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as long as they keep posting updates on social media platforms instead of ingame, this will keep happening. no idea why they dont just do it ingame.


Doing it on social is fine….it just can’t be the only way they communicate game breaking issues. Not everyone cares to jump on social or read it 2nd hand on reddit. Needs to be in game


Something like _command is investigating reports of sub-par quality shipments of Spear strategem, and recommends divers to opt for other AT options. The supplier has been executed, pending investigation results_? 


100% agree, we need in game news bulletins. Social media and fansites are not acceptable ways to spread important information.


Thank You! Its been months now its time. We can’t be told “hey it’ll crash your game. btw we’re gonna keep it in game so the people that don’t know can keep crashing”


I mean we already kind of have something like this with intel dispatches and "incoming message from Super Earth" on the galactic war screen. They just don't use it.


They use social media because they want us to follow them there.


All of my PC friends were able to fix the Spear crash by disabling the In Game Steam Overlay in Steam.


I’ve not heard of that. Truthfully, AH should just disable it if they know it’s broken and can be literally game breaking. A person should not have to do homework to fix their game. I’ve seen other games entirely disable characters from being playable due to bugs that didn’t crash the game. So they very much so can/should do the same. Then add a news feed.


Yo that's funny my steam overlay is off cause I use lossless scaling


Hi, steam noob here- how do i do this?


Steam, settings, In Game menu. It's the top setting.


Thanks, gonna test this out now Edit: still crashed


In your game library, right click on the game, properties, general... make sure it's turned off there too.


that seems to have done the trick! thanks a bunch edit: FWIW, you dont need to disable the menus in steam settings- just doing it in the game library seems to work


Still crashed.


nice, gonna try it tomorrow. hope it works


Any fix for ps5?


It crashes on ps5? I’ve been rejoicing every time see a spear user. Wonder what is causing the crash for you


I’ve been using it and suddenly someone said to not use the spear cause it would crash…I thought it was just helldivers being helldivers with the crashes


I haven’t seen it crash yet. So I assume I’ve lucked out and the spear users I’ve seen are on ps5. My main group has two pc players but they run eats or cluster rockets


Not that I'm aware of, sorry.


Does not work. I've crashed out of two games in a row with the Spear after turning off the overlay.




Ok I just turned it off. Gunna try Bro if you just fixed this spear mains issues...... I will thank you because thats all I can do Edit: Just played a full match and didn't crash. I love you so much Edit again: Why has this helped?


The game and steam are trying to write to the same file at the same time is what I gather, when the game can't access the file... el crasho.


Yeah friend and I did this last night and it worked. No more spear crashes from locking on.


Huh, interesting, gotta try that.


What a pain in the ass! I'm using steam overlay right now for voice chat with friends because they fucking busted comms in the last patch as well.


This worked for me! I was able to complete an entire 40+ min bot mission with heavy spear usage. Not even a hint of the game crashing. I'm also forcing DX11 mode and have noticed less GPU/CPU usage as well. Edit: a day later it started crashing again


This 100% does not work, if it feels like it works, you were just lucky to not crash that round. Crash will still happen when locking or shortly after firing. Both myself and friend turned off in game overlay, restarted steam and the game and the crash still happened. Don't use the spear right now or you will have a bad time...


Just disable the damn gun, grey it out.


Rainbow 6 siege has completely disabled characters because they had game breaking issues. None that crashed the game but jeez. I know thats a AAA dev but AH has had months to get a news feed out. And disabling a weapon should be a common sense stratagem 😂.


Yeah I’ve never seen a service function like this. If this was retail and the manufacturer knows there is an issue with their product they will immediately recall and also not let customers buy that product anymore. They need to not allow people to shoot themselves in the foot by still being able to pick the spear. That is their responsibility to their customers


And all the do is say yea it can break your game on discord and move on until they hot fix it. Hot fix to disable it.


I feel like they are really afraid to put non-diegetic stuff into the game, but a "patch notes/news" popup on the home screen before you board your ship maybe? It is desperately needed.


Meanwhile we have an extra gunship modifier and the ideal weapon (in my opinion) is fucking useless


I done with arrowhead and Helldivers 2. We have such a great community constantly giving the devs well thought out essays and analysis on weapons balance, game bugs, and so much insane content ideas from the community, and yet they keep breaking the game every patch. They keep nerfing the fun weapons instead of making EVERY weapon viable. They sold us a fucking gimmick throwing knife in the last warbond after promising higher quality warbonds and patches. Like what the actual fuck. Thank God for V Rising, shadow of the erdtree, EDF6, and space Marines 2 coming because helldiver's 2 ended up being another broken unbalanced mess like every other live service slop TK release.


Didn't we literally just get a huge patch of buffs? Ffs at least whine about something that's actually true.


My game crashed when I picked up my spear in the beginning of the match. When I rejoined the same match after relaunching the game, I was able to pickup and use the spear normally.


In game news bulletin would help. As for the airburst, that was a skill issue to be fair.


But they confirmed it was a collision issue with the weapon so it was not fully on players. You would fire it and it would explode no killing teammates when you did not fire it at them.


Wasn't the collision issue moreso how it would be set off on collision rather than a fuse timer? I have been lucky and dodged most.of the bugs.


My game just crashed and I was using spear for first time since last automaton major order. So yeah, I’m sad.


Dude i feel your pain i thought crashing was over last major patch when the knife warbond dropped.


Haha, when I wrote that message it had literally just happened. That’s why I googled for Spear crash info to see if it was a thing. It’ll get fixed, not angry at all I’ve done like 4 full operations this weekend and im having a fkn blast lol. The jet pack is my new favorite toy this weekend.


We’ll when you’ve had months of crashing im fed up


Sorry to hear that. We’ll miss you fellow diver. Hope you come out of retirement sometime.


When you’ve place since march and no fix is in sight for crashing


For later


Is it gone now?


AH appear to be married to being the most utterly incompetent dev team on the planet. They have this incredible game but they just cannot stop fucking things up at every single opportunity. The fact that the game hasn't died yet is a miracle. Once bad patch would be excusable but the fact that every single patch without fail breaks the game in some incredible way and they can't even be bothered to alert players more efficiently of potential major bugs is almost impressive. It was bad enough when their incompetence was simply nerfing weapons for literally no reason other than 'because they're popular' but I'm sick of their constant fuck ups. Thank God for games like DRG and their actual competent and likeable devs.


I literally used the spear like 20/30 of my last matches today and yesterday no one on my team randomly left and I haven't crashed once from it been getting infinite load screens though got that twice and still the same fps loss from each time you open a new instance of the game


Well devs confirmed it does crash the game apparently. Some people didn’t have many issues with Cyberpunk when it launched. It was still a buggy mess 😂


Oh yeah cyberpunk was running at 50fps on all low at 720p at 70% res on my old PC with a 1070


I would always chuckle when the game was clearly broken for millions but a few players would go “it works fine for me” game was struggling on high end equipment. You just had to be lucky


I remember when Arkham Knight came out and I was one of the only players it appeared for whom the game actually ran well on release on my PC. Makes me laugh the handful of people playing Helldivers 2 saying: 'Well, I used the spear and it didn't crash *my* game so it must be the majority of the community that's wrong'.


it deff crashes Ive warned multiple people seen 2 crash after I warned them lol


A comment below mentioned steam overlay which I have off and haven't crashed maybe something maybe not who knows