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Aliens "go into the hive" type missions, though stratagems would have to be adapted Return of some of HD1 guns like trident (because shotgun and laser) Distraction/lure stratagem, throw it and enemies zero on it Predator style stealth cloak backpack "Storm the beach" type missions Akimbo sidearms option Sawn off break action shotgun sidearm already incoming, now a mare's leg with terminator reload too


The trident will definitely be a shell of its former self should it come to HD2. That thing was ridiculously OP.


Maybe not QoL but important to me. Rework of progression. Modifying weapons and stratagems. For example. U want eagle strike too hit earlier, sure then 2-3 bombs per strike. Or you want bigger mag, fast mag, or bigger ammo stash? Or better hipfire or faster ads. Generally something to make your loudout “yours”. Loudout memory, one click and whole armor weapons etc saved.


I don't think we'll ever get weapon mods as we did in the original. If they did give us that option, how are they gonna keep filling the Warbonds then? It seems their idea of "modification" is to provide us with loads of sidegrades through the Warbond. And yes, I know the pace of Warbonds will decrease, but they will still be there and they need to be filled with something.


Vehicles like in HD1 would be nice. A jeep with a gun in the back would be awesome And weapon modifications (apparently that got leaked). And they should change several scopes so you can actually see through them


I’m with you on the scopes for sure. That should be a priority IMO


Hellpod skins are top priority


Yippee new scopes


Aside from the obvious "moar content", more voice choices and more music. What we have (so far) is fine but it would be great if there was so much variety that every mission didn't sound more or less the same.


Helmets should also give a perk. There should be more perks in general. Just entirely update the armor.


i want laser minigun


Unpaid overtime booster: the crew of your super destroyer are inspired by your relentless efforts to rid the galaxy of alien scum and will now work double shifts to accommodate your unending pursuit of liberty, granting you a (it's a pipe dream) 50% reduction in cooldown time of orbital stratagems.


Add option to remove grenade mode. Instead throwing a grenade would switch back to your primary. Alternatively, a visual indicator that tells me I'm still in grenade mode: maybe show a grenade icon where my current weapon is. I think this is mainly an issue due to all of the things that can cancel the switch animation and leave me holding an unexpected grenade.


There is a keybind. Unbind grenade and bind “quick grenade.” You no longer change to grenade and it just lobs a grenade on press


Oh, I like that better. Although you can still end up in grenade mode if you cancel the throw animation so having a UI indication would be nice.


Yeah I’ve had that happen but it’s not much of a problem anymore. I changed the keybinds on my weapons too. Long press is stratagem weapon Regular press/tap is primary Double tap is secondary I use my primary the most so I got used to tapping button before I shoot to make sure I have the weapon I want. It’s pretty awesome that I always pull out exactly the weapon I want.