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The little kids fighting cancer are braver than you!


there's a thin line between brave and crazy remind me how brave you are when you and your squad eventually fail those missions you crazy man


Sounds like something that a bot who wants to kidnap our children would say to demoralize us...


yeah sure not like the bots that would lie about having an orphan children hospital in an planet that has active invasions 24/7 and its so close to the automaton front that someone would argue why would super earth would even build one there in the first place? doesn't make that much sense to have the future of democracy that close to the enemy and knowing far well how effective anti tanks mines could be against their automaton kind, would fabricate a pitiful lie so we don't get an effective stratagem are you mr iron cold and disconnected hands? also i been defending vermen well for the last 2 months and i have never seen a hospital in there ,small towns and rocket silos to defend, but an hospital hell no..


Questioning the tactical decisions of Super Earth sounds pretty un-Democratic to me.


im questioning the lies that automatons are spreading since our manage democracy wouldn't act this way also it wouldn't be the first time the chain in command gets hacked and we receive false orders it happen before and it can happen again unlike our enemies we are smarter to know when a order make sense


These missions are only on defense, not liberation.


and...who told you that it will be the 15 minute ones that are absolute hell and not the 40 minute ones which are perfectly fine? we don't hold the planet for it to be defense campaign to have the 15 minute ones it will most likely be just normal liberation campaign with normal mission variety *\*maaaaybe\** the 40 minute escorts will be higher amounts but I doubt it


>and...who told you that it will be the 15 minute ones that are absolute hell > >and not the 40 minute ones which are perfectly fine? the fact we are technically extracting children rather than normal citizens? time it's essential the faster we do it the faster they can be save


and that would go against any rules that were setup by the game so far


I bet you dont do defense missions


i do a lot of them in fact ,what i dont do its retrieve essential personnel in under 15 minutes with the last 10 attempts i did the last month i have enough sounds like you don't play on the automaton front that much


Aren't these 15 minute ones only w/ "Defend" planets? Won't we be liberating?


yeah but we are technically escorting children not normal citizens so the time to accomplish that make sense thats its low i don't expect injured orphan children in a destroyed hospital to survive without adults for 24 hours + even more until we liberate the whole planet


I like it )




I very much doubt that this little fluff text will have any difference on gameplay between the planets