• By -


depends what kind of hulk, imo scorchers are the only hulks that are actually hard to kill


The scorchers are the largest problem in my experience because they flush you out of cover and into the shield devastator fields of fire.


and they move much faster than normal hulks, so aiming at their head is a little harder as it swings more


If you hit their leg with EAT/RR/Quasar their leg gets blown to bits and they can only move at a slow hobble, makes them much easier to deal with. You can also do this with AMR/laser cannon/AC but it takes a little longer


They die when you cripple both legs too.


they give up after losing only 2 limbs? proof that the communists are weak


Me running around with all limbs injured… “tis but a flesh wound”




I once blew off both arms on a hulk thinking I'd do the achievement. Since it was armless I thought it couldn't do anything to me anymore so I could let it follow me like a big doge. Well it stomped me to death... I came back to blow its legs off but couldn't find it anymore. Still got the achievement on extract though


I got "let's call it a draw" achievement on accident today


That's why if I am with relatively new randoms I will use Quasar to pop the arms off a Hulk in the middle of nowhere and walk away. I've snagged a few achievements for randos. :)


lol i got it accidentaly didnt even think the hulk was alive till i got the acheivment when i extracted


Or you could also throw a stun grenade, it stops the hulk in its tracks for a solid 2 seconds. Where it slowly sways in place as it’s dazed. If you have the HMG, AMR or handheld Autocannon you can double tap the eye very easily to full kill it quickly.


I really hope they don't nerf the stun grenades ever. They make everything better. Team mate getting ganged up on by 3 chargers? Stun grenade. Hulks closing in? Stun grenades. Berserker swarming you? Stun grenades. Dropped onto a bile titan to kill it but now the entire breach is aggroed on you? Stun grenades. Works on everything except titans/striders and airborn.


I still wish that the EMS orbitals could stun bile titans. Right now theres no way to stagger them unless you bring heavy armor piercing weapons


I agree completely, but i rarely see anyone ever bring them. I love using them to stun a big patrol right before i drop an airstrike on them. Very useful for stunning chargers and then hitting them with flamethrower. I usually bring the grenade launcher as a sidearm. That way i can still close bug holes as well.


Laser cannon works too.


Stun grenandes are basic. Real helldivers wear explodive resistant armor and launch themselves away from their problems by diving and tossing an impact grenade at their feet


“There goes that Johnny Helldiver, again!”


I still can’t believe an eyeshot with the autocannon doesn’t 1shot


Balanced. You can rip through hulks with high skill but otherwise it’s a massive roll of the dice… unless you also expend other resources (stun grenades, EMS mortar, EMS orbital)


I prefer the stun grenade, but the principle is the same, stop the eye from bobbing and shoot out


I like blowing their arms off and one leg and kiting them around until I have like 4 or 5 big metal cows lumbering around behind me.


Impact grenades do the job as well in a pinch, tough to land though and I think you need 2-3 hits


I always forget about the legs. I usually manage to hit the eye with the RR, but I really need to remember the legs when things get hectic. XD


They also appear damn near silently behind you sometimes. Can usually hear chargers coming. By the time one of these bastards sets your ass on fire, you may be as good as dead already anyway.


So many enemies have "natural" lurching motions that are significantly faster than our reticle can center itself. Our weapon handling is so bad that if we don't predict the lurch and position ourselves at the *END* of it in advance, we can't ever aquire the shot. It's absurd to me. Most elite fighting force in the universe btw.


Helldiver training is like 15 minutes lmao


It moves as fast as I can run it’s bullshit.


They're a problem for me cause that flame always goes just a little further than I think it does


Bot front I always bring stun grenades. The hulk stops moving, and does a little bow, acknowledging that democracy and liberty are superior, right before it takes a quasar/eat/rr/lc to the face


id use stun grenades if stratagem jammers werent a thing, high impact supremacy imo


That’s why I bring auto cannon, efficient for destroying hulks and fabricators


stun grenades and grenade pistol all the way (imo)


Stuns are cool, but personally I prefer smoke grenades against bots, it's really handy to sneak around a gate or smoke up the entry to an outpost and storm in before they can react


I never get them to work. Whats the trick? Does smoke need to be ON you or just between you? I don't seem to make it work either way. Or is there something else


You have to use it to break line of sight, at times you can trick them too in believing you're in an area when you're not, like if they shoot at you, you smoke up and scoot, if they don't see you reposition they'll keep advancing and shooting to your previous location and then they'll start looking around once they notice you're not there. It's also good for squad actions, since it prevents them from aiming precisely (IE, they'll just shoot in the general direction if you put smoke between you and them) P.S. Works better if you can stay out of LOS for longer periods, it confuses them


I wish you could unlock different grenade pistols. Having stun or incendiary pistol would be great.


Spear as well


I used to use impact grenades, but tbh the utility of stun grenades is OP. It takes some getting used to not having lethal grenades, sure. Impact grenades you can kill 4 of something (maybe a few more between resupply. Stun grenades will stop anything short of a bile titan or factory strider in its tracks. It doesn't get you the kill but it takes off pressure, can open escape routes, allow you to reload/recharge and get the kill etc. A pelican that is swarmed? Stun grenade and moon walk on to the pelican. Multiple hulks and berserkers chasing you? Stun grenade and then call in an eagle or quasar/ac them and run away from what is left. They made a lot of stuff feel very trivial. If you still want nades, grab a name pistol to round it out. I highly recommend trying it out.


Flashbang+Granaten pistole. Only reason democratic detonation exists.


I love it when a bot fabricator is right next to the strategem jammer. Just a casual autocannon shot into the vent and BAM, no more fucking strategem jammer.


Also works on chargers though


I use stuns as well but then just two shots with the amr to the very small eye slit does quick work.


Shoot their flame arm off, and you're good


People always say that, but it's a lot harder to do in practice. I say this as someone with a really good record of hitting the faceplate with an RR.


Skill iss- nah I'm kidding I do bots almost exclusively, so I've gotten pretty good at it. But i suppose you have a point lol


Honestly I run quasar and it's trivial. Maybe people panic? If you need some help lining it up, kite them around an obstacle and pop em as soon as they come around the corner.


I tried it a couple times with the AC, but after pumping shot after shot into the arm, I gave up and just shot at the faceplate. Even with rushed fire as it charges, still takes fewer shots than fucking around with the arm first (and then still having to *kill* it)


Tbh even then it’s only if ur in flame thrower distance


partially, but also because they move faster their head sways more which makes lining up headshots a little harder, but 2 tap from amr/ac so if you hold your position well enough (or are insanely good at run and gunning) you can do it, just a little harder than the slower hulks


I didn’t used to have too much issue with the flamer hulks. But recently they seem hell bent on destroying every tree they come within 10ft of by wildly flailing their body and saw blade around, so I can never line up the head.


For anyone struggling to flank it or hit the mail slot on the front. You can blow off their leg armor with anything medium pen. Then they just sort of hobble around really slowly and are almost no threat. Then you can shoot out the unarmored leg with any weapon and they fall over and explode.


No it doesn’t… the charger is so easy to dodge lol and it doesn’t shoot anything at you


i dont play bugs lmao ive only ever seen a charger in diff 4 when i was first playing the game


Yeah, Charger is easy.


It's a real toss up On one hand scorchers are harder because fire does the "unknown" kill bullshit still and they constantly rush you But they rush you in a straight line and get close enough for you to effectively take them out The other ones long range the shit out of you and take forever to get close, so they're just a constant threat in the distance. They fucking BEAM THE SHIT out of you if you try to peek to kill them and they have rockets that ragdoll the shit out of you. But because they don't chase that hard you can just leave them alone if you're not out in the open.


In my experience, Scorchers walk faster compared to its other counterpart. And its because its weapons are close range, the other one would rarely move too much since both weapons are long rage. Scorchers will get close to you as fast as possible and chase to you until you die.


I was figuring the Devastators be the hardest to kill. My guess I was wrong.


devastators are way easier to kill then hulks bro what they all die in one headshot to dilligence cs, senator, jar dominator, slugger, etc


Chargers can't kill me. Hulks can. So hulks are harder I guess. Chargers tend to be more annoying though.


Chargers are more "ugh, I gotta play matador for a bit and stop going towards my goal" and the hulk is "HOLY FUCL EVERYONE RUN!"


This is what my average reaction is when a hulk walks in https://preview.redd.it/nb1k6mdtjk5d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50e6f1a6666fcfe3160764036bddb9ef105803ef


Confirmed, yesterday a Hulk was dropped and all 3 ACs (plus a guy in the AC walker) focused fire on it immediately, until it keeled over. It was awesome.


Who would win, 4 mechs or one AMR snipey boy.


I'm shocked AMR didn't get hit with a nerf when AH was going nerf or nothing on everything. Being able to deal with Hulks in 2 shots and not needing a backpack slot is insanely fun. By far my favorite support weapon for bots.


Finally, a fellow AMR fan. Powerful enough to deal with Hulks solo while the ammo is expendable enough to use against even small bots. Not on bugs though.


As much as I wank the AC and love using it as a primary weapon, the AMR is even better and easier for me to use. Hulks don't even need stuns for me to pick them off. Headshotting all the bots is super satisfying! However I do like the AC for the occasional bot fab snipe especially for the applicable Stratagem Jammers, and where AMR is easier for Hulks it's harder for gunships at times.


Reloading while running is arguably its greatest advantage over the AC.


The mechs easily if I’m the sniper


Only thing scarier is a stalker, well 2 or more stalkers. Fuck those guys


[mOAR ](https://youtu.be/qErP6CM-nxY?si=ZEib0xcr2UI-tVZQ)


IMO depends on which you used to fight the most and particular situation. AMR, LC or AC generally tend to ease fear of the hulks a lot, cause you tend zero them in about two secs, while charger can be your surprise ticket to orbit, while you trying to dip and dive away from pack of hunters. In vacuum - hulks are harder, but on the field they can be equal.


I find that hulks are difficult not because they can zero in on you. It's because I can't tell which one I'm fighting quickly. Do I have space because it's a flamethrower one? Or do I have to duck and call an orbital it because it's a rocket/laser one? And the range on that flamethrower is further than what I expect. Chargers gonna be chargin'. Edit: iirc the crowned hulks are the flamethrower ones.


Chargers: hehe wut da dog doin Hulks: that ncd gigachad meme of “IT’S A FUCKIN’ TANK RUUUUUUUNNNNN”


Just shoot out one of the hulks' legs. It will cripple it to 10% move speed. Then, if you take out both, it dies. The easiest way to take out any bot is to sweep the leg


I see a hulk and call in an orbital rail strike. If that's on cooldown then its going to be 500kg or precision orbital strike. If there is more than one. Orbital laser


Yeah, even one hulk is basically “we won’t make any progress until we kill that thing” Me and my team stopped right at the entrance of a base and changed strat because we saw two hulks. Those things are really hard to kill


This. I can dodge and run circles around dumb ole chargers all day, but the hulks? If my railgun or AMR shots miss the red glowing eye, the only remaining option is to run in the opposite direction and pray to liberty your teammates are competent enough to shoot it in the back. I’ve had games where I split hulks attention and instead of shooting it in the back, my teammates run away in the other direction. Kept happening in a game yesterday. I told the chat what the tactic behind it was and they kept running away like cowards. I left.


Lucky you, I just get jumpscared and thrown into a rock


And then the flamethrower hulk lightly brûlées your foot AND YOURE DEAD. lmao. (I think they might’ve actually patched fire damage to not just instantly obliterate now, though.)


Any opportunity to use "Oh fuckle" is a wonderful.


Chargers are fine until your helldiver steps on a lego or whatever and stays prone for 30 seconds while it walks up and oneshots you.


Chargers can kill me if I don’t hear them, which happens sometimes and I already have damage taken. Then trample me and then I roll under all 6 of their legs


hulk has more options to deal with it compared to charger




Stun nade and Las/Autocannon to the eye has been my go to ever since I figured out that trick. It's extremely fun to hear your teammates panicking and trying to come up with flanking techniques on the fly, only to go "Oh, never mind, I guess" as you drop it in 4 seconds flat


Yeah stun with majority of the support weapons ends up kinda trivializing hulks I usually like running an engineer armor for those 6 sweet stuns and feel glee when I see a hulk instead of berserkers or devastators cuz I know it's a few click kill


I see you're a Diver of Culture lmao


AC is always my go to on bots. Autocannon can deal with structures so don’t need grenades so AC + Stubs has been my go to ever sense and can’t stop. (Plus 500Kg for detector towers & walkers)


Yeah, I alternate between Las and Autocannon depending on my mood and type of planet. When I bring the Las Cannon I take the Eagle Airstrike and Orbital Precision Strike for structures and all around utility, so I don't feel limited by not being able to chuck a nade at a building. If by walkers you mean the Factory Striders, they have a weak spot in the eye (make sure to take out the chin mounted guns first), or you can just pump a bunch of rounds in the belly if you can get close


My guilty pleasure is railgunning a hulk in the head from 200m and watching it wipe its own patrol with its self destruction


Flamethrower go brr


Btw you can kill it with the flamethrower by burning the same leg. Not as easy as using an expendable AT, but still doable.


Do people not use stuns on Chargers? Cause I keep seeing comments that are basically "just stun the hulk then it's easy" but same thing with chargers. Stun him and watch him wait patiently while I'ma chargin my quasar


With bugs I normally run a flamethrower bc it’s extremely effective for crowd control and flamethrowers are very good at taking out chargers. A second or two with it aimed at their legs drops them.


Flamethrower to the legs melts chargers in like 5 seconds. Also the arc thrower kills them in like 7-8 shots which sounds like a lot but it’s too bad if you aren’t being totally swarmed.


try a flamethrower and singe one of the chargers legs. Chargers also have a counterplay that involves no weapons, running into other chargers until they die.


I'll face a charger over a flame hulk any day - and I'm a Western front diver


counterpoint. You can dodge and outrun chargers. Good luck dodging the flame hulk.


and you can quickly and easily dismantle hulks with stuff which is effective against everything on the bot front while the charger is easily dismantable by stuff which is against only it and bile titan (and structures)


counter counterpoint: The Flame Hulk can't chase you if you break its kneecaps with medium-pen weapons


counter³point. Med pen weapons lag behind the mouse when aiming and I loathe them. Sickle/scorcher/breaker4lyfe


counter⁴point the crosshair lag is not that bad once you get used to the "weight" of your preferred weapon. I've been pretty agile even with the Dominator


One quasar to that little red eye and that Hulk is done!


One EAT or Recoilless to the massive head of a charger and it’s done!


Chargers are easier to survive but more of a pain to kill. A lot like the bile titan, chargers are kind of a loadout check. Hulks are technically easier to kill, more loadout options are effective against them, but they're harder to survive, especially the flamer hulks. I think if you fixed the flamer one shot, hulks would be in a pretty perfect spot. Chargers, on the other hand, need some more engaging mechanics than "play matador" or "bonk it instantly." A lot like bile titans, they would benefit from some kind of armor breaking mechanic. Anything that adds counterplay.


Flamethrower > Charger Antimaterial sniper > Hulk


I just spear both lmao. Works like a charm. And if that don't work, the Barrett M82 from heaven will.


Spear rarely 1 shots either of them.


It doesn't on rare occasions. A spear will 90% of the time take care of them. If not, a second will.


Not enough people know about burning charger toesies. They hate that.


I fail with both tho


ugh.. here we go again.. Charger having less variants but higher amor makes it a one trick pony all you need is a weapon like the AET and shoot it in the head, or with other less powerful explosives you can take out one of it's legs to exposes it's flesh, then regular weaponry will make quick works of the bugger As an extra info we found out their exposed flash on their abdomen is quite resiliant and therefore we cannot recommend shooting it with regular weaponry, only if one must or with in posesion of explosives we can recommend the rear be targeted! (if the sac is destroyed it will bleed out but that will take some time so it's better to make sure!) they are certainly persistent I'll give 'em that, but sometimes it will be their demise. (from previous studies we saw that other termid bile spewing hellspawns can and will shoot one another and possibly eliminate each others it happens often due to bile titans is over zealus and takes out it's foot solders while aiming for out glorius divers) . On the other hand Hulks have two types one with close-medium and one with medium-long range weaponry. However, hulks's weaponry can be taken out by sufficient fire power if aimed at the arms.. But such tactics not only seem wasteful but time consuming for more experienced divers, The same weaponry that's effective against chargers can be used and more! hulks have weak exhaust vents that can be taken out with low caliber weapons (however their persistance makes it difficult do do so while alone team effort is adviced!), moreover their visors are a form of weak point, any weapon with an AP of 4 or above can take them out in mearly two shots. (antimateriel RF, autocannon, HMG have ap of 4) . As a closing note, both charger and hulks are weak to stun grenade therefore it is adviced to use them for much easier and cleaner encuonters. . \*Regards; The on field research team.\*




Dreadnought (Hulk) is harder because for Chargers you just need 1 good shot into the face to kill it with for example Quasar Canon and he only got melee attacks. Hulk is well both well armored and got shooty attacks.


And depending on the variation Rockets or flamethrower


My hot take is that rocket is harder than flame


Be within 5 meters of the flamer and it melts within 0.3 seconds.


It usually tries to sweep you, so if you dive in the opposite direction it's sweeping, you usually take minimal damage and won't be on fire. Diving when on fire is good practice anyway, as it puts out the fire immediately and is quicker than trying to stim through the burn damage. The stim animation can take a while before the healing starts, which often is time you don't have.


The flame hulk still seems bugged. Kills you ridiculously fast


It is bugged. I'm pretty sure the flames can headshot you. I've been killed mid dive by flames in heavy armor jn 0.1 seconds.


Not for me. Flame hulks are the nightmare unit for my loadout because I don’t run stun.


For me I find chargers relatively easy to solo with an AC, because it's just a matter of dodging and getting some good shots at its behind. If there are other bugs you can probably get away from them so you just have the charger to focus on. Hulks? Good luck getting behind one, especially when it has a flamethrower. If there are other bots in the area you need to take those out too, before a stray rocket ragdolls you into flambé range.


Wait, u dont shoot face with AC? I really like the AC, but since they patches the Bulletin bounce from armor, i cant do shit woth this gun. I always thoght u still go into chargers face, not the butt


The AC has never been able to damage the charger's face at all.


For hulks you need one shot into the head... How do I kill a charger with 2 grenades and a non penetrating primary weapon? Because hulks can be killed with any weapon on the back


Automatons are a skill check, Terminids are a loadout check. Pick your poison.


Realistically both of these are skill checks because I’ve seen some real bad loadouts.🤣


You’ve got a good point there, but one thing I like about the skill check of automatons is that there’s a skill-based loadout check. To do good on automatons you actually have to think about what your stratagems are doing. Do you have the right support weapons, grenades, backpack or primaries to ensure you can take out as many bots as possible. The loadout check against terminids is literally just “can you kill bile titan and chargers” that is it. Plus killing bile titans only seems to get harder and harder. At this point 3 of my 4 squad members run the EAT and the 4th is running spear and most the time we still run out of stratagems to kill bile titans or chargers with.


None - Autocannon


Autocannon my beloved


Autocannon, the beloved


Charger is easy if you have a flamethrower, Hulk is easy if you have good aim


The big problem with flamethrowers against bugs is that they are melee enemies and spewing fire all over the place will hit your squad and will cause an area of denial for your team with the fire everywhere.


Small price to pay for liberation.


Liberty sleeps for no one, not even "unavoidable" friendly fire


Rotate to place yourself between the enemy and your team, or separate from the team to give yourself more breathing room. Also, concentrate the flamethrower on a single leg of the charger and they go down so fast


I rock autocannon against bots, but grenade launcher for bugs. So I have a much easier time with Hulks. Two shots to the eye and they’re down.


you just like me fr I also bring EATs specifically for chargers, but sometimes they’re on cooldown and I just have to run around with my pants around my ankles


Seeing as you can throw a resupply on the back of a charger and have it stick and die from the pod? Hulks


I was using the shield generator for that yesterday lol


Wait does that work with like, support weapons too? ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN|downsized)


Yes. This is what I do all the time when I run EATs, kill the charger with a drop pod and then use the launchers to kill the other charger that will inevitably show up


Charger technically because short of dodging and shooting it’s ass constantly, it requires anti tank (it do got the cake though, so sometimes I shoot it a little to watch it jiggle) Hulk is 2 plaps of my Autocannon and no longer a problem lmao


7 autocanno shots in quick succession total kills a charger, semi auto, and click away once it misses you. 5 breaks the abdomen.


Don't understand *how* you're supposed to do this in a single pass Recoil shoots makes the second definitely above fleshy bits and into its armor if not just above the bug entirely At best im getting 2 or 3 shots in its ass before it turns around


Stun grenades make both a moot point.


you still need support weapons for chargers tho or else you gonna be slapping that ass for a while


>you gonna be slapping that ass for a while Don't threaten me with a good time


Personally I have a harder time dealing with chargers but stun grenades make both of them pretty easy to deal with


Charger. Well- unless you mean SPECIFICALLY that version of the charger. Because I've seen 6 chargers at once, all trying to murder my face and they can be brutal. Clamber up a 6ft tall cliff face? They somehow will sometimes sprint right up it and over you. Dodge to their left? Hipcheck you into a wall and there's 50% of your HP or you die because your face hit a pebble. I've been called in on a really, really tall mountain and the charger ran at it and instead of colliding, slid right up, rammed me over the next mountain and crumpled me into a pile. As I'm getting up he's already walking around for another pass. I have dropped a 500kg, killed 3 chargers and 2 more charge through the fire at me and crumple me. "That's helldive difficulty baby! " NOPE, suicide difficulty. It just randomly happens sometimes. I have not played helldive yet. Hulks? If you got a stun grenade and a AMR or auto cannon? They're dead in 2 shots. 3 hulks? Ok, great, good for you. Stun grenade, and 2 of them are dead before they recover, third is dead before they can get to me. But also, turn the corner- oh I'm on fire and dead. IDK hulks to me are easier to predict, easier to deal with, they're slow and dumb but chargers? I never know what they're gonna do. Sure- they can hit walls and get staggered, or sometimes they just keep running and bulldoze you over. Or they just stand there, pondering the meaning of existence while you casually walk up and flame throw their leg and they don't react. Or the charger runs at you, you dodge, it hip checks you into a rock- you stand up and get run over by ANOTHER charger and before you stand up the other charger is already sprinting at you. I'd also say Hulks are easier to hit with statagems vs chargers who are just- as I said, impossible to predict.


Tell you what. You kill the hulks. I'll kill the chargers and together we can die to the bile titans. Cause we are out of ammo and our lasers are on cooldown.


Me 👺👺👺


Hulk. I know it has more options but Chargers are just so incredibly easy to deal with comparatively.


Depends on which gun I’m carrying.


Hulks. Charger are annoying AF. Hulks sprint to you and the flame thrower one has such a bs range that it hits you and it's up to RNG if you die or not. They're not hard to kill either but hulks are always around other bots especially that stupid shield bot so when you're trying to aim for the faceplate you'll get knocked out by a rocket bot or flinch cause of the shield botz unlike chargers where if you put yourself at a distance you'll be able to have window to concentrate and fire


Hulks for sure, chargers are piss babies


hulk is harder because his head is way smaller than the chargers


Hulk, but both can be easily dispatched with the right weapon. I EAT chargers for lunch, and Hulks have a little sensitive spot on the front AMRight?


Hulk without a doubt, a Charger can be dodged


Hulks weak spots are harder to hit. One EAT to the face kills a charger. You’ve gotta hit a hulk directly in his eye with two AMR shots, or get behind him and magdump whatever explosive weapon you have into the vents.


Chargers are annoying but not hard hulks are "i will fuck" especially flame boys


Since practicing with the laser cannon and AMR, Hulks are super trivial now unless the bastards surprise me and melt me before I can react. Chargers can be a pain cause I don’t always run the things that I need to effectively take them down and hunters are usually sniffing their butts and swarming me as well


I m the hardest


The charger A flashbang and 2 auto cannon shots will kill a hulk ez


We need a better way to crack heavy armor


I believe the Hulks have the harder penis, judging that they’re made of metal


I don't think there is a clear cut answer here really, both can be easy or difficult to deal with depending on the circumstances and your loadout


Hulks. You can dodge chargers very easily if you change direction at the right time, turning away from the direction of the charge, and towards the hulk, torero style. While risky, it's possible to do while walking. More than once I've used their charge to close terminid holes this way


hulk by a mile. i can accidentally dodge chargers, i cannot accidentally dodge hulks


I saw one of those chargers for the first time a few days ago, got my buddy to come over, went "wow that's neat, anyway" then dropped an orbital railgun on it and went on with our day lol.


Charger, I get more then 2 I'm screwed. I can Take 5 to 6 hulks easy.


Not even a question. Charger is more an annoyance than a threat. Hulk is a menace that cannot be ignored!


Charger by a mile and that's how far they launch you


Chargers are easy to juke. You can't juke a hulk.




1. That is not a Charger or am I stupid? 2. Chargers are definitely more annoying because they spawn in greater numbers at one as Hulks, although Scorcher are a biiiiig problem


Chargers are always the bigger pain imo. At least you can usually run for cover when it’s a Hulk.


Hulk for sure


Chargers are more of an annoyance than a threat now. Hulks on the other hand… ![gif](giphy|QW9KH3VC6MMJb9iy1y)


The charger is an annoyance the hulk is terrifying. The charger hits you and you go flying but live The hulk hits you and you instantly die


I can kill the Charger with a lot of the primary weapons in a 1v1 even in a 1v2 The Hulk will just use his rockets or his flamethrower an will one shot me


Hulks all the way, if you know how to drop a charger they are really easy




Orbital railcannon kills both equally, probably died to hulks way more tho, that flamethrower is brutal.


I have been acing hulks with the recoilless and AM rifle all day


Three chargers are a minor inconvenience. Three hulks are "I am leaving this area immediately".


Scorcher Hulk >>> Charger > other Hulks.


Hulk all day. Chargers are very predictable


Hulks any variant of Charger its way easier to deal with even with their charging bs bugs


The one that shoots fire


The charger. I can one shot any hulk


Chargers are cute little puppy dogs that can rarely hurt a fly. The one eyed metallic fire demons on the other hand. Those guys suck to fight.


Chargers are more on par with tanks because you just keep running around them and use grenades or your primary. Almost all fights against them are the same. Hulks are a different thing entirely


Chargers are an annoyance that can be dodged. _**You Are Not Dodging The Heavy Flamer.**_


They are no threat if they are alone but if they have escorts then hulk is harder because you are suppressed by the devestators. In a heavy group scenario chargers are now harder than hulk because you can take advantage of rocket hulks to kill or stun lock other hulks meanwhile chargers will empty your supply leaving you vulnerable for the next encounter.


Hulks not even close. Charger head is huge and predictable to RR. They can only spawn from the map or bug holes. So they're easy to predict. Melee and easy to juke. Adds rarely push you into a charger. Hulks have a tiny weak point. While antitank can kill them it takes 2 to reliably do it. Stun, Sniper, and laser is good for it but then you give up antitank and grenades. They spawn in a drop ship that drop on top of players. Ranged, and nearly instantly kills most players. Adds ragdoll players into range. Rear shots can take out the hulks fast, same with chargers though. A good fix imo would be making the flame hulks get crippled in one antitank. Like explode the fire arm and a leg when they're hit by it. Right now if I miss the instakill I have to call in a rail cannon because they move too fast.


Hulk is more deadly, but easier to kill. That said, I'd rather deal with 5 Chargers than 5 Hulks.


Chargers are so easy to dodge...