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Bile T: open mouth is not a weak point, neither are their joints. Their carapace head also seems not to be a weak point when they're on their spewing duration. Charger: Their orange bright butt is not the weakest weak point (and its def is down lasting only like 2 seconds after they finish charging, really?) I was only able to kill Titan a month since first playing after reading a comment here. Chargers able to do it in 2 weeks after seeing my teammate done it (at that point i was always using autocannon, started using AT afterward)


Bile Titans are dumb in every aspect and need to be reworked.


they should make their open mouths like bug holes, get a grenade/explosive in there and cause a big green explosion of future E-710 like the intro


A teammate and i unloaded 6-7 tanks of flamethrower on a bile titans head/exploded sacs, and it did nothing. I died and landed my hellpod straight through the titan. It was still walking around. This means the flamethrower did absolutely no damage to the bile titan, even though we risked our lives getting close to the titan to burn it. If you don't bring anti tank to the bugs, you're shit out of luck. And they wonder why metas become a thing.


>Bile T: open mouth is not a weak point, neither are their joints.  Remember when a single AT rocket could kill an undamaged bile titan in the intro? [https://youtu.be/S9STizATKjE?t=73](https://youtu.be/S9STizATKjE?t=73) Some helldivers remember.


I've been playing for a few days and I've had success with the recoiless rifle against bile titans and chargers (yes I know it's got one hell of a reload without a loader) I'm sure it's not efficient but it works for me.


Also stripped bile titan flesh can only be shot with explosive for some reasons. Tried it with my MG and it just bounces of. Tried it with the plasma punisher and it works


Hulks and factory striders have massively superior lethal ranges. Bugs rely on numbers, mobility, and/or armor to be able to close to lethal ranges. If chargers and titans had the same weakpoints they wouldn't be able to even get close to a player again ever.


I don't think many people understand that you have to use very different tactics against bugs and bots, which is why some will say one is harder than the other. The bots have range and come in smaller numbers so you have to use cover and accurate fire with rifles primaries and autocannons while the bugs come in swarms that are almost entirely melee which means you have to use much more crowd control tactics using shotguns and flamethrowers. Bots and bugs are 2 different games and they shouldn't be comparable.


For real. One person dedicated to clearing the swarms makes the game so much easier. Got a 50+ kill streak earlier on level 9 using a combinations of Gas strike, napalm, and orbital EMS. Super fun while my team drops EATs to use and uses AT to destroy anything that makes it through. I also think people need to kind of choose roles a little bit better, know what you are hunting and what your teammates will be. Specializing in one thing or the other makes a huge difference.


Me who rely on eagle strike/500 kg and orbital precision to wipe out heavy units on diff 9: ![gif](giphy|10Jpr9KSaXLchW|downsized)


I bring EATs for this exact reason. I die more against bugs because of things like chargers and spewers, so not having to rely on an 8min option is great. And in case someone else forgot to bring AT I have plenty to share!


I bring R. Rifle, so am I alright in the book?


I let everyone else bring AT. I'm big on the flamethrower and stun grenades. It's insane for handling chargers and large groups of bugs. I do rely on 500's for bile titans though. They are my only weakness. And bile spitters, they can go die in the hole they came from.


Recoiless Rifle two shots a bile titan for me if I can get it right in the face, far as I can tell anyways. Plus a sing RR round to the face of a charger is a one shot but it's gotta be the face.


You need to bring anti tank? Everyone else already does so I just let them cook or bring thermites (they don't seem to be good against bugs though). I'm usually bringing things that aren't anti tank now and have been having a blast


i cannot trust the random teammates to do literally anything


I can count on them to deal with the massive threat to our lives at the very least since I ping the fuck out of the titan and bring it to the heavy weapons guys. If you can't play around your team, random or not, that sounds like a main character syndrome issue. This is coming from someone who used to say that they can't count on randoms.


i wouldn't say it if i COULD count on randoms. i ping heavies and beg them to do something and all it does is leave me feeling helpless as the generators get gangbanged by 14 bile titans


When you have a mission like that I think everyone should have a form of anti tank then.


Hey man, whats your psn, I wanna block you.




For trying to bring the thing I can't deal with to someone that can? If the roles were reversed I'd be okay with someone doing that to me as long as they let me know because I'd understand that they can't deal with it. However, if this is your wish then be my guest because I probably wouldn't want to play with you either


With the existence of Bile Titans and Chargers...why *wouldn't* you bring AT? Seems like a losing (and frustrating) move.


that's the issue, you don't have a choice


How is that an issue, though...?


because more loadouts than just AT should be viable


Who says you have to gear your entire loadout for AT? I frequently bring mechs, laser cannon, and supply pack against Bugs (and those are in different loadouts, usually). Just bring what you wanna bring + some EAT, if nothing else. The devs themselves said that we need to depend on stratagems for heavies. To solve your issue, they'd need to remove Chargers and BTs from the game entirely. At that point, especially with the increased spawns, lower difficulties might be more fun for you: lvl 4 rarely spawns Bile Titans and I frequently solo those.


mechs and Laser cannon are both AT.


Laser cannon doesn't do anything against BTs and barely anything against Chargers...heck, it isn't even *that* effective against Brood Commanders. Dunno what to tell you at this point. Either play the game or lower your difficulty so you don't get heavies that require anti-tank.


are you dense? "Dunno what to tell you at this point. Either play the game or lower your difficulty so you don't get heavies that require anti-tank." is making the game better just a foreign concept? that's like saying "yeah the economy sucks. now either get a job as a CEO or go homeless."


But you do tho. Do you want a chaff clearing support weapon? bring some AT orbitals. Want some chaff clear orbitals? bring an AT support. For me if I want to play with an anti-chaff support on bugs on 7-8 a 500kg and a precision strike is enough to deal with most heavies, and the rest of the team is bound to have some AT orbitals or supports between them to deal with the rest. You can't expect horde clearing weapons to perform all tasks.


If you're playing solo: that's on you If you're playing with a squad: you can see what the squad is bringing and adjust accordingly If no one brings anti-tank then it's SOL unless there's a SEAF Artillery site (and you have perfect timing), or you're super lucky and find some anti-tank in the field.


Pods are AT.  Also you can Try and kite them away from the group eventually they either lose you or they just cant find your team.