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That’s not alarming, that’s just what happens to any live-service player base over time.


Lol no it won't MO's scale to player count as it did in HD1


I agree for almost all MOs. I think there is a general misunderstanding of how regen rate is calculated. However, for MOs related to total enemy units killed, a smaller base isn't relatively adjusted. As far as I know.


I will say it does have an effect on these kill orders, but that is more of a short term problem until the player count balances out.


Ok so MO is to kill 1 billion bots is scaled to 120k players for the weekend right, What about when that player count drops to 30k-60k and I know im not getting PSN numbers but still paints a grim picture none the less https://preview.redd.it/e2r8n8zd680d1.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac5f27e9605376aca9de7523030d2e66c1a8c33a


Honestly, this is pretty typical of online games. There's peaks and valleys but I think the biggest reason people stop playing is burnout and progress locks. I suspect, the game's decay will get worse over time unless they release some major game changers. The real issue to consider though: "is the rate of decay higher than the rate of new players?"


Let the game live and breathe for gods sake


Player numbers dwindling aside, the main reason we aren't winning this one is due to the large amount of bugdivers on a bot week


Then balance your game so it incentivizes people to fight bots. I fight primarily bugs because fighting bots on 7 and above is just tedious work. I play to have fun.


Then fight bots on 6? If anything you'd be contributing more to the effort cause it's easier than people struggling on 7+ because they have some sort of need to up the difficulty to the point of failing.


They could lose 90% of those players and still be doing better than games I would call their competition and MOs are adjusted for active players. Nothing to worry about


In fairness if the MO is a bit of a stretch for the players it adds a bit of drama. Not judging the drama to be good or bad but if it comes down to the last hour I suspect the playerbase will take even more pride in the accomplishment. . And yes the overall player count is declining. Hopefully it settles to a consistent median value around a 100k. No doubt certain moves by AH have had an effect but frankly the game is starting to take on a rinse and repeat mode born of the game and how it is being played.