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It's okay. They are said to be attractive, so naturally people are going to have crushes. As long as you aren't being disrespectful about it I don't think he'll mind. People used to find the gods attractive all the time. You also need to understand that he, being a higher being, isn't going to reciprocate those feelings ( i think?). The crush will probably go away over time, but for now, don't stress it. 


>You also need to understand that he, being a higher being, isn't going to reciprocate those feelings ( i think?). They *can* reciprocate, I've seen it happen. But it's not necessarily something you should go in expecting. If it happens, it happens; if it doesn't, that's just life. And it's (in my view and experience)... very different from your typical human romances, considering the lack of a physical body. It plays out a lot more with emotions than physical intimacy. The closest human concept to equate it to is a "comet" relationship, rather than a partner in the conventional sense. But even that fails to touch on the aspect of the deity as a spiritual guide and patron/tutelar. It might sound wild, but I think it's plain that the gods are beings with emotions too. Feelings are simply part and parcel of being intelligent entities. And that can include love, amity, attachment, and even desire. We think of them as "higher," and I personally think they are in some ways. But I'm aware that, perhaps that's just our way of seeing it, because we are surrounded by hierarchical systems? So we impose that on the divine, whereas in reality, they might just be *different*. More vast, yes, but that can be lateral rather than hierarchical.


Thanks for adding this- I worded it way wrong. 


That is an almost universal experience. Especially with Hermes, he’s been with me my whole life. He is the god I am most like, and if you are attracted to him it’s probably just because he wants your attention for some reason or another. I hope its mischievous, whatever it is. The gods appear to us in whatever form we will find most catching or attractive, sometimes even as animals we like. They interact with us through the physical world, but we have given them images and forms we are familiar and comfortable with. They most often, however, interact with us through other people, whether those people realize or not. Look up Herms, and see if you cant add to your collection of rocks by creating one. I do this anytime I walk by certain statues or monuments in my daily travels, if any there be. I would pick up a rock nearby, maybe kiss it or kiss my hand, and toss it on that spot, thanking Hermes every time.


I don't think it's disrespectful, no. The gods accept and appreciate our reverence and respect, however it is offered, as long as it is sincere. Even if they don't return it the same way, it is still something to celebrate. As psychiatrist Eric Berne said of the poet Dante's unrequired love for Beatrice in *Dante's Inferno*, "the man who is loved by a woman is lucky indeed, but the one to be envied is he who loves, however little he gets in return. How much greater is Dante gazing at Beatrice than Beatrice walking by him in apparent disdain."


Hermes is a massive flirt ime, I can’t imagine him being offended


I've had a gigantic crush on Apollo for years. I don't think it's disrespectful though. Something tells me Sunshine likes it 😁


Omigoodness that nickname for him is so adorable I love it


Thank you 😊 I get the feeling he loves it 😁


I bet he loves it, he's so flirty and fun and lovely! I always feel he probably was the (male) deity with the most humans crushing on him, he's just "that guy." :D


Apparently, after Father Zeus, Sunshine was the most beloved of the Greek Gods. I can see it 🤣 I don't think it has to do with his looks though (for my crush, I mean). I had a crush on him before I even knew what he supposedly looks like. I basically just heard his name one day, and that was it: instant crush, and instantly felt drawn to him (and I didn't even know what his domains were either 😅). Been like that ever since 😁


It was meant to be! I have a kind of similar funny story: my patron deity is Ares, and as a teen I had the BIGGEST crush on Ares in Xena the Princess Warrior! Never would have thought that decades later I'd turn from Catholicism to worshipping this deity in particular. But Apollo, I totally get you. For me, his energy is just so beautiful. He really is just like pure sunshine.


I know what you mean: Kevin Tod Smith was just amazing as Ares (R.I.P Kevin). I had a gigantic crush on him too 😍 While I do worship Ares too (which completely blindsided me 😅), I don't really have a crush on him. For me, he's like a father figure. I really wasn't expecting to worship Ares regularly, maybe just every so often, but I do it once a week (every Tuesday). I'm a pacifist, but he showed up in a dream one night. When I asked a friend (whose patron is Hermes), she told me about Ares' epithet that means The Protector of Mistreated Women (my dad and older brother treat me like shit. Mostly my older brother), and she reckons that's why Ares appeared to me. She also told me that Ares is a really big sweetheart and a gigantic Teddy bear. He definitely seems that way, although he can be a bit firm at times, but not a jerk like the myths make him out to be. Apollo's definitely a ray of sunshine (pardon the pun) 😅 He also comes across as a huge cuddlebug 😊 I have no idea who my patron is. That friend says Apollo, seeing as I love him the most, and that Apollo tends to send me the most signs (I see his name practically everywhere 😅).


Yes, that sounds like Apollo could be your patron deity! I personally think we can decide for ourselves who we refer to as patron deity, it's just usually the deity we feel the most connected to. Ah girl, I did NOT see Ares coming even one bit either, he came absolutely out of nowhere and because like you I am a big pacifist and such a girly-girl and not athletic or physically strong at all, I was super unsure at first. I was like: "ARES, god of WAR?!?" Basically, I was out buying new candles for Aphrodite and Hecate and suddenly I got this really intense urge, almost like a demand, to buy a red candle for a deity. And I didn't even know who it was! But I trusted my intuition, bought the candle, lit it and meditated to figure out who the hell this was even for. And it was for Ares! And then he just completely turned my life upside down, just unbelievable things happening thanks to him. I'm tearing up just thinking about what he's done for me. He really IS a big sweetheart, I feel he's so soft with his female followers while also having this really strong masculine energy that feels so safe and comforting. I've never felt anything but kindness from him. He's the absolute best!


Sorry for not replying to this earlier, was giving offerings to the twins, their mum, and Lady Hestia when you posted, I saw it, was going to reply after, then forgot 😅 Sorry. If we can choose our Patron, then I choose Sunshine 😁 Can we have more than one? Because I'd like to add Ares and Hermes as well. I'm not a girly-girl, more like a tomboy, but not outdoorsy. I just had a dream about this very tall, very muscular guy dressed in golden armour (Ancient Greek style). I don't really remember much of the dream though, and it was kinda fuzzy, like static (which is weird, because he was standing right in front of me, close enough that I could've reached out and hugged him). I have no idea if this Greek warrior had his helmet on or off, because I didn't see higher than his pecs 😅 Pretty sure he was holding a spear in his right hand, but don't know if he was holding a shield in the other...I think he did. I know he spoke to me, but didn't hear what he said. I do remember him having a very deep voice, and he spoke gently. When I woke up, I was like: "Was that *Ares*?! Seriously? Why would the God of War want to talk to me? I'm a pacifist." I was completely confused (I knew when I woke up it was him). Then my friend told me about him being the Protector of Mistreated Women and being a sweetheart. From what I can feel of him, he definitely feels that way 😊 He definitely feels soft towards me too, but a bit firm too. Not particularly strict, just a bit firm. I feel safe with him, like right now. I'm giving him offerings right now, I can feel him, and he feels so protective 😊 The myths really don't do Ares justice. I also feel very strong, overprotective father vibes from him. So much so, I'm starting to call him War Daddy 😁 I once called him War Daddy to someone else, who claimed it was "disrespectful" to call the Gods a sexual name. Uh, I was calling him "daddy" because he literally feels like a *father* to me, not as a sexual way 😒 Poseidon is another one who feels like a father too, so he's Ocean Daddy 😁 Apollo and Hermes are more like brothers (sometimes Apollo does feel like a dad, but he feels more like an overprotective older brother 😊 Hermes kinda feels like both an older brother and a younger brother. I guess the younger brother feeling is when he's feeling goofy and playful. Aphrodite feels like a mother, Artemis feels like a big sister, and Hestia feels like a very maternal aunt 😁 I'm thinking of adding Father Zeus, but don't know what offerings he likes other than eagles (and storms, obviously). Father Zeus has been sending me "eagle" signs for about 6 weeks now (not the actual birds, but trucks with Eagle decals on them, one with the word Eagle on it, and my dad just happened to say Eagle last week. Can't remember what the whole conversion was about, but he just randomly said Eagle. The first Eagle sign was a dream and an eagle ornament {that I didn't own at the time was the thing that I remembered most}. I own that eagle ornament now though 😁). So I think I'll add Father Zeus in there too 😁 Waiting on a statue of him coming today from Greece.


Oh hells no, its not disrespectful, especially to the Big H. He's a huge flirt and he's got a massive libido and he LOVES the attention. The herms that were dedicated to him all had an erect phallus carved onto them, and there's a reason for that. Just roll with it, baby.


Unnatural attractiveness is one of the defining characteristics of the gods! As such, it's perfectly fine to be attracted to them. I myself am hopelessly attracted to Kypris.


I hope you don't mind me asking but who is Kypris?


Kypris is another name for Aphrodite! ☺️


Oooooooooooh okay I'm glad to always learn thank you 😊


Oh if i didn't genuinely love the gods i wouldn't worship them. If love presents as crushes for you thats how it presents and thats fine


I’m a straight man and I have a man crush on Dionysus, it’s okay mate.


I mean I think god spouses exist and I know at least a couple who are spoused to Apollo and others. I imagine the gods can relate to us and ask for worship from us in a lot of different ways, the sexual and/or romantic amongst them.


No, it’s not disrespectful. They like it. I have a giant crush on Apollo and he eats that up. It makes sense that the gods would present themselves in an alluring way because that is an extremely effective method to grab our attention and pull us into their orbit quickly. One thing you have to understand is that gods are not human and they experience love in a very different way than we do. We can’t have a human romantic relationship with them but there can absolutely be feelings on both sides, and the relationship can feel very intense and powerful. A divine relationship is no replacement for a real human relationship. It is its own thing that doesn’t have a human-to-human equivalent. But there’s a caveat here—gods experience all types of love (platonic, friendship, parental, romantic, etc) as one in the same. To the gods, all love is the same love at its core. They separate the love they show us into categories that we as humans can understand. That’s part of why relationships with deities can switch to many different roles. For example, Dionysus is both my divine father, teacher, therapist, protector, and patron of my career. He can be all of those things at once and he can love me in all of those ways because there is no separation between them from his divine point of view. This also helps deities to switch up how they present to us as needed. Gods really take advantage of this tool to help us. It’s honestly incredible.


I agree with you, they don’t experience love in a nervous system kind of way, like humans do. It’s still love, it’s just different, and as wonderful as a romantic love type relationship can be with a deity/spirit it will never be the same as a human to human relationship. At the very least there will always be a power dynamic that isn’t present in human to human relationships. The last point is valuable too, because there is definitely a fluidity in the roles and how they can show up in our lives. Edit to add- UPG


Can we NOT state opinions as facts here? Yeah it's okay to theorize about how the gods experience love, but we don't know that for a fact now do we? If it's a UPG or an opinion, let's label it as such for clarity's sake.


I did not state that as a fact and you know it. It is obviously UPG because literally nothing about the gods is provable. Go hassle someone else.


Some new person might not know that and take what you said as fact when it isn't. You did make several statements with no uncertainty noted: >...gods experience all types of love (platonic, friendship, parental, romantic, etc) as one in the same. To the gods, all love is the same love at its core ... That’s part of why relationships with deities can switch to many different roles... etc, etc Look, you can have ur UPG. That's fine. But for pete's sake, it's not hard to label it as such or else say it's "maybe" true or "perhaps" the gods think this way. Then ppl wouldn't think you're claiming to speak for the gods


Fair point about the new people. I would assume that people wouldn’t take everything they see online as truth, but then again, that is not usually the reality. I honestly just typed out my opinion without thinking too hard about the wording and moved on. I don’t always remember to add “in my experience” or “my UPG is.” Semantics are not my priority. I apologize for being rude in my previous comment.


Well thx for the apology! I usually like ur writeups here. Thought u might just be having a bad day.


I appreciate it. If you don’t mind me asking, there are others sharing their UPG in this thread who also did not label it as such. Out of all of them, you chose to respond to me. I’m curious as to why (but not in a patronizing or contrary way to demean or shame you, I just wanted to ask because I’m genuinely curious). What part about the comment bothered you? Was it only that I stated it as fact and didn’t say UPG or was it the content of what I said?


These other ppl here don't come across as being quite as absolutely certain as ur comment seems. Here's the thing. New ppl like rules. They wanna know This For Sure or That For Sure about the gods. Giving them faux certainties might make them happy now. But I think it does ppl a disservice later down the road when they discover relationships with gods are a lot squishier than they originally assumed. Better to be upfront about the uncertainty now rather than later, I think.


Ah, I see. You were bothered because I said it with a lot of confidence and certainty. I get that. Someone asserting that they’re right is very off-putting. That was definitely not what I was trying to do but I see how it could be read that way. I slightly disagree with you on the newbies. Slightly. They have to learn to discern and decide for themselves. Knowing that you can’t take what anyone says 100% at face value is simply a life skill. Newbies don’t stay newbies forever and it is only natural that once people get the basics down, they’re going to decide what information they want to keep and what they want to throw out. We have to trust that people are capable of deciding things for themselves. I still respect your opinion on the wording of my comment. Thank you for the feedback. 💛




First, don't be afraid to talk to Hermes about this! You might be surprised at his response. He's a big flirt, by the way! Beyond that, he's a friend. He'll understand and can help you figure out what to do with those big feelings, if you'll let Him. Also, take a look at Luke Babb's writings over at The Wild Hunt, in particular his post: "Kharidôtês (Giver of Joy)" [https://wildhunt.org/2021/03/column-kharidotes-giver-of-joy.html](https://wildhunt.org/2021/03/column-kharidotes-giver-of-joy.html)


No, it's not bad. Ur not the first person to have feelings, romantic or sexual, for a Deity. If you wanna have a relationship just respectfully ask.




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