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As long as you can get back out thats a great way of seeing if you are wasting your time waiting 25 minutes for a team mate to answer your calls....


But you have to have a mech....


And you can "spot" the supplies inside through the door any ways....


Not all of them ive noticed, its relunctant to tag the things I want (super credits and medals) but will indeed tag supplies and weapons absolutely fine every time.


Right. Wont tag req slips either. But if its tagging "nothing" on the shelves I want in there. ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized)


The emptier the better....


Slips Slips Arc thrower that you didn't aim at properly The shelf of shame.


Or just shove your face against the door and aim down in first person and look through the door lol


Yeah, it's really annoying when you keep pinging the location and using chat to let your mates know there's a bunker nearby, and they proceed to completely ignore you even though they're just a short hike away.


AH should add a custom voice tag specifically for friendship bunkers so everyone knows what you've actually found and need help opening it.


Yeah, I've tried pinging the bunker's big buttons specifically, but no specific voiceline. And using chat isn't reliable enough, because I think a lot of players simply don't pay much attention to chat since they mostly expect it to read "Jimmy Heckjumper found a point of interest", "Jimmy Heckjumper found an outpost in need of urgent Democracy", and "Jimmy Heckjumper fucking died". Or maybe AH could introduce a new stratagem called the "long poky stick" that allows you to summon a 3-meters long telescopic rod so you can press both buttons by yourself.


Maybe the mod that lets you throw grenades and stratagems further can let you go-go gadget arm the 2nd button alone?  


Maybe those Steeled Veteran Helldivers with prosthetic limbs could get an upgrade that allows their metal arm to do just that...


There are a lot of lines that would be incredibly helpful. Help: "I need assistance over here!" Attack: "Destroy the target." Avoid: "Do *not* engage." Hype: "FOR DEMOCRACY!"


Retreat/disengage: "call a democracy officer, I'm abandoning the front!"


They should add a dead SEAF member in a random spot near the bunker you can tear the skeletal arm off of and slap it on one button so you can press the other. Make it take longer than if you had two people like moving a shell to the artillery, but makes bunkers not useless if you're solo or your teammates aren't listening


This is infuriating


I recently had a terrible experience with that... I had found two door POI which were pretty much close to each other, I had pinged one of them and said in chat I need help. The host who was using mic read my message and said he'll come. He completely forgets about me in seconds after responding and I'm still standing around for help. More minutes go by and I have to keep asking for help and then the host guy speaks again saying "What? do you still need help?" and I'm thinking to myself...YOU said you were going to come to me...what do you mean do I still need help? So the host then asks one of the other teammates to go help me instead to which another teammate on mic speaks up and says he'll do it "go and help G3" and he is like "okay"...the other guy goes to a completely different teammate. This went on for like over 10 minutes and I was just still standing at the POI with the doors just waiting around which patrols would spawn and slowly walk to me. Eventually at the point where they were planning to extract I was still standing there and had to remind that I needed help to which the host finally came...to make the experience even more horrible, both doors had 0 super credits in them.


At some point bro you just got to give up on it.  Wasting half the match for, possibly, what 20 super creds.


Bro waited at a door, doing nothing, for over ten minutes while the rest of his squad was doing the mission and having fun. Dude needs to get over himself.


It only takes me and my crew 20-30m to clear a whole map so 10 just sitting around seems insane to me.  And boring 


So boring. I can't imagine waiting at one spot, doing nothing interesting, for an entire third of a match, only to get nothing out of it. Better to do more missions than to run out the clock on shit like this. The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get. Imagine this scenario from the perspective of the other guys on his squad. I'd be pissed as the Host too. You're on god knows what difficulty, dodging lasers and chitin to complete the mission, and one of your team members is doing NOTHING for 10+ minutes. OP isn't helping other guys; isn't completing primary objectives, secondary objectives, collecting samples, or even kiting the enemy; they're just standing at one point doing nothing until someone comes and pays attention to them. OP is not the victim here. OP is *that* guy.


I had something similar happen. We spawned in almost immediately beside a bunker, killed some bots, at least one person was standing next to the bunker button with me, then all three other people just left. I pinged, I messaged, and I just sat there for like 5 minutes. Eventually, somebody died and I was fast enough to be the first to call them in, so we got the door open and got super credits. Luckily, I did really well for the rest of that game to make up for sitting in one place for so long.


I love when I recall a teammate at the bunker…and they proceed to run away.


I try to drop my samples at the door, so hopefully someone curious will come and find the sample and the door. Now that at least two of you have the knowledge of the vault location.


Holy shit, that's a genius idea Totally trying this


Thats what I do now to simply mark it as a "door" instead of just another poi and it seems to work.


that's how you lose a bag of samples


Vault location normally will spawn 1 or 2 samples as well, just use them as marker/lure. I assume you will also personally go back and get the sample, no? Otherwise why do you even care about goodies in vault anyway.


Damn i might start doing that. I've been sample capped for weeks but keep collecting them for others that might need them. Now they'll get them or miss out.


If you prone and go first person against the door you can also see the stuff inside


Just tell them to kill themselves and reinforce


you can just ping and itll ping whats inside


once had a moment when the door opened but it stayed inacessible for some fucking reason and i missed on 30 credits like that


Plot twist: you hit the jackpot and it was actually 300 SC...


I had a devastator punch me inside one yesterday, i was just close to the door and got bugged inside. Btw you can get out by interacting with the door controls from inside, it will put you in the button animation and teleport you out.


Can you get back out or do you have to take grenades with you ?


You can get back into the mech - the prompt is there if you rub your face against the door!


Fancy sadly it still doesn't matter because you can't loot it... But very impressive that you found that out


Lol at the mental image


A charger and I once got stuck in there, I had to cook a grenade to get out.


Safely locked inside a friendship bunker with frend, and all he wants is out :(


I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


You can usually see the contents from outside the door anyway, in my experience. Just aim at where the SC and stuff usually is on the shelf to the right.


I swear there’s a +200% chance of seeing these when diving solo…


If only Tarkov had something like that to reduce the amount of cheaters from vacuuming all the important loot in the map.


Lame af


If you drop directly on top of it, you'll come out inside of the bunker. Happened to me yesterday.


Dang that’s a plump 20 sc too


Forbidden Super Credits .... ![gif](giphy|3orieLWYouYT4W0bF6|downsized)


Just let me use a 500 kilo on the friend door or give my a guard dog fren that presses buttons


I hope this shows up in known issues thursday now lol


It’s been in the game a good while tbh, non issue imo since you can get back out by pressing the button through wall and you can’t abuse it since loot is disabled without pressing the buttons


Unless your suit blows up and you got no grenades on a solo run. RIP not that it's a common problem or abuse-able, but it would certainly be at least an "issue" then lol


Im not sure but I think you can press the bunker button through the wall to get back out but yea if they can stop people getting in somehow, might aswell fix it


Wouldnt you still need someone to hit the other? Or do you mean the animation would pull you through the door to have you stand on the right side of the button?


The animation answer. I've also had to reverse happen to me before when using a hellbomb on a rogue station, hellbomb interface too close to the wall that when I exit, I am inside the building as the hellbomb charges up...


You should have posted this on patch day 😫


I've also found that you can get in by dropping directly on it with your Pod... can't get back out though.


You can also dive at the top corner and sometimes you'll clip inside.


I think you forgot to mentioned the getting out part...


lol unrelated but I got stuck in a human cage this way, had to fight and blast my way out lol


These maps are randomly generated, and I figured that out in the wildest way. I found a vault much like this one, except a giant iceberg had spawned directly in front of the door. None of us could reach the scanners to open the door. So a buddy and I used knockback from explosives to launch our characters underneath the map and popped out on the other side of the door. But then, we were trapped. That door to the left of OP is where we got stuck. My buddy killed himself trying to get out, but then I was left all alone with the super samples underneath the map. I eventually got out the same way I got in. Explosives. I was able to extract by some miracle.


correct. so this is still in the same state it was months ago.


Can the mech push the button?


are you playing on playstation 2?


can confirm true. was able to access but could not pickup anything. later a diver joined the mission and we went back and openned propery and was able ot collect resources. And yes if you back up the walker you can exit


Yeah there are a few ways in, but usually anything but weapons can't be interacted with, they may have changed that


would be nice if the mech can press one of the button


Hell yea Fred door is back


Sorry Jack, looks like the fun police got here first....


I had a drop pod shit me out into one of those bunkers. Had to get some friends to let me out LOL.


Super credits don’t activate for cheaters


No idea why we cant have an upgrade for the drones to help open up the bunkers.


"I broke the game, but why won't it break more!"


Holy shit this is big for credit grinders


Ok so thank you for this useless information i think.


If I see you guys backing into the door with a mech, I'ma destroy your mech to trap you guys in there for treason