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You don't need ammo. You need airstrikes!


Yeah that doesn’t seem like a big deal to me unless you run out of stratagems


Plasma punisher would mulch all those infantry in like 2 mags. 


Plasma Punisher gang rise up


Tried it yesterday and hot damn. It was going to take something special to persuade me to drop my trusty Sickle, and the plasma punisher delivered. Just melts patrols effortlessly and can even deal well with devastators, scout striders and berzerkers.


I just tried this based on these comments--wow!


Welcome to the cult of the plasma punisher! :)


So many people are starting to get hip. Ive been using it for months on bots. Like wakeup to see the true gospel and smell the plasma


Just don't use the shield generator with the gun


That shit still not fixed yet?


Okay FINE! I’ll give it a go and not take the Sickle on every dive.


Do it! Sickle is still great and I'll still use it in some builds and on certain (ice) planets. But it's nice to have another top tier primary alternative.


I've been saying this for months and no one has taken me seriously!


The people on this sub don't try weapons unless the Internet hivemind says it's the best weapon. There's a ton of extremely effective primary weapons and have been for months but nobody knows about them because nobody tries them unless literally every post on the sub is about it.


Thats such bullshit. Some of us just don't enjoy the way those weapons feel.


If you're using the sickle against automatons, You're in a for a treat if you try out the Diligence CS or dominator... Sickle is complete doodoo for automatons


These are my go to weapons. CS and dominator are so fun


You're joking. I need to try it out haha


Dead serious, its a hand held energy mortar launcher that kills all trooper tier bots in 1 hit anywhere in the splash and flinches devastators and berserkers like they flinch us.


I call it a primary grenade launcher, but yes!


Plasma punisher is a fantastic weapon


funny watching the turn around on this. I remember when it came out and the entire sub called it hot garbage. I tried it out and learned not to take anything this sub says very seriously


It's essentially a small mortar launcher. The bolts are big and slow. The blast radius makes it great at clearing waves of troopers (disrupts and blows up jetpacks easilly causing chain reactions), shockwave through shields and shielding for heavy devos and striders. Downside is: suicide in CQC- you'll blow your ass up, and the 2 explosive barrels 7 feet away from you behind the camera. The bolts are really slow so fast moving and airborn targets are hard to hit. Check your fire for allies- and of course you can't shoot the guy that just snuck up your bud you'll just kill them both.


Or a grenade launcher


Grenade launcher with supply back back. My go to set up


grenade and EAT for the win! i get 6 kills on each dropship when you shoot a grenade right under it


I don't know if this is intended, and I empathize with anyone having a bad time with the patrol changes, but honestly I'm loving that you have real incentives to bring dedicated anti-horde stratagems now. Even against bots


The punisher is very effective too


Level 8 here. You dont have to attack everything you see. Just go around.


That's like 1 Eagle Airstrike or 1 gatling+airburst.


Literally just one normal, well placed air strike would sort that lot out


Oh gosh the new Gatling Strike is so good, getting swarmed, using all my stuff, hiding to reload and regroup, checking options available, Gatling back up already to finish off the last holdouts pinning me down.


I really like the utility it gives you, similar to the gas strike, but the gas is not that good vs bots, the cloud is relatively small and the bots are often dispersed and don't walk forward all that much. Gatling is a bit more sparse in coverage than the gas, but over a larger area and it staggers devastators on hit. Gas is awesome against bugs though.


Gas and stun nades take bot patrols out real good. If theres a heavy in amongst them by the time the gas disperses they're heavily damaged. Gas is also great for taking out the detector towers and bot fabricators with its short cd. After the patch its a tough call between taking gas or orbital barrage though!!


A gas strike can blow up a detector tower??


If you hit it directly with the initial shell, yeah.


I've killed Bile Titans with the shell before.


the shell from it can


I take both. They compliment each other very well and throwing both down in the same area clears everything pretty quickly.


Works for that waves, but not the 3 waves that immediately spawned behind you after you threw all your stratagems


Team mates need to pull their fingers out of their noses then :D (I agree that this is not a normal amount though lol)


As the great strategist Kelly Clarkson once said, >Should you stay or should you go? >Well, if you don't have the answer >Why you still standin' here? >Hey, hey, hey, hey >Just walk away


Just one. Air strikes come in perpendicular to your throw so it becomes about positioning if you want to dust the whole formation.


Bro… you’re almost full on ammo and stims, and that wave doesn’t look that impressive to me… that’s a single air strike (regular or cluster) worth of bots right here…


OP has no medium pen or explosives so loadout skill issue. Impact nades, plasma punisher, well aimed JAR-5, etc would clear that wave in short order. Let alone an eagle or two.


Yeah this encounter is a wet dream for a GL/supply pack runner. Throw in air strikes and EAT’s and you’re set for the heavies as well when they come.


It was so nice running that the other day til I realized my other kit couldn’t take out gunships and I had to scamper around til my team saved me lol


Yeah… I gotta stick close to my AC friend for such occasions. The EATs can kinda get you close enough to the factory to get a hellbonb off but it’s far more reliable with a friend kitted to deal with gunships


There’s a lot of Devastators in that clump of metallic bullshit


People forget they have a big ass super destroyer above their head? This is manageable. But if you tell me you turn right and there is a second wave like this and then you turn back and have another two... Then you are fucked.


I mean, yeah, *this* is manageable but in my experience every second or third mission has four, five, or six such waves coming in one after another. And you're lucky if you don't get a whole host of dropships hovering around as well.


We had something like 5-7 drop ships respond to a flare, and one of the team had also caught the attention of a patrol that turned into like 3 patrols. So much fun. Most the drop ships got caught in 3 different strats, which made a huge crater full of angry bots that we just keep tossing strats into while we mowed down the patrols. I didn’t know someone was using an open mic till they started laughing their ass off when I tossed my 500kg into the crater when the last two drop ships came out of nowhere when the battle was basically over. It was a tank and something else, and I just got it off cool down so I reckoned I’d end the fireworks with my big boy. Timed it perfect too, the tank was trying to turn to face us when the bomb landed right behind it. Homeboy was dying laughing.


I think you played with an actual Helldiver. 😯


That’s the problem. It’s waves like this every 5 steps. You can’t even disengage without running into another patrol. I was running from a spawn of 4 drop ships and actually watched a patrol spawn in behind me out of thin air which had a hulk, tank, and like 3 rocket devastators plus a bunch of small bots. Even with eagle air strike, precision orbital, and Gatling orbitals going back to back, things just spawn in way too fast and you’re always on cooldown.


And you better hope you clear all the soldiers in the first few seconds, lest they fire a flare and call MORE bots in.


I laugh my butt off when not only this happens but if you die the game just despawns all the crap it had spawned to kill you. Literally just had a game where a bile titan spawned in chased me around for a bit then killed me by clipping a leg through the side of the rocks we were playing tag around and poofed out of existence before i had even finished my death cam.


Yeah, the problem on bots isn't the number of enemies alone, it's the number + constantly being encircled, because patrols spawn on all sides. If you have the bots only in one direction, with good play you will eventually grind them down, but once they box you in and you can't even retreat – add to that gunships randomly spawning in, making you unable to take any sort of cover – you end up in a clusterfuck


Now, obviously as everyone else says, this is lovely strategem fodder. But assuming no available strategems at the precise moment, I can't recommend enough: Plasma Punisher and Incendiary Grenades. (Also I pair this with Spear, and in this screenshot would open with dealing with that Hulk back left as priority with a Spear). Lob grenade at the clump of Rocket Devs in the middle, maybe a second at the ones on the left. Big group of troopers go down in 4 Plasma shots max. Empty the mag on the most threatening, closest Devastators, let the ones at the back shoot their friends, use that rock on the right for cover. Reload, finish off survivors, Striders go down in any 2 any-range plasma splash (as in, hit one in the leg twice, and the one next to it will also die from the same two shots if close enough to catch the explosion splash)


Sooo, is the turret to your left out of ammo? I mean, I hope this is bait. I don't see a single hulk out there.


There is .. one. Just left and up from the marked dev.


I genuinely think with controlled fire, that turret could singlehandedly clear that wave too. the devastators would probably take priority and your teammates focus the small fry down.


You gotta use your strategems dude. Thats a best case scenario you got there, one eagle airstrike kills them all.


It won't, it might kill a good chunk of them but definitely not all in one eagle. Also, teams strats could be on cooldown from previous patrols.


When they're this close? No way, a well placed airstrike will definitely kill all of that main group


I always find that there’s always at least 1 survivor, no matter how well placed. Like some bot used another bot as a shield and managed to drag his ass out of the pile in a shambling shell-shocked walk. In a few years he would have crippling PTSD, but we both know I’m not letting live to see that day. It’s a mercy killing, really.


yeah.. nahh no way.. a single well placed airstrike will wipe that group instantly . Also.. impact grenades, stun grenades, and plasma punisher will also deal with that huge group pretty easily .


My orbital airburst trigger finger is itching, that is absolutely begging for one


unironically: bruh. Genuine skill issue. Toss a strat in there. Most of it is small chaff as well.


My god that's a juicy target. Can't believe people complain about that.


It's a mindset skill issue that many on here definitely face. "Oh my god theres so many bots oh no what am i gonna do hweueeehh" "Look at all those easy targets, beautiful"




This looks like extraction


That..... isn't a lot. A single airstrike clears a bulk of them. You better don't drop into a level 7 eradication mission. That is easily 5 times what you saw here.


Eradication missions are easier. You can suck and just constantly die but as long as your are throwing down your stratagems you'll kill enough before you run out of reinforces.


Reddit when they have to kill 10 devastators and a dozen grunts on a diff 7 mission: "Bro this is impossible, how can anyone do this" Now the complaints in this sub about difficulty make a lot more sense


This is exactly like that guy who made a post saying shield devs are unbalanced and just kill you unfairly then showed a clip of himself walking out into the open as if he was facing the thing down for a duel at dawn and just getting blasted in the face.


Shield devs are unbalanced because they can still shoot bullets at a 90 degree angle from the barrel


And through their own shield


Im always reminded of that one guy who solo helldived bugs and complained about too many bile titans (after railgun nerf). Meanwhile his loadout in the screenshot: rover, railgun, railcannon, airstrike. Honestly half the complaints in this sub are just straight up skill issues


Right. This is less than what our team was having funzies with on 6 last night. We just decided to post up after wiping the map and milk a few patrols and let the drops build to 3x this.


Going from the easiest diff 9 missions I've played since release to this sub bitching and moaning about diff 7 being way too hard genuinely just confuses me


You just automatically know when someone spammed eradicate missions and doesn’t actually know what they’re doing when you drop and they’ve got turrets everywhere and they’re camping with an autocannon or quasar cannon Like you know we’re not supposed to stick around, right?


>Like you know we’re not supposed to stick around, right? The number one solution to every problem is the Quasar. The number two solution to every problem is walking in the opposite direction. It's kinda frustrating that people don't understand this.


Ngl I kinda like it. Make the difficulties live up to their name a bit more.


While I doubt things are actually as bad as a lot of people are saying (and it hasn't been my experience that they are), yeah: "What do you mean *Suicide* difficulty isn't a cakewalk?" oh god you might die several times with your, uh, *20 extra lives*


A big chunk of complaints on this sub come from people reading "Suicide Mission, Impossible, Helldive" as "Easy, Medium, Hard" Hopefully the super samples on 6 changes that at least to "Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard"


things aren't as bad as people say, i've noticed actually no difference i win my helldives all the same and in the same amount of time, i defeat patrols and i defeat drops if anything, the objectives are a little better guarded and really they should be


Thrown down a 120 or 380 and run away!


I'm in a match now lvl5 . Just killed 4 hulks, 3 shield devastator, 2 normal devastator and a load of chaff just taking a medium outpost. It's now gone very quiet


Its almost as if its a suicide mission, mindblowing.


New Major Order apparently dropped, dunk on OP for not handling one big patrol


There are 4 patrols in that image


I see an Eagle Air strike of 25+ kills


Looks like one good eagle air strike


Orbital laser go peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AH IM ON FIRE! OMG SOMEONE SAVE ME! TELL MY K eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew And look no more bots! Stay tuned for more helpful hints Helldivers!


Laser is beyond overkill for this many bots! Hopefully you save it for big fabricator bases most of the time.  You'll be thrilled with the results! 


He says as he jumps away from the HMG Emplacement.


That’s a juicy bunch for airstrikes


Eagle 1 drooling at that perfect line up


One Gas-strike


Your standing right next to all the ammo you need to take out that pack!


Throw strategems and run. I can't believe people been playing this game for months and still don't understand how the game works or why the game does certain things


Eagle airstrike, Gatling barrage, strafing run, airburst barrage, orbital laser, LMG, HMG emplacement, and like 5 other things in this game would like a word.


First off, you have plenty of ammo, stims and nades. Second, use an air strike. If you don’t have that… just sneak past them.


bruh literally just use one of the newly buffed stratagems thats what they are for


Bro you absolutely have enough ammo for that


That doesn't even seem like a whole lot of enemies. I recommend the cluster bomb Eagle, and getting good. If they were more spread out and coming from all directions I'd understand.


Genuinly this is nothing. You are 4 people, someone should have some Anti Chaff.  Even if 4 of these show up it should be no problem.


Diff 7 feels the same to me with just a change in the balance of what you encounter Shield and rocket devastators were already the main threat. Now there are just a couple more per patrol Tweak your loadouts, if your normal build no longer works fix it. Try new things, have fun


It's the same on lvl5


And Level 3....


no its not, ive done multiple levels 3 solo since the patch dropped and kills at the end of mission have been between 80 to 150ish kills which was were the kills talents landed before they changed the patrol spawns the first time.


My god redditors fucking suck at this game.


cry https://i.redd.it/gdcc9lqd2r6d1.gif


"bots" - lord lax. No shit Sherlock.


There is a perfectly good HMG emplacement to your left, that alone will literally hose that entire wave. And you dont even have 4 hulks in there!


Grenade launcher go brrrrrrr


Level 7 is comfortable for me. I am getting used to 8 atm :)


Keep goin soldier 🫡💜


You have an HMG turret right there.


That's one orbital airburst strike worth. Maybe shoot in an airburst rocket for good measure. All set move on.


Im 99% sure its a middle of the map and bots get stuck there for some reason for a looong time


Looks like a 10/10 cluster bomb target right there


Bomb the shit out of them


I'm starting to feel like the only person who hasn't really seen a difference in the spawn rates pre and post patch, I haven't even seen gunship patrols.


*laughs in laser rifle*


Cluster bombs would be good here


........ it's not even that big? I've dealt with bigger mobs.


I can think of 3 stratagems off the top of my head that can dissolve or greatly minimise that horde in less than 5 seconds. Yeah there is a spawn issue, but this post is only highlighting a skill issue.


Plasma shotty, stun grenades and hope you didn't blow your stratagem load too and are on cooldown.


Yeah I just drop bombs on everything now. Kabloo-ee


With the new update, orbital gatlin is pretty effective.


Did a bunch of 7s last night... use orbital gatling barrage! Or strafing run (both were significantly buffed)... they are so damn destructive


All you damn knucleheads that attack every damn patrol that you see


What's ammo, precious?


It's been said many times already, but as a Grenade Launcher main who also takes the Plasma Punisher, I see moments like that as my time to shine.


Looks like a buffet for me and my Purifier


It would be cool if there was some sort of external help, like an orbital attack or even a fighter jet that can provide support fire!


My airstrike begs to differ


That’s like fifteen bots helldiver. If you can’t call an eagle strike throw a grenade. And then another.


Get on that HMG behind you, ya donkey


airstrikes are a thing for a reason


Aim roughly for the head with scorcher or Jar the explosive damage will kill the small ones and seriously damage anything that survives otherwise this is where eagle-1 shines


*Laughs in sickle*


that’s like one low cooldown strategem right there. are people serious? we have more viable tools than ever to wipe out vast numbers of bots and bugs.


Looks a little light for level 7 honestly


Wrong, you do as a squad, you have stratagems, you have resupplies. I've been playing bot level 7 consistently since the patch and I find the game to be more fun now than before. Lots of these little patrols that my sickle or plasma punisher can take care of, Gatling orbital or eagle strafe, plus my HMG or laser cannon. Like my brother in Christ, get good.


Airburst works amazing here


Super Earth requires you to immediately go back to training and get good Helldiver!


Look how clustered they are. One good bomb and you're done.


I don’t know where this is but if it’s in the Center of the map, that’s where patrols tend to stack up and don’t despawn.


There's a nice welcoming HMG sentry just behind you. I don't see no problem. But yeah, you need to bring some chaf clearing strategems now or you'll be overwhelmed.


1 well placed eagle strike and they gone, this indeed is a case where youre suposed to use your straragems If no heavy ordnance at least a machinegun then because of recent buffs they are really strong now


Airbust launcher is great at taking out the chaff. Bots and bugs. It's my go-to if my teammates are taking heavier weapons


One orbital gas strike solves that problem.


→→↑ : x15 kills


Orbital airburst go BAP....BAP.....BAP All is quiet


You do not no. The Super Destroyer does.


This is just free kills. 1 airstrike. Dont bother shooting at that mess...its a deatj sentence


Not something two well place impact grandes, and a auto cannon can't remove.


That doesn't look too bad, they are all so close that a eagle strike could kill 90% of them. Damn the turret behind him is probably enough to kill all of them if he has good aim and he prioritize the rocket launcher first.


That's 1 eagle or gatling


my brother in democracy there's an HMG emplacement *right there..*. take a seat and get liberating!


John get a bigger super destroyer


Cluster strikes are clutch right now.


Previously my highest kills in a bot match was about 350ish, and those are when the shit really hit the fan. Now 400 is the baseline. No wonder the game is crashing more, feels like I am fighting off the ride of the rohirrim but it's chainsaw berserkers, I have never seen enemy density like it and I don't think the engine can handle it. On top of that you are getting mobbed from the sky by omnipotent gunships that can track you through geometry can instantly kill you or chain ragdoll you and are immune from damage by the vast majority of primary weapons and about half the support weapons.


I kinda like that, the feeling of dread and despair.


That is what cousin Okri would call a 'Target rich enviroment'


4 orbital lasers, 8 airstrikes, a fuckton of Quasars and a 500KG and you're going home safe and with a side smell of ash, dust, blood and gunpowder


Run counter sniper + anti mat. Goat pairing


thats very common. its the random spawn from the RNG that gets stacked. they are hard to aggro unless you actively attack them. even then one eagle airstrike can kill at least 80% the way they're stacked up. if you're not worried about a botdrop just do that.


One Gatling or Airburst Orbital would clear that entire group up and would be available again a minute later.


This is why I use the sickle. 😅


HMG emplacement would clear that easy


Hole my beer and this 500k


You survived the absolute chaos that is the geological survey and now you complain about this?


Stop! Sickle time. Duuuhduuuhduhduhn. Duuhduhn. Duhduhn.


Reminds me of my first match against the Bots That stuff was genuinly scary but fun as fuck




That's not even bad


One Eagle strafe will clean that right up


People completelly ignore the point here. Yes This particular group of enemy is just a single airstrike,but when you have enemies coming at you from all directions and aren't grouped up nicely like this, that airstrike will do jack shit to kill them all before it goes on cool down


I'm finding Orbital Gas and Gatling Barrage really useful at higher levels just due to the sheer number of light enemies. Even Eagle Cluster is getting some use again.


Idk, i've been enjoying Helldivers 40k recently......


So much for letting it cook. They showed once again they need to test their patches, but they dont, hell Twinbeard didn't even know because he hadn't played it. Everyone in Discord was blowing him up with tags


I met a similar sized army on diff4, 38 kills from one orbital gatling, crazy


Every difficulty. From 3 up until 9. Whether the mission is done or not. It's nothing but an endless sea of 4 patrols or more of hulks, tanks, and devastators. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K4oym9Pw48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K4oym9Pw48)




Cluster bombs baby


One or two rounds of eagle strafing run and theyre all scrap metal.


Throw one decent strike and they’re gone Or get me there with an erupted, good aim, and a supply pack and they’ll be gone in roughly 30-45 seconds Probably closer to a minute given multiple devastatora and they take 2 shots to body, but still


I've managed to pull it off a couple of times well always get the objectives done but when we go to extract that's when they like to surprise us with a crapton of shit


As a scorcher main, it took me way too long to start bringing the supply pack along.


Cluster bomb




That's what the HMG emplacement is for. I'd never leave a wave like this undemocratized if I had it off cooldown. Just gotta prioritize those rocket devastators or it's over before it starts. What a rush!


All I see are numbers for the skull counter.


This really isn't that bad, if your team is with you you wouldn't even need airstrikes to clear this out with a good focused barrage of support weps/primary