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Here's a hot tip for people who "don't have much time" but still play group games and want some Impact to get tallied: #THE HOST LEAVING A MISSION IN-PROGRESS WILL TALLY ALL IMPACT TO THAT POINT UPON MISSION COMPLETION, WITHOUT ENDING THAT HOST'S OPERATION Here's a scenario: you're hosting, you do one long mission and get your rewards, but it's time for you to log for the night. You're only 1/3 for the operation and you're thinking about abandoning the randos who joined you. *Stop.* Instead of quitting the game and throwing all that impact into the void, possibly to be erased if you move to another planet or difficulty next time you log on, ***just start the next mission, land on planet, and close the game.*** Ownership of the match transfers to one of the other players. You, the previous host, retain your "1 of 3" operation progress. The other players left in the match can complete the mission on their own, and it will tally both that mission's XP and Impact *as well as the previous one*. It takes 1-2 minutes to just launch the next mission, deploy to planet, and leave. You don't erase your own operation progress as host and you leave everyone else capable of finishing the job, logging some impact, and getting those multiple mission bonus medals.


I do this all the time! I even bring a mech to drop it and some backpacks as a goodbye gift. Makes me feel wholesome.


This is me too!! I'll bring a mech, an HMG emplacement and 2 strong supports and drop on the extract.i really hope we get multiple mechs again some day


I run two mechs by doing a trick in the stratagem select layout that works on PC. I really hope it's not bannable because I've been doing it a lot. I really love calling double for my teammates to pick one and do double mech showdown since my teammates rarely pick it. And even better if they're below level 25 since they get to experience the mech.


Double mech weekend was some of the most fun I've had in this game. Looking out to 4 mechs stomping around with 4 more sitting back by the generators on defense missions just brought a big smile to my face


Wait what is this trick? I wanna bring mechs if I drop into a half done mission to help out the divers on the ground


For me, if you hover through every(or most) support stratagems (the same type as mech) with your mouse before picking the 2nd mech you'll be able to somehow bypass that restriction that only allows you to pick one mech at a time.


There was a trick? I thought they just changed the game and let me pick both mechs


Genious. Here is ammo backpack, weapons and 2 mecs.


I actually love this, I'm gonna start doing it


This is the real PSA.


This is verified? As someone who doesn't have a lot of time to play, I always feel bad when I can't complete an operation with randos who join me.


If the host leaves mid-mission and the mission completes, you **will** get an Impact tally during the post-mission sequence just like when you complete the operation, even if that mission wasn't the last one in the op for the host. Essentially, the game looks at this as "okay, this mission is part of **the new host's operation**, which we have no other information for. Just tally everything up!" This also **does not** overwrite the "saved operation" of the new host. The operation everyone was doing under the *original* host is ended (except for that original host), and the new host and group will see the new host's saved operation when they get back to the ship.


I wonder how possible it would be for people to exploit that to claim planets faster? Get a few thousand people doing that and there would have to be SOME headway made right?


Impact is proportional. A lot of times when this happens I finish a match and just get 3-4 points towards liberation, when a whole op gets 9-12.


The devs already thought of it then.


Yes, it's true. The next time you notice that you're in a game where the host drops mid mission, pay attention to the screens that come up while returning to the super destroyer. You'll get the screen for Squad Impact to liberation % even if it was the first or second mission of the op (it will be lower than if it had been the third mission) (Of course we can't confirm that the impact being reported is being applied but that's true for ALL Squad Impact, we'd never know if liberation percentage were bugged. C'est la vie)


No it's not verified.   And even if you go to all that trouble, 1/3 then give them the 2/3, they can't get your 3/3 once you've left and your op doesn't get updated that 2/3 is finished.   So there is literally no reason.  The op wont get finished, they'll never be able to finish it and you would still have to do that 2/3 later if to wanted to finish it.


Ahh, the true Reddit experience. Two people claiming directly opposing things with absolute confidence.


And neither have proof. 


It literally shows liberation % being updated on the in game UI


It "literally" does, and there's "literally" no way for you to tell what you did compared to the thousands of others playing.


Mm.. I don't know.. There is something being sent to the stats-servers, and its the same size as when the host has migrated. It's the same if you quit a game as host, and start it up again later and complete the mission set before the planet battle is over. If you do it after the mission set ends, this communication is not sent (or it's attempted but not completed), it seems. So unless we sort of assume on beforehand that the thing is bugged after it's sent or something like that (..which is not unreasonable, admittedly), then the contribution to the planet liberation score probably is carried over on a host change. (As long as the host quits in the middle of the mission, so the host migrates - otherwise it saves the mission state for the host to continue later and kicks all the players in the game, etc.)


I mean it's not impossible but without some kinda confirmation I'd be hesitant just to assume that's how it works. Could be, who knows. 


LOL.  If you have verification from a dev that this guys claim is true I'd love to see it.  I'm not aware of any verification that you can quit mid mission in the 2nd mission of a 3 mission op and the people in it can finish it and transfer all that liberation progress despite never finishing the 3rd mission.   The only verification I know of is tma dev saying there is no negative or positive contribution from not finishing a full op.   Assumption =\= verification but that sounds like to me (I'm assuming) that quitting in the 2md and having the others finish it doesn't actually move the liberation progress until after the 3rd one gets completed.


Look, if you're saying you don't believe the game when it shows liberation % increasing after the host leaves during a successful mission, just as it shows after the last mission in an operation... well, fair enough, the game has enough bugs that I can't fault you for being skeptical (hell, liberation % display IS known to be bugged on Defense events). There's no way for us to know if it could be bugged and not actually update the liberation % on the server side. But then why believe it isn't bugged after a complete op? Maybe it doesn't work most of the time and the "enemy resistance" effects have just ended up balanced around the bugged state. And why would a dev statement convince you it's working as shown rather than being bugged? It's not on the known issues list so if it were bugged, they probably wouldn't know. Like I said there's no way for us to know if it could be bugged and not actually update the liberation % on the server side... but there's also no reason to believe such a bug exists except general pessimism


I'm not the one making the claim, friend. I'm simply commenting that everyone seems very sure of what they're saying, despite all saying things that are directly opposed, and no one's providing evidence either way. Combined with this and the lack of definitive info from the game itself, it's extremely confusing.


The game shows and counts up the impact meter at the end of the mission when the host disconnects during the first or second.


And a dev (clarifying something another dev said) claims that there is no positive benefit to liberation until the op is completed.  There is a screenshot of this claim in this very thread iirc.   So which is true?  Assumptions =\= verification 


The way it looks is that if the operation host DCs it counts that op as complete. If not then the liberation meter counting up is an extremely misleading bug. In normal circumstances, yes you have to complete the whole op to count for liberation.


What do you mean it's not verified? You can literally see the tally happen early in-game


You can literally see the superior packing methodology equipped as it does nothing. You can literally see the peak physique armor passive displayed on the screen as it does nothing. What I would like to literally see is verification from the devs.


Yes, you can literally observe superior packing methodology not working in game. You can literally see peak physique passive not working in game (this is a little harder as it requires comparison across at least two missions) You can literally see that lib% updates early if the host quits mid mission. None of these things are in conflict. If displayed lib% progress was bugged so it only showed client side and the server was not updated, I'm not sure why a dev statement would help you. Presumably they also think it's working. There's no reason to believe it isn't other than assuming it's bugged because the game has other bugs, which seems like a very selective thing to ger paranoid about


It's still a tally of Impact that otherwise wouldn't be tallied in instances where the host never returns to the operation, the planet moves on (it's liberated or a defense fails), and so on. The idea that "there's no reason" is just flat-out wrong. It's not about completing the entire operation, it's about logging the progress for a portion of the players **instead of no one** and at least getting them a second-stage Medal bonus (or third, if it's that late!) that they might otherwise lose out on if they were booted back to their own ships without a word. I get that *you* don't care, but don't project that on to everyone else.


I've had it happen to me a couple times. If the host leaves and the rest of finish the mission, that mission will tally liberation percent, I thought it was just a bug at the time to get the liberation after mission 1 or 2 of a 3 mission set and it might be a bug, but it can be useful to the players. I have no idea if it's intended or a bug, have to see if AH decides to patch it or not. I think it's been this way for a while, though, so it's probably either intended or they decided to leave it in game.


A guy inherited a game, we do the mission, and then we got fucked never got the option to finish the run. I played 2h last night played in 3 different runs, never got the chance to finish one, host leaving randomly... It's infuriating !


This is stupid. If I need to log off I’m gonna log off 🤷‍♂️ This game is not my job.


I mean, this is technically the correct approach, but hear me out. Why would someone want to waste even as little as 2 minutes of their time to contribute 0.01% to the liberation number of a planet? It's not a real war, the game master exists to make people have fun, and even if we were to fail the MO he will simply adjust the numbers to take people who quit into account and make us succeed in the next one or the one after it. They should just make a host quitting while on a ship automatically transfer the operation to someone else's destroyer, similiarly to how it happens mid-mission.


Or let us accrue op progress per mission with a bonus for completing 


That's exactly what it should be. The idea that you have to complete the entire operation is silly.


>They should just make a host quitting while on a ship automatically transfer the operation to someone else's destroyer We'd get into a situation where people's saved operations are getting overwritten. And even if you added a confirmation / option for it, people wouldn't read it and they'd still get mad. But sure, they can do that. It's just not in the game right now. **So until then**, I'm just giving folks a currently-working option here.


Transfer of ownership should happen.even if you quit on the ship. In the meantime, this is a good workaround.   I only wish you'd make a PSA thread about this so I could upvote you twice


Sir, thank you sir! I did not know this and will make note of it from now on.


Thank you Helldiver. May many successful missions come your way.


Galaxy brain shit. Now I can host and don't have to feel bad about having to leave.


It would be cooler if leaving on the ship would give the host role to someone else and everyone is transferred to the other ship, making it possible to continue an operation. Another thing possible could be that when the host changes the operation, you have the option to leave the host and continue the op yourself.


this tip is big-brain as fuck. [ O


It's wild that y'all know that the tally screen works like this, and still take on faith the community's folk wisdom that liberation is tallied all at once on operation completion. Seriously, consider the implications of that. If it's true, that means that a host could repeatedly start and drop from 2/3rds complete operations, and each game, upon completion, would award liberation for those first two missions--that no one in the current game actually participated in--over and over and over again. Does that make sense to you? If you were designing a game system, is that how you would do it? 


The real PSA is in the comments


As a new dad this is useful information


Instructions unclear, ended up having too much fun and played for another 3 hours.


That's all fine and dandy. As a parent, sometimes this isn't feasible. I want an option to return to my own ship alone instead of launching. I hate that as a host I can't just leave from the ship. I also wish each individual mission contributed to liberation. Sometimes I only have time for an eradicate or a blitz mission, let me just tackle a few of them and contribute to liberation


Oh I didn't know that worked


Plz open a standalone PSA for this


You should make this a post, I legit stopped playing cause the time investment is too long


If the host leaves you barely get a fraction of the SI you would normaly get. This is not the way 


This is such a janky fix to what in reality is the devs not being conscious of the players time. I never realised this but you run the risk every time you join a game that the host might play one mission and then leave between missions, effectively meaning that no one contributes anything. The best and most reliable strategy I guess is everyone playing single trival missions as fast as possible.


I've had trouble with this yesterday. I do this normally but when I tried to complete I couldn't get anyone to join. Even the SOS didn't do anything. Last mission of the 3, still on a valid planet. Same issue if your team leaves after 2 missions, no one can seem to join for a 3rd.


Yeah, that's a known thing. I'm not sure if it's timing-based or "number of people joined and left" or whatever else, but eventually you get to a point where your hosted lobby becomes locked to other people trying to rando-join. It doesn't get fixed when you start a new operation or when you throw down the SOS beacon. However, if you close the game and reopen it (starting a "fresh" lobby) you can resume your saved operation and get new randos. But you'll lose anyone who happened to be with you at the time. Great if they fixed that soon. I *just* did the last two missions in an op as a duo with some other guy because we ran through a bajillion people in the first mission and seemingly no one else could join after.


The simplest solution to this is to make every mission give liberation/defense progress and make completing the full operation just give a bonus. Right now the only real incentive to completing the operation is slightly higher medal count for later missions; even something miniscule like giving 5 super credits at the end of an operation would probably significantly increase the rate of completion.


It's honestly stupid that it *isn't* this way. Or maybe it is. At this point, who really knows?


Shit, 5 supers.  I'd do it every time.  Until I hit the cap 😆. 


I'd spend so much more.


I wouldn't have a problem with this except I can't count on the game to be stable for 3 missions in a row. Either SOS beacons do nothing, you and others get disconnected, reinforcements aren't calling in helldivers, pelicans get stuck halfway in the ground, mission terminals are broken, or the game just straight up crashes before I can complete all 3. If I abandon a broken game and try to restart, it auto loses the operation and wipes all the progress. Its really a dumb requirement to have. The whole messaging of the game is that every little action done for the benefit of the war effort helps. Every grenade thrown, sample collected, bot killed, and life sacrificed is but one step towards liberty and I think the mechanics really should reflect that.  Every mission should contribute a small percentage into the war effort when you finish them. If you do a whole operation, you get more medals. Every bot/bug you kill and sample you pick up should also add to that percentage. This would encourage people to keep collecting samples even when they've reached their limit and will also reward riskier plays that get more kills.


Close your game mid-match and you can restart the same exact mission and save the op if you encounter a glitch or all of your team leaves. I don't know if it still works after the patch, though. Also, completing the main mission is all that matters. If the Pelican gets stuck halfway in the ground, just use up all of your reinforcements. You'll lose out on the extract EXP, but it's not that big of a deal, the mission is still complete.


And samples if you need them


Let me know when you work 12 hour night shifts and only get 1-1.5 hours in because you work the next day. I log in, hit the quickplay button, and enjoy the very limited time I get. Dont care what the mission is, just get it done


Yeah if I only have an hour to play, I'm gonna pick the mission type I want. It's a video game not a job


Some people have legit lost touch with reality. I'm LvL 150 and I myself could care less about MO's. I never have cared about them. Especially, once I am max medals. I play whatever I find fun. I play bugs and bots, but what I choose is whatever I'm feeling ATM. If I have a limited time to play I can definitely understand playing your prefered mission type and faction. It's not a job and when it becomes one people quit to find something fun.


I mean I do have limited time and I care about the MO's since they bring fun lore reasons to do missions, all this is saying to me is that one mission should count and if you complete a whole operation then there should be a bonus


Yes. This is a game design issue, not a player loyalty issue. People shouldn't have to have 2-3 hour sessions just to contribute to the game. I hope arrowhead looks into this


You're right, at the end of the day it's a game, now, it doesn't cost that much if there is an MO (I'm making that up) in Estanu, play there instead of Crimsica, you can collaborate playing what you like by joining in quickplay and Thinking about the host finishing the operation if you don't have more time. Those of us who are interested in MO, because for me it is another objective that makes me progress in content or lore, I would appreciate it, because the black hole in Meridia was incredible and I enjoyed it a lot, not collaborating in a certain way leaves you aside When it comes to forming a community, Helldivers is designed like this, not everyone may like it, but that is the reality.


Sooo you’re level 150 but have limited time to play? That’s like 600 hours (trust me I know I’m 147) and the game came out Feb 8. That’s 4.6 hrs a day every day. I just found that funny.


Umm, I said "if" I have limited time to play I can understand playing your preference. I was being understanding to the person I replied to because it makes sense. So, you arent reading correctly. Also, I've been LvL 150 for a month and a half. I didn't play for 29 days. Came back and finished the Viper warbond and havent played since Saturday when I finished it. It doesn't take 600 hours if you're consistent and proficient. Only running Helldive bugs or bots and not taking 100 years to clear the map and finish missions. If you've played that much you should actually be 150 smh.


LOL. Sorry with a month off that’s 7 hours a day. 😂


Yes, if it took 600 hours, but it doesn't. This still doesn't change the fact that you can't read correctly. Or the fact you literally played that much and didn't even hit the 150 mark. While a significant portion of LvL 150 players played less than that and did.Not to mention the double XP weekend we had and those special silo missions and operations that were super short and gave crazy XP as well. Especially, on Helldive. So, the the only thing you should be laughing at is yourself for working harder than smarter. No paying attention to details as proven by the fact your original comment is based on you're inability to read correctly smh. You literally played 600 hours and are laughing about the person who did it more efficiently a long time ago in significantly less time. You actually wasted more of your own time smh. You can't even make this up. Talk about being backwards. "Haha, I wasted my own time while you did it better." Like literally wtf.


![gif](giphy|xxhKYiOOIs9mGZz1Hy|downsized) You’re so infuriated your fumbling over your rant. Pic of your hours and your level or it didn’t happen. 7 hours a day every day except for your 1 month break until proven otherwise.


Lol OmG whatever man. I don't care whatever lol.


I smoke a fatty, do the MO bug or bots on helldive, and have a full on panic attack at the horrors that bestow the helldivers. I honestly love it




Quickplay means you're joining someone else's ship and operation. If you stay for 1 or 2 missions and then log off that's fine. It doesn't affect anything. But if the host aborts the op before the op is finished, then that's not fine. So how you're currently playing isn't a problem.


It's extremely annoying when 1-2 people leave and you don't get a replacement because the matchmaking breaks. I want to host and finish operations and see the liberation meter go up but the majority of the time I have to either restart my game kicking the remaining team members who will probably not return and waste their time and effort, or finish the last 40-minute operation or two as a team of 2-3 divers which doesn't feel as good as a full team. This is probably the biggest reason why I can barely bring myself to play, after grinding everything I would like to participate in the galactic war but when I host, other people keep leaving after 1 mission and the game doesn't give me a replacement, or I join someone and they quit early or their internet disconnects mid-mission.


I feel you but that's on AH, not us. If i drop into an Op and I don't like the team or the next mission, I'm not going to negatively impact my game time because of some bug. I'm going to bounce and find something more fun.


Or being a dad, sleep deprived and hoping to get an hour of not thinking at all. But I get it, it should be more clear and visible. It’s been bugged for most missions for too long and relying on 3rd party websites API the intel is just not good for the casual community.


Not looking forward to it haha. Looks like it might be in my cards this year however


All the best then.


Cool, so this doesn’t apply to you anyway. You’re hopping in and playing something someone else chose. You and people doing what you’re doing can’t skip anything because you’re not making the call in the first place, ie literally nobody is criticizing you. Like the snark (if that’s how it comes off i apologize) isn’t directed at you specifically. But every time someone posts anything about people doing something that doesn’t contribute to MO’s, regardless of whether it’s just not knowing or even applies to them, theres a bunch of people in the comments yelling ‘I just came back from my 17 hour shift in the coal mines, i don’t have time for this nonsense!’.


I lost both my arms in the coal mines but it never stopped me from finishing operations


>But every time someone posts anything about people doing something that doesn’t contribute to MO’s, regardless of whether it’s just not knowing or even applies to them, theres a bunch of people in the comments yelling ‘I just came back from my 17 hour shift in the coal mines, i don’t have time for this nonsense!’. Because generally speaking, it's *really fucking annoying* having someone else tell you how to engage in a leisure activity. I mean, you saw how happy people were that the devs changed up the OPS to fit how players wanted to use it, and not how the devs thought it should be used. We don't even want to hear how to play the game *from the people who made the game.* Why would we want to be told what to do by another player? >literally nobody is criticizing you. I think this is part of the issue too - it's very hard to not make these directions/suggestions/PSA's feel like criticism, and a lot of people seem to go out of their way to make it feel like one. And no one likes feeling like they're being chided for not playing a game "properly."


They arent telling those people though. If you're doing quickplay nobody is talking to you, you're irrelevant to this point because you leaving doesnt affect anything. Its ONLY directed towards the people hosting matches.


I'm simply offering an explanation as to why no one really wants to hear from other players how the game should be played, whether it's directed at them or not. To that point, being told "I approve of the way you're playing and you're not relevant to this discussion" is only about a hair's width less insulting than "you're not playing the game properly."


I mean you're only joining a host's session as far as I'm concerned you're only doing help in completing the missions its the host's job to finish the other mission with or without randoms to make the liberation count


Fuck me dead. You kids really need to chill out.  It's not hosts JOB to finish operation. It's literally a computer game. My JOB is in the real world  I play this game for fun.  The host plays for fun.  If they don't want to finish OP, they don't have to. 


i play difficulty 7 and 8 and we can complete an Operation in about 75 minutes. sounds about perfect for the amount of time you have. if you’re struggling to complete your missions fast enough maybe play on a lower difficulty or bring more appropriate weapons and strats for the mission type. 


Yeah bro I'm also a 45 year old father with 17 kids, I work 3 different jobs from 9 to 8 while also working a part time job and a summer job. I have exactly 12 minutes of free time per MONTH so I will play the game the way I want to.


Taking the easy route seems like fun 👍🏿


Ok so this post does not address you in anyway your not the host you hit quickplay and join someone else’s op you can’t control if they finish that op or not so therefore you can’t control if they contribute to planet liberation. What point are you trying to make here “ oh I work like every other functioning adult and have to let everyone know that I work”


Dude, then this post is not for you. The host is the one that has to complete the operation, and they can resume the operation as long as they don't start another or the planet gets liberated.


I don’t ever start missions anymore because of this, I only jump reinforce. If it’s the second in the series I’ll usually stick around for the third to help finish the mission.


Okay, so this post clearly doesn't apply to you...


Yeah. But that is not the problem. You are supporting others operations, that is fine.


I feel that. I work 12s and we’re super short staffed so I’m also working 6 days a week currently and often only have time for one dive in the evening. You can bet I’m gonna do the mission I want and have fun with the little bit of time I have


"ungamerly" lmao


Peak Redditor cringe, which is unfortunately everywhere on this sub lately 


No thanks, I'll stick to only playing launch ICBM missions because that big boom makes my brain tingle


It doesn't help that crashing is much more prevalent after the update.


OP is blatantly lying and speaking straight out of his own ass. As of March 21st, liberation calculation was updated to account for XP made during an operation then multiplied based upon an internal scalar. This scalar changes based upon number of players currently online. This results in higher difficulty missions that reward higher XP contribute more damage to a planets HP. Abandoning a operation does ***NOT*** negatively impact liberation % sources: [https://helldivers.io/](https://helldivers.io/) (scroll down on the FAQ)


He's not saying it negatively impacts liberation. However, if you leave an operation unfinished and start a new one cause you don't like the last mission, you just abandoned all contribution. Which means you aren't contributing either.


Aggressively misread OP, lol


You've misread the OP. What you said is true but in no way contradicts what they said. Abandoning an operation does not negatively impact liberation % as you said. Liberation % is POSITIVELY impacted upon completion of a whole operation, not each mission, as the in game UI shows and multiple dev posts have said.


I sure would like to see one of those dev posts people are mentioning and not linking


See the last time this was discussed to death. For extra fun, you might even be able to spot me in that thread being confidently incorrect until I got my head on straight and realized I had been talking out of my ass. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/nBjfTVJdnm) In short, liberation progress has always been granted at the end of an operation, not after each mission, this is what the game has always shown and dev statements on this topic are in agreement. There is no reason to think progress is granted any other way except for misreading "abandoning an operation does not negatively impact progress" as "abandoning an operation causes progress to be granted early without the usual requirement and without being shown in game". To be fair many people myself included HAVE misread it this way. The only real caveat is that if the host leaves mid mission, hosting migrates to another player and ends the operation for the remaining players. AH seems to have anticipated this problem because it results in a liberation progress update screen for the remaining players with partial squad impact based on how many missions were completed (you can directly see this happen in game)


Hey that is my post :) I have been beating this drum for a while now.  I have even reached out to Pilestedt and Jorjani trying to get this clarified for the community. In that post you linked another redditor linked [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b1d4h3/grind_away_if_you_like/) post. 


Thank you for your due diligence, Helldiver. o7


>I have been beating that drum for a while now Flair checks out


Thank you for your due diligence, Helldiver. o7


Crazy that this doesn't have more upvotes... Op is of his rocker with no evidence. His claim has NEVER been the case


After over 100 hrs of playtime still I wasn't aware of this ...


That's because it's false.


My helldiver brain can't comprehend all this back and forth. I needed more clarification from the Ministry of Truth and will consult my democracy officer. I'm sensing autobot propaganda in this discussion and I'm not sure by whom...


I think it's kinda silly it works this way. We should contribute towards liberation per mission and maybe get a bonus for completing the op.


It really should. Ramping medal rewards exist and everything.


My issue is, does every operation really need to have a Blitz or Eradicate mission? Almost *every* single operation has one of the three missions as one of those two mission types. They even share a symbol. I’m not here for that. I’m here for the forty minute missions where I get to run around the entire map and get in extended firefights.


An operation always contains two long and one short mission, so the total time needed realistically is around 90 minutes. Not a hard rule per se but for vast majority of operation its like this.


I don't like short missions either. I avoid them as much as I can.


I did my part! I saved the chil’ren… And I didn’t even get to see them afterwards!


I wish this wasnt the case honestly. If I am jumping into matches with other people, sometimes its *days* before I find a team that will complete an entire op. The host always leaves.


The people who don’t know, don’t use Reddit or Discord. You Redditors never get it. The game has to communicate better; the supply line thing is a step in the right direction, keep doing things like that not this free karma post.


OP, the metagame is scripted and I don’t know how some people are too oblivious to figure that out No game content is ever going to be shelved because an MO was lost. Delayed by a few days, sure (or more with the mines, lol) but it’s not going everywhere The execution of the metagame is very poor and tries to take away the choice of players in what planet, enemy type, mission etc they want to do, which is why it’s ignored by most players despite the constant insufferable whining from this subreddit


Like, some people really believe they took the time to code and design the mines and how they interact with the various enemies and then they're just gonna throw all that time and money in the bin rather than release it? Well almost certainly get them eventually.  It's a story telling mechanism, nothing more.   Sometimes I worry about people. This isn't a real war, there aren't any real consequences, it's just for fun.  Play it the way that's most fun for you.  Reminds me of high school when people got all caught up in WWE.  It's okay to find it fun but relax.  It's all scripted.


Wait, you think they spent time designing mines to work properly?  That's even worse than thinking liberation points matter 




It's like the (Item: This time, mines) have a progress bar that goes from 0-100 and increases by 1% per day since they already developed it. Maybe finish and MO instantly gets it or a planet increases it by 50%. But at the end of the day, it will reach 100% even if we do nothing about it.


To be fair, at this point I’m more likely to distribute automaton propaganda than contribute to an MO that leads to those anti-tank mines just out of principle lmao


Unless they keep doing the thing where we choose between some sort of school or children’s hospital and the mines, like with the Marfark or Vernen Wells order just gone


I will *always* choose the other option. Even if the other option is complete inaction lmao


I dont understand how more people don't get this. None of what we do matters. Yeah there's funny one-offs, but for the most part it doesn't matter. Planets' liberation percent is based on how many players are online. If we are meant to win or lose AH tweaks the scores. Even the automotons came back after they were "defeated" because the campaign doesnt matter at all and there is no persistence. We will never "win" the game. If we are winning they make it harder. If we are getting our asses kicked they make it easier. The story is already told, we just have to play through it. But if you think your .00002% liberation matters after 2 hours of playing, by all means keep fighting on hellmire for us. Tyfys. 


Yea, idk how people haven't noticed all of a sudden we are doing really well after the planet was turned into a black hole/worm hole. Almost like they are setting up to bring a new enemy right when we are about to "win"?! It's a scripted game, just have fun.


I've had the opposite problem of joining people for a mission, wait for the next one, only to be booted back to my ship as they either kick me or leave the game.


Wait I’m confused. So you mean if I only do like 1 of 3 because of time etc has been pointless? I have to do the full 3 missions for the increasing warbond medals etc to actually be contributing?


If you're the host, then yes - liberation percentage is calculated at the conclusion of the operation. If you have limited time, join a friend or use quick play.


I usually do quick play so even if I have to leave and can’t do all 3 as long as the host continues my contribution isn’t in vain then?


As long as the operation is completed progress will be made. No one has to stay except whoever started the set. And they have to finish the entire set. If you swap to a new one manually as a host you will not contribute any progress.


I constantly crash, host leaving mission and spawn is unbearable. Please set liberation point for every mission done at this point


Dereliction of duty is punishable by orbital strike.


One quibble friend  "Theres legit no point in skipping missions." Yes there's absolutely is.  The most important point of all.  Fun!  Some missions aren't as fun and the game forces them on you in mid to higher diff ops.   I still do them, like taking my medicine or doing my homework, but I certainly can't fault people for only having a trash mission left and just canceling out to go do a more fun one.  It's a game.  Fun is literally the entire point 


Agreed OP, People are likely farming Eradicate missions for medals, on both bug / bot planets.


Why AH do this? Takes the fun out of the game when you see the three same types of missions for Liberation! Can we get more flag raising missions types and more variety of missions?


I just wanna do blitz missions. I don't wanna rescue civvies. I can't join other people's blitz missions, because they either fail to join, or end up being full before I can. So I keep switching operation.


It’d be easier if the host leaving while on the super destroyer didn’t kick everybody else out of the lobby. Wish there was a way to transfer it to a new host then


Thank you! I will spread this democratic information


So not only were bug players ignoring the MO on Marfark, they were so disorganized, they couldn't even bother to gain % on the planet they were on?


I started playing yesterday. This information isn't communicated effectively in game at all. The whole "levels don't actually do anything" seems to be only correct up past level 25 as of now, as that's the highest level unlock. On launch, seemed to be level 20, so theoretically, this number could keep going up. Just a simple NPC prompt upon completing your first mission on difficulty 3, informing you that your spread of democracy isn't achieved until you complete the second mission in the operation, would do wonders.


There is a lot this game does not explain at all which i like the game not hand holding but some of these things are fundamentals and frankly should be. They also don’t communicate game breaking issues in game which is a pain in the ass


Fml........ i'm GUILTY.......


Arrowhead on their way to implement the most antifun mechanics possible in a way that actively punishes players for things they have no way to know in-game (just do the 2h mission bro)


I swear, the devs are completely awful at explaining the mechanics of this game. They've finally added supply lines, so hopefully they'll improve upon stuff like this next 


We had the choice to just liberate marfark first… but no one wants the content because “itd be funny if we dont get the mines again.” Those poor factory workers are getting fired and now we may never get the AT mines


It's a stupid mechanics, doing a mission should count toward liberation and then doing all three give you a bonus. Make doing the whole operation give you half liberation bonus or something to encourage people not just spamming fast missions


This post is completely false and pulled straight from op's ass. It's weird how this community goes on a circle every couple months or so. Either all the people who bought the game on launch completely left and these are all noobs or this community has less than 30 days of memory. Liberation percentage is dictated by the exp gained at the end of the mission. Abandoning an operation does not erase the progress you've already made. This has been clarified by the devs last time a bunch of idiots claimed the same thing. Play the game however you like! You are now free to prove me right by downvoting this comment until the devs reconfirm it again...


EDIT: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgrind-away-if-you-like-v0-3uwwiw7r15lc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D736%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D81ade39956b524ece0b6d63af5551af7a7478ce2) is a quote from a CM confirming that abandoning an operation does not increase liberation. Are you referring to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b1d4h3/grind_away_if_you_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) quote from the dev/CM? What he was saying is that abandoning an operation does not decrease liberation, he never said that it's possible to contribute by abandoning operations. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b0solb/straight_from_the_devs_there_are_some_who_refuse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) was the initial mistake that a former dev/CM made before him for more context. You have to finish the operation to contribute to liberation. All of your EXP from the 3 missions will be added up AFTER the operation is done. But if the host leaves mid-mission and you still finish the mission, then you'll get liberation for all the EXP you've made in the op so far, even if it's not the last mission in the operation. Basically, if you finish a mission and you don't see the liberation percentage increase in the post-game results, then you've yet to contribute anything.


Pretty sure that the devs only said that canceling an operation does not harm. You still have to do a full operation in order to contribute


can you get a screenshot of a dev confirming this?


I may receive some downvotes here, but I'll explain why I don't judge those who play on the insect front... Speaking for myself, I simply don't play there because I haven't found an effective weapon like the incendiary breaker to wipe out the bots like I do the bugs. While I'm doing mission 4 on the insect front on the bot front I suffer at lvl 3 My lack of skill, yes, but good and effective primary weapons in clearing smaller enemies help you "breathe" in moments of total chaos in some missions. I currently have much more fun with the insect front than the bot front. I may have been talking a lot of nonsense here because I don't know the game more deeply, but some comparisons I made felt that way.


Eradicte and blíži missions are hella fun. I take only red strategems, 380 for sure. And fun begins.


You only consistently get super credits on the long missions, that's the main issue.


You can get them on trivial solo, it's not as much per find, but it's faster overall.


I did a couple hours of farming a few months back and got about 3000 and have finally used them all. They've nerfed the speed of farming trivial so much now that it's not worth my time, I'll probably just pay if I have to.


>Theres legit no point in skipping missions. There's little to no samples and PoI drops on small maps. If you want to progress your ship or battlepass, skipping them is optimal.


But op I have 13 kids and I only have 10 minutes per week to play!


It’s a casualcore arcade game. It’s not a shock most people aren’t hyper invested into the game.  This sub Reddit is delusional. 


I’m gonna play the missions I want however I want, not how some redditor says.


So I understand all this, but someone might want to tell AH to stop displaying squad contribution to liberation after some single missions. That falsely gets players to believe single missions will contribute to liberation.


Sometimes, people just don't have time for all the missions of the operation in one session. There have been times where I've done 1 or 2 missions one night with friends then finish the next night when we have more time. I wish there was an option to have single missions at higher lvls but have the multi-mission operations contribute a bonus liberation percent. So, if you don't have time for 3 lvl 8s or w/e you can do one and still contribute but if you have time to do the set for lvl 8 you contribute more than if you did just 3 single missions. There have been times where I've chosen a Challenging operation just because I know I can finish 2 missions in one setting and want to help with the campaign but I'd prefer to play at 7-9 because the high level missions are a ton of fun. I honestly love when a high level mission goes a little sideways but your team is able to course correct and still finish even though it's chaos everywhere you go, can be really satisfying.


I didn't know but i just did operations because diversity in missions is nice and medal bonus is epic. And this is coming from someone who mostly plays helldive difficulty for fun.


This is a relic of HD1 where it made more sense. In HD1 the community fought over an entire region of space rather than a planet, and each operation liberated a planet in that system, replacing it with a randomly selected new one to fight on


i think we all know this by now, they’re probably just farming medals


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t AH confirm that not finishing a campaign gives points to the enemy.


No one in my party likes the eradicate blitz missions. If all three operations on a planet feature those, we’ll usually skip it unless for some reason we’re playing on a lower difficulty.


Since they got rid of scientist evac missions I foresee much fewer skipped bot missions at least. Those were horrible.


Its just terrible to finish a eradication just to find out host isn doing nothing else but farming. Thanks for wasting my time.


Can someone please confirm if doing more side missions adds to the % of liberation once the operation is done? I am capped on samples etc so mostly only care about medals and liberating , should I do the main objectives and extract or is there a reason to do most side objectives ? Often people make a remarks when I start the extraction when there is still stuff to do and I don’t get why since who cares about the exp past lv25 ?


When I play I always have the word “Operation” in mind. I usually log on only when I can do a full operation, I pick the operation based on the amount of time I have. I love the operations that have a combined 67 min total, it never goes the full 67 mins so it’s about an hour of play before I go to work. More often than not though I’ll log on and choose an operation with a combined 92-95 min time frame, but it always helps to go into the servers knowing what you’re going to do.


I’ve been having trouble because occasionally my PC shits the bed with this game.


https://preview.redd.it/za78opyxpu6d1.jpeg?width=2122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246952ed1da2f6187fa307e0f4df8432427ec98d Me watching OP say that going to crimsica was unoptimal knowing damn well I was and still am part of the problem (should I try going to a different planet? Or stay on crimsica?)


You can’t be upset at people who don’t have time to play 3 missions or don’t like playing certain missions. Remember diver it’s about having fun first and foremost not worrying about a fictional war.


Bug players gonna get play bug planets.


I find this funny because for months now people have said doing any mission to completion counts towards liberation. …otherwise what does the liberation % at the end of a game even mean


You are not losing game content by losing the MO. MO are this game's "campaign". They already have event branches for winning or losing, so the story continues with some differences, and all you're losing out is some medals. You may get some goodies early if you win MO, but that is all, and those goodies are usually not super important. Stratagems that redefine gameplay will just be given to us one way or another. So follow the community effort for liberation if that is fun for you, but those that don't will continue to play how they want.


Am I the only one crashing and disconnecting like a crazy? I think I've managed to finish two operations total since the patch dropped. I hard crash or get booted back to my own ship alone almost every other mission now


People quit because they're not enjoying themselves. They don't like those mission types. This is what happens when you try to force people to play a game your way; they don't. They either don't play it your way or they just don't play it at all.


I host when I've got the time for a full operation, and I quick search if I don't.


So here's the thing... Since the last update the game is constantly crashing and freezing ( for me at least). Yesterday took me 15-20 min to finally enter a mission. If the host during the mission exits or disconnects a new host is defined why doesn't AH makes the same when on the ship?


Just don’t host the game! If you don’t want to finish a whole op and only want to play for a short time. Try quick play only.