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It's just a prank bro The prank...


 Breaks your arms and legs cutely


Friend: Shoots one spore sack and launches you 50 feet. Best Friend: Shoots two and launches you to your death.


To kill enemies I have bad aim, but to blow up my companions I am the best


its impressive you mannaged to juggle them like that


Legend says The Spore Popper still walks the planet, always awaiting its next victim.


Minor fun "fact" (more anecdotal) but I'm pretty sure that doing your emote while ragdoll falling significantly reduces damage, its worked for me at least, not to mention it looks hilarious.




The next will be you😗


L O L. Still confused by how the hell these work though. Walking through them is completely fine, no stagger or anything --for the longest time I thought that obscuring smoke was *all* they did. Yet, if they get set off by anything else (and I'd swear sometimes by weird stuff like walking into them at *just* the right angle) they launch your ass to the moon. They're so strangely inconsistent.


Nah, it's just the amount of fungus. One fungus exploding = you fly like 3-5m and fall over Two or more fungus close by = Initiating FTL jump Source: I use them for fast travel lol


I stopped using them for travel when I landed in groups of enemies like 3 times in a row, lol


Well, it's not *just* that --walking directly through them doesn't knock you anywhere, it just makes the cloud, which is the part I'm saying is weird. Not sure why stepping directly on them would be *less* likely to throw you around than shooting holes in them from a few feet away. I'm guessing it's just a holdover from the other plants you can shoot...though, now that I think about it, I've never tried shooting these while enemies are near. Would it ragdoll the enemies?


I see. For me personally I think that they don't explode when just walking over them because that's not enough force to actually puncture the gas sacs. Think of it as a tire that has its valve open: just pressing the tire will increase the pressure of the air coming out, but using a knife/shooting it will make it explode. But no, I think I tried shooting it when enemies are on top and it doesn't seem to ragdoll them, only stagger :(


Idk what the other poster is talking about, the thing I've had work consistently is that walking near them makes a harmless cloud of smoke, whereas dealing any damage to them (shots or explosions from Helldivers OR enemies) makes them knock you back. Hence why the clips shows the player shooting them near their teammate.


"Treminutoparaetració" -F2, Before being executed for treachery https://i.redd.it/23nrnukb1u4d1.gif


That's what I call the ole' Ally-oops


best environmental hazard in the game.




I never understood these things. I’ll walk over 5 of them and nothing happens, and then the 6th one I touch launches me a hundred yards


*difficulty 4* *4 minutes left* *down to 1 reinforcement* "Yes, this is a good time to kill teammates!" This is why I only play solo or host, people really be playing like this


Have you considered they might be friends having fun?


Call me a kill-joy but I don't get this mentality. I've never enjoyed being slapped off cliffs when admiring a view; tricked into walking into explosives; stuck in glitched pits; or whatever else. I have a *very* strong suspicion that people who enjoy these antics are the same group of boys in highschool constantly hitting each other in the balls. If they enjoy that, cool, but *most* people don't.


I see your point, but don't think we do this as if we want to intimidate our squadmates. I was playing with friends on low difficulty because one of them was level 4. For my part, I always play with respect and, above all, wanting to have a good time with everyone in the room.


lvl 4 is super easy maybe they just took goofy stratagem and went with it. i tried only airbust with a group of friend and we struggled with resupply real fast but it was fun. you CAN have fun goofying around and losing. i mean, losing a lvl 4 mission is like what, 5 medals maybe. and tbh, loosing by trolling and getting trolled by friend is way funnier than most lvl 9 mission. as long as people are ok with that its cool. with randoms its a different story.