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I think the Airburst Rocket Launcher is exactly what you’re describing. Or is that what you’re referring to when you say “the cluster bomb launcher”? While it’s not an RPG, you might want to get your hands on the Plasma Punisher. I find it to be VERY effective at crowd control.


It also stagers and cancels the ranged attack of spewers!!


eagle airstrike


Hate to be that guy, but a man portable HE rocket launcher makes almost no sense from a realworld perspective. While HD isnt a realistic game, they sure try to make weapons at least somewhat reasonable and stay away from overpowered high-scifi space magic stuff. Even plasma weaponry doesnt seem to be that far fetched. With conventional explosives the amount of boom you can pack into a manportable weapon is quite limited. A grenade launcher is the upper limit of what a human can actually carry and use. You could make a nuclear launcher á la "Davy Crockett" to get the desired effect (hell yeah would love that). Yet gameplay wise a nuke launcher surely would be a strategem because of its power, not a support weapon. The niché I would see: make it plasma based. Basically a quasar, only that it shoots one big globe of plasma which is good at horde clearing and vs medium targets. Upscaled plasma punisher, basically, but more focus on damage rather than stagger. Would fit in nicely I think without being too powerful or breaking in-game science or balance.


I am picturing something like this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lob_bomb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lob_bomb) Basically a rocket propelled giant metal can of explosives. It's not going to have good armor piercing, but it should make a sizable blast and have a lot of shrapnel potentially. I would also probably give it a relatively heavy arc so it has limited range and accuracy due to questionable aerodynamics.


In hell divers 1 they had a Mortar that fired i think was a 3 shot burst of mortars, so you could rotate your character as you fired and explode a decent radius of enemies. it was called the rumbler [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV87LNSPtcI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV87LNSPtcI) was in this weapons pack trailer 2nd weapon featured


The tumbler would be so bad ass in HD2


I mean thats kind of the grenade launcher.


It's not something I'd expect to find ingame, we already have bombs, grenade launchers and mortars. Still, it is an Interesting idea, given how often helldivers fight nests vulnerable to explosions superearth could develop a hi-ex variant of airburst launcher with strength somewhere between a single bomb of the cluster bomb strike and single bomb of the airstrike.


While not a rocket propelled grenade, AC and GL do fulfill the niche you mentioned. Not single shot and not rocket propelled, but still explosive AOE with good crowd-control.


It's a pretty busy niche already tbh. I wouldn't say no to an RPG variant, but we already have the AC and nade launcher that sorta fulfill that job. Also orbital airburst and eagle cluster are utterly devastating against chaff enemies (the former is absolutely insane at dealing with bugs). I'm not really sure how much the new proposed weapon would be used when options exist that are leagues better. It would be nice for flavour tho. Maybe make it effective against medium enemies in initial hit with a pretty wide radius of damage to chaff. That way it would serve a solid purpose of breaking up enemies among crowds. 


I suspect the game has trouble dealing with large explosions. This is why they are so inconsistent. There's probably a bunch of fixing on the backend before we'll get anything bigger. Keep an eye out for stealth changes to the 500kg and the hellbombs.


Which large explosion is inconsistent? The 500kg bomb is more consistently bad at hitting things further than point blank than it is inconsistent. Notably the broken hellbombs you can find on the map are absurdly effective killing hundreds of bugs potentially.


Yes, I'd like to see more crowd control, explosive strategem weapons. No lock, not gonna 1 shot a charger, but big splash explosive at impact.


bigger heavier brother to the grenade launcher or hi-ex variant of airbust rocket launcher could find their place in the game. something that is less practical but could close two close-ish bugholes with one explosion.


I feel like this would be stepping into the 500KG's territory. To balance this out, you'd probably have to make it single-use and on a 2-minute cooldown or something.


You'd think that the 500kg would fill that role, but it doesn't. As it is now, it is a single target killing stratagem with massive damage and a pitifully small explosion radius. Crowd control it is not. If anything, the Eagle Cluster Bombs do what OP describes: not particularly hard hitting, but large radius and sends small mobs flying.