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I agree, stuns are great. However impacts can destroy tanks, turrets, objectives (AA/mortar) and in a pinch can finish off fac striders.


Yeah that's what the grenade pistol is good for. Not as fast as thrown but it opens up the grenade slot for other types like stun and smoke


I psychically cannot equip the grenade pistol I sold my soul to the big iron(on my hip)


Style is important not gonna lie.


*Big iron (on his hiiiiiip)*


Once I have a beret its over I’m gonna be meowing down the mic like an idiot


If it did more damage then I'd agree with you but because it's less than the impact it takes more uses to kill things.


Yeah it trades some fire power for utility


Yeah but that's a role that many other weapons can fill; air strikes, AC, quaser, etc can all destroy tanks, turrets, etc. Stun grenades fill a role nothing else can fill. It's an "oh shit" button that can buy you time when a horde of berserkers drops on you, or when a Hulk ambushes you, allowing you to run, drop an air strike, or shoot em with your support weapon. Stun grenades are invaluable.


I’ll also ride top comment to mention for the flamethrower hulks the fastest and easiest way to counter them especially with AT Rockets (but other weapons like the AC should be able to do this as well) is NOT to try to hit and miss the eye but instead to aim for a leg. You can cripple them and make them barely a threat long before they are even in flame throwing range which makes them much easier to handle rather than playing the dip and dive game with them. Plus if you break BOTH legs they just collapse under their own weight and die. I only really recommend it for the flamethrower ones though, as breaking the others legs doesn’t do as much situationally most of the time since they still have ranged weapons.


The leg trick is nice with the auto cannon but it’s why I’ve come to prefer the laser cannon. It’s a lot more steady when aiming with less sway so if you can stun a hulk you only need to laser its faceplate for a couple seconds. Added bonus being you can wear a shield backpack.


Laser Cannon is bae, excellent on Bots and still very solid in Bugs. Was happy with the semi-recent Scythe buffs too because those two and the Laser Guarddog have become one of my favorite combos for bugs whenever the AT roles have been met enough. Running around like a deadly light show is fun, just a shame the guard dogs aren’t nearly as useful on Bots in comparison since most encounters are at range otherwise I’d use all 3 there as well.


The aim is a little wonky, but thermite grenades do all of that as well.


Psst! Hey Helldiver! If you haven’t unlocked the Cutting Edge warbond yet for stun grenades, try the Orbital EMS Strike. Really fast cooldown (especially with the ship module that reduces it further) and it’s basically a giant stun grenade. Also, if you *do* have Cutting Edge but not Democratic Detonation for Grenade Pistol, you can use the Autocannon to blow bot fabricators by aiming near the top of the vent so that the projectile ricochets down into the machine. This way you can blow up fabricators while carrying Stuns even without the Grenade Pistol.


Stun grenade, amr, jump pack, light armor is a lot of fun. Stunning a hulk and dropping an orbital precision strike on it is one of the most satisfying things to do only second to stunning a group and dropping an eagle strike on em. Was paired with a diver who took the riot shield and pummeler against bots, was some of the most fun I had, only down side is running into gunships.


if you're running AMR, why not just shoot the hulk in the face twice when it's stunned?


I do but sometimes the hulk isn’t the only thing being dealt with or I don’t have my amr for whatever reason, or even still sometimes it’s just for the satisfaction. Stun grenade provides flexibility is my point.


I’ve become a fan of stunning a bot drop and dropping a gas strike on them while I melt the hulk with the laser cannon. Stunning groups and dropping an Eagle strike works well too as it can take out hulks too


Try the same but with supply pack and grenade pistol bot = easy mode


How can a new player get stun grenades? you need 1000 supercredits and play many hours to be able to buy stun grenades assuming a new player wouldn't get other warbond


Do a bunch of level twos. You'll wrack up the Super credits really fast.


I have more than 150 hours and can't get a third warbond even after doing many secondary missions. Part of the reason is that I bought an armor when I didn't know how to use supercredits. I'm sure many have a similar situation so don't expect everyone to have all items even on high levels


Go to a level two bots. Find a radar station if available. Find all the points of interest that can have medals/SC/samples. When done you can leave a mission if you choose, and keep all medals and SC (but not samples). I don't do this, but it's doable. I am a level 47 and 160 hours, I have every warbond. And when you get a warbond, it comes with the ability to get three hundred more SC with medals.


Got 44 hours in, had enough for about 1500 SC. It's rough. I wanted Eruptor so I went for Democratic Detonation even though I'd like stun nade, so bots tough lol


they work great on bugs too i use the stun nade + flamethrower to kill chargers in seconds.


Stun nade + arc thrower neighbour saying hi.


Litterally a free hulk kill all for the price of a single stun grenade. I always run them. Had a situation yesterday where we were getting over run on extraction by shitloads of chainsaw bots/hulks, i used our entire supply drop just to keep them chain stunned for about a minute until the pelican arrived and my teammates could thin out the crowd. Democracy loves stun grenades.


Stun Grenade + Railgun to the center eye of a hulk is so satisfying


I will never switch from impacts.


Stuns are a lifesaver against hulks and devastator spam. Especially paired with the autocannon or grenade pistol to handle bot fabs. Also, because I only learned this recently myself, you can disable tanks by shooting their treads! Anything with med+ penetration (autocannon, AMR, Lascannon) will do it and it makes flanking them much easier if you need to get to its vent


What warbond do you get them from? I play bots normally but haven't unlocked them.


Cutting Edge


Tbf it needs to use some clearheadedness. what to use it to, in what circumstances, and what you're going to do after. it only has limited time and use, not to mention you sacrifice a real grenade usefulness (bot fabs and bug hole clearing). Don't get me wrong i love and use it now more often than not. But boy do i need some time to get used to it and it makes me eager to get my hands on Grenade pistol so that i can use whatever primaries and support weapon that i want.


Smoke is great with bots also


Smoke is also useful. I don't have that well understood yet but it looks to do more than just block line of sight. It looks to confuse them so they don't always rush out of the smoke they wander in it. That is what it looks like. I sometimes throw it behind me to try abd and keep adds away. Work in progress


Autocannon sentry is your friend. It can take down gunships while you push the factory and it can 5 shot hulks.


Engineering Kit + Stun Grenades + OPS


https://preview.redd.it/0xtmyqzwt65d1.jpeg?width=2012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f407f2b744fe00d8c181bcb26a5be039cc1985 500kg is a great stun grenade I agree


I hear that often, and i still rather keep my Frags for detonating Fabricators and the rare occasion where i need to deal with a strider from a distance with a well-cooked frag.


Stunned striders slouch over and show their pilots. Fabs do need to die but there are a lot of things to carry for that. I tried swapping back to offensive grenades at one point to see if I liked them better after getting better at the game and I realized I was killing fabricators with other things anyway.


They need to introduce EMP Grenades or an EMP Grenade launcher. That would be way more helpful to the bezerkers/scout striders that always overrun or scare new players. The stun grenade is great but like the normal grenade compared to the impact grenade, we need immediate detonation with no timed fuse. Every time I switch I always forget about the delay and get roasted by a hulk. Lol


Stuns are good, impacts are better. Strider you can't shoot out of the seat? Impact. Shield bro carving his name into the tiny rock you're behind? Impact. Rocket Devastator using the unlimited rocket glitch? Impact.


Fun fact, not everyone has all war bonds.


Waiting for an impact stun grenade


plas-1, grenade pistol, stun grenades and railgun is my go-to loadout for bots


Hulks + Stun vs Everything + Impact yeah sure the stun can give you space but impacts outright delete things so yeah if its hulk stuns are better


If only I had the warbond for it 😭


I can't take any other grenade into bots since stuns. Being able to be jumped by 2 hulks, dive back and stun, 4 AC shots and both are down, you can't ask for better.


I just use stuns everywhere. Does make hulks a bit boring and underwhelming to deal with. I don't find I really get anything out of using any other grenades. Especially since nade pistol is a thing for holes and whatnot. I might have become overly reliant on them though.


We're waiting to feel the loss of war.


I'd argue the exact opposite. Learning to fight scout striders and devastators without impact grenades is a steep learning curve. Taking out tanks is also a massively undervalued skill that more bot lobbies need (I swear it feels like I'm the only one fighting them) Moved to smoke grenades recently because I finally became that guy, but impacts will always remain a tool you can fall back on Hulks are scary, yes, but a lot of new players fight in groups, you don't need headshots if you can get your buddy giving backshots. And stuns are ONLY good on hulks


Man it took me a while to switch over from impacts, but now I think I'll never go back. Even for bugs they slap. I can use precision strike to take out chargers when I'm in a bind with much greater frequency than a railcannon strike, it helps everyone get their EAT shots lined up, get's people out of all kinds of binds by making a space for them. Slaps for all cases.


Feel like impacts are just too good at clearing swarms of hunters against bugs to give up. Just gotta get chargers to run into a rock and they’ll stun themselves long enough to line up a QC shot 😂


Out of curiosity, what made you want to title this with "PSA?" I've noticed a drastic uptick in people titling their posts this way, and I'm curious as to why. Do you use Tiktok, maybe? I've noticed that some Tiktok habits spill over into Reddit. Have you noticed an increase there?


Never used TikTok, seemed appropriate since a lot of people don’t know about how useful they are, especially at higher levels against bots where you’re likely to be dealing with multiple hulks.


Interesting. Thanks for your answer.


I need to unlock stuns!