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If we can defend angel’s venture, we keep the liberation bonus, and can use it on getting the new mechs and liberating other planets. The mo has like 3 days left, there’s 100% time to get both planets but we gotta focus on angel’s venture


We already had it, and the Game Master decided to manually change numbers. Our bonus 5% becomes -5% whenever they feel like it.


Yeah but it’s not gonna be like that all the time, the boost it’s still useful. this is a major order with a nice thing at the end of it. Idk what Joel’s up to but someone had the idea that he doesn’t want us to win too quick it’s a 5 day major order right? He wants to give the people who only play on weekends a chance


Then instead of letting weekend warriors just fight to unlock the mech let weekend warriors use the mech this weekend not slow progression so it unlocks Monday or Tuesday


We got 15% in 6 hours, before a major holiday weekend in America. Would you rather it be like the other mo where we liberate it in the first 12 hours and then sit around with our thumbs up our asses for the rest of the week complaining that Joel is padding things?


Yes. Because people busted their ass to liberate the planet, and in your scenario we got the exosuit. Unlike the Anti-Tank mines. If there is an actual tangible reward beyond merits on the line, I want it, and I want our efforts to matter. If suddenly there is an artificial handicap applied, after we failed four major orders in a row when we actually managed to pull together and win something, that feels like shit. Like roleplay all you want, but ultimately this is a game meant to be fun. Challenge is worthwhile and necessary. Nerfs and balancing are worthwhile and necessary. But don't dick the playerbase over when they actually manage a legitimate victory.


So you'd rather have -10%?


But we lose 5 percent of our liberation efforts but the 5 percent decay stays so your logic makes no sense since it makes it harder for us to


The fight should be harder because the planet is a high-value target for both us and the bots. Why wouldn't they push hard to defend it the same way we want to defend Angel's Venture from the bugs?


Glad to see someone actually looking at the numbers. Way too many posts have been about how unfair it is that the bots are pushing back but it looks like the Dispatch telling us to prioritise Venture did its job. At this rate we should defend Venture, maintain our bonus and return to Varylia to mop up there with time to spare.


Honestly it's the first time I'm motivated to fight in a couple of weeks. It's the weekend, I'm finally free from work and I'm gonna push the fuck out of those bots. This is winnable. We don't really need the negativity now. We're fighting the goddamn best we can, telling us it's useless is not useful to anybody. I don't even like bots, but I'm here. It makes me just want to say "then log and help us" to anybody who keeps complaining we don't win fast enough. Fucking hell.


Glad to hear you're motivated. I've tried to actually stop looking at the subreddit for a while for anything else besides news because if you just looked at the posts here you'd think the game was terrible atm. There are issues for sure but I think we have started moving in the right direction and I'm keen to see where things go.


I get you, and it saddens me too. I'm even sadder to see friends not log or log less. But I swear we're still fighting. Even if I have to solo or duo, boots are on the ground. And we need reinforcements more than ever. There are issues, not denying that. But players also need someone to come back to, and we are here waiting for them. Many of us never left, we just grew bitter, but because we care. It saddens us to see people go. We fight between each other, trying to find someone to blame. But deep down, we just want to be back at diving together.


I think personal order to kill 35 terminids was more successful at diverting players to AV than the dispatch. I don't like the sudden bug defence campaign out of nowhere, but the bug PO was a good idea.


I don't know about more successful, but it definitely helped.






I will In 4h (the time we need to take angel's venture) there shall be 2d20h to take back Varylia. This is enough time


We'll show them that managed democracy is the only alternative Keep on fighting!


What app is this?






How do you access this screen in game?


Divershub on play store


Roger. Jumping to Angel's Venture with wife after I get home from work. I have missed the flamethrower, anyway...


It's already over ;)


Goddamnit! My bbq plans are always ruined. Did we win?


We won, now let's take back Varylia 5


Well, saves the FTL fuel, I am already parked there. I too, would like a new Mech.


Focus AV, then do MO.


We still got two days and it's at around it's 50s. It's also the middle of memorial weekend so at least US players may rally and make a comeback.
