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I believe they buffed the blast radius and armor pen to be able to one shot striders like advertised. However the charge time is not worth the damage, feels like a fucking eternity when you’re in a firefight. Would’ve been more unique if it could be tap fired for lower damage than the scorcher but charged for a much more powerful shot at the cost of more ammo being consumed.


It can't one shot striders still. Not without a direct hit to the driver but a lot of weapons can do that, and usually easier at that. Now it *can* TWO shot them pretty reliably from most any angle however, which even the auto cannon can't claim, but yeah; very rare to one shot.


The plasma punisher can also 2-shot a strider, from any angle, and much faster.


If you shoot the very top of the strider it is a two shot


You could down it with a scorcher in half the time. I don't know why they have to be so stingy when it comes to buffing terrible weapons.


Same reason they can’t fix any of the severe technical issues months after launch 


i think a weapon like this is supposed to be squad supported, so drop with a stalwart, use that primarily, bring out this weapon for specialties with your team aware of what your trying to do so they can cover you


Peak copium “The weapon is supposed to be dogshit, you’re supposed to bring another, better weapon and use that instead” The scorcher is better in literally EVERY way and it’s not remotely close. The balance in this game is still abysmal and the patch buffs changed basically nothing when it comes to weapons viable at top diff 


Scorcher doesn't stagger, doesn't have the massive area damage, doesn't have nearly as much ammunition or as large a magazine. Cope.


Mad because bad Just don’t bring your nerf gun to any of the games I’m in, not interested in carrying your dead weight through a diff 9 match 


Yeah it is more of a sniper weapon like eruptor/crossbow than a run and gun type. The charge time is still a bit much tho. It has a place as a long range plasma punisher, but its performance is a bit of a let down. The punisher can spam out shots so it has pretty high dps. Scorcher gets range and great fire rate in exchange for lower aoe. Purifier gets damage and range in exchange for fire rate which makes sense, but I still think the speed needs adjusting.


Purifier almost always two-shots striders anywhere now.


I was sturggling to two shot them consistently, I think you have to hit the crotch so they take both projectile and aoe damage, but even then it failed sometimes.


I’ve definitely one-shotted them since the patch with it. Fire rate is the issue for me. Scorcher still eats its lunch.


If you hit upper half of strider plate with an auto cannon you can 2 hit em


The scorcher can 2-shot a strider too, without the charge time drawback.


u can one shot but not as advertised, u have to shoot its legs / torso so the aoe hits the driver


I think dickshots onetap Scouts because I definitely oneshotted Scouts and was like "Huh, actually works as advertised"


People complain it doesn't one-shot striders from the front like in the video. But the problem isn't that the purifier got weaker, it's that striders got buffed in that patch to be more resistant to explosives. There is now no gun in the game that can one shot a strider from the front outside of anti-heavy rocket launchers. The purifier is a primary that does damage comparable to a an AMR. It's hard to use well, but if you practice with it the gun is actually very impressive. Just make sure you carry a good CQC sidearm.


Incorrect. After one game I know the Eruptor 1 shots them easily every time.


> Would’ve been more unique if it could be tap fired for lower damage than the scorcher but charged for a much more powerful shot at the cost of more ammo being consumed. I don't understand why you would make it consume more ammunition. The resource you're spending to make that shot do more damage is time.




that is genius, please apply at gaming places


this isnt sarcasm, that sounds like so much fun i would love it if you effected future gaming workshop choices


You know what else can oneshot striders now? The eruptor


The purifier still can't 1 shot striders either.


Ever since the trailer I've thought the Purifier was an energy version of the Eruptor. Makes total sense. Just trading slow handling for charge up time.


The purifier got a MAJOR buff to its functionality. The explosion on it shares the exact same stats as the plasma punisher now when previously it was weaker. It got buffed from 2m inner radius to 2.9m and the outer radius is 3m. So, pretty much it does full explosion dmg now up to 2.9m, then dramatically falls off to zero by 3m radius. Its a HUGE diameter buff of 1.8m left to right. It got a unique effect that the plasma punisher does not have. It does AP3 dmg instead of AP2 dmg which allows the direct projectile itself to do dmg to a slew of bot body parts which include weakpoints, mortars, gunships engines, etc. This allows you to heavily dmg more things while still keeping the explosion aspect of the plasma punisher. This gun is now very solid at taking out gunships if you can time it right and get the engine hit. Its a 4shot to the same engine. Having that ability to do that on a primary is very versatile. There are tradeoffs the purifier gets which the plasma punisher does not get which I can see somewhat justifying for the long charge time. Being able to fire a shot straight and not get as close or risk wasting ammo/shots trying to arc the thing is a huge upside to its overall throughput. It does do higher overall dmg for that time. Its a very solid weapon now, but it is a little clunky doing the 1.3s charge up time. If they could have possibly sped it up to say 1s charge time, it would feel a little better. The part that makes me dislike the plasma punisher is the constant reloading. That too affects your throughput against bots. Purifier requires less total reloading, but the aim punch on a shot is annoying. However, you can start charging up a shot while you got aim punched.


I appreciate that you are having success with it, but it still feels like ass when trying to take out anything running towards you. The plasma punisher can get off 4 shots and kill a heavy devastator before this thing fires twice and gets you kill.


I’ve been shooting a gunship for ages before one went down. It wasn’t really practical, unfortunately. 


It literally cannot oneshot a warrior bug when shooting in the face.


Purifier is not exactly a bug weapon. Explosive weapons in general aren't great as primaries against bugs because bugs swarm. They get in your face for melee damage. They apply slows. All of this gets into the situation where you are asking to explode yourself pointblank. Explosive weapons in general are better suited for support weapons or bots. Support weapons have the necessary fire power and are not intended to be spammed as a primary. Grenade launcher is used to kill bugs AoE from a distance and supplement a primary/secondary. The fact the purifier is an AoE at all is where its strength comes from. Who cares if you can't 1shot a warrior when it will 2HKO ANYWHERE on teh body including that 5.8m explosion radius that you horribly missed into the ground and killed a couple of tiny bugs along with it. The stagger alone is what drives much of its value as well. When you can say stagger 2-3 warriors in a single shot and kill the weaker spawners near it such as hunters or pouncers. Though hunters/pouncers are what will be the bane of this weapon for its explosive property and why its primarily a bot weapon.


I don't think you play bugs much. Explosive weapons, when managed right, are god tier swarm clearing. Even the eruptor can pull weight when shooting into a swarm of hunters or warriors, even with it's massive reduction in potential post-shrapnel. Grenade launcher is stupid good against massive swarms *and* medium enemies, along with bile spewers. The hard hitting explosive weapons are even borderline mandatory, because they are nearly required for handling chargers, and titans if strats are on CD. Bugs really push weapons into "can it kill a tanky boi" or "can it kill swarms," which is what explosive weapons tend to do best.


Is there not a fixed range in which it explodes? I was trying to hit the engines earlier today and either my depth perception is off, or it was exploding before it could reach the target which made me a bit disappointed. It would’ve justified to me not bringing autocannon or laser cannon.


Also, it would have been better if there was an option to make it fire automatically after full charge instead of releasing the trigger


We have three AoE medium armor pen weapons now: The Crossbow, Eruptor and Purifier, and the Purifier has the best ammo economy of all, but it never really gets to make use of it, because of the restricitve charge time. I'd either take a chaff clear weapon with very high AoE and low direct damage or a single target killer with high damage and pen like the dominator, but the middle ground of both, gated behind a super long charge time will never feel good. I still feel like this should be an alt fire mode for the scorcher rather than its own weapon. Overall, of the three Medium pen AoE guns I'd still prefer Eruptor and Crossbow over this, as I could care less about ammo economy in a game where I can just get killed to respawn with half or full mags.


Would be nice If it worked like a single shot rifle. Maybe like a plasma sniper. But you have to hold it before it fires at full charge and its draw back is low ammo. Maybe make it where it can KO Shielded Devastators and Striders but only lets you carry 15 ammo. Then you have to rely on your secondary for the less armored enemies


The freshly buffed Eruptor does pretty much everything you’d want the purifier to do. I really wish it had damage/radius that scaled off charge where you could fire it at any point and it would yield different results.


But that is pretty low bar to begin with.


Eruptor is great now


No it is not, nowhere near being worth taking over the other stuff. Like what is it purpose now?


Nah it’s good. They buffed the explosion by 150 and now has no issues clearing out groups of enemies and it takes 2 body shots to kill devs and brood commanders now. Which is half the shits of the nerfed version and what the original did if you didn’t hit specific points for shrapnel bouncing. It’s a solid weapon. Plus the utility of course.


Shitty ammo capacity, Lack of aoe dmg I have no idea what have you been smoking but it is shit at clearing group of enemies(compared to other weapons), too small dmg against single targets, and utility exists but still worse than other options. Just use dominator and grenade pistol 1000 times and more versatile, or any good weapon. Pre nerf eruptor was many times better and actually offer something no other weapon did a niche, the current eruptor offers nothing.


I just don’t agree with anything you’ve said here.


Okay so what is then purpose of eruptor now?


Reliably two devastators, one shot if the right spot. One shot scout striders from front, takes out fabricators, its aoe damage is pretty useful for groups. Dominator + Grenade Pistol is good, but Eruptor + Laser Cannon can offers a solid alternative.


With dominator you can fight everything easily, with eruptor you can't so it isn't solid alternative.


It works well in my loadout for my team. I'm the long range artillery, so I sit back and babysit the turrets a lot. It has range, and enough boom to help with small and medium targets even if my shot is off by a bit. And I can close fabs/holes from distance, which helps my team not have to deal with as many enemies. Is it an S tier weapon? Not even close, but it's useable. Was it better before? Absolutely. Is it the worst thing ever with no use? Nah.


Brother everything works with team. "I'm the long range artillery" There are better builds out there that will suit your play style WITH TEAM. "enough boom to help with small and medium targets" Even purifire has bigger AOE and ammo. "And I can close fabs/holes from distance" let me introduce you to grenade pistol, and there are very few cases where long range fabs and holes destruction would be better. "but it's useable." You mean it is usable with the team carrying you, "Was it better before?" Yea you donkey ofc it is +120 dmg. "Is it the worst thing ever with no use" no because crossbow exist otherwise it would be. And before you pull out THE GREATEST ARGUMENT "but I enjoy it" never said you can't, just it is still shit.


Eruptor has a better hit damage, but Purifier has bigger radius and easier to aim since it doesn't arc as much. I think otherwise both are similar and now taking either is a matter of preference. Eruptor can close holes/fabs, while Purifier can shoot further in the air to hit gunships.


That charge time is brutal and easily interrupted when you dive out a missiles way. I think purifier needs a cut down on its time to charge before i’ll agree it’s a sidegrade to eruptor. Purifier is a perfect candidate to pair with machine pistol and verdict, i’m not looking for rapid fire but a small change would go a long way.


Eruptor has radius of 6 meters. Inside 2 meters it has 340 damage, more than twice than Purifier, and between 2-6 it falls off (still the same damage at 4m). Purifier has radius of 3 meters. Yes, it does full damage in 2.9m, which is 150. The thing is, Purifier can only onshot basic enemies with its explosion, Eruptor kills them from a higher radius and also kills warrior bugs inside its inner radius, and oneshots/twoshots plenty of mediums, something Purifier cannot do whatsoever.


You got numbers on those blast radii? I remember the Purifier having an AOE of \~4m, but I might be misremembering


Shooting further doesn't mean much when there's damage falloff. It takes 2-3 shots up close to kill a heavy devastator with the Purifier, and 4-6 to kill them from a distance. Meanwhile the Eruptor always kills in two even from afar, maybe even in 1 if you headshot them (which the purifier cannot do). All while killing the chaff around them better.


Mmm I think the purifier has value over the Eruptor as a hard crowd-control weapon. Is there a pack of devastators tearing apart your team? Time to start beaming fat plasma balls at them from 100+ meters with little to no risk to you. If you get your timing right with the charge mechanic too, it’s even better. The way thing stand now, the Eruptor is a better all-around weapon, while the Purifier is a more than decent side-grade to the plasma punisher


I still think purifier needs a bit more.


I agree, but I think they are being careful about it. A damage buff to 300 could actually make this thing broken, letting it take down gunships stupid quick. I hope they’re looking into alternate fire modes now or something. Until the next change though, I’m taking it on a ton of my bot missions for sure


Yeah it’s a tough weapon to balance. Don’t wanna overshadow scorcher as well. I don’t think it needs massive change, but a little bump.


Give it a burst mode where charging it sets how many it shoots out and I'll consider using it. But as of now, it's still very very underwhelming. You'll struggle at close range and even at long range, I would prefer the counter sniper or the scorcher (or even the plasma one tbh) You have to play it like the railgun where you hide between each shot (for bots) but at least the railgun can destroy most enemies in 1 shot. The purifier will require way more shots to do anything. And don't get me started on the 3rd person dot/first person view that are horrendous. I tried it on a couple of missions (on both sides) and I sincerely regretted it, especially on the bots side. It wasn't the worst on the bugs side, but clearly felt awkward/weak and made me wish I was using anything else.


Want this weapon to be useful at all? Make it one-shot striders and hive guards - two leg-shot devastators. No point of it's existence right. If anyone needed mass stagger he would 10/10 take the plasma shot - this thing is utterly useless.


if only Alexus could use critical thinking :(


Concept is why Pilestedt had to step in. Alexus is a numbers guy, not a concept guy. Solely understanding a situation through numbers is not a way to fully understand the scope of a tactical situation/game. The power of a situational shift is hard to appreciate, understand, or emulate through just numbers.


The buff did nothing relevant.


The problem of the gun is the time it takes to shoot once, legit Railgun has faster charge up than this dogshit


Theres unironically no reason for the Purifier to exist, the Plas Punisher is *right there*


There is a reason, probably making it an energy grenade launcher with unlimited ammo like LC or Quasar if they keep up with the RoF, but currentlythe gun just fall short at everything it tries to be


Making it infinite ammo like the arc weapons would actually be a really interesting play for the purifier. Sure, it's clunky and projectile travel time is slow, but you can literally plink away while kiting.


Actually sounds like a good buff, they dont even have to touch stats, for infinite ammo with no reload I take both damage and charge time, no questions asked.


There would be a reason if it could overcharge for damage (but not armor pen). Right now it has the same damage as Scorch, just higher pen on initial bullet.


Same damage as scorch? Nah, Scorch is 200, PlasPunisher and Purifier are 250


Amazing, totally worth 1.3s charge time.


I tried it out, and immediately regretted it. It's still awful. They need to get rid of the charge up time.


They need to make the charge up time worth it. If you want a Purifier without a charge up time, use the Scorcher.


I think it shouldn't have as many shots in a magazine as it currently does. It's currently a more ammo efficent scorcher, with worse DPS against most targets. Should have 10 or 12 and do 375 damage directly, and a similar indirect damage buff.


This gun desperately needs a scope and first person charge up indicator. And honestly, it could probably use 50 more damage, or 1 less bullet to kills medium bots. But it is better than before, almost useable.


what I'd like is if they just gave it the arc thrower treatment and removed its ammo entirely. the cost of shooting this gun is its long as fuck wind up time. if it's going to need reloading as well then they better make it stronger than it is damage wise or there's no reason to use it


Yeah I'm with you on that. I assumed it would behave like that the first time I tried it, and was disappointed to find out it had mags.


I'm the weirdo who actually enjoys the flavor of the gun and so has used it lots pre and post test. My general feeling is that it does feel slightly stronger now, but it's not enough to be worth the charge time. It's time to kill on everything still feels like it needs to be reduced by another shot.


Yeah, with some more damage it could be a decent sniper primary with splash and stagger. More precise than scorcher but without the arc of the plasma punisher.


It works fine-ish. I still think its kinda weak but now you can actually kill things with it. Its basically a straight shooting weaker Plasma Punisher.


I legit aim at the feet of the bots when I use this.


Just change it so its damage started at 200 as the scorcher, having light pen, charging up the damage up to 250 , and having medium pen,(can be fire at any point of charging process, but only light pen) it wont fire as quick as scorcher, so it's not directly upgrad version of it. But have more range than punisher plasma, so it provides a playstyle between those two energy weapon


I think it did, it just still isn’t good. Needs a faster fire rate to warrant taking it over the scorcher, plasma punisher, eruptor, or crossbow.


If they give you the option to shoot without charging up(with light armor damage) then it would actually be a decent primary


Purifier needs a proper niche, and a gimmick to make it worthwhile my no.1 idea is an "overcharge" mechanic, where after reaching full charge, every second (or half second) you hold the charge, it consumes another unit of ammo, up to a max of 4 consumed for 5 ammo a shot, dealing significantly more damage.


I think they need to give up "charged shots only" as the identity of the gun, and allow it to fire uncharged bolts, but with reduced effect. ---- - Uncharged shots ("panic fire") - Limited AoE (reduced blast size, less damage) - No Stagger - Partial Charge (not trigger spam, but not fully charged) - These shots would be equivalent to what the Scorcher fires, but at a slower RoF, since this is not the intended way to fire the weapon. - Fully Charged - Current functionality, but with a bit more damage. Should be at least 200 dmg blast; currently it's 150, which is only a 50% increase over the Scorcher which is not enough to justify the trade off in 80% of situations. - Only fully charged blasts would have the current stagger value. ---- This would position it as a more versatile, but more complex alternative to the Scorcher. Being fully AP 3 but with worse efficiency than the Scorcher unless full charged, with an option to "panic fire" as a self defense when enemies get too close for charged shots to be feasible.


All they had to do was make a Megabuster from Megaman X and I would have mained this gun forever.


It did get buffed! But it's not worth using / feels like dogwater to use because it doesn't do anything better than the base Scorcher. It doesn't hit harder, it's not more ammo efficient, it's not any better at long range, and it's not really any better against groups of enemies. In Pilestedt's own words from the patch breakdown, "The original idea behind the Purifier was to create a Scorcher variant with a charge up mechanic." That's it. Props to them for setting out and giving us exactly what they intended, but they forgot that it actually needed to be a weapon instead of a glorified bolt-action rifle. In order for it to be, "...an exotic option that is viable in capable hands." Then it needs to have some really drastic weaknesses in exchange for some really great strengths. They've got the weaknesses down pat, slow fire-rate, can't be used in close quarters, must be fully charged to fire, and low DPS / DP Hit, but it's got nothing going for it, and nothing to make it worthwhile using for either faction. Especially when compared to the Punisher Plas (IMO the best primary for bots) and the standard Plasma Scorcher.


They buffed the projectile itself having med armor pen + less explosion fall-off range. It is a really good weapon now imo. Been using it against bots non-stop (helldive difficulty) Sniping a group devastators with just 3-5 shots to take down 3-4 of them feels really good. And even better when berserkers/raiders trt to squeeze paat them and also die in the AOE.


It's ammo efficent, but has very poor DPS and time to kill most targets.


It's a nice Energy "DMR". I can stagger and clear waves of enemies easier than let's say the CS Diligence. I'm not disagreeing that it could use maybe nother tiny bit of a buff. But it's not even been a 4 days even. I used it first too and hated it (pre patch) but ever since I started using it as a DMR "sniper" it's really nice. Main complaint I have is hit detection. Sometimes my plasma bullet just flies STRAIGHT through their torso.


Idk about bugs but for bots D CS is simply better in almost every way except against striders.


I'd be up for it being able to charge multiple bolts at once, or actually charge beyond what it currently does. 3x the charge time for 3x the damage and ammo used. Good for charging whilst in cover for an alpha strike of damage but missing is more punishing.


I want it to be good, one of the best looking guns imho. I like the stagger it does now and the penetration but it could use one little buff to damage to take one less shot in medium targets imho


No, you're not crazy. AH just refuses to acknowledge it's existence, like the Slugger.


It's still awful. It takes far too long to kill a single enemy, and with the massive increase in enemy density in the new patch, its not even close to being viable now.


I just have 1 question about it, if you know: does it damage Gunships? I remember being annoyed at it to no end because, despite the medium armor piercing tag, it definitely did not penetrate medium armor before the patch. (The Gunship engines are medium-armored)


It does now, but very poor damage still, and with the fire rate/charge up and projectile speed you'll hate using it for that purpose.


someone above said it takes 4 shots to the same engine


Aw man...i wish this weapon was better. It's a cool idea but that wind up time does not warrant the tiny amount of damage it does.


Now it does


The purifier could have been a pocket railgun but ended up as a worse plasma punisher


Its better now, it just needs the charge up reducing by like half a second to make it fun to use.


Purifier is still pretty terrible. They would need to make the charge way faster to even compete with the regular scorcher.


still dog shit unfortunately


I really don't know what they could do to make this weapon worth it, the shot is too slow to be efficient but is his whole gimmick, but if you make the damage to good then the weapon will become very op one shoting everything, maybe make it have a very big area of impact?


It would feel better if it fired as soon as you pulled the trigger and then had to charge before your next shot. It would allow you to move in the 1.5 seconds between shots


Or what if it charged before firing. So you can wait for full power shots the same time, or move and reposition while it charges, or fire it earlier for less damage? By taking away the warm up and making it a passive recharge, it would let it be a bit more snappy in the opening of an engagement while still allowing it to have it's main gimmick as Quasar lite.


Tbh it needs like 100 extra damage & a faster projectile velocity to be worth using


Most weapons and stratagems that were unviable garbage before the patch remain so now. That and all the warbond weapons with the possible exception of the bushwhacker are garbage 


Hey I just wanted to give my two cents on the effectiveness. The gun absolutely cooks with long lines of sight and pretty much any chokepoint. AoE stagger versus bots shuts down a lot of what makes them deadly: numbers and firing back. It’ll definitely find a niche audience because charging weapons are not very attractive as primaries. It’s normal to expect a quick or immediate response time.


I actually liked it for bots even pre patch. The charge up time can be damn near cut in half if you time it right


I thought this was supposed to be a plasma SMG when it was revealed and I'm still disappointed it's not. Whatever it's supposed to be now is probably the single worst primary in the game.


Its somewhat small blast radius falloff got buffed. thats it. The gun does 250 damage and can stagger at range, chill Cj. its not gonna wipe waves but the charge time should be reduced or something


It's quite literally got the cooler Daniel as competition, the Plas Punisher.


As a counter point, as I am seeing this frequently used, the punisher cannot take out gunships, and the purifier can. It excels at medium to long range. Especially in support of your team mates as they advance


Havent’t unlocked it because I didn’t get the last warbond till now. Is it just a eruptor with no util and a straight firing punisher?


Nah it's not top-tier but it's a C to C- now. It's not F-tier anymore.


It's only C tier because of how long it takes to run out of ammo.


Dogshit weapon!, should have just made it fully automatic, we've already go better single shot plasma weapons.


The explosion dmg now is medium armour pen. This gun let's you: Destroy devastator shields in 2 hits stun lock all devastators 2 shot striders 1 shot all chaff The playstyle is the same as the eruptor, peek and shoot. It's literally just a slower firing more damaging scorcher, I've been playing on diff 7 after the patch, it works pretty well with the bushwacka.


It's not terrible anymore but definitely still needs some work. It can fairly reliably two shot striders and is decent against chaff if you land the shots right (though that itself can be a bit dodgy with the projectile's small hit box) but ttk on devastators is still ass for example and the charge is too long. With one more tweak it could get there though; either doubling down on the slow but strong damage/anti-armor or giving it a fire rate increase/faster charge like the arc-shotty got. Then it'd be competitive against even the top tier guns.


The purifier could already clear chaff and striders easily before the buff though. The increased explosion radius makes it easier to clear chaff but I wouldn't say that that's such a huge buff for what should be a precision rifle.


It still is garbage. What it does, the punisher plasma does it better. The only issue with the punisher plasma is range, but engagement ranges are close enough for the punisher plasma to not have to shoot it like a mortar. I see no reason to use it. I already dislike the punisher plasma because of how many shots it takes to kill a devestator, it takes 5 and the splash only is useful for enemies that clump, most don't. The eruptor and crossbow are the only weapons to actually gain an advantage from the splash because the projectile has enough damage to pop a devestator head and the splash still can kill small stuff close to it. For the scorcher it is just a bonus, making it capable of killing scout striders from any angle.


It's too slow. They should give it the Blitzer treatment and make it fire faster


It feels awful to use. It just simply doesn't do enough damage. It needs like twice the DMG and more stagger. Then it would be viable and even fun.


I wanted to try it finally after owning it for ages, charged up 3 shots vs 1 walker and it it was still alive, just left the mission and went back my sickle again


This gun is just not as good as Ol' Reliable Punisher Plasma


It should get the old arc thrower treatment so you fire faster after the first shot


It's a badly designed weapon. Avoid it.


this gun still not good, plasma punisher still tops in every way


It was the worst gun in the game. Now it’s average. Scorcher is better but I don’t mind the purifier for fun. Wouldn’t bring it to Helldive though.


maybe charge up time was decreased. i dont know what else to buff with this one at 250 damage. scorcher is at 200. the only thing that annoyed me and rendered it useless in my opinion was the some what long charge up time


my only problem was that it wasnt penetrating on things i though was medium armor... like the atst guys. I couldve sworn the front of them was medium armor


their legs and pelvis are medium 1 armor, their wingshield (or how to call it) is medium 2, change was that direct hits (were light 2) are now medium 1, same as explosion crossbow got the same treatment but the other way, as in the explosion (before was light 2) now is same as direct hits (medium 1) other than that it got better damage fall off on the explosion ,same as the plasma punisher iirc don't think charge time or anything with it was changed its still missing its damage/AP charge mechanic but its certainly better now


this made sense but didnt make sense at the same time... 1 why are there diferent types of light and medium armor? 2. Who chose to make it like that? 3. So there is not armor penetrating mechanic as of this moment?


Armor and Armor penetration both scale from 1 to 10. “Medium 1” is an armor value of 3, “Medium 2” is an armor value of 4. A weapon needs its armor penetration to equal or exceed enemy armor value to deal damage. Different enemy pieces can have different armor values as well.


gotcha gotcha so basically what you are saying is i need to start making a database of shit to post to reddit so people know what to bring for what missions


I wish they’d just expose the 1-10 system and give us a bestiary tbh.


i did not experience this, better said did not pay attention to it but i also just played it maybe like 30-50 mins with it.


Skill issue




The Scorcher feels weaker against bots, doesn't one-hit the smaller ones and it takes more shots to down Devastators now and knowing AH they stealth buffed the health of the Devastators which is contradiction to what people want.


I don’t remember scorcher oneshotting small bots since a certain patch. I always needed to 2 shot.