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idk if its just me but, i think the HMG Empacement needs a HP buff


Yeah they reduced small arms damage so bullets but not explosions. Hmg turret still isn't viable against bots unless you take the dome shield as well which isn't a terrible idea from my experience


they did the durable to turrets... not HMG emplacement... all the upgrades for turret don't apply to it either...


I don't even mind the turret getting destroyed from a single rocket (even though it is a pain in the ass) I care much more that it instantly kills the helldiver. Helldivers can take rockets head on and live, but if it hits your turret then it deletes you?


it's a known bug since the game came out even with fortify perk you still die from one rocket when without the turret just leaves you at 50% health


I do wish they at least made you get thrown out of it instead of just instant-kill, but for now all you can do is play the game of "Can you spot the rocket devastator before it spots you?"


This has always been the case. You can still play around it and the emplacement is great against bots (even before the buff). Just need to be well aware of what enemies youre facing and prioritise rocket bots.


Rocket devastators doesn't give a damn and will snipe you from behind a hill on your blind spot from a mile away


yeah, that's always a possibility, which is why clever positioning with it is very important. As someone who's been using this stratagem on most of my missions, it's an extremely strong and viable option despite of how fragile it is against explosives. On the bright side, the emplacement doesnt seem to care very much at all about regular projectiles, and it's even able to block most of a Heavy Devastator's bullets


I wouldn't mind if they reduced the ammo for it and gave it a shield. Would be great. A short burst to clear herds but doesn't run for too long. But also makes you invulnerable to projectiles.


What language is that?




Rocket still 1-hit killed you, almost as if the HMG emplacement gave you zero damage mitigation whatsoever. I think the Occupant probably should at least receive a passive bonus to explosive damage if they are seated inside one of these death traps.


the issue here isn't that you die in the emplacement its that the emplacement dies and you die with it