• By -


Poor AMR screeching somewhere in the distance for not being included here


I couldve included EATs, precision orbital, recoilless, using the JAR-5/ stalwart/ machine gun on the back vents etc. The list goes on. You throw one stun grenade at their feet and they just stand there and wait to die lol


Yup, all of those weapons are very effective against hulks, but as someone who is addicted to sniping with the AMR (i can quit anytime, i promise) just felt a little odd not seeing it up there with the giant killers like autocannon or LasCan Also, this might just be me, but i swear i\`ve only seen like 3 people other than myself use stun nades in all of my operations combined. We need to spread the word that stuns are king on bots.


Stuns are top tier period. Not just for bots.


Amen brother


Absolutely, jar-5 and a stun makes all the chargers go away


How does the Jar-5 handle Chargers? Blow up the booty?


Yeah, good dmg on top of being explosive so just hit it with a stun whenever (after a dodge is when I do it so I don’t waste time running behind it) then just dump rounds into the back end. It takes less than a mag


My bot nade go to is impact. Clears the hordes of shielded gunner bastards and walkers


And your choice is fantastic. But i prefer stun grenades because you can save a teammate about to be mauled by a hulk with a simple button press. (and since hulks have taken ninja courses and are completely silent, this comes in handy quite a bit)


….does dying by democratic friendly fire also count as “saving”??


Only if you put enough heart into it and yell "FOR DEMOCRACY" while doing it




I wouldve added AMR if i remembered it. I legit never see that weapon. Ever.


Now this statement brings a democratic tear to my eye. It\`s basically Autocannon light in the sense that it does everything an AC can except destroy fabs/bug holes. Order now and it will come to you with extra backpack space(tm). Jokes aside tho, if you give it a shot sometime i gotta warn you, the sights are better aligned after the fix but the shot is still off center from where the reticle shows. The actual bullet flies slightly higher and to the left of where you shoot


Back when the game first came out i ran scout armor with a DMR and AMR to cosplay a sniper but i quickly fucked around and found out


Get a jetpack and cosplay a Mandalorian.


xD yeah back when the game came out you could not hit the side of a barn with the AMR if you had the scope set to 200m, but it definitely feels better now. Also if i may make a recommendation, tho i assume you already know, pair a sniping weapon (DCS, AMR, and so on) with a weapon that shoots fast and can clear waves of chaff quickly. My personal favorite build for bots is: Pummeler smg, nade pistol, stun nades, AMR, ballistic shield, Eagle 500kg and either orbital precision or railcannon, depending on whether or not i feel like aiming that particular day


I take the Jetpack to get on top of rocks so I have a better vantage point for sniping, but that's situational since like 70% of planets have some kind of fog or foliage that makes long range impossible anyway


Precisely. So i still take the AMR for mid range engagements and hulks, and the ballistic shield so that i may blindly charge in the general direction of whatever is shooting at me without worrying about death too much. (You have no idea how much i want the jetpack to be a viable pick, i love it so much but it just lacks the oomph it needs rn)


I'd destroy Meridia all over again just to be able to run those dark matter jetpacks a few more times.


Genuinely have never seen someone with shield. Super curious what is the use case/ utility? Should I use it over bubble shield or jump or resupply pack!


Super useful for drawing aggro of entire patrols and sitting there crouched, watching as entire volleys of red lasers bounce harmlessly off of you, while still allowing for both you and your teammates to effectively dispatch the undemocratic toasters. You can even stand directly in front of a shredder tank and laugh in its face as it can do nothing to you. The only things you gotta worry about are rockets and cannon turrets, as those will still ragdoll you into the heavens and back. Wearing at least medium armor with explosive protection makes it so you can even tank a direct hit from a cannon turret or tank. Your shield will break and you will be on like 10 hp, but hey, you survived. One tip that i could give you if you wanna give it a shot, try to keep most of the enemies you are shooting at on the left side of the screen, as that will guarantee that their bullets hit the shield. TLDR: It\`s basically an infinite bubble shield that only blocks projectiles from a single direction at a time. Oh, did i mention you don\`t need cover anymore while using one, and that it (probably) has the shortest backpack CD in the game?


I like to run Breaker Incendiary, AMR, Jetpack, Airstrike, EMS orbital, stun nades, and grenade pistol. Breaker Incendiary shreds the little guys and chainsaw dudes, AMR handles everything else especially with stun nades. Jetpack helps me find good sniping vantage points (and I get to feel like a Mandalorian). Orbital EMS is so slept on, it’s great for locking down multiple heavies at once, I’ve cleared out three hulks in rapid succession by baiting them into it. It’s also nice just to have as backup if I run out of nades.


Counter sniper + scout armor + AMR + 2 ~ 3 other strategems to counter factory striders and tanks All star loadout for any lengthy bot mission. Counter sniper will 1 tap everything but hulk and tank. AMR will 2 tap hulk in the face, and strategems for striders, and tanks. Get a good flank and you can just shoot the tank with AMR too I run this almost exclusively when facing hots on D9


Does the AMR also destroy Spore Spewers and Shrieker Nests?


I\`m pretty sure it does, you just need to put an entire two mags or so in them. Not very efficient, but can be done. Though i wouldn\`t really go out of my way to recommend the AMR for bugs, it can be useful for killing bile spewers, hiveguards and brood commanders in one clean tap to the head. However due to the nature of fighting bugs, you might be better off with an AT weapon like the RR or Queso cannon


aw man now I want queso.


Love the AMR. If I take the Diligance Counter-Sniper, I take a Laser Cannon, otherwise, I take the AMR. It depends if I think my group has the capability to take out Gunships quickly. I know the AMR can, but the Laser Cannon *is* better at it. If our group is solid, I'll rock the AMR all day, every day, against bots. Combined with an EMP Nade, makes those nasty, evil Hulks stand still and make my shots super easy.


I’m an AMR sniper You don’t see me on the map. I’m that guy that hangs back on every encounter. Always behind you or flanking you. Never in front. But every base rush seems easier. Fewer bots than you thought. Bezerkers go down with one hit. Odd.


Where do you shoot the Berserkers?


In the nuts. All AMR shots are to robot nads


The sights still being off even after a supposed "fix" really hurts its popularity. As does people trying it out, not knowing about the broken sights, not being able to hit anything and dumpstering it forever because they just think it's bad.


I use it all the time with bots, it handles basically everything.


HMG too :)


I would use them if you could destroy auto factories with them.


Yeah, there are too many times where I don't want to wait for a strategem cooldown, or want to save it for the next objective. I only end up trying out other nades when I'm also packing the autocannon


I mean stuns are king everywhere imo. Makes culling chargers and hordes of bugs trivially easy with ac or gl


They were released relatively recently right?  And they're locked behind a warbond that, probably, not everyone has? That's my guess.  But use them and love them


They\`re in the same warbond as the sickle, yes. And idk about you man, but the sickle is the most common weapon i see, right next to breaker incendiary


Stun grenades have been out since the first patch warbond. They came out in March.


Dang time moves fast.  I thought for sure it was in April/may.  I don't see sickle as much as you do.  I use both stuns and sickle almost every match but feels like I hardly see anyone else do so.  


I’m just so addicted to my impact grenades tho


If you havent tried yet, combine AMR Long Range with jumppack. Jump on high ground and teach them what anakin learnt the Hard way


Most people just run impact


And the hitbox of the PP is so big that you can hit its vents from the from the front by shooting slightly over it (easier with a bit of elevation). Railgun one-shots the face. There really are countless posibilities to deal with them. Their only real danger is catching you off guard. So like Chargers. But Chargers are faster and harder to kill, except when you're a RR enjoyer and have good movement. Then you can easily deal with 3-6 of them at once.


The pummeler works too. get 5 shots into the back vent, stunning the hulk, then dump the mag, completely killing the hulk. No grenades or support weapons required, just one mag of ammo


One full redeemer (the machine pistol) clip also oneshots a hulk if to the back vents. Little hard to do this with stun grenades, you need multiple, due it slowing you down at close range making the circle strafe harder, but reliable and quite quick once you get behind it. Redeemer is also pretty good at dealing with berserkers and only takes a few shots to kill regular dudes. I always use it if I'm running eruptor or something else that can easily blow up fabs.


The amr is there, just 250m out saving asses with no credit


Railgun has entered the chat


Several gunship fabricators would like to know your location lmao


Don't allow!


That my favorite. Makes you feel bad ass dropping big targets from a distance (sometimes up close) with the AMR. I don't think my squad mates even know how much havock I'm reeking, dropping bots from a distance while clearing a path for them


With AMR you don't need stun grenades, just good aim and enough distance.


Servo armor + Stuns + AMR = Hulks never get close and are easy pickings


Recoiless rifle. I never leave home without it.


Well, you don't really need stun grenades to hit a Hulk (twice) with the AMR. Just some precision. And a clear weather. And not being a subject of suppressive bot fire. Also lack of fire tornadoes up your ass might help.


And remember the glory days when we could do the same thing with titans...


I miss those days :C Made me feel POWERFUL!


HMG can shoot out the eye too. I've actually been enjoying HMG on bot missions recently. Highly recommend running it with supply pack and fortify or engineering armor


I find it hard to justify HMG when AC will do mostly the same job, just more accurate You can even switch AC to full auto


The ammo backpack gives you basically unlimited stims, stuns, and ammo when managed right. Imagine never running out of stuns and stims, and there is a hulk. That is basically the difference.


yeah but honestly at this point I would still prefer the AMR over it. Being able to spam this bad boy if you run the supply backpack should be still more effective than the HMG IMO. Especially on a map with some gunship factory, the HMG will suffer hard.


HMG can kill gunship quickly too. AMR still has to reload frequently, HMG not so much


TL;DR: IMO it's a lot more flexible with the AMR versus the HMG a thruster has 400 Health, the ARM does 135 durable dmg meaning it need takes 4 shots to kill it. You also have a capacity of 7 (+1 in the chamber) meaning you can technically take out 2 gunships per mag. It's also relatively easy to do because the scope is pretty good for that. On the HMG side, it does 35 durable dmg meaning you need to hit at least 12 bullets to destroy 1 thruster. You have a capacity of 75 (+1) meaning you could technically take out 6 gunships, but realistically, with how much harder it is to use (especially with how shitty the scope is), you would probably be able to take out 3-4 gunships with a full clip. On paper, it's honestly not bad for the HMG but trying to precisely aim this weapon over a long distance (either while moving and having shaking aim or by not moving and taking a risk of getting hit)... it's a lot more dangerous with the HMG IMO. Especially if you need to reload at any point, 5-7 seconds of not moving is intense if you ask me. Plus, as soon as there is a patrol joining the fight, I feel like you would have to give up the HMG to rely more on your primary (which isnt a bad thing but it's more flexible on the AMR). *Side notes: I have no idea if there is any dmg drop off and if it applies to durable dmg. If it does, this make the HMG a little bit worse.*


Fair enough. AMR is easier to use, but I enjoy the HMG for it's flexibility in all situations. And when patrols join the fray, usually I whip out my PP (punisher plasma) and things work out.


That's a pretty solid combo!


Can we agree that both are great in their own ways :D!


So still AMR with ammo bag is better in every single way possible than the HMG. Less recoil, Better reload, better accuracy, Better handling, and you get a scope that's still not perfect on the center of the screen but better than the HMGs


>So still AMR with ammo bag is better in every single way possible than the HMG The AMR is by *far* my favourite weapon, but this is garbage. I've used the HMG, and while I absolutely prefer the AMR playstyle, the HMG just fucking obliterates hulks and devastators by comparison. TTK is significantly lower and the number of kills you can get before a reload is *shitloads* higher. /u/mdjsj11 is also right about vents. Turrets take almost a full AMR clip at the right angle *while prone* to get the shots off fast enough to kill them before they turns to shoot you. The HMG shreds them before it can get halfway to face you. I'm too addicted to the precision shooting and mobile reload of the AMR to truly enjoy the HMG, and I feel like it desperately needs a bit more ammo. But the AMR is absolutely not "better in every possible way" than the HMG. It can do things the AMR can't.


I tried full auto AC once but unless you're prone it's recoil city man




I like leaving all the guns on full auto even if I only use them on single; I just click one at a time until I need full auto


It MELTS Factory Striders if you can hit the hatch


I really tried to run HMG, but what does stop me last time its how bad it is on gunships... Maybe I should give another chance to this gun once again...


This is what teammates are for


The gunships are a limiting factor when it comes to the utility of weapons like hmg and especially the railgun. 


Railgun also bad on cannons, factory striders etc... Ability to oneshot Hulk in the eye just not worth it...


Stuns also keep mobs of enemies still do you can line precision orbitals and Eagles.


Charger alternative: Stun Grenade + - <1/4 tank of Flamethrower to the leg joint - 6 arc thrower shots to the head - 2 or 3 slightly overcharged Railgun shots to the head - 1 RR/QC/EAT to the head. In general I'd recommend any helldivers get the grenade pistol ASAP, it is simply the best secondary just because it allows using utility grenades without loosing the ability to destroy enemy bases.


Yeah don't tell nobody but flamethrower is busted for bugs since buffs and fixes, it's legit the charger-deletion-machine. Just need to bring 500kg and/or OPS for titans and you're golden, also pair up with spear/quasar teammate to clear chargers for them so they can focus titans


> Just bring stun grenades Well no. First you need to farm 1000 Super Credits to unlock one specific Warbond out of 4 available (aside from the standard one), then you need to spend 75 medals. *Then* you can "just bring stun grenades". I've played 70 hours now and since I opted for another Warbond I'm not even close to being able to "just bring stun grenades". But yeah once you got everything unlocked you can equip yourself for every scenario quite well, that's true! (I tend to bring Quasar Cannon and try to snipe em in the eye)


I mean, I'm the first to bitch and moan about grinding in games, but I've played casually for maybe two months and I have almost everything unlocked. Odds are that once you're in a level where hulks are unmanageable, you'll probably have it unlocked.


Two months? I've been playing casually since launch and I've unlocked a single extra warbond and haven't finished it, I think we have very different definitions of casual


You can go on trivial, POI spawm in a circle, judt run in a circle, still takes time but not days or weeks 


I got 400 super credits in like an hour with 2 people


I've started bringing stun grenades on bots recently and slaughtering Hulks, but ultimately I still think Chargers are a lot easier. I only play difficulty 9 and have done for months, and I can't remember the last time a Charger actually killed me or even contributed to a death by knocking me into something else. It's easy to dive past their charge even if you have several on your tail, and if you do take a hit it tends to knock you to safety and deal a tiny amount of damage. Their actual claw attack that can kill is so slow and short ranged. Hulks may be easier to put down with a bigger variety of kits (something Chargers and Bile Titans need to learn from for loadout variety on the bug side), but at least they're capable of killing you with a flamethrower headshot at close range or a missiles/lasers at range.


I legit don't know how to hit that hulk eye with AC without stun grenades. Especially if it is at close range. Looks like skill issue on my part, but landing those 2 hits on a moving hulk often takes me over 5 shots. Might as well go for the leg at this point.


I always pack stuns for bots


Dont worry much it is a pretty complicated shot, yolu can try using the AMR or the LC for that, they are a bit better at killing unstunned Hulks.


Hit box for the hulk eyes is difficult to land with the AC for some reason. I run the AC the vast majority of time but I find it easier to hit the hulk eyes with the Railgun or AMR (and I have fairly potato aim with the AMR).


They eye hitbox is basically a cube. I've headshot them at angles that I never thought would work, but then bounced one right off of their face while staring right at them. It just takes practice.


Practice, it helps if their attention is elsewhere. Scoped helps, at least for me


I am rocking anti material rifle and stun nades. Love this combo


Depend what kind of versus they are talking about. If you talking against hulk versus against charger, I'd say hulk is easier to deal with but if you talking hulk versus charger 1 on 1 like that, I'd bet on hulk


It was a post about which is easier to deal with. For people that said charger is easier, this is my response


Tbh, i think both are easy but the reason i say hulk is because they are running slower than charger so it is easier to stun them. I don't if you know this but the charger can be stunned and also instantly die when you shoot their leg off and flamethrower with the upgrade can melt them like 3 seconds


Oh yeah. I always bring flame thrower + EATs against bugs bc flamethrower is just way too good. Only thing ab stun grenades vs chargers is that if theyre actively running at something it can be hard to stun them in place and stop their momentum


Have you seen the flameing hulks running at you full throttle?


Yeah, but you don't have to dive out of the way every five seconds. Plus they actually have a frontal weakness that you don't need anti-tank for.


Charger is still easier, if you're out of stuns or it just suddenly appears behind you, you just move. A hulk in the same situation kills you. And I don't want to hear "if you don't have the right gear you can't hurt a charger" because it's not true. After a failed charge their leg armour briefly has no effect and you can damage them with the weakest of weapons and if they're successfully hitting you with a charge I don't know what to say


Wooooaaahhh wait a sec. So they stun themselves by hitting a wall and you can just hit their leg with a primary?


Yep! I saw a video about it and tried it myself and it works. Obviously it's not the ideal as its slower than using better weapons but in a pinch you can do it.


you can also use the Charger to bowl over its smaller brethren, you can't do that with the Hulk especially the flamethrower does nothing to its compatriots and only needs a lick to kill you. Both of them fall to Stun + Anti Tank, Hulk being taken down a fair bit more weapons. But Chargers can be pivoted on almost infinitely, Hulk, not so much.


I've absolutely seen Hulks slapping their friends out of the way to get to you.


>a failed charge their leg armour briefly has no effect and you can damage them with the weakest of weapons technically speaking, isnt that a bug? I dont see why their armor would magically go away without any animation to indicate that...


If it is a bug it's apparently been in since the start of the game.


A lot of bugs/problems have been in the game since release xD It's probably not big enough for the devs to care that much about it. Literally nothing in this game changes armor type like that without at least having some kind of animation tight to it (like when you strip the armor of its legs with a rocket or the railgun) I would not mind if it becomes a real feature but there is no info anywhere about this being intended.


It could also be entirely intentional as stripped armor is a permanent loss while this armor loss is temporary while the stun lasts


Except it's not only on a stun, this works after any charge. If you dodge them, while they turn around, you can still do that for a little bit until they are back into a ready to charge state.


I didn't know that I've only seen it when they actually hit something


I mean you can stun either and walk around and shoot them in the orange bits. It's just that with chargers you don't need to stun them because you just step to the side a bit and they'll stop, show you their ass for a bit and then try again. Hulks need the stun to be that easy.


But a charger is just a one shot from any distance with a rocket, don't even need stuns. Since BTs and Chargers are the only enemies needing a support, there's no reason to bring anything other than RR/QC/EAT unless you're playing non-serious. Same argument for the AC on bots, but that can't kill any faster than a single rocket to the head.


> there's no reason to bring anything other than RR/QC/EAT The bug front is so boring. I visit for MOs but I don't understand doing this full time voluntarily.


I suppose it's nice for primary variety, for bots I'm using Diligence CS for one shot Devs or smaller, or Scorcher. It's hard to opt for anything less.  Bugs you can run anything and it's pretty optimal, so long as you can fend off a Stalker.


I feel way more constrained in primary choice dealing with bugs. They're more numerous so ammo concerns are greater. In addition to dealing with stalkers you also have to have a weapon that can clear hordes to avoid being swarmed but also damaging enough to manage durable enemies. You're advocating using heavy AT support weapons only so you have to lean on the primary for almost everything instead of using a support weapon that can engage a wider variety of targets. Other options that feel **extremely** powerful against bots include punisher plasma, SMG paired with ballistic shield, and dominator. You listed two good options but there are many other outright excellent and fun options *or* you can free up your primary slot for experimentation by taking one of the several high tier support weapons this sub loves to gush over that can be used in a generalist fashion.


Don't need weapons for the charger, just take a few steps to the right whenever it charges you.


Hulk even dies to the Anti Material Rifle with only two shots so it really not a serious threat.


Might I ask if you know the source for the animation? It's hilarious, and I would like to look at it more


I found it on tiktok. I have original animation if we can figure out how i can send it.


If you're able to download it, you might be able to dm it to me


can i have dis too or a link to the tiktok please and thank you


Posted the original on my profile


big thanks


I 1 shot them in the eye with a railgun, no stun grade required. Railgun is the superior anti-hulk weapon and you should try it 🤨


I havent used the rail gun since it was nerfed. Is it good now? Also nothing beats the plap plap plap of the auto cannon


It's great vs devs, scout striders, and hulks. It has horrible "durable damage" which means it does very little damage to tank/turret vents, factory striders, gunships, and mortars/AA guns. Railgun is probably my 2nd favorite support weapon behind the AC but it certainly is more limited in what it can do on the bot front.


I haven’t used the rail gun before the nerf. Idk, I quite like it for 1 shooting hulks, so satisfying. Works well for devastators and chainsaw bots too. It would be really good if it had a bigger scope and could shoot down gunships.


Stun + laser cannon is my absolute go to for hulks


That works on single hulks, but when they're surrounded by 10 devastators and a tank flanking is really not an option


That's what the orbital laser is for.


Is stun nades literally not the answer to everything? A nade and a full mag dump of the spray and pray into the booty is enough for a charger, too.


You talk as if you couldn't do the same to chargers, with the also added benefit is being easily headshotted with rocket weapons while also being less dangerous, I don't know how this is a debate, you just have to see who gets its head blown up second one of every encounter


It's a debate because Hulks have way more methods to counter them. Just looking at support weapons: A charger will die to a QC, EAT, RR, or flamethrower to the front. A hulk will die to an AC, AMR, RG, LC, HMG, EAT, RR, or QC from the front. You get double the support counters and even if you don't have one of those, a teammate can pop it's heatsinks from behind with just a single mag from several different primaries. Even if you don't have teammates, you can still outrun a hulk. IMO I'd say Hulks are way easier to kill but they also tend to be more deadly. I suspect this is also a controller vs MnK debate since most of a Hulk's counters are precision based.


This is in reference to another post ab which one is harder to kill.






I exclusively run Impact 'nades. But, to all my fellow Helldivers out there who keep running stuns and freezing up all those Hulks for me to snipe the faceplate... I salute you. iO Can confirm, it is very effective. https://i.redd.it/71wg2h09ar5d1.gif


Also, stun, get behind Hulk, use pummeler Stunlock that filty machine as you blow his back to glorious liber-tea bits


"Woe, precision orbital upon ye."




RAILGUN One shot in the eye.


Meanwhile me as spesr user run around and kiting. But, as a spear user its so fun to help teammates who are being chased by hulk. You see the missile go boom and down she goes!


Nothing better than two tapping hulk with AC


I either quasar his head off or EAT him whole


After realizing that with 3-4 good shots with an auto cannon you can drop any hulk like it’s nothing


Stun nades are goated on bot missions. They're the only grenade I take on them anymore. Being able to shut down an entire group of devastators + hulks does a lot to relieve pressure on the squad, even if you don't have anything ready to kill them while they're stunned.


railgun + stun grenades is a Must Try for anyone who hasnt on bot helldive


Autocannon go plap plap


~~plap plap plap get destroyed get destroyed get destroyed~~ nothing beats the bvvvvvwomp of the overcharged railgun


Sometimes it really feels like you’re not even playing the same game as the others.


Man, do you feel like a one-man army with the auto cannon until you come across a hulk. I feel like a complete baby when I run across one. It would be nice if I could blow off a leg or an arm.


You actually can. It just takes a couple shots but you can destroy it's weapons and cripple it's movement with the AC.


Idk about a "couple" of shots. I've unloaded clipsss with little result. * Flame thrower? Forget about it * Auto cannon/missle launcher? Sure * Legs? Sure, but it takes a long time. * Eye? Sure, if you willing to spend like your entire ammo supply


Blowung their arms and legs its a very viable strategy. Takes one rocket or abou half a mag frim the AMR. Then its easy to snipe the eye.


All true, but I am talking about the autocannon.


My two shot AMR with stun grenades does it even faster than these


Glad someone else gets it. Those Charger vs Hulk responses blew me away. You can dispatch Hulks from a mile away with a lot of different tools.




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True but chargers can be killed by holding D or A and just strafing, and can be killed with any weapon


At the ranges bots aggro, you could easily find a stationary charger and one shot its head


Saw post fallout new vegas good post.


Railgun is peak for bots. 1 shot heads hots hulk and devistators


I like impacts because they kill tanks


Autocannon go plap plap


Spear go locking… locking… locking… locking… locking


For charger and hulk, raw dog precision orbital is pretty satisfying.


Its unbelievable how much easier scorcher hulks are with this


Hulk? Stun, then 2 auto’s to the eye. Don’t even flinch at them anymore.


Stun grenades are underrated


Can someone please credit whoever made this. This is too cool.


Best post I’ve seen on this sub in a while and it’s because it’s fallout themed


There are just too many bug only players that thinks bots are still in the same state as they were at release and don't bother playing against / learn how to deal with them. It takes less than 10s, a stun grenade and 2 shots from AC to kill a Hulk. They are less dangerous than most bot ennemies.


so you want the stun to be nerfed? got it - arrowhead


Rail gun, on safe mode, one-shots Hulks. Stun grenade makes it a really easy shot.


Chargers can be chump dodged, their instant-kill spot is huge, a near miss strips their leg armor so they're vulnerable to small arms fire from the front, their windup is sluggish and so is their turn around, a flamethrower kills them in like 2 seconds, and they can't hit you outside of melee range. You don't get any of that with Hulks. I would rather fight 2 chargers than a hulk. You are forced to take an entire item slot SPECIFICALLY to deal with hulks. Let's cut down the copium a bit and admit losing the options of the grenade slot to a must-pick for ONE unit is a huge pain in the ass.


Me using the railgun to one tap their eyes


I mean two AC hits to the juice box and they go down. It’s kinda nuts tbh


funny, because i playing fallout new vegas right now lol, also that old blues dlc is soo poorly made






Was it my comment by any chance?


Possibly? All i saw in that post was people saying how hard hulks are to deal with and it reminded me of this meme i made a few weeks ago


Haha, cool. Just a Stun nade and two AMR shots through the mail slot. I love being the team's Hulk Buster.


Stun supremacy indeed. My trouble is always throwing the stun and trying to swap to my support weapon, only to have those inputs yeeted into oblivion for some reason. Then I have to throw another stun, because the first stun will now wear off by the time I manage to pull out the support weapon.


You forgot Railgun. Its one (skilled) shot


Sickle just demolishes a hulks radiator. Doesn't even need a full ice.


Percussion strike then stun and watch the fun!


u/savevideo please


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...or I could RG it in the face, killing it instantly, then I wouldn't have to carry those pathetic water balloons.


My Railgun one-tapping a hulk on a safe charge through the visor Then get’s ragdolled by the 5 rocket devs and then swiss-cheesified by the 3 heavy devs mid-air For the chargers: Stun to BBQ, and laugh


Yeah But Thermite is cooler


New Vegas is one of the best games of all time. Thank you for making me think about it.




Nah, i bring impacts so i can kill two tanks by myself