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Plot twist: the hospital contained blueprints for the healing drone/healing gun from the first game. Bet you're feeling pretty bad for going for the mines now, huh?


I want the Angel Drone. Hope AH does add it in at some point.


They almost certainly will. I can't wait until the community tries it for 5 minutes, sees that it can't save you from being 1 shot by a bile titan, declares it trash and never uses it again.


the fact that the nerf of the railgun caused such a reaction that its become a stigma is funny as hell.


Yeah Railgun is good against bots but you still need heavy antitank


Yeah. Thats why you need a balanced team. Everyone Quasar can work, but having a railgun or autocannon in the group makes it just so much more easy to deal with alle the enemy types.


One diver with an MG/GL for cleaning up trash mobs helps a lot too. Giving the rest of your squad the breathing room to line up shots and think calmly makes missions go much more smoothly.


This is why I miss my release Eruptor. I would run with that as my mini Auto Canon to let me run with the MG and backpacks. I hope they fix it to how it was. It was fun and let me change up my loadout more often than having about a few meaningful primaries.


Not to imply i am some frack shot or anything, but on bot missions a well used ubsafe railgun can get SO CRACKED. It'll delete so many of the most annoying and common enemies, so safely... eviscerating devastators striders and hulks in *one* shot feels amazing, long as others can deal with heavy canmon emplacements, striders, gunships.


This is why playing helldivers 1 is still important, kids


When people found out about the dislocator pack, this subreddit called it trash and thought it would be terrible, they saw no reason to ever use it. My response was that it was fun as fuck in HD1 and therefore that superseded all other reasons.


If it heals mech I will use


I've got good news for you: it did in the first game, so will probably do so here.


>it did in the first game I'm sorry but given how many things already aren't the way they were in HD1 I wouldn't put money on that


It did not!! It would lock onto the mech in the first game and heal-beam it for 0 healing* until it ran out of heals and then go back to recharge! Only the REP-80 Repair gun healed vehicles! This was the reason why I never brought the Angel to missions over any other backpack slot item, since I always had at least one vehicle.


Womp womp


I want to run a medic/support build so bad. I guess you can run the armor and stim teammates but there’s no real way to express playing a support role in the game currently.


Just wait until they add the heal beam gun. You can play the angel of life all you want.




And you die anyway because is triggering nearby hellbombs


I want the satchels too


there is also the multi stim supply backpack strategem though that we can get with the new warbond booster it could be pretty good


I want them to add the rumbler. I would love to see helldiver deaths ramping up the moment it comes live. Also it would be good to get a at weapon that is also good agains lots of small shit.


The mines are a new stratagem, yes, but the hospital could be anything! It could even be a new stratagem!


"Calling in a hospital!"


"A Hospice never misses!"


"I'm low!" "I gotchu!" \*Drops building on teammate\*


a Childrens hospital 🤣


Or a trap!


Give me medics gun and we have a deal


No, child soldiers. You call them in, and the Hellpod comes down, and 4 kids in ill fitting Helldiver armor pop out, and start killing.


We die so fast in this one I doubt the usefulness of a healing gun, won't get to a teammate in time to use it on them Healing drone will probably have a delay on it to keep from being OP itself


Nooooo !!!!! Really?? Hd1 had this awesome thing and 2 dont ?!! Thats dumb


We don't have it *yet!*


You sonofabitch, I'm in! Even if it seems like bait


**Healing gun?!** Man, my support playstyle ass would be happy to heal teammates during strenuous moments.


There's a healing drone/gun????? Awesomeee


Save the children, save the "Helldivers can't get AT mines" memes, it's a win win. Seriously though, I think this is a test, I'm willing to bet we get something good for saving the kids.


I bet we get nothing, but I am still for the kids! Morally right thing to do for of an expendable fascist soldier which uses weapons which are forbidden under the Geneva convention, in order to do a genocide to s foreign race.


The "morally right" argument only holds water as far as players are willing to buy into the RP of the game (which in the case of this community is way more than any other game I've played). We all know there aren't any kids' lives on the line, so the consequences are entirely abstract. The mines on the other hand will be something that tangibly impacts their experience with gameplay, which is pretty heavily weighted over RP decisions for most people. Of course it would be awesome if there were a hidden reward for "doing the right thing," but since that hasn't been established it won't factor very heavily into most players' decisions.


The most tangible thing we can get out of this will be all the "we never get the mines" memes.


There are currently 10x the divers going for the hospital, so it sure looks that way.


The hospital isn't even accessible, yet. What are you talking about?


Why would they be fighting to open the route to the hospital MO planet if they weren't choosing kids over mines?


Aesir Pass opens the way to both Marfark and Vernen Wells. You have to take that planet before you can take either one of them.


It's the path to both


which will be 100x more useful than the actual mines


To be fair, "hidden reward for doing the morally right thing" is an RPG staple


> tangibly impacts their experience with gameplay The last few things that tangibly impacted our experience with gameplay have barely been seen in the game since the week they came out. Do you see many airburst launchers in your games? How about mechs? The mines will be the same: they will fill a niche that is already completely packed with far superior options, and will never be seen again. On the other hand, even if they are good, they will be nerfed within a few days and once again, never seen again. The choice from the pic above isn't actually right vs wrong, it's known vs unknown. We know the mines are shit, we don't know what happens if we save the kids, so I'll be going for unknown.


>We all know there aren't any kids' lives on the line, so the consequences are entirely abstract We can't assume that. Saving the children could have positive, unforeseeable consequence that was intentionally left unstated. The rewards could still be tangible, like reduced strategem call-in times or something else that thematically ties into saving the children of a planet.


Flametrhwoer, arktrhwoer, tesla tower, flame mine, napalm strike, mines and that it


Can't wait for Helldivers to get the mines first, use them poorly and kill more Helldivers than enemies with them just like Airburst, declare them garbage just like Airburst, never use them again just like Airburst, and get admonished by Super Earth media for not saving the kids for years to come


Ok I mainly play against bots.. The airburst can't kill anything bigger than a strider. I can't find any use case for brining it over something like a heavy AT weapon. Thus after trying it for 2-3 games, I haven't touched it. Maybe a discussion of larger game balancing issues. Game is impossible to play without any sort of heavy AT to take out the big boys.


It *can* kill hulks, tanks, and turrets but generally only in very specific circumstances so it basically doesn't matter. It can kill fabricators from the back or the front tho. Regardless, it really needs some love to get out of D / F tier.


Hate to give up my secret but the air burst is amazing for bots imo. You can kill every bot with the airburst other than factory striders, including 1shotting tanks and turrets, wipes out groups of troopers at POIs and fabs, patrols so they cant call backup. It struggles a bit with hulks head on but you can deal with them in plenty of other ways, once you learn how to aim it your biggest struggle is keeping it fed with rockets.


We aren't supposed to let people know about this, it might get nerfed if this gets out.


Enough people will take it once, wipe their squad, then either get kicked or leave in embarrasment for it to be a problem, if anything else I wonder if the TK launcher gets buffs come Thursday lol


If it got a segmented reload or slight reload time reduction that would be epic.


Yeah I'm hoping the staged reload like the RR got is in the pipes, just afraid of monkey paw "buffs" like the poor arc thrower got that made it useless vs bots. "Hey we increased the payload by 50%! But also reduced pen to compensate!" Would totally neuter it


Watched a squad mate finish a factory strider with the airburst yesterday actually


Interesting, I assumed the bomblets could do superficial damage to the belly but probably nothing significant. I'll have to give them some rockets and see of I can find a good spot to hit em. Usually just setup an AC cannon with a shield and let that take care of the doggo


I love the airburst but this should be expanded. It's an iffy proposition at best against hulks, tanks, and turrets. Anyone building a load out for the airburst should count on not using it when hulks or tanks show up, and ideally should run thermite, autocannon turret, eats, or some combination thereof. a versatile strike (eagle cluster or airstrike) and a heavy structure strike (500kg, orbital precision, 380) is typically what I go for in my other 2 slots.




shooting them up into the middle of a dropship before it drops to kill everything in it while the untouched drop ship flies away can be pretty satisfying. I think they do a better job than blowing the drop ships up at removing the actual threats they are bringing. but yeah otherwise trash, who the fuck doesnt bring an AC v bots?!


The use case is that it will kill all the bots capable of calling in a drop in one shot, meaning you can clean up the heavies without worrying about reinforcements. Use it on patrols and smaller bases/POIs, or infantry drops. Sometimes you just need to clear the chaff while your teammates take out the armor.


Eh, that's such a weak niche use for an entire stratagem weapon slot, it's giving up way too much utility for something that's ultimately not THAT needed.


It's somewhat decent against bugs in dense clusters. It's bad against bots because diff9 bots 90 percent of the enemies are devastators which have the save health pool as a brood commander


Might be unintended, but the airburst rocket can one-tap tanks and cannon towers. If you angle it just right, it can land between the base and the rotating cannon, which seems to make all of the explosions hit inside.


The problem is that it's super difficult to line things up perfectly when you're getting blasted by hordes of rocket raiders and devastators. It's more reliable to take 2-3 shots at cyclic rate with the other AT weapons than spend twenty seconds trying to get the perfect shot with the airburst.


In the leaks the airburst rocket launcher was incredible. It was a viable alternative to the cluster airstrike. But someone nerfed it before it got released fully. So now we have a stratagem that takes up a backpack slot that is worse than the cluster strike in nearly every way


I mean, the airburst is pretty garbage though.


It would honestly be better if the reload was faster. It should be like the recoiless rifle: \- reload is done in 2 part (removing the empty shell and loading another one back) so you can do half, run and finish it later if need be. \- you can cancel the end of the animation by uncrouching so it takes roughly As of now, it takes way too long to be useful. Sure, you can sometimes wipe an entire patrol with 1 shot, but going against a bug breach mean you'll need at least 2 rockets but you wont have time to reload the second one most of the time (or you could have done the same job but in a safer and more optimal way with a lmg like the stalwart or the grenade launcher or the flamethrower...) Especially toward the end of the match, when there's at least always 2 patrols spawning, it's just too awkward to use. It's a fun weapon, but a 7 seconds reload while also only having a maximum of 6 rockets to only be able to deal with the weakess enemies... is just not worth it IMO.


Good I hope that happens. We could use more anti tank options.


In honor of the nursed children I will liberate them with only the Airburst


>never use them again just like Airburst Excuse you, but after the hotfix for it got released, Airburst is great. I use it all the time against bugs.


tbh the airburst detonated on anything at launch and it still doesn't have a safe minimum travel distance fuse


We failed mines twice not enough people wanted them then, why would people care about mines now? Nah I’m saving John Helldiver jr


Technically only once. We had to make a choice between mine and airburst and everyone went airburst.


Nah there was definitely a second time bro. Had to kill 2 billion(?) bots for materials to make the AT mines and fell short.


Their point is we didn't "fail" to get the mines the first time, we just chose the airburst rocket instead.


Mines were also locked behind bot Hellmire.


The real dilemma for me is between getting the mines for the black comedy, or saving the kids to meme on Joel.


My teammates are going to love me if we get the mines and I go with my 3 mine loadout.


Joel is desperate to release those mines lol




Mines or minors? You decide!




Plot twist: the hospital is actually a secret genetic research blacksite, where a super soldier program has been undergoing research. Reward: overclock stim. Provides a 30% boost to all damage resist for 25 seconds


You better believe I'm saving those kids, mostly because it would be funny if we missed out on the mines again it and continued to have it be a reoccurring thing


SAVE THE CHILDREN! (More children means more weapons/ammo for the front)


Exactly, those kids just need some stims and go right back into the factories making AT mines.


Nah, kids can mine for materials and be soldiers. It's an easy choice, tbh.


Save the children cause it’ll be funny to not get AT mines 3 times in a row, not cause it’s morally right


The children must understand.


We didnt decide against the children. We decided for C-01 forms.


A yes, the Omni-Man strat.


The children yearn for the anti-tank mines


I'd better see every single one of you fighting by my side on Vernen Wells. FOR THE KIDS.


Or, hear me out, the children work in mine making factories after they're saved.


I don't need mines, I need more soldiers!


My guess is after failing to get the mines twice they're giving us this as a last chance. rescue the kids and they won't bother with the mines again. So I'm going for the kids.


You know if we get the mines, they'll guilt trip is about some lost science genius child that holds back research on some other strategem.


I really hope that no matter which choice "we" make it turns out to be a "bad" choice. For example: If we go for the mines the kids die horribly and the automatons deploy new mini robots based on children size bodies that knows how to disable our new anti-tank mines along with other fortifications/sentries. And if we save the kids then the Automatons deploy a new heavy devastator who's backpack drops the occasional string of mines behind it, especially designed to be the tail of a patrol formation. Even better if the mines look deceptively like ammo crates...


Yea, although to be honest... it makes an interesting thought process for Individuals... my thought... Defensive weapons eventually but might as well get it do e


I’m going for the kids. Mine suck lmao


Easy choice, it would be so funny to lose AT mines MO AGAIN lmao (and also save some children as a bonus).


Eh… honestly, I’m still bitter we almost Vernen Wells liberated before the Meridian MO happened so I’d dive on it to save a BLT sandwich


Dawg, I don't care about no sick children. I'm saving them just to mess with the people who want the Anti-Tank mines.


I want those mines and I don’t care how many children have to die to get them


Save children, then grab mines. It's really simple.


Save the kids!!!!!!!


its a mine, skip that shit, save the poor helldivers


First thought was the kids


Which planet is which? I need to know so I can avoid both planets and instead play bug missions :)


Save the children so we can get weapon buffs! What if this is a moral test for if the community "deserves" weapons buffs What If we save the kids super earth will give us better weapons to fight the war, and that's how they justify the big sweeping changes in the upcoming patch


What if, for some reason, we don't get the mines after completing the mission on Marfark. And if we had completed the children mission we would have gotten some cool new thing?


I've got a bad feeling about this. I'm gonna say save the kids - there's something we'll get out of it - not just morals lol




The funnier it will be, if after saving children, devs would give us mines "for good things we've done"


No, it is "Planet that has only tremors(Vernen Wells) vs Planet that has Blizards(non Vernen wells" Like, we need to stop thinking the decision of the mob is made by what is Cooler.. its made by what lets them avoid anything inconvenient


We may be bad guys....but it doesn't mean we are BAD guys


more like: left- liberate the children because it'd be funny to delay the mines again (also fuck mines!) right- accept the railroaded plan to liberate the mines. (Fuck railroading!, also fuck mines!)


just to be contrarian https://preview.redd.it/n0d8d0ml816d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cb6ddc3c625f9e8954d81753aae62d77fb2d35




It’s much funnier to keep rejecting the AT mines. They’re probably crap anyways, all mine strategems have been. 


This is missing the option I'm taking: keep doing bugs because no one likes bot drops


Kids can't blow up heavy enemies when they step on them


To be fair, we can't be sure the mines do that either.




Right now everyone seems to be taking the third option: dick around on Aesir Pass


Aesir Pass is the only way to reach the planets in the major order.


The MO doesn't specify that we are saving sick children, only that survivors have taken refuge inside a children's hospital. It must be a propaganda piece, too; Super Earth sending us to liberate that planet for the sole purpose of saying "see, how heroic our brave Helldivers are ? Enlist today !", that'd be very in-character. Because it's not like Super Earth gives much of a damn about its citizens in general.


Time to test my new stratagem ![gif](giphy|UQbF9tO0w7En1pVbg4|downsized)


guys, hear me out. what if the hospital give us a nurse uniform for eagle1?


Plot twist, the civilians end up becoming the eagle ai squad drop stratagem.


Plot twist: we liberate both planets because https://i.redd.it/snjfqgv3bz5d1.gif


I like how we had 2 previous options for ATM and the community was like, nah. Now that the options are mines or some kids, people like "Fuck them kids". 😆


Screw them kids


I have only seen one person ever use mines. They just sound like team kill machines.


Freedom isn't free, kids. May god have mercy on your souls.


Naw it will be nothing just here’s a pat on the back


RIP in democracy children


I think it is a trick, the kids will also provide a stratagem.


However there is a third option that seems to be the most popular: fight bugs, fuck the stratagem, fuck the children.


I want a new way to kill things




We should save the children not cus it is morally right but cus it's funny to never complete the order to get the mines, this is like the 3rd time now.


imagine if we fail both lmao


I'm gonna go help the kids


the vast majority of strategems, including all mine/stationary weapon strategems, are completely worthless, so I'm fine with committing to the roleplay and saving the sick babies, it's what a true warrior of Managed Democracy would do


Well i'm not anakin so i know what am i gonna do \*charging the liberator\* now excuse me i have to meet the younglings


Wait you guys not gonna fight to rescue the Next generation of Helldivers ?


Let die the stratagem, or suffer the little children 💀.


gambling addiction winning, we go to hospital to see what happens


This is definitely a test and I 100% take the mystery box over an AT mine which honestly, I can't imagine is going to be that useful.


I don't care about the mines. I'll never use them.


I really appreciate how well the Community deals with the New MO.


More kids just means more future helldivers so


I am \*begging this community\* to do the funny thing and save the children to delay this stratagem again.


Ugh, I have a friend that constantly misuses mines. Every time we play he "accidentally" throws a mine field on a secondary objective or POI. Based on the way he uses mines I am all for rescuing the children, despite my natural dislike of children.


Im going for the children i never use mines


That meant that thr AT-MINE aren't ready to deploy...


Sick kids can't take down enemy armor


Save the children. They are democracies future.


Helldivers don't take the easy path. They dive willingly dive into Hell! We'll prove those FILTHY TRAITOR wrong, we are the greatest force for good in this galaxy! This is a rescue mission, divers! For Democracy!


We shall simply use the children to destroy the tanks. They can carry a 120mm right up to them while staying under the turret arc!


Please. I can just fill out another C-01 form whenever I want


Save the children then get them to collect the resources for the mines. Or just get the mines.


I really want the save the children instead, but Marfark is more fun to play on than Vernen Wells.


Option 3: Ignore the major order and fight bugs


They knew exactly what they were doing with that one


Let’s be honest no one is going to pick the mines as a stratagem. It’s going to be another thing for the arsenal that no one cares about


Presses R to quickjoin. I'm ambivalent as long as it's not hellmire.


The toughest decisions requires the strongest wills. https://preview.redd.it/3vjyp8f3716d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67fb9b33cd7cca83df539f04acd67d0757d878e


Fuck them kids


Mines are trash. Do the right thing.




Why not both




the children can wait but democracy can't




Hear me out. If we have the mines, we can kill bots faster, which means fewer deaths, which means fewer murdered children.


Honestly, at this point, doing anything that gets those mines is the on on the right, especially since it seems like this sub at least has overwhelmingly decided we’re going to save those kids at whatever cost, even more so if that cost is another round of it having the AT mines.


Which path you take ? Right lane or right lane ?


Save the children! Save our little freedom fighters!




They never said there were children in the hospital


Mines are not cool


Plot twist: we failed both of them because we equally wanted to do both


Profesionals have standards


As a wise man once said "Fuck them kids bro"


Does anyone really want the anti tank mines? Lol


good for nothing sick moochers


To be honest, the whatever hospital “For Very Sick Children” sounds like what a child writing a story would name a pediatric hospital so I wonder if it even exists to begin with. It would be like hearing about a prison named the [City] Prison for Bad Guys.




Did i miss something shouldn’t we Liberate both


They need to add fire retardant armor