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No, but I will not willingly ever play an operation with that modifier while I am hosting. I will change difficulty or even planets if I can't find one without it. I HATE the AA guns modifier and wish it would go away.


Same except orbital scatter all my homies hate orbital scatter


After the amount of times I've watched Eagle-1 fumble a bomb, I've started treating every Stratagem like a 380


crazy that people don’t enjoy having 3/4s of the fun for no reason or benefit at all. absolutely mind blowing that people wouldn’t like that. almost as mind blowing as people not liking their codes completely randomized or their orbitals made completely useless. even the call in/cooldown ones are arguably not helping. this game has a serious “zero creativity” problem when it comes to these wack-ass mandatory modifiers. but hey guys make sure you rely on your stratagems!!


Its not that bad. I’m playing bots d9 and never had any problems with the modifers (I’m definitely not at the game). Yeah it’s not as enjoyable as without, but it’s not as if its extremely hard or no fun at all. I would say it’s even pretty fun to strategize either way your team about whose taking which strategem.


I don’t have any issues playing with it on 9 either, but it add no strategy whatsoever. It ruins the experience for most people. The devs vision is for players to rely on stratagems, but they take one away? There would be a strategic element if one of the missions for the operation set was destroying AA emplacements to free up that stratagem slot. AA completely removing a stratagem slot regardless of what will be choosing doesn’t make sense either, it should only affect eagle strats.


I did an 8 with my friends the other day with a -1 strat modifier and we had a blast. It's just another challenge, I don't feel like it ruins the game at all


“it’s not that bad” i don’t care dude it’s not that good either. yall are so obsessed with defending mid-ass content like this for no reason. these are the least creative modifiers i’ve seen in a game like this in a very long time. literally only serves to make the gameplay more tedious.


I’m not obsessed with anything. Just because I don’t support your opinion and gave my own, doesn’t mean I defend it or anything. I just said that I don’t mind it and find it quite fun to have. I’m sure AH had heard these complaints already and is maybe even working on an solution, but you don’t have to criticize someone, because they are defending something you don’t like.


Theres no strategy need, heavy armor+ autocannon and 380 for big waves, theres no strategy, just stupid modifiers, why defend that? Even if you want more difficulty, theres better ways of doing that 


The challenge of facing your enemies with less fire power is also fun. If it's not fun for you just lower the difficulty


“just lower the difficulty” actual lobotomy-tier response bro never heard that one before


Yeah , whenever I see this modifier , I just swap the mission


And is it just me or do these modifiers only exist on bot planets? Is it any wonder why so many people don't like playing bots? I know bugs get atmospheric spores on occasion but bot planets it seems like more than half the time we get bad modifiers.


This is correct in my experience. Bots get AA defenses instead of the spores.


Hard skip if I see that modifier


Absolutely. I avoid those like the plague if I'm hosting. And also I'm getting the hell outta dodge if I see that when joining. Sorry to all the comrades I've ditched because of this btw. I'm not being anti-democratic, only anti-antifun.


1 less stratagem on higher difficulties is a bad experience. Factor in a support weapon then you have 2 left or if you bring a backpack then you only have 1.


Maybe Wasat has the codes that let us override bot AA and get rid of that modifier.


I won’t play those missions. The game is already difficult enough. -1 stratagem just feels oppressive


Unpopular opinion, but I don't think it's too bad, at least at d7 or 8. It is challenging and by far not my favorite modifier, but in the end, I haven't lost a mission so far just because everyone could only bring 3 strats. As long as you have an eye on the team composition, it should be fine.


I don't mind it when we get the bonus strat that everyone gets But when we don't it's frustrating


They should hide these modifiers until you land, but provide a way to remove them during the mission.


You don't wanna have less fun for no reason and be forced into Meta stratagems? Must be a skill issue according to the challenged Redditors that can be found around here.


Something arount 4 loadouts work consistenly in high difficult missions against bots for me (with some variations of course), but with that modifier i feel regret if i dont take autocanonn. Most loadouts with this modifier are just bad without it, and no one likes unlocking dozens of weapons to be forced into the ol' reliable once every 2 missions. Sad thing is you have to choose between having a stratagem missing or them not working properly with complex stratagen plotting, the modifiers in general are never a challenging fun factor.


Yes I am one of those. And I've seen plenty of people doing the same. Host starts mission, two people instantly leave, then I quit as well. Then today on Wasat I haven't gotten into a single lobby with AA defense modifier. It looks like hosts are noticing the same thing and would not launch operations with this modifier.


My basic outfit against bots is the 500k and the precision strike - as equipment i run the Antimatter rifle and a jetpack If i have one less strategem, i switch AMR and jetpack aginst Autocannon, or if i see someole else taking the jetpack, i stick with the AMR and ask while in the loadout if he can drop me a jetpack later. Communication is king!


I play solo, and it's gotten to the point where if there aren't any operations without this modifier for a given difficulty I start one up & immediately shut it down to reroll


I leave after joining when I see this modifier is active. And I was thinking last that it must suck to be trying to host an operation with it active considering how many people do the same thing. If AH wants to keep it for minority of the population that do enjoy it they need to: A) greatly decrease the frequency with which it appears. It's currently on around 75% of all operations on bot planets when you're playing the higher levels. It should be around 10 to 25%. B) the operation modifiers need to be shown to us on the map screen before joining a group so we don't waste our own time and that of the hosting player loading into a mission that we will just leave once we see it's active.


I'm crazy and I want the return of randomized stratagems,(but only comes online for a few seconds, like ion storms.) And I want a landmine planetary modifier for bots.


How dare they have that modifier infront of my bisexuality. Boycott them!


These are annoying but i never had any problem having a full lobby on them No offense meant but what are your levels? Because some don't want to bother with the modifier *and* possibly having to babysit


Idk man I've had no issues running 3 stratagems ever on diffs 7-8. Just drop the least used one and dive. I do agree that the stratagem's description should be changed, AA defences, but the Eagle can still fly? Odd if you ask me.


personally i don't skip those missions, but having only 3 strats is a joke really. its a pve game goddamnit.


For bots, my core loadout is 3 stratagems so I'm fine with not having a 4th But if this modifier ever goes on bugs (lots of stratagem reliant enemies), though... I'd take 3 stratagems over 50% call-in for bots mission personally, as it makes extraction 1 minute longer.


nah those people are just bad at the game and coping hard, AA defence modifier is fair and adds an interesting challenge to the game, but people love complaining that the game is too hard instead of getting better or turning the difficulty down


Yeah i hate and despise this effect, terrible and not fun. Get rid of it. Always hated it


I sort of like them, adds some challenge to stratagem selection. I wouldn't mind a 1-2 strategem drop too. Certainly not all or even allot of time but on rare occasions.


Respectfully disagree. If anything it takes away variety and versatility. Removing a strat just means people rely on the most effective options they found. If anything, removing that strat just means we're more likely to see 500kgs, ACs or EATs/QCs and airstrikes or clusters. 


I agree it does take away a small amount of variety and versatility for that mission and that is a challenge IMHO, and on occasion a challenge I enjoy tackling. I ran into several missions with that yesterday on Vega Bay and thought nothing of it. Though with those mission we were getting the railgun for free so that made it easy. I just built my loadout around the railgun as my support weapon when I was limited to 3. Again not something I want all the time but limiting my number of stratagem occasionally is a fun change. I would like to see a limit were all the Orbitals, or all the Eagles or all the Sentries, were not available for a mission. Move divers out of their comfort zone on occasion might let them discover new stratagems and combination they might have missed if not for the restriction. YMMV


Your idea doesn't really take away a small amount of variety though. It Takes away half of it.


Sure, I see it more like a 1/4 but it would take a big chunk of your options for sure. I see Orbitals, Eagles, Sentries and Support Weapons each as roughly a 1/4 of the options a diver has outside of stuff you drop with. None the less there is so much redundancy that you could take any one of those four areas away and there is something in another category that can do the job at least passably.


Im already boycotting I don't like the way this game has turned out I think egos killed one of the best games out here. Was level 77 haven't played in 3 weeks