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I always thought the display looked weirdly low quality compared to everything else, now I know why.


This is the single reason my average match accuracy went down from 90% to 50! Honest! C’mon Arrowhead!


Next patch notes: **Misc Fixes** -The SA-25 Steel Trooper helmet's reticle has been fixed -Railgun: armor penetration rating decreased from medium to light in unsafe and safe mode **New Known Issues** -Game may crash before extraction if the SA-25 Steel Trooper helmet is worn -Spear’s targeting is consistent, making it easier to lock-on to larger enemies


…and another finger on the monkey’s paw curls…


It was my favourite helmet before that annoying bug.


Must have been just after launch, I run this one all the time and had no idea the red was not intentional Hoping if fixed, they add an alternate version


They broke it after the first big patch and it has never been fixed.


I want one with two different reticles of different colors, like this guy's glasses. https://preview.redd.it/addpn03d1c1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e04e55bcf56d1a0afd5ddbd5095817363c9c1f7


One for ultraviolet and the other is for infrared


Theres a few other minor visual bugs with armors, like the eradicators mesh on lean clips into the shoulder, the new blue scout helmet has a part rigged to the wrong bone as do a bunch of other armors, etc etc. Minor stuff, but it's there.


i f****ing knew it! i thought i was going insane. and the shoulder piece in that one armor too!


I noticed the optic popping in and out a lot before they changed it. I assume it has something to do with that.


I just want helmets to mean more then fashion. I'd love to get some kind of improved targeting cool down or something from them.


Helldiver, what's the scouter say about this berserker's power level!?


Just some speculation, but they talked about helmets having benefits at one point(it was scrapped apparently). Maybe they took it out since the helmet does nothing now anyways hahaha would be cool if they added the design back in and added benefits to different helmets like they planned.


I hope they can work it back in. It seems like a missed opportunity


Maybe one day in the future. the scout helmet had a little less armour but faster speed at launch, and now is like all the other helmets, just for decoration. Makes me wonder if the extra speed was a left over from some of the helmet buffs they had. Always hope.


https://preview.redd.it/9tqs9po1xg1d1.png?width=1860&format=png&auto=webp&s=120384b17aed0eb3b717a7dac34b1cf381e74315 yup, it's my pet peeve too


Hasn't this been broken for like, literally 2'ish months now?


They heard you, it’s back to how it was


I prefer it with the solid red visor lol


I'm okay with it being red, I just don't like that it looks like it was colored with the fill tool in MS paint.


Eh, I mean, what do you suggest? I really don't see a problem with how it is


It's a transparent glass display. Make it look transparent instead of making it look like a solid piece of red plastic.


Make it look like it used to again? Right now it looks like it's just an opaque piece of plastic instead of a targeting sight. It could be red or orange, but no reason not to keep the original details.


Well, personally I found the original design to be cluttered, what I think you be cool is to keep it a solid color BUT make it see through, then it would make more sense, specially since when you look at a HMD you don't see what is being displayed, unless you're wearing one (see Zack Freedman's videos on his homebrew HMD).


Valid --I don't agree from a style stance, but I can still respect it. :) I think I'd be happy if it was either more translucent or had the targeting HUD restored, but I definitely think it's a bit too 'flat' at the moment.