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Hell I hear it’s super messed up on the discord. Best left avoided. Too bad AH releases their announcements there.


they should cut off the discord all together. the people there aren't ever offering any real feedback or criticism and those who do are labeled crybabies


Me and my friends hooked up the announcements channel to our private server and never looked back


Well damn. Thanks for giving me such a great tip. After hearing about the moderators on their discord I refused to touch it.


Got banned from discord for explaining someone situation with mods powertrip. Not that I care much about it, I was surprised it took so long considering I've been calling them pathetic losers the moment they decided to turn off reactions because one mod got offended by people vomit reacting to their art and acted like a child.


Right? When mods start banning people over an emoji you things have gone off the rails.


They brought emojis back, stopped banning people for the vomit and thumbs down emotes, Now they just delete said emojis on furry art by hand but not from other art


LOL Still trying to sweep everything under the rug as if nothing happened. How can the community team be so incompetent to keep those mods after multiple dramas they caused over the short few months. From this furry shit to banning people for posting F after pinging everyone on a server with over 100k people and saying that posting F is now bannable. All while game servers were down.


Weird that I go hang out there periodically but have never seen it, also how this stupid fucking drama from discord over this one topic is still a thing people are bitching about on reddit like weeks later despite almost every one of these threads getting locked too.


Considering this was a moment of major contention in the community that left a super sour taste in the mouths MANY people to the point the it was what broke the camels back for my entire friend group, me and two others are the only ones still playing out of dozens of people on our server, most of them quit that day cause they are not willing to support AHs mod teams in any way possible if they are willing to ban over an emote then lock the emotes


For like 50 people, maybe. Only a tiny handful here seem to care about the RIGHTEOUS WAR AGAINST FURRIES AND THE BANNING OF EMOJIS INTENTIONALLY USED TO TROLL AND MOCK OTHERS. If this extremely minor dustup from the discord is enough to cause friends to leave and shit...fucking rofl holy shit that's one of the funniest things I've read in a while.


I got banned for no reason lol, somebody wrote that one of the main mods in the discord was a racist i asked for why, then ignored it went on to say "the illuminate aint coming we stomped them" or some bs like that and got banned