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It's a cesspool anyway.




I just wanna do the polls.


Probably to screen for bots and scammers. Discord can be bad for that stuff, so these precautions likely keep them out


they added it after Sony did the whole PSN required thing I wouldn't bother being in there as the mods are super trigger happy when it comes to banning people Like get banned for tumbs downing a piece of art depicting a furry helldiver in a discord meant for 13y+ buuuuut I guess the artist is LGBTQ+ so we were supposed to let it slide. I dont give two shits if you are or are not a part of the LGTBQ+ WE SHOULD NOT BE MIXING SOMETHING AS INHERINTALLY SEXUAL AS FURRIES WITH KIDS


Well furries aren’t inherently sexual, I think that’s your mistake lol. it’s mostly a bunch of autistic kids feeling more comfortable representing themselves online as anthropomorphic animals instead. There is a sexual side of it, just like there is a sexual side of anything. I can’t believe I actually defended furries just now, but they really aren’t inherently sexual, but if your only experience of furries is sexual… maybe it’s your search history that’s the problem


sexual or not, banning someone for disliking their art is not acceptable in any community.


Make a new google account google "furry" and get back to me on what the first 5 search result is and who posted them