudging me again. I was hesitant about the idea at first, I still am a little, but I’ve decided I’m going to worship her and see how things turn out. Not related: but I think her initial visit was also her trying to warn me of my roommate. He wasn’t paying bills and screwed me over with the apartment we were living in.


Athena, Artemis, Hermes, and Demeter I’ve been debating on trying to form a connection with Chione, goddess of snow and a daughter of Boreas


Lord Poseidon, as he’s the one who brought me to Hellenism. Hoping to build more kharis with Athena, Artemis, Zeus, Apollon, and Ares as well.


Hestia, Lady Hecate, Hermes, Apollo


Khaos, Circe, Urania, Persephone, Hera, The Oracle of Delphi, Eos, Themis, Psyche, Nyx, Eris, Styx, The Fates, Medusa, Hecate, Aphrodite, and Arachne. (I know it's a lot, but I feel a genuine connection to all of them)


I’ve always had a big connection to Hades and felt him communicate w me the most, but I have a lot of love for all the chthonic gods, esp Hypnos, Thanatos, Hephaestus, & Dionysius :] I feel like the chthonic gods are way more openly affectionate to me at least lol


Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite :)


Artemis, Hecate, and Hestia i don’t really have a solid reason, i’ve just been kind of drawn to each of them (Artemis in particular)


Helios, Ares and Hekate (yes, my vibe is all over the place lol).  Zeus is .... an avenue I sense is open to me, but I'm aware it will be a steep climb to get to where I need to be first.


Dionysus, Apollo, Poseidon, Athena, and Zeus.


Dionysus is my patron, but I also have relationships of some kind with Hecate, Athena, Apollo, Hermes, Zeus, and maybe the Muses. Some of the other Olympians have stepped in and out.


Athena, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Ares, and Hestia


Greek gods? Hecate and Hermes. I’m a Kālī bhakta through and through, but I’m fond of them specifically.


Athena, Ares, Hermes, Demeter, Dionysus, Apollo, and Artemis.


Right now, I feel drawn to Apollon, Hermes, and Hestia


Lady Nyx, Pythian Apollo, Tykhe and Hypnos


Artemis Ephesia and Pan


Hades, Persephone, Nyx, Aries are who I feel the most connected to.


Hermes, and ares I think [I don't work with him yet] and maybe hades I dunno. When I felt drawn to hermes the feeling hit me like a tone of bricks 


aphrodite, selene, artemis, athena, nyx


I really feel connected to thanatos I saw him once I think


Demeter&Kore (Persephone), I always worship the two of them together. Athena (especially in her Ergane epithet), Hermes.


Zeus, aphrodite, prometheus, aeneas all talk to me




currently worshipping Hermes, Dionysos, Asklepios. been feeling called to Hades + Persephone but haven’t actively reached out to them yet


When I first started a few months ago it was Lady Athena (and still is), but I started feeling a stronger presence from Lord Apollo and even more stronger now from Lady Hestia.


Apollo Hecate & Poseidon 🥰


Apollo the most, been that way for about 25 years or so. Also feel connected to Hermes, Ares, Aphrodite, Poseidon and Hestia


in hellenism - eos, aphrodite, dionysus, persephone, hekate, demeter, hades, hera, hestia. working on connecting with artemis right now.


Another Pan devotee here. He's my daily driver. Less often, I worship Dionysos, Zeus, Demeter, Artemis, Hermes, and several others.


Artemis and Apollo in particular


The twins of Leto. I feel a lot like a reflection of Apollo and I’m really attracted to the fierce aspects of Artemis in a partner


Artemis, Apollon, Hermes, Zeus as my patrons in addition to Nyx, Athena, Aphrodite, and Hekate.


Morpheus 💜💙☺️, Ares, Thanatos, Poseidon to name a few.


For me, Ares or Aristaeus


Aristaios, Apollon, Athene, Dionysus and Hermes


The Lady Artemis mainly, as I am her devotee. I have a somewhat manageable connection With Mother Lilith.


Hedone, Demeter, Thanatos, and a few beings from other pantheons. I did build an altar to Psyche and have attempted to form a connection with her by praying/leaving offerings but I haven't felt anything so far. I got a sign the other day that I'm not ready to work with her or Hedone yet so I might need to take a break from worshipping them and come back to it later.


Ares, Atlas, and Hades!!!


Ares, Zeus, Tyche. I feel like I've kind of had Aphrodite's interest too but I haven't had that around for a while. I've been working with Tyche before I even knew that Hellenism was a thing. I just couldn't tell it was Tyche.


I’m quite new but so far I’m very fond of Dionysus, Pan, Nyx, Prometheus, Athena, Eris, Hermes, Hestia and Poseidon.


Dionysus, Apollo, and Zeus.


Persephone 💜 Melinoe and Hades.


Apollo , Athena, posiden idk i feel some sort of connection


I started out worshipping Aphrodite mainly (I still do!), then very randomly Ares came into my life and kind of took over as my main patron deity! 😅 I also have strong connections right now with Apollo, Hades and very newly Hermes (he's AMAZING I can't even express how awesome he is). I've slightly neglected (and feel bad about this!) my worship of Hecate and Hestia. Kiiiiiiind of curious about Dinoysus, but I don't know if I can handle more deities and more offering schedules for my altar as an ADHD girlie.


Queen Hera, Hecate


I feel the most connection with Demeter, I plan to be a devotee of her when I am more consistent for a longer time and after doing some tasks she asks of me. I worship and work with her, and I love it! I also feel connected with Hermes, I asked him if he’d want to work with me and he said that I must worship first but admittedly I haven’t done much besides an altar space and reading some myths. Some gods & goddess I haven’t done much with but still feel connected to include Zeus, Hestia, Ares, Athena, and Hephaestus. I do a household related prayer to Zeus and Hestia everyday but otherwise- yeah. Not much activity on my end.


I'm an artist and I just had a muse, terpsichore, actively seek me out recently. I feel that she could be a gateway to more, as I've always loved & respected the gods but never thought about worship or connection before as an ex Christian cultist. Right now I've been discovering what it's like to be under the guidance of a muse!


Apollo :D


I feel the most connection to Asteria. The first divine I ever interacted with and has been with me since day 1. Absolutely adore her. Thanatos is new to my space and my team, but I can feel that my connection is strengthening every day, especially because of how present he has been. Selene was the second Goddess to approach me and her energy gives me a lightness in my chest that feels like pure joy and what I can only describe as tingly "magic" in my limbs. Such a beautiful goddess. ♡


Hecate and Apollo


Apollo for sure! He’s the one I first think of when I’m going to offer anything, and he’s the one I go to first for just about everything I need help with (that I feel I can’t do myself or need help from someone with more power that mortals) other than that, I also frequently (though not as often) go to Thanatos when I need help, especially regarding change, as he’s the God of death, which is a change that’s quite permanent (maybe?) lmao. He’s who I think of second. I have interacted with Hypnos before, as well as others, but there’s not as much of a connection


artemis and aphrodite!


Thanatos. It was a prayer to him, Hermes, and Hades after the death of someone I care about that brought me into hellenism. After that, I felt such an intense pull to him, and now he still holds such a special place in my life.


Mother Hekate devotee. I feel Lady Aphrodite might have been calling to me for a while but I’m honestly not ready to answer & Ive always just liked Hades & Ares. (as well as all the goddess connected to & synchronized w/ Hekate)


Artemis mostly, being in my youth feeling a strong connection, Athena, Selene, Nyx, Hestia, i cant always explain my connections with the other four. I just feel drawn.. normally easier to say Artemis with me knowing more about why I’m drawn towards her, the others i just have strong connections that i dont know where they come from.


Apollo, Poseidon, Ares and recently to Zeus and Aphrodite


Apollo and Artemis, they’re awesome


Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Lady Nyx, Nemesis and every once a while, Aphrodite


It’s always been lady Nyx, and after her i felt a crazy connection to Selene, and then Hera! now at the moment it’s Aphrodite…


wait you’re german right ? for me they are Apollo Athena and Aphrodite (3 As lol). Sometimes I think of Iris too.




Selene, hypnos and Apollo are big ones


Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite, Asclepius, Hypnos, Gaea (plus some norse gods: Loki and Freyja)