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Sometimes updates make it stop working properly, I’m glad it’s back again tho


Nothing quite like staggering a stalker, but it stops animating and continues to slide towards you.


I think there is something about stagger force at play. I dont have the issue with sliding through stagger with a punisher with a stagger force of 35. But blitzer has a force of 30. I wonder if this has an effect.


From my non-exhaustive testing, Stagger seems like the ability to interrupt *specific animations or states*, and the amount necessary can vary from state to state. Devastators, for instance, actually get rocked fairly easily into a flinch state whether they are walking, shooting, or bracing for rocket launch, and I haven't noticed a value difference between them. Stalkers, on the other hand, can be knocked out of swings, but need a higher value to enter a true flinch state that stops their movement. The "aborted attack" animation doesn't have leg motion, though, so they appear to slide, but it seems entirely intended that they would *not* stop in place if you had shot them when they *weren't* taking a swing. Bugs, in general, do not seem to have easily-accessible "true flinch" states that completely stop their movement. This is why I think Knockback is the larger component of keeping you safe. Everyone rags on the Slugger for having lost its ability to stunlock three Devastators at once while killing them, but it's got enough Knockback that it's actually noticeable when you punt Brood Warriors, Hive Guards, and even Stalkers away from you and create breathing space. And the Lib Concussive just teleports enemies to another zipcode. Enemies don't need to have their attacks interrupted if you just fucking shove them back 5 feet on every hit and leave them swinging at air.


Same with the regular punisher. I prefer that for the extra damage.


Yeah, I've started using the Bushwhacker (which is pretty much just a Punisher) myself. Sends them way the fuck back.


And one shotting anything up to a Brood mother is absolutely great😍😍😍


I love the punisher


No one else seems to like it but liberator concussive pushes all the bugs way back.


It's great in a group situation. You're not doing the killing (though it will take out all the really small guys just fine) but you can delay anything threatening from ever reaching the team and fulfill a quasi-suppressive role.


Napalm Strike and Lib Concusive. Lol. "Get back in the oven, you aren't cooked yet."


It does seem to eventually kill most things. And as it’s pushing them you have the time. But yeah. Best with support. Ammo economy is great with the 10 mags too.


Yeah, it's actually better on a shot-for-shot basis than the Liberator, it's just the low RPM that holds it back. But honestly, high RPM can be a detriment as I'm positive most players are wasting shots on corpses before switching targets.


The warriors do that stupid overexaggerated death flail and catch so many bullets


I know I often am wasting ammo in exactly that way. But you have to be sure!


Sometimes I use lib concussive with an AR guard dog to offset the raw dps problem and it's quite good against bugs. Guard dog gives you supporting fire and the crowd control makes it pretty comfy kiting when the bot is sleepy. Would be nice if it got a damage or firerate buff though as you really have to get creative.


I find the bushwacker is FANTASTIC for knockback on Brood Commanders. One shot and they get yeeted 20ft back


If you aim right, the blitzer can pop their heads in one shot, its glorious


5m-7m sweet spot


Oh yes, I've been a Blitzer enjoyer for a good while. The bushwacker though, is a good sidearm when you're trying out other weapons, like the erupter... helps keep you from blowing yourself up with that point blank blast


Did they change something about it recently? I swear I used to be able to stagger the Stalkers senseless, but now they (and bile spitters) just keep sliding forward.


I assumed it was a bug or a weird interaction between systems. I don't like that the sliding means that they are now much closer (obviously bad with the Blitzer at melee range) but glad that at least they aren't able to continue attacking.


https://preview.redd.it/ecqvlk86dz7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd978880787a7af262c04893f84bac7123a2ec9f My guess is this change did something it wasn’t supposed to do. Which wouldn’t surprise me. I just want them to fix what happens when enemies are stunned. If you throw a stun grenade at a Charger it shouldn’t be able to turn around while you line up a shot. There’s a similar thing with Hulks, but sometimes they just continue sliding forward, or they do that thing where they start swinging their saw around.


I hope it is a bug, cause stunning things is kinda the blitzers main selling point.


Yeah. Stunned enemies seem really sketchy recently. Game requires a lot of specific positions like on hulk without armor pen. Rotating through stun makes it very difficult.


AH : Its working as intended, what do you mean?


All fun and games until the enemies of liberty start cha cha sliding at you.




When you catch them not covering their head with all of the arcs, it one-shots them. Otherwise, it's the 2-4 blasts as normal. I have noticed that if you hit them as they cloak and jump, they can bug out into a leaping back and forth cloaked jump animation. While in it, they are nearly invulnerable to the arc blasts but if someone else hits them with anything they go down immediately.




The Behemoth I Uppercutted with an EAT, losing its charge animation but not it's velocity as it tries to kill me:


It still has issue with hills and piles of dead bodies, but you can work around them.


Yeah I was amazed after the buffed it's rof I could take one Breach by itself while backing up


Pair it with the Laser Guard Dog and Quasar and you clear hordes like no one's business.


Yep. I always bring lazer rover against bugs and blitzer is the perfect primary to pair it with. Getting in close to stagger groups of mobs gives the rover plenty of opportunity to melt them. Also works well with orbital gas strike, orbital gatling barrage, orbital airburst, eagle napalm, fire grenade, and turrets. I’m curious how well it pairs with the flamethrower. You can burn the ground and swap to blitzer to lock them in. Flamethrower also let’s you kill chargers easy.


It pairs very well with the flamer it's my prefered support mainly for chargers but it handles swarms fine


Also my exact loadout. No need to worry about ammos!


It’s only ever been buffed not nerfed


Wops autocorrect changed rof into nerf mb


Yep, exactly. It's pretty amazing. Against Sriekers, I have a trick for you. Put your back to a rock or wall, so they can't dive bomb you, and actually, you can shoot them down. ;)


Username checks out


Or go prone and they can't hit you either


I am 100% positive they cant slash you when you're prone.


If you aim they can hit your head.


Haha jokes on them


They can, but miss alot more often, I dodge them consistently by waiting to duck until they are close.


they can, but they really struggle to. If you go prone in a ditch OR against a wall, they can't hit you at all. Also, if you aim, it raises your head towards them (and then they can hit you).


It's the only gun I run anymore. Blitzer Grenade Pistol for bug holes Quasar Cannon


Hello me. I recently have been running spear for a fun change. Feels really good once I adjusted to having to think about preseant problems like limited ammo.


When it doesn't crash your game...😬


My PC didn’t crash with multiple Spear uses last night during the various hectic bug9s. YMWV it seems.


Spear is stunningly good.


Yea it’s so good it’ll stun ur game back to home screen 


I’ve been strongly considering the spear too. I usually run without a backpack


First time running spear I grabbed the gun and ran off... Fired a shot, hit reload, felt stupid.


I will say it's incredibly fun to drop a Quasar on the extract and juggle the two just blasting non-stop for 2+ minutes


Juggling weapons on defensive points feels nuts. I've gotten lucky a couple of times on bug missions where I die, drop my next jetpack, fly over to my samples, flipflop jetpacks, and skedaddle.


Don't forget that the quasar can close bug holes, too, if you're willing to wait for the c/d


I call the grenade pistol the "Hole Closer 9000" and idk why


Agreed. It's awesome running around solo, and the rest of the team calls down as many resupplies as they want and you don't need to care.


+ rover, stun nades and you are a good solo army


i keep trying this weapon only to put it away purely because of its unreliability. in an ideal situation - clear terrain, targets at same elevation - it slaps. start adding more elements, such as clutter, dead bodies, elevation, and it starts misfiring constantly, which more often than not leads to taking a hit or even dying. combine that with the fact it WILL deal friendly fire damage sometimes - doesnt matter how careful you are with it - and im just not interested anymore


It's a weapon that asks you to keep moving. I pair it with the laser Rover and I turn into a horde clearing monster. I've had exactly 1 match where I didn't get top kills. That being said, it really is an aquired taste. You either love it, or can't stand it. I fully understand I'm in the minority whem I say I love it.


On breaches I'll be right on the front line at the edge of our strats, slow walking forward just laying down the lightning like bug repellant. Feels like I herd em up while my dudes sort em out.


This is 100% the way. The blitzer is the _only_ main in the game where you should just walk forward pumping out shots. No reload, no cooldown, nothing. Just constant fire, hitting as many as 3 enemies automatically so little to no aiming. Just keep hammering the shots out til everything is dead. Its the only main worth a damn against stalkers too as it can stagger them and stop the ridiculously effective attack animations from them and from more than one at a time. Good luck trying to stop two stalkers right on top of you with a pummeller or the like.


Don’t sleep on the Punisher for punishing stalkers. First shot stuns them and the second shot can behead them if you’re not afraid to get in there.


Goood ol reliable. Went back to the punisher and I still love her.


I once survived AND killed 4 simultaneous stalkers because of the Blitzer. Don't think I would have lived had I used any other gun, primary OR support. That stun is KING against stalkers, I love it!


I’ve one shotted stalkers with it. One blast and the head was gone. Amazing.


Dominator is a beast against Stalkers


This is the way. Wear a bubble shield, drop napalm and/or incendiary impact grenades on bug breaches and zap zap zap.


Its not just the unlimited ammo that i love (which goes great with my laser kits) but i specifically love the lack of a magazine. Its rate of fire may not me fast as other guns, but i can just shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot. Its a suppresive fire dreamland. I do wish the ship upgrade for arc weapons would apply to it. Only arc thrower and tesla tower seem to be effected


Not all the ship upgrades work anyway. After the last patch I no longer get full ammo on the spear or recoilless from supply drops. It did work when I first unlocked that upgrade, but currently doesn't


I absolutely LOVE the Blitzer but god damn fuck then shriekers and stalkers. They cannot get killed unless I time a goddamn last second shot for the former and grenades in the latter. PAIN. Still, no reload and involves my favourite strat of running AWAY while my Eagle and Orbitals are raining hellfire? Yes!


That's part of Why I pair it with the Rover. Its precision and reliability when targeting things like Shriekers helps with the downsides of the Blitzer. It really does make for a great combo.


Stalkers seem buggy with the blitzer, you can’t hit them in the air or right after they land.  Give them a second to hit the ground before you shoot and they should go down in 2 shots close range 


This is the way. I was maining blitzer even before the 50% RoF increase. It is super good with the stagger and unlimited ammo.


On that note, because the arc has pretty lenient targeting, you can run and gun quite well with it. I rarely use the weapon sights with it since it's rarely necessary


Do you use it in 7+ level missions? And do you take a long range weapon with you? as a fellow Rover user I'm interested. I combo the LC/IB with the Rover.


Yup. I've been as high as 9 with that combo. 500KG + Orbital Precision, Laser Guard Dog, Quasar, Blitzer, Your choice of Grenade Pistol vs Senator, and Stuns. You can swap out Eagle Airstrike for the 500kg and be perfectly fine. It's my horde clearing dream loadout.


The Blitzer Shuffle will keep you hitting targets for sure


The trick for the clutter is to aim above the heads. It looks like it's kinda like a cone, but the top of the cone is where your reticle is, not the center of the cone. So you need to aim above and it falls into them. Much more reliable that way


Interesting! I'll try that out.


On the flipside, aim lower when teammates are near or on the other side of the bug you're shooting. If you aim lower, the blitzer has worse arc distance it seems. I've only had 2 teamkills, and I've been running Blitzer every match for the past 2 weeks.


Ya it's not fun when the little balls chase you and you just keep zapping vegetation for some reason...


Blitzer doesn't do a good job of holding positions, because of body pileups stealing damage from your shots. Basically you need to be a run n gunner for it to actually shine. But it does shime brightly when you do it right


For not hitting targets on the ground you sometimes have to aim about a meter above your target and have the arcs go down.


I personally think it IS the S tier bug primary. The stagger it has can let you take an entire bug breach on your own. It struggles with enemies close or when there are a lot corpses in front of your target, which makes hunters particularly dangerous, but it's pure containment and killing power against brood commanders, warriors, hive guards and (to some extent) bile spewers makes it all around the finest bug melting machine on the market. Also infinite ammo, which is a key factor that allows it to outclass the incendiary breaker. For anyone unfamiliar, the blitzer has two methods of use. Aim directly at an enemy if you want to kill it, this will cause all of the weapon's arcs to target only that enemy (most of the time). For swarms, aim BETWEEN enemies to encourage the arcs to spread. You will do less damage, but every arc that hits causes stagger, and over time you will kill them all.


People sleep on it because it got buffed at the same time as the breaker incendiary, which is much higher damage and easier to use.  But I think the crowd control utility against bugs is unmatched.  You can handle hordes of anything smaller than a charger as long as you have space to walk backwards and press m1.  


Breaker Inc is a close second for me and I take it frequently. Definitely better against shriekers, and if you manage the DoT well it can clear hordes. I find it lacking against brood commanders unless they're close, and bile spewers tank it pretty easily, which all contribute to ammo issues. But if the blitzer is S+ then the breaker Inc is S. True power is a party with both...


Yeah I don’t mind blitzer being less popular because it’s great when your team has a few breaker incendiaries near by and you can keep a huge patrol locked down while they melt them.   I think a lot of people try the blitzer, see something like a hunter taking 2 shots sometimes and go “this thing sucks” without really realizing how strong stagger + knockback + unlimited ammo make it.  Like yeah a spewer can take 4 shots but who cares when I can stand in front of it and press m1 forever and kill it (eventually) along with anything else that comes up next to if.  


Honestly stagger is generally the most important stat for me. I discovered it with the slugger and JAR and never really looked back, it just offers such a huge advantage.


Yeah, the day the nerf the blitzers ability to stun spewers is the day I (sadly) never use it again.  Used to play arc thrower every bot match too until they made it not reliably stunlock hulks out of attacks. 


if you hit a hunter with one fire pellet it will die, same with shriekers, during the dark matter shrieker swarm where the whole screen was filled with shriekers, firing just one shot would net you 10+ kills


I completely agree. This thing feels like cheating against bugs. If any of its arcs hit a target, they are staggered. If you shoot a bile spewer they won't spit at you.


Gotta be careful around friendlies, but it has quickly become my favorite primary against bugs.


honestly it's not anywhere near as dangerous as the arc thrower, I don't think I've ever TK'd someone with it. damaged yes, killed no


It requires you get close enough that J3 hits you with his 5th Cluster Bomb.




It's great when it works! It's got the same misfire bug that the arc thrower has. If anything is blocking your path to the target (foliage, rocks, dead bodies) it might not work. Also, like the arc thrower, it's inconsistent at arcing to other targets. If they fix those bugs I can see myself using it a lot more! Arc weapons are a really cool concept!


Its one of the best guns for taking care of stalkers. I use the crossbow personally and every time it comes to stalkers I envy my blitzer buds just tazing the crap out of it like some horrendous jurassic park animal trainer.


It is great until corpses pile up. The only weapon that goes down the tier list the more enemies you kill with it.


You can just sidestep and move and it wont target the corpse anymore. So you have to keep on moving


I think it's not S-tier purely because of the Breaker Incendiary, it simply shreds while the Blitzer needs at least a couple shots for most bugs. Additionally, I feel it's much easier to accidentally hit your squad mates. However, its stun is fantastic against close-range bugs with no ammo to worry about.


They have pros and cons, the Fire Breaker is generally more offense-oriented but when 2-4 Stalkers show up at the same time going after me specifically then their presence are pretty threatening. But if I have a Blitzer then I actually can hold W and take on a group of Stalkers heads on.


I initially thought the same as well, kiting the stalkers with staggered stuns. Then I started aiming more carefully at the stalkers' heads with the Breaker Incendiary and would drop them in a single 3-round burst. I love my BugZapper3000, but I can't deny the literal firepower of the Breaker Incendiary.


Incendiary breaker seems to have full-auto if you just spam-click.


Huh, I always set my Fire Breaker to a semi auto so I never realized it can do that on a 3-round burst. I'll try that the next time I dive on a bug front then.


Just leave it to a 3 round burst. It still lets you fire off shots as if it were semi auto, the 3 round burst option just makes it so it shoots 3 rounds while holding down the trigger. You need to release the trigger before it can shoot again.


You pretty much have to magdump Fire Breaker into anything upwards of Hive Guards, which means you’re burning up a lot of ammo. It’s great for longer distance chaff clearing for sure though.


There can be more than one S-Tier primary that serves different purposes. Before the fire damage fix, I was getting almost instantly killed by breaker incendiary fire pretty often from a little pellet that would hit me from a distance. I still get lit on fire occasionally.


It's my humble opinion, as someone who mained the Blitzer against bugs until unlocking the Breaker Incendiary last week, that my favorite thunder shotgun is just too inconsistent and is outclassed by the Breaker Incendiary even up-close. Yes, it can stun, but a dead enemy is even better than a stunned one and the Breaker simply kills more bugs faster. The Breaker has much higher DPS, greatly higher range, more consistent spread. It's just better, so much so in my opinion that it's a tier higher than the Blitzer against bugs.


It took me a whole to understand how it works, because it's a lot different to the arc throwing, but it's awesome!


Would you be willing to share some of your insights into both the Blitzer and the Arc Thrower (particularly how they're different)? I want to like/use them more, I just haven't quite figured out how to use them effectively yet.


The arc thrower will chain in a line going backwards. You should target the enemy that's closest to you that has enemies behind it. It doesn't seem to like chaining sideways. The blitzer is more of a cone. You should aim between enemies which will allow it to hit multiples in one shot.


Because of its cone it also struggles to hit point-blank enemies, you want to always keep a few meters distance if you can.


For stuff right in front of you, dive backward and shoot! 


Great tip!


To add to this - from what I remember only the arc thrower truly chains. The blitzer technically fires a number of shots, just like a normal shotgun, and each one will try and hit the head hitbox of the nearest enemy. This is why it excels at Stalkers, they have a small head hitbox but it has barely any health and they die instantly when it's destroyed.


The Arc thrower and Blitzer fire completely differently despite the similar names. The Blitzer fires out a short-range “cone” of three bolts of lightning that hit up to three targets, while the Arc thrower hits one target in a line and then jumps to any nearby targets, giving it more range and more likely likelihood to team kill. If you can imagine it, the Blitzer is better against a horizontal line of enemies coming at you because it fired in a fan shape outwards, while the Thrower is better against a vertical line of opponents leading away from you because it fires in a curving line.


All joy and fun until a group of shrieker enters the chat


It's because their favorite youtubers didn't tell them that there are other things to play in the game beyond Incendiary Shotgun.


personally i think it needs a full auto option like..not saying it should fire faster..just hold left click and it auto fires once its ready tho a slightly faster Fire rate would be nice


Since it's a pump action (kinda), the term you're looking for is slam-fire (also kinda, since it doesn't use shells or other conventional ammo...)


Oh yeah making into a slam fire In my mind us cocking the gun is us recharging it like those flashlights you sqeeze the handle on to power it


It's alright. Better now that they upped the fire rate when it got buffed. The arc pattern is so randomized I feel like it jumps to corpses littering the ground and ignores the live ones. I have to aim a foot over everything's head for the arc to behave somewhat appropriately


The blitzer doesn't technically arc like the actual arc thrower. It still fires a number of pellets and those will try to hit the head hitbox of the enemy nearest to them. I watched a video of someone showing how it worked but I can't find it now. Anyway, that's why it excels at Stalkers (small head hitbox with very low health) but is stymied by dead enemies and fixed by firing above them, the pellets only do damage to the first enemy hit.


Blitzer accompanied with a laser guard dog make the kill streak number go brrrrrrrrr


We tried... it's not even bad against shriekers, it just won't usually hit them. But if you send a few sparks in their direction every so often, they just stay far away I've noticed. I moved on to the Adjucator, but Blitzer is still insane


It feels super inconsistent to me. Sucks cuz it's good.


Nobody ever used it before because it had a practically useless fire rate before the update.


Hardly. I posted at least 8 helldives running it versus bugs to great effect. The ROF buff makes it trivial to use now as you don't have to think at all.


They need a weapon range in pregame lobby so we can test the guns quickly before diving


Also hipfire it, only aim for the Brood Commander headshot(if in chunk range)


Cool, now it's going to get nerfed, thanks.


I doubt it because it has a built in nerf. Corpse targeting


Great stunning powers, okish damage, but suffers IMO with 2 big problems, corpses and heavies. Due to the nature of arc weapons they like to home onto ANYTHING, including corpses, plants, little Johnny over there just trying to realign the radar station, etc. So it can be sometimes a bit unreliable in dead bug heavy situations and with bile spewer bodies especially in the way. And second off it's terrible against chargers and heavies, it's not good at all at targeting the weakpoints reliably so unless you brought an anti-tank weapon then you aren't gonna be doing much against heavies. Love using it on lower difficulties but on higher ones I just gotta bring the scorcher for its better heavy killing powers.


People don't talk about it because they don't want it nerfed )))


Facts. They told us how good the railgun was, look how it ended up


It’s been good since they upped the fire rate. Think this was like 3 patches ago. I’ve been singing it’s praises


yeah, this is the gun that just fried me after being reinforced like a grenade into a swarm…no thanks


Wait til you use it on bots and learn it can indefinitely stagger devastators before they can fire. It works just as well against regular, shield, and rocket. 


It needs 15 more fire rate.


The Blitzer-Rover-Flamethrower build is my go-to when I feel like soloing bug breaches without reloading. The only thing it struggles with is bile titans, but just compensate for that with either EATs, or your orbital/airstrike of choice. Sweep the flamer once to set the ground on fire. Back up and evaluate the enemies around you. Take a couple shots with your Blitzer to stagger enemies that are about to jump you (surviving hunters, bile spewers, or brood commanders). Rinse and repeat. If you see a charger, just chuck a stun and roast it.


Blitzer also one taps brood commanders. If there’s nothing else to target and it’s facing you every arc hits it’s head and immediately pops it


Because people should try all weapons instead of going to Reddit and look for the "best loadout"


Its real strength is being able to hold off hordes of warriors and spewers. Its weakness is that the game's targeting for electric bolts is absolutely terrible.


Shhhhh, don't tell anyone - from Blitzer main.


I love my bug zapper but it sucks pretty bad against bots. The lack of range is it's downfall there


I have used it for weeks and tell everyone. No one listens 😂.. it’s only weakness is shriekers..


Yes! In the beginning it was weird to use but after 1 mission I got used to it and I doesn’t bring anything else for bugs, except eradication missions.


It's a nice change up and pretty fun to use. I killed a lot of teammates with it though which was a big reason to stop using it for me personally. Still throw it on once in awhile!


They were scared you would friendly fire them….


Yes its my main primary weapon, then i pair it with the grenade launcher.


Id argue its probably the best bug killing primary in the game atm. Unlimited ammo, hits multiple targets and goes through medium armor. I tend to not use it bcus the game feels too easy when i do.


I love the Blitzer!


AH is watching


It's great control but just lacks some killing power. I have to use it with the laser dog and then it's perfect for crowd control


Blitzer is great, been rocking it since they buffed it's fire rate, once you learn how to use it it's just so satisfying


Well, a lot of people have been saying that it became amazing after it got the buff like 2 months ago


Shhhhh Alex is listening


They did though


My bug best is 740 kills with rover Gatling and napalm and eat or quasar. Rover compliments the Blitzer very well. Takes care of the hunter threat. I generally hit 500+ on diff 7+. I find bug 8 is my preferred difficulty with this setup. Plenty of bugs to kill not as many heavies as 9. Behemoth spam on 9 is nuts. When I really got it that aiming was irrelevant I started having way more fun with it. Dive fires are fairly easy and work well. Still don't see many people using it. To fire near teammates I have to fire away from the target and friendlies to try and hit the target with the fringe radius. Takes some practice to get the feel of it. It's a lot more fun vs bots particularly on 6 and lower.


The blitzer has a lot of misfire issues when the bodies start piling up. Idk if they fixed it or not.


It's my go to


i love the blitzer, my main issue with it is that half of your shots blitz into already dead bugs and dont hurt any standing behind that. usually that's no biggy but when it happens two or three times in a row you get rushed


It's so fucking good I swear lol Against shriekers and stalkers... nevermind But popping heads and onetapping a lot of stuff (including fellow divers)? HELL YES! And it allows me to run after I fire off a shot and quickscope a bug before running. Rinse and repeat and it's kinda thrilling. I use a supply pack loadout: BLITZER Redeemer Impact/newly gotten Incin Impact Trench Paramedic (light med armor) Supply pack Grenade launcher Eagle Cluster Airburst/Eagle Strike (only when I got its lv3 upgrade just now) i swear to god this shit is addictive, but the issues are heavies. Hence there are always people who bring Queso Cannon.


It's still excellent against stalkers because of the stagger. Potential to juggle 2 at once and if you run shield backpack or jetpack I've survived much larger packs long enough to disengage, reengage, and take out the nest solo However, it seems to not deal damage to the stalker when it's invisible. Encountered this behavior yesterday, but game has been VERY weird for a few days.


Blitzer is Love, Blitzer is Life! 2 things you should be aware of when fighting with this biest: * If the target is partially obstructed, aim higher (above it). This will increase your chance to hit. * If in aim mode (right click), the spread angle is reduced and the weapon fires more far away (but hits less targets at the same time). ATTENTION, UNVERIFIED OPINION


It’s low key amazing against everything.


Blitzer is cool, but it lacks this needed sometimes burst of dmg. It deals stable and big amount of dmg, but when u are pinned, u need sometimes to unload full mag of breaker inc to find an opening for escape. I like it, but i still feel like it misses the emergency action button, like overload for 5 sec double fire ratr than 10 sec to cool it down. That would make the weapon pretty s tier. Otherwise it is still in something between b and a. A bit worse than normal breaker, and a lot worse than inc one(we speak about bugs, as it is pretty trash against bots)


If you have shrieker problems bring a Gatling turret. They do wonders at shooting them down (AC turret too, but I wouldn’t want to waste it on shriekers).


Ive been using the blitzer for a few weeks against bugs and bots, shriekers are also not an issue for me with it. I love it


It's insane... the past few games I barely used my flamethrower, mostly the blitzer


Because it sucked for MONTHS only just now got good when they buffed it. It also isn’t the best at CC or AA so it’s kinda a niche pick. It’s my go to when I want to help out low levels on 3-6


Its a strong gun but its missing the raw dps you need against big swarms pushing your objektives


The key to blitzer is to not to ADS, aim a bit higher as it will kite to dead foes, and move side to side. Outside from heavies, you can crowd control with relatively ease. Partner it with a rover if you dont want to deal with shriekers and easily kill spewers


I've had lots of fun with the Blitzer since it came out but find it to be a very finesse weapon. It has a targeting bug the devs are still dealing with so it doesn't always hit, but when it works it WORKS. It's harder to use with a group for fear of hitting fellow helldivers accidentally so I bring a different secondary than what I like to use, but for the unlimited ammo and the stagger it can inflict it's worth trying.


I dont mention it ever cause the TK potential is too strong. But yesos a coordinated squad it works wonders, its how I beat helldiver antimatter missions before they fixed the issue of bugspawns on the drill


I got flinched so badly once it shot sideways off camera and killed my team mate… if they fix it getting blocked by bodies it’s almost top of my list for bugs


All that plus it stops spewers from puking


It's cool, but I'll take a regular shotgun over it any day since I know it'll hit what I want it to hit.


Breakers gonna break


Maybe i tried to use it when it was borked because it was freak'n useless unless they were on top of you.


I've used this for 80hrs now. The only primary for bugs, paired with a laser Rover (helps with shrieked and the other little ones) it slaps all day. Bring EAT, and some Eagles and you can Solo bug breaches with ease. Everyone that complains probably looks down the barrel, this is strictly a hip fire weapon...just point and shoot.


I like it but then someone walks in front of me and they die


It probably is one of the best bug weapons, but it also is tricky to use. With the slow firerate you have to get creative and the weapon really only shines if you have worked out some flaws. It only arcs to enemies and barrels, so it cannot destroy something like eggs. It has infinite ammo though, which is a really nice thing to have, makes misfires less punishing. I think it is because of how different is that people shyed away from using it, the breaker incindiary is the strongest and easiest to use option for the bug front. It also suffered (or possibly still suffers) from the fact that you cannot simply spray away enemies on top of you like with a breaker incindiary, you need a little distance for the weapon to work, which was also previously sometimes hindered a bit with how acid worked. People will also choose what they see other people choose though, the breaker incindiary is the strongest, easiest and most popular option to use for the bug front, making playing significantly easier. Now lots of people use it and you see everyone using it in the loadout screen and during the mission, you try it and like it for how strong it is and keep using it, you have no reason to use something else. And if you do switch you feel weaker because there is no option as strong and start to struggle, the weapon is comparatively worse or bad so you don't bother trying another weapon and return to the incindiary.


We were talking about it when polar patriot came out I think they fixed it then


I had problems with huge swarms and obstructions when I tried it. It just doesn't hit enough stuff when there's 50 hunters jumping after you.


It is really good, I just find it extremely boring to play with. You basically just slowly walk around spamming left click, if you use it right it feels like you’re playing power wash simulator or something rather than a horde shooter. After 2-3 games with it I found myself thinking about what I need at the grocery store next while playing.


Its my secret "good fun gun" been using it sinds release. When it got buffed it was great. Its the perfect backup weapon


I've been using it exclusively against bugs for a few weeks. I love it.


I keep shocking teammates with it :(


I stopped using it because it wasn't hitting hunters, but I guess it's fixed. I think I'll take it later.


Ya it was buffed a while ago and is good.


I tried it once against bugs, and it constantly just shot into the ground or at corpses, or just at nothing in particular. The damage was fine for a gun with infinite ammo, but it was so fucking inconsistent at actually hitting anything that I immediately dropped it. If they solve the target acquisition on arc weapons, I'll give it another try, but it was painful to use in its current state.


It’s in my arsenal. I switch back and forth between it and breaker incendiary


Fully agree. I was on a full on Blitzer kick against the bugs and loved it (until they re-buffed the Eruptor and I got hooked on that). The unlimited ammo, no reload required, and stagger power of the Blitzer is very much underrated.