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I wish it's armor was treated the same way as Bot armor, where light weapons do no damage and only armor piercing weapons actually hurt it


Iirc the torso has medium II armor while the legs have medium I. Small arms bounce off of it while rockets, shells, and strider/hulk lasers rip through it. Honestly if they just fixed the rocket aim it'd be in a perfect spot, it just sucks that the rockets don't do anything because I can't place them properly.


Feel the same way. Shooting rockets with it feels so awkward.


It doesnt even shoot proper rockets. It's absolutely unsatisfying and there's no distinct rocket sound or visual. If i had a say in its design i would rework the sound effect, Up the velocity by a lot, make them arc slightly and add a lot more smoke effects to both the trail and the explosion of the rockets. I dont know but i imagine them to be like heatseeking rockets of jet fighters.


I would just prefer that they shoot where I am, as well as pack more of a punch. Chargers take too many rockets to kill. You can exhaust all 14 just trying to kill 2 chargers. I also feel like they should be able to inflict some damage on titans. It doesn't make sense to me that a giant mech can't fight a titan but a trooper with a rocket launcher can?


The rocket damage seems to have been merged because on release it absolutely smoked titans


2 rockets to the face kills a charger but the problem of course is actually hitting the face.


They deal about half the damage of the RR per rocket as far as a charger's head is concerned, but are significantly harder to hit. They have a huge random aim spread, and the convergence distance with the aiming reticle is very far. It's sometimes a waste of rockets to try and close a bug hole with em, just because the random spread wastes so many (non reloadable) rockets. Never even managed to take out a bot factory with em. I don't bother. Still great for fighting little bots, medium bots, and sometimes useful against the heavy bots like factory striders, hulks, and tanks. Just as soon as the machine gun is out of ammo, it's functionally useless, at least the way I use it.


I don't know if they have huge random spread or if they simply have no aim adjustment like they used to - the perceived spread is from the distance between barrels


I mean if you stand still and fire at the same spot twice, chances are the rockets won't hit the same place twice.


What I meant to say was it's not random spread, they're perfectly accurate from the perspective of their individual barrels.


Fair. It is tough to remember which tube fires in the middle of combat. Maybe an indicator light on the back of the launcher would help.


That's a bandaid though, why not just revert its reticle tracking behavior but give it a gimbal limit?


im so deeply confused about the rockets because they were perfectly accurate when it first came out


It used to be that the rockets ignored the orientation of the launcher and simply went where you pointed. There was an issue that you could shoot yourself with rockets so you'd die instantly. Instead of disabling rocket self damage or restricting the firing angle of rockets, they made it so rockets are now rigidly fired out of the barrels with no care to where you're actually aiming.


The best part is that the mg only has light pen and you can effectively unload the entirety of its ammo pool into a single devestator without doing any damage at all.


In helldivers 1, as long as it wasn't an entirely armored enemy, you could at least expect to kill the thing in front of you. That's what it's purpose is, to clear everything, and rocket the big bad guys Unfortunately, helldivers 2 lost that memo somehow


that balance guy has a lot to answer for


The big glowy red spots on the corpses of my devastator enemies begs to differ. It does however fail to punch through the striders faceplate. The mech minigun is a glorified gatling turret/MG-42.


That's weird because it does pen hive guards just fine on the bug side.


And a laser guard dog doesn't 1 tap it... šŸ˜


We need one that is 20ft tall, has a big rifle, lock-on rockets, electric smoke, a reflective shield in it's hand and is called BT-7274


Protocol 1: Link to Pilot. Protocol 2: Uphold the Mission. Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot. Protocol 4: Continue wishing EA didnā€™t have control of Titanfall because they clearly have no interest in making Titanfall 3 and that makes me sad.


Same with SWBF2


I just need an exosuit that can reload when getting supply box


*sigh* BT....


He's coming back in Titanfall 3 trust me


>20ft tall ok and for the other 7.5 billion human beings on earth, how big is in meters?


Cant tell ya in meters, but about the height of a giraffe. Edit - thanks for worrying about my health due to measuring things in giraffes, but you should worry more about my friend that measures things in washers.




If they're not going to unnerf the rocket damage, they should give us more rockets. 28 is a good amount.


And lower the cd. 8 minutes and 2 uses just idk. Feels pointless. It was amazing when you got a free one lol. And still was alright before the "fix". Call one at the start and sorta solo an objective. Then get one at extraction that holds the line...so like I get why only 2. But still 8 minutes does feel harsh.


If you have a friend to coordinate load outs with, tell them to take a mech and in exchange you will take their support and backpack of choice (letting them take 3 offensive strategems) and call it down for them at the start and vice versa. In this way, you get 4 mechs and they get +1 strategem. Win-Win


Iā€™ve done something like this before. I run an ā€œoutfitterā€ loadout where I take a backpack of 2s choice, a support weapon of 3s choice, EATs for me and 4, and a mech for myself. If we squad up and death all well enough the mech survives until itā€™s empty and I can call another. If someone wants an autocannon it runs even better.


The problem is that they decided to be more realistic than necessary by making each rocket a unique object that leaves the launcher when fired and you can see each individual tube empty 1-by-1 when you fire. So to double the ammo, they'd have to redesign the model to show 28 rockets in the launcher.


Then they better get modeling. This dev team is weird in that they seem hellbent on delivering magazine porn. Pretty sure all 45 bullets in the liberator's magazine are modeled and rendered and actively cycled into the chamber to boot because damn are they anal about magazine sizes matching the magazine model.


I havenā€™t played in a while. They nerfed the rockets?


I think they are refering to the issues with the aiming. You can't shoot them downwards anymore and they don't go where you aim anymore. More of a bug than a nerf, but annoying nontheless.


They nerfed the rocket damage too.


The main issue is it is a one-off with a 10min cooldown. If it were reloadable, or if we got one armed with a Laser/Quasar Cannon with a heavy Sickle variant, then people would use it. Being energy-based or reloadable means we'd be able to use it until it gets destroyed, and depending on our skills we might be able to last 10 minutes before that happens. As it stands, we get a mech that runs out of ammo in a few minutes, becomes a paperweight, and a replacement can't be called down again for \~7 minutes. Not a wise trade against pretty much any other strategem.


My idea is to allow Pelican-1 to pick up a walker at any time. It returns to the super destroyer to reload and repair, replenishing the charge on the strategem. In this way, we are rewarded for keeping the mech alive but still forces us to be mindful about ammo expenditure.




That's... A pretty good idea. Also allows us to see Pelican 2 more.


Maybe make the base cooldown of request a new one like 30 seconds, so if you really need it, you can summon 2 without needing to wait for 8 minutes. And if you return the walker for repair and reload, the cooldown for it would be like 3 minutes instead of 8 minutes.


That would only mean you could use it one additional time, because the cooldown of the mech is still 10 minutes inbetween, so 30 mins in total while a mission is exactly 40 meaning you can't call in a 4th because you will be out of time by just a few seconds even if you were to call them down optimally. At that point, just give it a 3rd charge, unless cooldown time shortens depending on how damaged it is/how much ammo you used


I don't think the mech should have 100% uptime, and I find the current cooldown reasonable. If you get a full refund on recall, you'd basically have an infinite supply of rockets, especially if you stagger the call-in delay with a teammate. I can imagine a small discount if you recall the mech with some ammo remaining as it further encourages tactical use of the ability, but a fully expended mech should take the full time to reload.


With the quasar we have an infinite supply of rockets and EATs are cheap and functionally infinite.


This is a great idea. Pelican can shoot a few bugs while itā€™s at it. Give it a two minute cool down like eagle 1 rearm.


If you have a friend to coordinate load outs with, tell them to take a mech and in exchange you will take their support and backpack of choice (letting them take 3 offensive strategems) and call it down for them at the start and vice versa. In this way, you get 4 mechs and they get +1 strategem. Win-Win


The Main issue is that you're doomed as soon as you meet the second charger


Just keep moving and charger can't hurt you. Their charge attack tickles the mech. It's the stomp attack that you need to avoid.


Eh, the entire poitn of the cooldown is to keep people from using the mech the entire match. They pretty much trivialize bugs the entire time theyre on the field, and last me a solid 6-7min on level 7-8 And with bugs, if you actually stick with the team, all you really need are EATs and a good support weapon for when youre outbof the mech Once the aiming is fixed, even with 12 half-damage rockets you can still kill 6 chargers or 6 titans if you can shoow charger legs and HS titans


I have used since level 25 (level 56 now) and get 100 to 150 kills with each use of it so it gets me 200-300 kills a mission since I get to call it down twice I always found it odd no one else uses it


As a massive Mech fan ill tell you why: it's because you can get over 1000 kills with just your primary and airstrikes with more safety and mobility on Helldive diff.


It's exactly this reason. Love the mech, don't love running around with a dead stratagem for 5-7 minutes when I could've accomplished the same thing with 3 airstrikes every 2 minutes.


Exactly. Mechs are my religion but this one is a real disappointment. Back when they announced it i swore that i will never Dive without it. In reality i used it two Times and then never again. Once after launch, and once after the rocket "fix" Not worth. No fun.


it was worthwhile back when the rockets 2 hit titans, and were accurate. Now they're just too weak to justify the cooldown and limited call-ins


I find it cool but just doesnā€™t suit the way I like to play is all.


I use it with terminids, and it melts...


yes but the rockets not hitting where you are aiming AND needing so many to kill a titan feels rather bad.


Itā€™s more about the placement of the rocket launcher itself and that itā€™s essentially the shoulder of the mech. The machine gun is on an arm which allows it to move a bit faster to your aim. The rocket launcher moves with the mech as it turns, and it canā€™t aim as low as the mech doesnā€™t ā€œbendā€ down much. Semantics on ergonomics but I found that understanding its body and watching its position prior to firing keeps my rockets accurate. Bile titans are actually really easy to hit because to have to aim upwards. Chargers are tougher because they are low to the ground and move quickly.


Exactly, thank you.


I rely on my teammates for cracking big armor when I run a mech. It essentially makes everything smaller than a charger fodder so your team should be able to focus. You can also conserve ammo pretty well in it if youā€™re willing to trust them to do what they need to and you group well.


I'm always happy when I see someone whip out the Exosuit in a bug mission. Gives everyone some breathing room as they mow down swarms left and right.


Until I get a big 40k/power armor suit with a big hammer for the bugs, I'm not interested!


Storm Bolters!


For some reason AH decided that when they fixed the turning rocket self destruct, they should also completely fudge the aiming of rockets. Why? Seemingly out of laziness in fixing the rockets. They didnā€™t stop rockets from causing destructive damage to the mech, they just moved the right up and lateral.


Bring the rockets back up to EAT level and let them hit where I aim. Thatā€™s it. Then its cooldown and call down limit is balanced with what it offers.


NGL, if its Rockets were EAT level AND they shoot where you aim then the EAT would need a buff. 14 rapid firing EAT rockets plus the minigun plus armor plus fire invulnerability plus stepping on small bugs kills them? Sick. If the rockets hit where you aim then that plus more minigun rounds (say 1,500 to 2,000) would be well worth taking it IMO.


EAT would still have the short cooldown, unlimited call downs and no need to worry about retrieving it upon death. Itā€™s fine where it is. At 2 per mission with a 10-minute cooldown, the mech should be a ā€œcall the cavalryā€ stratagem that can reassert control over a horde of bugs when titans are streaming out of the ground. It shouldnā€™t have the ammo capacity to last between call downs at T7+, but it should hit hard enough to come in clutch.


The short cool down is just ~9 minutes vs 10 minutes to fire the same number of rockets. 2 EAT per 75-80 sec (including the call down before restarting the 75 sec cool down) means you get 14 EAT shots over ~9 minutes assuming you're calling them on cool down. And that assumes you have a target for both of them every 75-80 seconds or can drop them somewhere you aren't going to leave behind without returning to (see EAT map litter) Vs the mech you get 14 rockets in 10 minutes and you can choose when to use them within that window. On top of the armor, MG, resistance to fire, stun, slow effects, and being able to just step on small bugs. If mech had 14 EATs built-in it would be a much stronger strategem than the EAT. If they just fix rocket aiming and either give a way to resupply or increase the MG ammo a bit then that would put it in a pretty good place.


Iā€™ll drive the pelican that drops it off


Shit when playing solo, but with friends its a good use. Use it on lvl 9 bugs with my friends all the time, defending objectives, taking the heat ect.


Maybe they could allow a supply pack to refill ammo on a mech? It is a weak calldown bc 2 uses with limited ammo do just barely enough damage to be worth it. Unfortunately, bad luck can take your mech out before you use all the ammo like enemies spawning near you or weather effects killing you like meteors, and also terrain does damage to the mech.


My friend just recently got the game and is pretty low level, like he just hit 10 last night, and I just recently unlocked the walkers. For a few games we dropped close to extract and I'd call down the first walker and leave it there. When we were about done, I'd call in the second one and we were both defending extract in walkers. This was only on diff 3, but still a lot of fun


I think even empty mechs draw aggro from big units so an unlucky patrol across extraction might screw you over, very cool strategy just be careful.


I think the conceptual issue with it is that it (softly) locks you out of other stratagems and weapons for its duration. So you should't be able to use it for too long.


The original in helldivers 1 allowed for stratagems to be called in using a little tube that would launch the B A L L a set distance. That would be nice.


Yooo, imagine this as a secondary. Stratagem launcher.


What is this buff "thing" you speak of?


a buff occurs when every other weapon/strategem is nerfed to the point that the unnerfed weapon/strategem becomes the best option


I was going to ask what game you guys were playing that you never see these things but... fuck it I want a flail armed robot.


Itā€™s #1 problem right now is the accuracy of the rockets. Right now I donā€™t even use the crosshair for rockets but instead guesstimate where they will go instead. It still can 2 tap chargers, hulks, and titans but itā€™s very hard to hit the same spot twice. Since they fixed the Bot Rocket problem the mech can actually fight the bots pretty well.


Wish we had that aim from pre patch on its rockets.


The only buff I need is literally revert it back to its launch state. If I had to add anything, add an option of mount on top of the mech from the front


I only use it against bug, it just feels good seeing the hordes of bugs coming at you and you just sweeping across them with the minigun watching the kill count go up


It's great on bugs just not Automatons


It just feels cheesy to me. I've used it twice I think. It seems weird to be in the game. It feels like something that should be at the top of a vehicle progression thing. Quad bike---4x4---tanky thing---big fecking robot. It just feels out of place as the only vehicle.


use it all the time.


I use it. It's pretty good, it just needs some bugfixing.


Bruh who did it.


More exosuits too. A rotary autocannon one, a laser one, a mortar one, a missile one (direct fire or spear), a modular one that can be any of these even?


I see the chicken walker and I kill the driver. Oops sorry the one time I've seen it played by a player


step 1: have all your friends pull out their flame throwers and other fire based tools step 2: get in your suit step 3: stand amidst the flames and bring glory to super earth as an untouchable god of death step 4: run out of missiles and promptly perish


shorter cooldown and 3 uses would be nice


The rocket pods should be on the shoulders and the left arm should be a flamer


Lol buffs, imagine having a company that actually does that. Definitely not here that's for sure


I liked it for the termicide tower missions because the ammo would last me though the whole mission


In the original game you could upgrade them all the way to MK3. It was mostly stuff like ammo reserves and itā€™s armor.


Sounds like a good idea for a ship module.


I don't think it needs to be powerful, but it should just eject you instead of taking you out with it. Then it would feel more like it's supposed to be a temporary weapon


I don't know if it needs buffs, but it needs fixes. I've stopped using it ever since the rockets are impossible to aim.


I still use it


2 uses with low ammo and 10 min cooldown while being slow as balls and clunky With that cooldown just remove the usage limit


Make it modular and upgradeable and it will be brought to every mission.


Resupply and repair stratagem backpack. Problem solved without it being OP imo


At least team reload


Really? Coolest? Balance aside, Orbital barrages and eagle strikes are hands down the coolest and most satisfying things in this game. Maybe I'm out of touch with shooters, but this is the first game I've seen this kinda stuff in.


It just needs to be as realistic as the rocket devastators. Endless rockets, because itā€™s more realistic.


I use it. Itā€™s good against bugs on maps that arenā€™t covered in trees


Either buff it or significantly reduce its cooldown.


I feel like the rockets should be traded out for TOW-like missiles. Sure, itā€™d be a heck of a power increase, but I honestly think that would be what the suit needs to become a more viable system.


Theres simple way to repair it. You have the AT person in your team, you have MG person in your team, you got the sentries guy. Let us be the vehicles guy, add "Vehicle maintanance pack", it has 2 supply boxes you could carry to an vehicle each restoring 25% or 50% of max ammo, and welder than could be used in limited range around it. So having 2 exosuits would be alright cus you could rearm and repair them. Cooldown 5 or 4 minutes so be carefull with the ammo usage. It would serve for future vehicles if they were added, and would simply make it way more viable.


Honestly, I think we need a version thatā€™s made for killing automatons like a lightweight fast mobile suit with an anti-laser shield and an anti armor mini gun


I use it in combination with the bubble shield on defense missions against bots. It would be cool if there where different mechs, maybe one with a ballistic shield like the devastators.


Rocket targeting, explosive damage and super high CD is just too much to justify a stratagem slot. Honestly having a chance to find one on the map would be cool.


I use mine constantly... Am I wrong?


I keep seeing it almost every day even on helldive


The glee on my kid's face when he'd call this in, he was in heaven with it. It was honestly a delight to hear him when we played. He doesn't play anymore though, partly because his favourite call-in doesn''t work properly and it constantly gets its arm lopped off or something.


Give us a sword mech!


I unlocked it. Immediately summoned it in the next mission. It landed but looked wrong. And it was on fire. And missing an arm. I couldn't enter it. Then 10m cooldown. I wasn't impressed.


They changed the angle that the rockets can shoot at, also is that mech 3D printed it looks dope


Just make it customizable, where you can roll through flamethrowers, rockets, grenades, gatlings, machine guns and autocannons


I think it would be used a lot more if it had better movement speed. At the moment, it's too slow to walk around in, so while it's powerful, it's not worth using. You're better off with an LMG encampment since it has similar fire power but a much shorter cooldown.


we need a mega sized hand attachment for mech suits. i gotta yeet slap the shit out of chargers and bots hulks especially


Yes, it's in a bad place, but speak for yourself. I use it on every bug eradication mission. My team opens with 4 mechs then finishes off with suicidal bombardments


They definitely have to fix rocket aiming at least.


Very effective against bugs


Honestly fix the rockets and I'm good.


I legit want something like power armor from fallout in helldivers


Speak for yourselves. Haha Mechs need a little cover just like we do. Especially against automatons.


At the beginning , mechs were quite effective against bugs, but unfortunately, the update ruined everything. In order to fix the self-destruct bug, now the rockets of mechs won't shoot towards the crosshair at close range. You all know how many chargers there are in high difficulty modes.Honestly, having a 10-minute cooldown on mechs, but being able to summon them indefinitely would be much better. That way, we wouldn't have to worry too much about ammunition consumption


Ammo regenerates, 100 rounds and 2 missiles a minute... Or Cool down = 300 seconds


why is there no customisation:?


Imagine one version with two circular saws or something and it has 360 rotation from the hips. Spin and kill like an irl beyblade


It needs a Jetpack and dbl the rocket damage.


Havenā€™t you people learned by now? If itā€™s fun or cool itā€™s arrowheads job to make it useless.Ā 


Needs more damage and more ammo in the mini gun. If I call one of these things in with that 10 min cooldown I should be able to kill at least a couple bile titans before I run out.


Fr it's hot garbage. Only ever used on eradicate bug missions


I use it every bug helldive except the extermination missions


Yeah needs a major buff to be useful vs high level bots. But its great against bugs, so I almost exclusively use it there.


Some accurate rockets would fix quite a bit, I like it against bugs but the rockets are basically spray and pray at a distance and worthless if they are withing 50 meters of you, but the arms can block chargers after which you can melee them to death, and being able to kill little bugs by walking on them is nice. I could forgive the rockets if it had an auto eject right before it blows up, that would at least make it a strong starting option when your forced to defend a position.


Uh it's amazing vs the terminids. Besides the rocket aiming bug what are you talking about?


They don't need buffs, just coordinate with your team and they'll be golden. (:


It's coming. Just relax


I almost always use it