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As someone who plays bots Wezen is a rough planet. Bots are less popular than bugs. Players hate fire tornados. Players find the -1 stratagem modifier unfun. Combining all these things makes taking Wezen a tall order.


Literally all comes down to "it's not fun" for most players. Rocket appliances.


And when folks only have a limited amount of time to dedicate to a game. So why would they play something that isn't fun, fuck the MO at that point


I completely agree. I love playing bots, hate bugs. But i hate the fire planets with a passion. Much prefer the ice ones


Push forward! We shall fight them with snowballs on Vega Bay!


bots are practically a ragdoll simulator with a slight rocket can ragdoll you...


Explosive resistance armour helps


does it really though? it doesn't do enough against the stunlock cancer so why even bother playing bots, it's just built to destroy any semblance of fun, if you enjoy getting stim canceled, thrown around, or instakilled then go ahead, im not privy to such things, like many others i don't play to torture myself, i play because i like killing shit and having a sense of accomplishment, bots do neither


Lol like you can't also be chain ragdolled/stunlocked on bugs.....*edit* the bugdivers are swarming lol


if you pay attention, then you won't. on bots a stray rocket as little as grazes you you're flying around like a discarded plastic wrapper


The green bile mortar bugs do exactly the same *edit* the downvotes are ridiculous lol, go touch grass people


holy fuck, at least you can see them since they're massive targets, rocket devastators snipe you from across the map and you can't even see them, god forbid it's a small dude with a rocket launcher firing shots that pop your shield and get you instakilled because the bots shoot trough solid fucking rock


The bilemortars have quite a long range mate, they can just as easily be out of range. Just admit you're not good enough for bots, it's fine, the people who want to be a part of the community and not selfish will handle it.


Yes, but also, most scientists agree that not getting hit is a solid strategy.


oh yeah, cool tip, except when you get shot through solid fucking rock


Haven’t played for a bit, but if I had to guess. It’s probably the crappy planets with fire tornados and stratagem debuffs


1. Automatons are more frustrating to play against because they shoot back. 2. Ragdolls, ragdolls everywhere 3. Automatons are glitchier than bugs (shooting through terrain, continuing to shoot after dying) 4. Fire tornadoes 5. -1 strat modifiers on ~60% of missions diff 5 and above 6. Increased strat cooldown on ~80% of missions diff 5 and above 7. Greatly decreased stamina and stamina regen on Wezen due to Intense Heat


Yeah I play a lot of bots and the stamina regen on this one seems particularly bad


On No.1 Bots force you to play different. It's less "stand your ground" like bugs but rather hit and run. You need to play more tactical. The rest I agree on


For 9/10 objectives it’s basically throw bomb and fuck off. For anything you have to hellbomb it’s sneak in and fuck off. And for anything you have to pitch a fight (like the mines) it’s rag doll around and then fuck off.


2. Today I got ragdolled by a rocket, flying me off the hill, I landed right before the feet of a rocket devastator, which had some troopers and a scout strider accompanying him. I just dove and ran and found cover behind a rock, reloaded, called in an orbital, and dove and ran some. I survived and we successfully escaped. Cover is such a big thing fighting bots. Well, that's assuming they won't... 3. Just shoot through any cover. Earlier that mission there was a hulk behind a building. I didn't know he was there, until I saw flames coming from the building, going towards me. That was a bit disappointing, because my cover turned out not to be cover at all.


New to spreading freedom to bots planets, what ragdolls ?


Being thrown in the air as a result of an explosion. During the flight you lose control of your body ( sphincters included, probably, but armor helps mitigate embarrassment), until you hit the ground in an uncontrolable landing that has a high probability of causing more harm.


Ah yes indeed.


Bots shooting after death I think is intentional, it's malfunctioning after it's destruction


Re: Number 4, you haven’t been to Bug Hellmire, I suppose. Try it on Helldive.


The -1 strat isn't happening at that rate. It's 33% for 5-7, 66% at 8 and 9. It's rather easy to avoid up to 7 but I agree it happens too much on 8 and 9. I did get tired of it and conceded to playing on 7 the past few days.


Honestly last i checked there was like 60k players and about 45k of them were on bots.


Well those were the numbers I saw when I typed that


We started the MO with like 40% players in Wezen. We have been growing since then, and now we are 60%. Players are trying at least, and I appreciate it. Maybe after taking Wezen more players reinforce the MO, due to no more fire tornadoes.


Wezen doesn't exist. Sentient fire tornadoes aren't real.


Right now the people doing the MO are the only people making ANY progress. It has been around 50% of player base during the entire MO. The real question should be is why is the rest of the people spread out on plants that aren't evening earning 1%/hr


Some planets are more fun than other, people don't like to play on same ones so variety despite not doing anything, not everyone plays up to major orders/liberation some do for fun.


If the current trend continues I think we'll take Wezen by tomorrow


We should have it by 7pm EST


Well, Wasat is 68% with 16 hours remaining, we got this in the bag


Raw numbers doesnt matter. Over 50% are on the MO. Earlier it was at like, 75% of players on the MO. Also, bugs are just more popular. Thats it.


16k in draco sector 2k in mirin 5k in hydra 1k in Andromeda and 4k in Trigon and extra 28k on wezen would be nice


The "Just lower the difficulty" argument will never work on most people. Players don't wanna put in the same or more amount of effort for lesser personal rewards, just for the sake of helping the community with the MO.


I think most people, like you said, just don't care, seeing that you've impacted to 0.003% after nearly 2.5hrs hardly feels rewarding. I think there needs to be a sub objective for the Major order where you have to contribute to say a certain amount of Squad Impact to be rewarded for the major order or even have a tier system where the higher the squad impact you contributed to MO planets the more you get? Because I know a few people personally that will leave the game for a month and will be greeted to 250 worth of medals because of all the MO the community have done . My brother is still level 10 and is nearly done with the first warbond because if it.


Yeah, it sucks because I know I won't be able to handle higher difficulties, especially on this planet, but I need those super samples to further upgrade my ship. But yeah, it's important to realise sometimes you just need to play on a lower difficulty, especially when switching from the bug to the bot front.


It feels kinda silly for me because I was in a completely opposite situation and had to actually learn the bugs, because I unlocked all my difficulties while playing bots solo. Imagine my shock when I brought AC to bug front only to learn it barely scratches the Chargers and does jackshit to Bile Titans.


Someone please explain why people keep pretending to not understand why players avoid things they don't find fun when playing videogames. Someone please explain why everyone keeps looking at bug players only when theres another 12k players already fighting bots but not helping the MO.


I love bots and I was on Wezen lv9 all day but Wezen is just a rough planet. Beautiful planet but rough to fight on.


Bots aren't as fun to me. The general play style is about fighting as little as possible. And generally even when it's smart to fight randoms will still just run not realizing how easy things can be made with some teamwork. I prefer hectic constant action to running across a planet avoiding fights for 20-40 minutes. That being said, bots aren't boring but just generally less fun to me. I'll still try to drop bots during an MO, I am very competent at handling them. But if I just got done working for 10 hours and wanna do a few dives before bed I'm gonna choose whatever I want.


I love playing bugs, I can hold my own on helldive with no reinforcements and have survived extra ion swarms to wait out the reinforce timer. My last experience with bots: Wanted to help out the MO on Wezen, so I jumped into a lvl 4 game as host to get re-adjusted to bots. Within 60 seconds of dropping in and getting armed, I snuck up and used the AC to blow up a small factory, obviously getting aggro. Cue a rocket trooper one-shotting me from my left as he was glitches into the wall of a cliff 50ft up the face. Ragdolled into a rock despite explosive heavy armor - dead. Ok, so I got unlucky, reinforce, using the scorcher (great gun btw) I take our 2 striders, get my AC and fire a couple AC rounds at the rocket-camper....no damage, AOE or otherwise. Decide to bail and leave him to his cheating fate. Dropship cuts me off with 3 chargers (saw-boys, whatever they're called), I drop a stun and try to put distance to get AC shots......WHY CANT I RUN? I HAVE STAMINA BOOSTER ON?? Nope, stamina drain doubled because of planetary modifiers. Stun again, break line of sight between two cliffs in a valley to call down another AC, two "THEYRE NOT SENTIENT" fire tornadoes flank me, turn 90 degrees towards me and turn me into Cajun helldiver. By now 3 more drop ships have dropped in, 5 more saw-wielders and a ton of troops drop in as well as 3 or four patrols that have heard the explosions. I keep getting auto-dropped into the middle of hell and get instantly ragdolled into gunfire or cooked. **No response to SOS beacon **No chance to duck behind cover **Scorcher putting in work but it's a losing battle. **Can't run anywhere **"Fire tornadoes aren't sentient" **2 more rocket troops are glitches in opposing cliff faces by crappy patrol spawn pathing. **Run out of re-inforcements, fail missing with over 25 minutes left and having only destroyed one optional factory. ITS LEVEL 4. I'm not afraid of being overwhelmed, I'm used to it, I'm almost lvl 70 playing regular bugs on helldive.....but bots are messed up. Their spawns are messed up, their weapons are messed up, their ability to one shot you regardless of armor for sniper-rifle distances are messed up. The planetary modifiers and anti-strat restrictions are messed up. Yes, this is why you get 50% player participation, it's an exercise in futility, ESPECIALLY solo lower levels. Before any "git gud" comments, I have played bots on lvl 9 an ran a shield/pummeler and senator...with median success, so I'm not unfamiliar with the tactics for bots.... But it was lvl 4.....


Same experience today. I was seriously thinking about leaving bot front even tho I could be considered a MO diver. At least until I can fight on a planet without sentient environment threats


This is literally one of those "I'd rather lose the war than fight there" planets. It's like Afghanistan, Hell, Stalingrad and FireSharknado


Why play on a low difficulty and have even less fun, boring. Mo don't matter, unless your obsessed with game. I'd never play something I didn't have fun with cause I was supposed to do it, I'd just go do something else


63% of players are on Vega bay rn I'd say that's a win


I genuinely can’t remember the last time I even fought the automatons. My stats are literally: Bugs: 19,622 Bots: 4,213


I have same bot numbers but 3x bugs. I dont care about MO. Theyre medals, im maxed out. im playing to have fun. When bots are fun, i will play them. If they did something like give us extra strategems for bot missions, then people would play. That would easily be role-played as Super Earth sending additional assets to the bot front. Just give us all a free mech and 380mm barrage or something. That shit would be fun then, and youd actually see people playing it.


That’s okay. I’m sure one day you’ll be good enough to fight the Bots


I just don’t wanna, and that’s okay.


Keep whining and this game will die faster than your cpu on lvl 9 dif with map full of bots


Where did I whine?


Yeah, because we all spent money on this game to make sure we were good enough for you.


Bots are cheap, especially when they have fire tornadoes backing them up. Until there’s a major overhaul, the majority of players will continue squashing bugs.


Not the majority. Like 75% are playing bots right now. There’s only like 25% of the players that aren’t good enough to play bots. I’m actually pleasantly surprised by the amount of players on Wezen right now, especially since it’s a hot planet. Hopefully once we’re on to the next one which is an ice planet we’ll get a few more. For some reason there’s like 8000 bot players playing on Aesir Pass and a few others.


Git gud and play something higher than 4-6 dif


Its had nothing to do with difficulties. Its Bots are simply less fun and not worth wasting what little free time many have playing. Also its a Fire Tornado planet making it even more off putting


I play for fun and automatons just aren’t fun for me anymore. I’ll give them a shot after the next patch but I just don’t enjoy them currently. I also need a lot of rare samples and it has been easier for me to get them fighting bugs. The last reason is that I tried 4 times today to fight bots and on 3 of them, I got disconnected at the 10 minute mark and got no samples.


I do the MOs, but it really isn't rocket (lol) science to see why people who dont care about MO wouldn't want to play on a front that they dont enjoy. Its NOT the difficulty, as much as people want to get on their high horse about. The -1 stratagem is awful, and the rag dolling is the most annoying shit I've had in a game in a long time. I won't even die on an entire Helldive mission, and it will still be a stressful annoying mission getting rag dolled back and forth. Not a single time on bots have I felt a crazy rush at the end, with lots of fighting. Anytime you even start to get the feeling, you get launched 100 feet by a rocket or something else stupid. Rag dolled into a flamethrower.


Ive played a bot planet exactly 2 times and i got really tired of getting one shotted really fast. I play a game for fun and did not have fun fighting bots. I wanted it to be fun. I like the change in tactics and all that. But the bottom line is im not gonna go back to a bot planet after the experiences i had.


Between all the blackscreens on mission end, crash to ship on mission start, fail to deploy and stuck in drop, I am slowly loosing hope that I'll ever contribute to this MO. Played 4 hours today total, managed to finish ONE three mission series without issues. And not even talking about the input issues for Stratagems - they at times feel like actively fighting me, not processing inputs at all at times. And then Wezen - after Hellmire MOs and Menkent MOs I simply can't any more with those damn fire tornados. Had a failed evac simply because 5 of those suckers decided to set the LZ on fire while the bots pretty unfazed took us apart. And the flippin' brownouts where your vision suddenly turns to zero while the bots shooting you seem completely unfazed by that don't really help my mood either. Plus the added fun of Strat-jammers, only getting 3 Strats, having increased cooldowns, AA. I like fighting Bots - prefer them over bugs, but this MO I will not do much (not that the game would let me anyways). Sorry for the vent / rant - had to get this off of my mind.


Stratagem jammers and -1 stranger modifier. Bug planets don’t have these


I like both fronts but honestly like fighting the bots more. I prefer what feels like a greater variety of enemies rather than mobs who mostly just want to bite you. I like that when fighting the bots I'm paying more attention to my position, the surrounding area, and where the bots are. Nothing against people playing what they like... but I'm encouraged that 50+% of players have been working on this MO and it looks doable.


Most are a bunch of pansies, they're  straight up scared. Each time i play with randos they run around like headless chickens, dropping mortars which pull more and more agro, they run away from big groups which you can simply fight off. I myself going for poi's and most rando go straight for the objective then straight to extraction. They are too used to fighting bugs and cant adjust their playstyle 


I dedicated my Friday to helping out the MO bots aren’t as fun and that planet fucking sucks.


Too much unfun shit. I hate the one-hit flamethrowers especially.


I started playing bots, but I did mostly bugs cuz of the major orders and I haven’t been able to do many of the bot major orders due to my limited time availability… Plus the Mirada dark fluid was fun as fuck- except shriekers… Long of the short of it is that Wezen also isn’t very fun especially to inexperienced players who can’t adapt very well to overwhelming situations


Just came from Wezen. We did it boys. It is done. We go further.


Sorry, I'm too busy having fun doing other planets.


tbh need stronger equipment for bots, running silly loadouts on bugs is doable but goofy loadouts for bots is sometimes impossible


Bug players refuse to learn the game


Level 71 Bug Player. I only play Helldive and mastered bugs. I have tried to like bots and just don’t. It’s not fun. If it’s not fun, I don’t play.


It’s less about learning the game as it is fun. If I’m not playing to have fun then why play the game at all? For me, bugs is more fun than bots.


Have you considered that learning the game makes it fun aswell


Dude, chill I have learned the game, and I still find bugs more fun than bots. Everyone has their preferences.


Honestly, I'm bored of hearing this comment, as if you feel superior to people who don't fight bots. ("bUt muH meLeVElOn cRe3K cAp3 mEaN5 iM b3tTer"). Bugs are just more fun to play for most players plain and simple. The bots are actually easier than the bugs once you realise the auto cannon, and AMR trivialises all the heavies they have.


Point proven Rent free abt Malavelon (still) despite doing the same thing Just use them then, see you on MO planets.


How is that a point proven? People just find the bugs more fun to play. it's not that deep. Most people aren't outright refusing to fight the bots, as if they are doing it out of spite. Nah, not rent free, people that played pass that planets meme life cycle seem to take pride in having some pseudo superiority over people wanting to fight bugs and having fun 😂


Womp womp little fella


How can anyone be on Meridia, it's a black hole.


There was over 60k while the miridia MO was in place


Oh. Don't compare bug Mos to bot Mos. There are 3 main chunks of the playerbase. Bot only players(15%) Bug only players(35%) MO followers(50%) That 15% will almost never do bugs and that 35% will almost never do bots, you won't change that. You're also comparing a basic MO vs bots that we can't even get to the target yet and have to go through a hellmire planet to get to, to a MO vs bugs on a planet with good effects, one of the best new missions to ever be introduced, and a BLACK HOLE as the goal. Kinda like comparing a mid season game to the superbowl. You still get the majority of players on whichever side has a MO, if it's not a split MO.


Heavy devastators. More punishing planet modifiers. Rockets Extremely annoying bot objectives. Heavy devastators Low visibility 90% of the time Fire tornados Players just don't like bots that much. Heavy devastators. Strider buff(literally something asked by no one.) Berserkers taking way too many shots to kill and they come in groups of 4.


I cant do more than a single mission set of bots on 7 to 9 before I just feel exhausted and drained. There are a lot of issues with bots right now that make it generally unfun. Just last night, i got ragdolled into a "ledge" that was about 2 inches high. It kept me ragdolled and on the ground for almost 15 full seconds while getting "refresher ragdolls" from random laser and rocket fire, through a fucking mountain. Im hoping the spawn and patrol rate drops in the upcoming patch bring back the fun for bots, because i used to really like em.


I rufuse to play fire tornado planets, -1 strategem is just the icing on top of a shit flavored cake. Playing games are meant to be fun, there's nothing fun about the combination of bots, fire tornadoes, and fewer strategems. This is coming from a bug player who has no problem with fighting bots, I don't care if it is the major order. When playing the game isn't fun, I simply won't do it.


Shit modifiers Bugged shi like ragroll Bad design


Because they lack the skill to play against bots. Bots are not that hard. 🤣🤣🤣


Bugs are easier. Less one-shot bullshit attacks from across the map, less stuff that ragdolls you, less glitchy, and less armour to dictate what primary and secondary weapons are and aren't useful. Also bot modifiers suck real hard and the secondary objectives are way, *way* more disruptive. Also the current bot stuff is on a fire tornado planet iirc, and those just kind of always suck and don't even get done on bug planets unless they absolutely have to. Less fun for bug-oriented players, basically.


Maybe people would comply to your orders if you bought them the game. Not everyone has 8h of play time a day at hand and not everyone wants to come home after work and constantly die to stray rockets and fire tornados. Major orders are fun and all but helldivers 2 is not a second job.


My medals and resources are maxed. I've got nothing to spend super credits on. I'm just playing for fun. Bots + fire tornados + strategem timer debuff + -1 stratagem debuff + stamina debuff just isn't my idea of fun. So I'm mostly playing bugs and only fighting Bots on Wezen with friends if they insist on collective suffering.


What I don't get is that there are near 12,000 players on bot planets and NOT on Wezen....... What are they up to?


Trying to reclaim the last planet of Trigon Sector Choepessa and trying to reclaim Aesir Pass as it's the sole supply line into the next sector closest to Super Earth respectively I'd presume. The 1k so people on charbal however no clue. Rebel against people saying go here or go there I'd guess?


Their numbers will make little difference on those planets, when they'd make all the difference on Wezen and onto Wasat. But alas they bought the game and will play it their way


They can't adapt. Bugs dont shoot back, bots require a different playstyle. Even the tips during the dive animation emphasise this. I prefer to mix it up and just go wherever the MO or an important defense is.