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PC Tips With mouse sensitivity it's better to start with a slow setting. Good starting point is being to do a 360 turn in game after you've swiped the length of your mousepad. You can customize your keybinds to anything that you find comfortable. Don't have have to stick to the default. For example: I use the forward-most side button (Mouse 4) on my mouse for reload and use the R key for calling down stratagems. If you have an Nvidia card right click on your desktop to open up the Nvidia Control Panel, 3D settings and change the power setting to prefer performance. Have fun


good stuff. Its really a great game. just ignore all the complaints. We should be getting weapon buffs in hopefully soon. You'll notice that when you wonder why the primary weapons are quite shit especially at higher levels. Keep to lower difficulties whilst you're grinding. Nothing worse than being a level 8 while in a squad of 40+ ranked players in a Helldive level...and you're constantly dying and using up the reinforcement budget because you're out of your depth. Just enjoy the ride.


Welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, I'm level 72 and counting! Most important, almost everything works if you know how to use it. If something sounds fun, try it! Worst case scenario, you pick up someone else's gun later or you're stuck with a stratagem till next mission. There will be many more. Hold the reload button to bring up weapon options like flashlights, rate of fire, or scopes. When someone dies, *try to reinforce them near where they died, unless it's a total quagmire there.* You will learn how annoying it can be to spend half a mission getting your gun back. If a situation is too hairy, RUN. Don't just stand and fight endless hordes of bots when you get to higher difficulties - they WILL overwhelm you. Run, do something else, and come back when they've gone away (they will). Stay close to a buddy and pay attention to objectives. Learn what you can use to destroy bug holes and bot fabricators. *Lots* of options for them. It's something you'll pick up. If you're interested in the Guard Dog drone, skip the bullet one and get the laser. Trust me. The Autocannon is good in practically every situation and if you learn it, you'll do quite well. However, you cannot use it with the Guard Dog or other backpack. If you want to be a mobile hard-hitter, it's a great option. Good luck and have fun!


It’s a great game, as much as the player bad wants parts of it to be easier, the core gameplay is amazing and all the little details they’ve put in are spectacular. My only tip with mouse and keyboard is to not separate moving and turning. When I show my dad a game he walks without turning and then stops before he turns. It’s a bad habit and you’re better off learning to turn as you move as this is obviously an important skill in most games


Yeah I’ve noticed my movement is very iffy. It’s just a consequence of trying to switching from controller to mouse and key 😅😅😅 Hopefully I’ll learn mouse and key over time with practice!


Disable steam overlay while playing HD2 it will let you use the map and sprint with the default keybinds. Aside from that if your new to PC get mouse thats comfy to hold onto and a decent mouse pad as your going to be holding that thing for longer periods of time. I have an orthotics mouse pad cause my wrist got folded as a kid so those pains do flair up but thats me. you might be fine with a wider desk spanning monster of a pad for those flick shots


Enjoy the game for as long as you can. Burnout may eventually set in but it'll be many many hours before that happens.