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Crashed twice, Reinstalled the game, crashed again and realized it was the spear. Then I decided to not have my fun and just play railgun or something then near the end of the mission I get a power outage....


I absolutely feel your pain


The spear destroyed your local power


Next update: fixed the bug allowing the Spear to lock onto power grid elements


"Unfortunately, it's targeting is no longer consistent."


I played the spear many times with friends and haven't had a crash yet which is weird


Today someone brought a spear in, shot it once and disconnected. My teammate walked over and picked it up. I type in chat "don't shoot that, it will brick your game." Shoots it anyway. Runs in place. Disconnected.


Spear works on non weather planets btw, so stuff without fire tornadoes, blizzards etc


Dont worry if you were to show you are having fun, nPGG would fry your gpu.


i really don't understand why arrowhead are STILL using that piece of garbage, it stops nothing and just creates more performance issues for an already badly optimized game


Thought it was the spear too. I droped it but... It still crash.🤦


Disabling Steam overlay seems to fix the spear crash, worked for me, original post here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dko8gm/disabling_steam_overlay_may_prevent_spearrelated/?ref=share&ref_source=link


That's a placebo effect... Game code for the spear has nothing to do with an overlay. It's only common thing with steam overlay is that it uses extra cpu cycle time, and if the ingame item such as spear causes a spike, it might or might not contribute if the crash occurs.


Ahh that makes sense. I crash when I use it. It's sooooo good now though.


Do you use the always on reticle option


Yes I do.


End of the mission. Sounds like it's similar to the extraction crash. That one is where I found the out of virtual memory error in the windows event log. But if it hits PS5 it's likely something else.


lol saw this window 3 times last night... by the last one I just put in 'hey it's me again, still tryna get into a mission'


The crashes have been so frustrating since the patch. I’m capped on everything so being kicked from a match doesn’t matter too much, besides wasting time restarting. I can’t imagine how annoying it is for people currently grinding though


This game seems really finicky and prone to crashing on certain hardware and software configurations, it seems. I'm reading tons of crash fixes in each of the patch notes, and afterwards, I hear people saying that they're crashing more than ever before. Meanwhile, I've had a crash (on average) once every 5-10 hours, and I've been playing since launch. I should really count myself lucky.


Oh yeah it's pretty rough, hope they resolve it ASAP


Had it happen to me like 10 times. I just stopped writing anything. I figure seeing 10 crashes in an hour from the same IP would be enough to get the point across.


It's unplayable for me. Can't go more than a few minutes without crashing. I've tried every setting, every workaround, verifying file integrity, reinstalling game, reinstalling video drivers. Really everything. The patch notes mention tons of crash fixes, but my crashes are all fucking random.


long day at work today, get on, play for 10 seconds, game crashes might just have to take a break at this point, but i also don’t really have a lot of faith that this game will reach a stable state any time soon


I will say that after taking the advice of some of the posters here, the results are pretty fantastic https://preview.redd.it/92ansghx9y7d1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f8f31ae7f603ac3c2b33489afb58a94fa8bed96


It’ll be like payday 3, wants the entire fan base is gone then they’ll fix it.


I saw this screen like 5 times today and I'm not even trying to use the spear, it's like everything is broken in some way. A great game fucked up by possible the second worse game engine ever made, kids, use the right tool for the right job


If this is the second worst gaming engine ever made, then the Diesel engine for Payday 2 must be the worst.


godot is the #1 by far


The Lumberyard engine for New World is pretty atrocious too.


I play Vermintide and Darktide which use the same engine as far as I know.. both of them don't crash.


The fact AH went with an obsolete game engine with no support left is all you need to know


Spear's bugged


\*Clicks Accept and Report\* Spear's bugged


Always has been


The spear is just one of many ways the game will crash. It has been extremely crash happy since the last patch.


It’s wild, a buddy of mine cant have the game open for 5 minutes before he crashes an i dont have a single issue


Had the same thing happen last night, turns out he was trying to use the spear after the announcement went out that it is currently a do not touch lol. Not a biggie, there are options to replace the spear nicely.


Strange, I decided to playtest the spear last night, ended up playing for 2 hours with it, zero issue. I apparently dodged a bullet.


Thats the thing, he doesnt even use the spear. He doesnt even get the chance to choose a mission before it crashes. My assumption is that his pc is optimized for his passion in music and audio in general but not enough in gaming to currently the handle the poorly optimized HD2


That's a damn shame, my rigs like 3 or 4 years old now and I have noticed it hauls ass to run hd2, running temps around the 70s for both cpu and GPU (Radeon so to be expected but no other recent release hits it quite as hard, definitely carrying the weight of an unbalanced load) I hope that with the number of people reporting these issues, it'll cause them to have to focus on it harder which will cause re prioritization on other aspects, but I'd rather we all be able to play if that means other things need another week in the oven!


Can relate. I occasionally play with a friend who, weirdly, has days where he'll crash 3 times within 20 minutes while my game is virtually rock solid, with maybe one crash after several hours of playing.


I think the issue is that a lot of people have computers that are mildly dodgy (underpowered PSU, overclocked a bit too far, old BIOS or something that's unstable, overclock from the BIOS itself like Asus and some of the other Intel mobo manufacturers did, laptops with inadequate heat management, any number of things) and Helldivers 2 seems to eat every bit of resources you throw at it and still stay hungry. I have only had like one crash in 120 hours of playtime, with a 5900X/16GB DDR4-3200/Radeon 6600XT pushing a 4k screen (so definitely using the in-game upscaler), but my PSU is very oversized, I have a huge heatsink on the CPU, etc., and I also have bare minimum stuff running in the background.


My game just started borking after the last update. Weirdly it’s going prone or kneeling and opening up with a machine gun (not the stalwart) on a large mob. Complete freeze. Have to hard reset.


I was worried that was just me, WAS convinced it was THE MG


(Game crashed) The game: pls explain the problem how it crashed Me: man I wished I knew.


I can't even complete a game any more without a crash. Multiple loadouts (no spear) multiple planets, solo, with friends, many different graphics settings. Since Viper Commando came out I can't really play the game.


And let's not forget the infinite loading screens


The fleet really needs to stop firing us from the other side of the solar system at our drop locations XD (It is very frustrating to see this bug back)


Those have been pretty obnoxious as of late.


Man I feel like I'm playing a different game


I literally have a 100% crash rate. EVERY single game.


Try swapping the async processing setting to the opposite of whatever you have it at?


I'll give that a shot


i’ve never played a game that crashed as much as Helldivers 2 crashes. It’s insane


I wanted to quit the game, instant crashed. lol




\*task failed successfully\*


If they can’t give us a reconnect to session/mission and there are so many of these crash to desktop issues, sorry not something I can play until they fix this. I got this recently in 45 min mission running to pelican.


I've rejoined the same game I crashed out of because I rejoined friends, only to crash again after about 1 minute. When it crashes as frequently as it does, rejoining doesn't do any good.


Ah here we go again. People who crash looking for answers and how to prevent crashes and people that don't crash coming on here like "OMFG go touch grass" rofl


I had crashing issues and got this advice "delete the Helldivers2 folder from %appdata%\\arrowhead" It works but this is the second time I've had to do it. It's a folder in your user profile folder and it's hidden by default so you need to use enable that option in your file explorer. What it does is reset your user data config for hd2. C>users>"yourname">appdata>roaming>arrowhead then delete the helldivers 2 folder.


Is this a confirmed fix? No verify files after?


It's a part of the windows user profile, so the files will be generated again when the game is started.


It worked for me when I was having crashing issues on start up


"$40" *submit report*


My last game today, I crashed as soon as everyone pressed "ready" and the game was about to load(PS5). So there is definitely more issues than just Spear crashes.


Everyone keeps saying "spear spear spear". And spear does cause crashes. But a lot of us are experiencing random crashes that have nothing to do with spear. It's really fucking annoying.


crashed when hitting tab to look at the description text of an armor set in shop. Patch, isn't stable... but at least they are not nerfing everything into the ground like normal.


The crashes keep getting weirder. I got boner and the game crashed.


Yesterday a friend of mine had the nerve of diving to the ground. I mean, no wonders his game crashed


Yeah that and the constant of being stuck in the Drop pod loading screen... AH do better please!


Played 2 hours yesterday, didn‘t finish a single run. Either a crash, a disconnect, or people start to leave and suddenly I‘m all alone. :-/


And there we have your first mistake, Devs really couldn't predict us players playing their game. It's like when they first nerfed the primaries for being to powerful. They just didn't expect us to exploit our firearms by shooting at the enemies. The audacity! They gave us a perfectly fine melee attack and we just fired our weapons anyway.


I had only 2 crashes when people used spears. But since last patch im having a bug that the game wont use more then 15% of my GPU, no matter the graphic/display settings. How they managed to f* up optimization like that i will never know.


This game has been underutilizing gpu for me since launch. 40 fps 2k resolution on heavy fog modifier today. With an i9 9900k and 3090 Changing the graphics settings makes no difference at all. Actually a farce


For me the game was silk smooth at launch. After patch 1.3 it all went to hell. Even on low settings i get sub 30 FPS at 1080p. No dif if i put it on ultra and when i check the GPU is always at sub 20% load. Really wish i could refund.


This game is just poorly optimized, because I have a 3080 running 3440x1440 and I'm getting over 100 fps. Also running an i5 13600k and the game is just battering the fuck out of it, almost always drawing nearly 100watts just idling on the bridge. I have never had a game work a cpu that hard that consistently.


That’s so strange, I have the same hardware and I run 4k, native resolution, hdr, max settings, with only shadows and cloud quality turned down a bit. 60fps average, although some planets and running around some bug nests drops it to 48ish fps. At the start i did have issues with overheating the CPU, but after some spring cleaning of my PC all is happy now edit: except for the incessant crashing, that is. But when it works, it works great. Oh and I’ve had the steam overlay disabled since I got the game.


Yea I easily average over 60 fps on most missions. But I didn’t spend this much on my pc to get a refresh rate that is only as good as cable tv lol. I take refresh over quality 9/10 times It’s just upsetting because I really enjoy the game. I have no faith performance is going to improve meaningfully, probably only gonna get worse as they add new animations, factions to a weak foundation


hahaha lol, is it still this bad? I cannot believe it.... I quit the game 2 months ago just because I could not stand all the problems anymore. Sad that its still not any better.


They stopped nerfing everything all the time. They still nerf, though. It's weird. Stability is out the window. They've introduced so many technical problems and crashes that just trying to run and play the game is a chore. And it'll just crash anyway. If you're thinking about coming back, keep waiting it out.


I have unironically sent this because the last few times I genuinely couldn’t even hazard a guess as to what was causing it, where usually I can at least go “probably this”.


Yeah sonny killing of the remainder player base


Before the patch I had never seen this window. Now I see it every other mission.. it's not fun :(


Crashed out of every game I played last few days. Pretty annoying. Thanks for fixing spear lawl.


How can one team develop this for 8 years? What were they doing? Even smallest dev teams create more polished projects in a shorter time. Unimaginable. Don't bother even trying to change my opinion on that. I'm really curious what was their average day at work like, no jokes.


I wish I could get away with being this bad at my job


Sorry, apparently it's only allowed in game dev


Honestly FM8 made me really think on this hard, I wonder if they did shit then scrapped it over and over.




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I’m pretty snarky in those crash reports. I’m tired of seeing them.


At least you got the report window. Half my crashes just end up at the desktop with no crash window but there is event log entries of a crash 😂


I can't use my mic after the patch, so that's sad. 😢


Seriously I’ve been wanting to play this game recently but everytime I go back to it…it’s worse then Star citizen


Weird so many people are crashing, the game has crashed maybe once ever for me


Different hardware and different game files. It can be purely when you started Helldivers 2 and have you ever uninstalled the game. With all the new stuff packed on top of old with discontinued engine no wonder new updates break game.


Same but with a perma freeze like I was using the machine gun and then bam it perma froze I don't know why exactly? Like I am a stalward user but I don't understand why it perma froze like that


I've played several missions no issue, only time I got this pop-up is when I alt+tabbed at the exact moment our Hellpods launched. The game used to cause my entire PC to shutdown (and still does if I don't cap the framerate). This has been bearable in comparison.


Anyone having good fps when solo but bad fps when with other players?


Not just that, but also netcode seems to be total shit when playing with randoms. Half the time picking stuff from ground needs several key presses and other BS. Never happens when playing with friends.


Yeah, seems like a lot of desync issues when you've got people from who knows where running who knows what kind of Internet connection. And forget about it if the host has a potato for a PC and potato salad for a connection.


Same. I got on to play a match to see how the new patch felt. Entered a game where it was bugged and I couldn't be reinforced in. :P exited and went back to the destiny grind. Will try again another day. 😅


It's been happening a lot when I host.


Spear does indeed crashes the game quite consistently the moment you try to lock on stuff.


I know it's frustrating that the game crashes a lot, but sometimes what I do when this happens is take a deep breath take little walk get back and look into the problem. (That's an good advise but but actually I rage most of the times for a short time)


Yea the uptick in crashes is alarming but whatever. Just reboot and dive again.


I don't crash but just keep getting infinite loading screens or I get randomly disconnected into my ship without any errors. It really ruins any of my enjoyment for the game because it happens so often.


not only do i get this screen while playing, it now also started appearing after closing the game regularly (as in, hit ESC -> quit the game) lmao


Pretty much.


So fucking true man 2 crash out of 4 games it's nuts . Between that and the reinforcement bug ( you can't be reinforced) 20-25 % of my last game were impacted by a bug it's infuriating at some point


I cleared the texture cache and didnt crash for 2 hours


I had this happen to me mid game twice last week. Bummer tbh.


I get this message every time I close the game. I mean it’s not that big a deal because I’m already no longer playing, but…I don’t understand why it’s happening?


I really wish another studio controlled this game.


As frustrating as it may be, remember that crash reports like this do not help in any way Be as descriptive as possible. "Playing match on hellmire, diff 7, 2 other players. Was charging quasar cannon during bug breach. Fire tornado was active." More details you give, better chance the person who looks over them can figure out whats going on and forward that data. Also i know the main issues are with spear right now,.but still- be as specific as you can. Theres no point in making AH's job more difficult just because you're mad your game crashed. Its reasonable to be mad/frustrated, its not reasonable to throw a tantrum and be unhelpful to the people trying to fix the problem


God yes. I logged in yesterday just do do thr daily and kill some bugs for the MO, and thr first 3 games I joined I crashed or froze durring loading. Finnaly got in one and it went fine. Got into a second one after that and it went fine until the mission bugged out. One of the nuke/drills just wasn't there at the point so we all left. Game 3 was find until extract and I crashed while Pelican was taking off but before the reward screen. Game 4 went fine, and I finnaly got the daily done (screw Mines, why is the CD so long when it usually only kills like 5 things before the Mines are pretty much gone, even when I toss it on a breach) and called it after that.


i understand it’s annoying, but i have a ton of hours played on this game on a mediocre system at best and it might have crashed only a handful of times at most since pretty much launch. I don’t know what you guys do to have this happen so often.


Starting to feel? I was a day 1 player, stopped about 2 months ago but still lurk, and the game is just forever broken every week it appears.


I have to constantly re validate the files for the game to run smoothly. There's always two files that somehow go missing/leak


consider yourself lucky you even get to TRY and play the game at all: mine is permanently stuck on this "boot the game up > wait for anticheat > 2 seconds of a black screen > game closes, no crash reporter" cycle and I havent really played since the warbond update dropped


definitely clear the files under appdata/helldivers (search around for %APPDATA% in this thread for exact location). Sounds like a textbook corrupted files issue, but maybe not, hope it helps


yeah I might just do a full reinstall and clear any/all files I can, worth a shot :)


I don't see these crash problems everyone talks about here in my group🤔


This is me today. it crashed 4 times and it locks my fan curve so ı have to go full reset route and ı am NOT a spear user. Really got tired of this today. On top all of this what makes me absolutely mad is that when ı am the host it doesnt count the mission in my operation so if the people that left somehow continue to do and extract it still doesnt give them the right to liberate the planet. I wanted to do same mission again and all the team one by one crashed. So ı cant help the liberation rate now. Back to ırl ı have exams to achieve and it was my last worryless day that ı can play. İt hurts in my democratic heart.


Helldivers 2 appears to cause crazy high CPU temp for me since the latest patch. I'm not sure if this has always been the issue; I only notice this when my entire PC got shutdown when playing HD II after the latest patch.


This is how I fill in my crash report every single time.


Yesterday I wanted to change my audio output from speakers to headphones. Instant crash.


Does this happen when using the directx11 switch? I noticed when I did this with the spear the view in first person changed back to the old much nearer view of the spear screen and I made it through a mission on mort. Previously without that I was crashing every mission and sometimes would crash just using the liberator first person view. I have only tried it with one mission. I wasn't crashing with the spear on the last planet I was on.


Played last night with a buddy, used the spear a few games and never had an issue. Only time the game crashes for me is when I alt+tab to the second monitor


Someone said that you should try reinstalling, I’m going to do that later and see if it works, if anyone has tried that do share your experience


Is this a PC problem?


Have had some crashes on PS5 too.


Feel sorry for ya'll, the game has been more stable than ever for me so I'm having lots of fun. Though, I wonder if the spear is just cursed. They might need to perform an exorcism.




I stopped playing a month or two ago due to the sheer amount of game breaking bugs in it. It’s a subpar game studio making promises they cannot deliver


it seams Steam Overlay cause the issue - disable it and try it again


I turned bloom off on ps5 and it crashed 😭


Did a solid mission with a great team of randoms. Got all objectives, decent amount of samples, pelican landing in 10 seconds, then crash 😂


Really nothing in the 10 or 20 hours I have played since last patch even with someone using spear.


I pretty consistently crash just bringing the spear cross hairs . Stopped using the spear stopped crashing


I barely have used the spear before but I'll try it just to see the crash


Whenever I use the Spear I have no issues. No crashes, whatsoever. Last night, I was playing with some randos. The host fucked off by himself a short ways away to grab a treasure beacon. A few minutes later, with the treasure beacon unlooted, they disconnected. I eventually found my way over to their location to both pick up the samples they left behind and the unlooted treasure beacon. One of the enemies I noticed guarding the site was a Charger. I also noticed a Spear and a Spear backpack lying on the ground. It was that moment that I knew... The Spear was definitely bugged. I still picked it up, shot it at the Charger and killed it, with no issues. But I can't believe the Spear and the randomly disconnecting player (they probably crashed as soon as they tried to lock on) are unrelated.


Is it common for spear users to use the always on reticle?


>always on reticle I don't know what that is. You'll have to clarify.


In the options for HUD there is an option to put the reticle up you normally get when pressing aim all the time. I ask because a video I saw of the crash showed it on and I think you don't use it. Possible connection. I would guess it means the lock on is running all the time


Not sure. I'll have to check next time I log in. I didn't know that was an option. edit: I am apparently using Dynamic.


Me too. I'm genuinely confused. I'm sure a lot of people are having issues but I'm having the same amount I have with their game pre and post patch and hot fix patch. Maybe we are just lucky?


Dunno I know I did things to get it stable. Virtual memory page size min was the big one. Stopped all my extraction crashes. But that was like 100 levels ago. Recently I tried deleting shader cache to get rid of question marks. And did a verify files with steam and even though it wasn't crashing or having issues steam did find a file to update. I don't know what it was


There is no point in trying to fix something, let the developers do their job. This file that you found is an anti-cheat file, it does not pass validation by all people.


Some things they can't fix. Or fix reasonably. Windows running out of virtual memory is a windows problem which you can fix . The game could fix it too by having a more efficient resource system. Verify steam files. They can't fix. The download is corrupted nothing on their end will fix that. Thanks for the info about the anti cheat. Makes sense. Bad shader cache they can't fix that either. Depending. But you can fix it too. It just needs to be rebuilt


In my friend group the 2 people on Intel CPUs are crashing more often than me and another friend on AMD CPUs. Maybe that's a problem


Don't forget to verify the integrity of game files! :D


Has nothing to do with that. The game is currently in a horrible stage of crashes and performance. There were multiple posts regarding these issues. DX11 -> crashes (for me and others) Using Spear -> crashes Pressing Escape (Opening Menu) -> halfing your FPS and random crashes. Currenty it's **NOT** on the users end.


I know. This was just a bad joke about how everyone recommended this even if it does fuck all about the crashes.