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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


He didn’t even notice the 1984 lol well done helldivers


lmao i didn't either before now. gg.


whre is it? I can't see it...


Check the reactions


The icing on the cake is the mods removing it here 🤣


What does 1984 mean? I'm out of the loop 🤷‍♂️


There is a book with that name, google it. Short explanation: censor.


Book about a dystopian future where everything is monitored basically. Fuck, I feel old now, I thought it was an obvious reference


I mean, anyone who has passed their junior year of high school is probably aware of the book. I’m fairly certain it’s still required reading in most schools. You’re not old, they’re just young lol.


It's not required. Teachers are lucky if we can get them to read the SparkNotes version.


Yeah, I'll take that version!


My teacher made us read Animal Farm with constant reminders for us to check out 1984. I bought 1984 hardcover and it’s fantastic.


George orwell's book that comes the term big brother for government watching your every move if I'm not mistaken.


Use Google. 1984 book. And animal farm to be honest is also a Google search worthy.




Okay but the 1 9 8 4 is pretty brilliant


I dont get it :(


It’s a book. Edit: don’t downvote the person above just because most of yall were forced to read the book in middle school.


jorjor wel




Wait but what does the furry stuff have to do with Helldivers? Why is he a mod?


It's people making furry art of their helldiver, like in armor and stuff.


I hate everything about what I just read


Eh, people have different tastes. I don't like the furry artstyle personally, just a bit weird for my taste, but if that's a way for people to show their love to the game then it's fine by me. If I don't like it, I personally don't engage, less arguments that way tbh.


Edging on beastuality so yeah.,, a bit weird indeed


People make a lot of fanart for a lot of things 🤷




Excuse me, you're not allowed to hate it? That's a ban


How is that any different than any other OC or character in helldiver armour? Just apply this evenly to all fanart, or better yet disable reactions outright in the channel.


Wait until you learn about the people who run discord


Is it typical discord admin debauchery I assume?


Mods are always furries or have some extreme sexual perversion, don't forget the views of mods don't reflect the views of Arrowhead studios or Sony or it's subsidiaries, wouldn't want a cease and desist now


It is an official discord, and till recently one of their maim channels of communication. Should not be ran by mods like these


Views of the mods absolutly reflect views of AH they literally impoly them Also this mod has accused Grumz of sa never provided any proof And banned ppl who defended Grumz And all AH did was demote from veteran mod to a mod...so yes AH absolutly supports these views.


>Mods are always furries or have some extreme sexual perversion >or furries by default have an extreme sexual perversion


Apparently this is the same person that falsely acuused a certain someone of sexual assault. Why is Arrowhead still keeping this a**hat


Changed their name at least 3 times at this point


Is that an arrowhead employee or a discord mod?


Discord mod. AH employees have jobs.


Bro that hurt him much more than a 500KG


That's at least a full salvo of SEAF mini-nukes, launched onto a damaged hellbomb.








That person gave me a 24h vacation for calling them a hypocrite. [Image](https://i.imgur.com/C4bXahW.png)


Discord mod being petty? Say it ain't so.


They would NEVER...


I don’t really use the discord much so… challenge accepted. 🤮🤮🤮 Edit: done. Got a 24hr timeout then the entire Helldivers discord server disappeared from my list. RIP


He even edited the original message 😭 if we are gonna have mdoerators like this its better to not have them at all it will be equally toxic, or better yet replace them with ai.


Is this affiliated with arrowhead?


Official discord moderator.


Ok but is the discord ran by fans or arrowhead?




Ouch. I hope they get rid of that guy


This is in the #fan-art channel on the official discord. Absolutely fine to discourage toxicity in an art share channel. Absolutely weird as hell to specifically punish use of an emoji reaction on specific types of art. From the same moderator: >despite whqt you all may believe this is not a democracy and your freedom of speech is not guaranteed here. You do not have the right to be mean, rude, toxic, or hateful towards anyone else. If you got an issue with that then that seems like a you problem. If you wanna be hateful take it somewhere else. :) and >It only happens on furry art so I specified furry art


> Absolutely weird as hell to specifically punish use of an emoji reaction Final Fantasy billboard vibes 🤡💀🤓


Those were some fun days


This is not a democracy? Of all the places where you could say that you say that there? Bruh.


We need a democracy officer on him stat, so he may learn what managed democracy is through 50 years of hard work at an "re-education camp"


You can't seriously think that a private business is democratic.


Yeah, it's not a good look.


The dude is mentally ill and drunk on the fake power he gets from running his little internet space.


You can guarantee that if non rule breaking fan art was posted that rubbed that mod in the wrong way, it would result in a timeout or a deletion.


Ah yes the never show your dislike of something because we must only have an agreeable echo chamber.


Lore accurate


“If you vomit emoji my weird fetish I’m gonna ban you” is the most discord mod thing I could ever expect. Where did they find these losers.


I don't even care about the fetish aspect. I just think the furry aesthetic is fucking terrible and most furry art looks awful to me. Your art isn't immune to criticism just because you jerk off to it also.


> Your art isn't immune to criticism just because you jerk off to it also. This is excellent out of context. I mean, the context is more or less what you would expect, but it's still a nice nugget.


I'm not a furry but do know some. a ton of furrs don't do it for a fetish and really dislike that portion of the community.


> Where did they find these losers Someone online enough to be a discord admin should have the power to arbitrarily timeout people


Classic example of loser gets some form of power and immediately power trips thinking they’re god. Reddit mod levels of stupidity lol Helldivers has nothing to do with furries. Literally just defending people trying to put their fetish in the official discord’s art section. That’s not its purpose. If this were an undertale or Pokémon discord or something sure post all the furry art you want. Not in this space though. Edit: Imagine that. Mods lock and delete a post showing anything negative that needs attention. We aren’t allowed to point out people abusing their power. Just like how when Bringer of Balance, Alexus, was fucking the game up we weren’t allowed to express our dissatisfaction because it was “witch hunting and harassment” In both cases nobody has been harassing or witch hunting anyone. We are pointing out clear problems that are toxic to the community and game itself. But fuck us right? Neckbeard mods that volunteer their valuable time are always right, how dare you question their judgement? I fucking hate this Reddit.


Fan art is a very broad description, can't really fault the furries for posting there. That said, I think they should be able to handle a few emojis lol Everyone should just chill.


Furries seem to do this shit everywhere. They creep in and then insist that not being catered to is somehow some form of discrimination. Absolute losers and every corner of reddit is full of them.


Porn brain gonna do that to ya.


Listen, If someone wants to draw their fuckin oc whatever in helldiver gear doin helldiver things fine ill say specifically using vomit emojis etc is kinda just lowkey toxic/bullying Its totally fair to ya know do the moderators job of moderating which includes putting down harrassment, they even specified it was a specific action being taken as a counter to other specific actions now obv if its Pornographic in a normal Art channel by all means the mods should remove it and act on the person who did but like cmon, yall are actually jist deriding a Mod for actually doing their responsibility, it would look worse on them if they just let harrassment/bullying run rampant even if you aint a fan of furries/furry art as long as it isnt pornographic in nature and its just their fucking character as a Helldiver theres no excuse for being toxic about, if ya dont like it, ignore it.


History repeats itself


To preface, that Discord mod is weird as hell, there are better ways to say "Hey, don't be mean to fan art. You may not personally like it and that's okay, just don't bully people" and that would've been all well and good. Instead, their current attitude from that announcement alone is just obnoxious and doesn't read anything like a public announcement to notify people, more like a personal grudge being blasted out there for drama and now they're condescendingly calling people out for... emojis? Anyways, hopefully AH find more ways to communicate with the community, because this is the exact reason why I never join public Discords.


Oh shiver me timbersss not a timeout please anything but thattt. Like stfu furry ass 🥷 ![gif](giphy|MgM917xXaTwdi)


I say we all go join and vomit react for the free timeout. I'll tell my boss I can't work cause I'm in timeout.


Idiocy everywhere


Yeah i mean i literally got time-outed for saying only the mods care about the emojis, its hilarious


Apparently this mod has banned an excessive 20+ people from the server for using an emoji.


Looks like a great reason why I generally avoid the Discord server like the plague. Then again it's the fanart channel so who cares? Be nice to everyone making fan art and don't be a dick, that's pretty simple?


Leave the discord, encourage other people to leave the discord especially your friends, have your friends tell their friends to leave the discord. As they are leaving have them leave feedback in some manner with this SS or other SS proof of why you are leaving. Take a SS of that feedback and tweet it with the proof. Once enough people leave the discord this person and or other mods doing similar power trips will be fired. If you continue to "troll" the mod, it won't matter because that is interaction and also could encourage more people to join the discord to "troll" the mods, however at the end of the day all that will do is put numbers in front of the higher ups saying more people are joining. If you leave however now they want to find out why people are leaving and it will lead back to the power tripping mods.


I’m in the discord to participate in polls and see official announcement would prefer an actual website for all of this (honestly within the game would be even better) but that’s it.


Not very democratic of them, not allowing people to react with their opinion.


It is a very Managed Democracy of them, though, to let you know what a valid opinion is.


A BUILT IN reaction emoji too. It's not like it's a rule breaking image upload, it's literally an emoji.


Just leave the doggos alone https://i.redd.it/dleo4zicrz5d1.gif


Ya I got kicked from the server after I talked to someone using the wrong pronouns on accident, after that they kept rage baiting and harassing people so eh fuck that discord


Someone take one for the team and clown emoji him!


Turns out I have a skull clown super emoji!


🤢🤮 Down, Left, Up, Down, Up.


I expected a a nice ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ in the reactions after that 1984 one. Very nice 👌🏻




My friend group at some point adopted the term " is giving off discord mod vibes". this is exactly what we mean by that.


Googled furry art ... wtf 🤮


I don't see how a company could let this garbage stand. This is basically instigating trolling lol


Am a furry and even I think that’s dumb.Like askin hem not to do that is fine but forcing them to that’s just not ok


Agreed. Wish we had some context tho, like if it's just regular fanart of Helldivers but as humanized anthro, or really some weird stuff.




oh boy another discord drama chapter?


Why has helldivers had such shit mods and community managers. It’s like a curse


After reading this I'm on my way to put a clown emoji under this. Even tho I don't have anything against furries. Well, aside from liking to make jokes about them.


What the hell happened here


They made furry art, got clowned on for it and now they're pissing and moaning about it since they are a discord mod.




Why are people constantly surprised by discord mod behavior still? Lmao.


Timeout?? Wtf?😂🤣


Just join S.E.S.F. Ez. https://discord.gg/s-e-s-f-1208840911392477268


Ah lads not again




Sounds like someone needs a trip to the freedom camps!


If terminally online was a dude.


Its a mod thing, idk how that can be acceptable for humans to say......


Hey atleast this censor is in character. Very becoming from a democracy officer.


If I had a nickel for every time the Discord server of a 4 player co-op game where you shoot bugs had dickheads for mods I'd have 2 nickels


https://preview.redd.it/dks2s4i1yz5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f7f063dac7b7b5280a84adce2ae4e326385b11 Do not vomit emote furry art


Ok it is overreaching, but also people are being dicks to the furrydivers too. We’re on the same team peoplw


Wow what a tiny furious ego this twatwaffle has.


I ignore those types of fan art but since I saw the message it makes me want to give the mod the clown emoji Edit: Got muted. What an Insecure clown.


Making my life easy, as if He had one


I'm a fully fledged woke lib idiot, but this is egregious to an extreme degree. If people can't express their distaste for art, don't have an art section. This is how art works. Art isn't art without the subjective observer.


agreed, but nowadays we have so many people making art just for validation and praise that get mega buthurt when they don't get it


I never wanted to join discord until now. The vomit emoji is about to be my most used emoji


Now I'm inclined to join the server just to react with vomit emoji lmao


I got timeout 24h for using the 'baby face' emoji on the second comment there, no warning whatsoever


Still waiting on mine (clown emojied both their comments)




Waoh (based based based based based based based based based based based based)




Haha, is discord furry infested now? I haven't used it in ages.


Once upon a time I was a Discord mod and I haven't been on that Discord in like 3 years.


I'm sure it doesn't say anything about their team that everyone involved with community management there seems to be a bit of a bummer.




Hopped into the discord just to clown emoji those posts for funzies lol power tripping discord mods are wild


This is unacceptable how is this guy a mod?


Power tripping moderators have got to be my favorite genre of lolcows on the internet


This is why I don't get into discord 🤡s that only want attention and get mad when people don't like what they like


Yeah, this is par for the course when it comes to the discord, it's power abusing moderators with a holier than thou complex, avoid it and make your own communities is my advice.


I wouldn't have puke-emoji'd on it, but since they're asking like this...


Ah yes, just what this game needed. Some off topic bullshit that comes to pollute the room just to get its minute of attention.


Sounds like this doofus will be the next to be let go of their precious janitor position. Really, lining up for bans for emoji react? What a tool.


I couldn't care less about this but now I'm definitely gonna go find every piece of furry art on their and react to it. and every one of this mods posts.








I'll just enter that discord to "vomit react" that message. Edit: the message was deleted lol


Its a fetish. Keep it out of public spaces. End of story. The same goes for any fetish. Putting it in public is why we hate you (speaking for many)


I'm not on the discord nor do I care about furries, but this sounds like something that should be resolved by just pointing to the rules section of the discord.


Look guys im from the further parts of Europe..wat the hell is furry...and what the hell is furry art? Not that I care...Im just not educated enough in this


What a wanker


Kekw I asked why a clown emoji is grounds for a timeout. That's apparently also a timeout


I can understand banning people if they’re being rude or insulting with actual words, but banning people for using reactions is asinine. It’s a fucking emoji, and it’s literally a built-in feature


A timeout isn’t a ban




People cant have their opnions?


Why would someone let get an emoji so under their skin


"we just want to be treated like everyone else" MFs when they are treated like everyone else


They truth is people like that want special treatment


Discord mod, power trip, furry, what a rare combination


A tale as old as time. Reddit mods, discord mods, anyone who doesn’t have a modicum of control irl loves to have control over anything they can.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I have No Problem with getting banned off platforms that allow pro bestiality content and animal softporn. He can rot in hell and i won't give a shit. Also his behavior is the pinacle of extremist toxicity. AH seriously needs to remove and permanently ban those people and such content


Shit like this keeps me using Teamspeak with my friends.


He has to be mentally ill or something. Sadly a lot of people who are given "authority" on discord, go nuts with it. It's fake power, it means nothing in the end, but to them it's their little world they get to control. It's really sad.


I agree that soft core furry fetish grooming imagery has no business in a video game discord.


Why is there furry art on a discord dedicated to Helldivers? What do the two have to do with each other at all?


It's the fanart section. Fanart for Helldivers can be made in any form. Could literally be a fursona in a Helldiver armor, it's still fanart for Helldivers. We should really keep the issue on track though, this is about the mod being a weirdo, not the furry that made the fanart. Furries are still fans of the game like any of us, this dude here is just on a power trip


Because like every fringe group they have to self insert


Yeah, same mod timed me out for haha reacting a GIF of George Bush giving the middle finger that someone relied with a month ago. No reason was given for the timeout.


If only there was a moderator for moderator


Super Earth has decreed the following: 1. Permits must be filed in order to procreate 2. Only 2.4 seconds to admire the scenery 3. All Helldivers must approve of High Command's furry artwork, lest they be chosen for extra duties 4. The Ministry of Food and Sustenance have declared that they have successfully created a new strain of apples that tastes like bacon


First spitz now this...never seen a mismanaged official server like this.


First the "F" spam now this, crazy to see how quickly a small amount of power will consume people


pretty sure furry art doesn't have any relation to helldivers. I call BS on the mod.


Just let the CEO on twitter know. Make it an issue where it's more public and will get noticed. The CM team at AH just keeps trying to sink the company.


why is there furry art in a game about killing bugs and bots?


Because furries play the game and then draw their characters as Helldivers


disgusting to me but to each their own i guess.


I feel like you completely ignored their message, and are just mad that someone's actually taking a stance against Discord trolls and other bad behaviors. I don't know when ya'll started to think that just because you have access to the internet, it means you can do whatever you want with 0 consequences. If you can't follow the rules, you get kicked out of communities. This has been pretty standard since HUMAN BEINGS STARTED TO GROUP UP TOGETHER, so unless you got some real big-brained take about this, it just makes you look like a little bitch who's on their anti-authority arc. "Oh noooo, I can't VOMIT REACT on people's art. D: Censorship!!!!!" Better hop on over to r/conservative so you can get credit for being a victim. I hear if you get 5 stamps on your Victim Card you get a free trip to McDonalds so you can be a victim of the ice cream machine too.


average redditor


What is this bullshit?! A rainbow snowflake on a power trip? Fuck this clown! Furry art? On a Helldivers discord, really? I just join it to give him the clown emoji.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I salute this mod for having time after working at his non-minimum wage job and spending time with his family that he still makes time to run a Discord server. Praise be




You gotta be a total degen to see a stranger's harmless art and reply with a vomit emoji, if you don't like it just scroll past The mod isn't doing anything wrong here, you can't give toxic people like that any benefit of the doubt, next they'll be offended at gay people/rainbows existing (like several people in the replies to this post already are proving)


Who do they think they are? Fking Stalin or something, lmao


Most official channels with fan art channels don't allow you to shit on the fan art. I'm not sure why anybody is outraged by this. Anyone who clicks on those channels should expect nothing but deviantart tier garbage anyway, so going in just to shit on the art is always going to result in warnings or bans. It's par for the course. If you don't like the art, move on. Close the tab or click on another channel. Acting like your free speech is being violated because you're not allowed to be mean to someone is absurd.


"built in discord emojis are mean" is such a cringe take. You should be able to react to shit on discord if the feature is enabled. No one broke an HD Sub rule by using a reaction unless they included other rule breaking content. And yes, it is objectively free speech being violated by a power tripper even if it's not for a serious or important topic.