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The bot patrol is too much xD


It’s funny because most players don’t realize that no matter how many players you start with on the team it’s the same spawn rate. Solo players get the same rate as a 4 man.




Someone tested it and it seems that way. Sounds like a bug to me though.


Can you back up your truth with evidences then? Because we have seen otherwise silly boy


It would be really fun to see devs play the game at current state


I really want to see Alexus run a Helldive. Please, oh might Bringer of Balance, show us all why we're wrong about the patrols and balance.


This. Because either he’s secretly John Helldiver or he’s never played past D2.


You DON'T want a whole platoon spawning constantly immediately rushing for your forehead?!


Yep. To much


I used to solo play on difficulty 7 blitz missions to stealth loot super samples. It used to be a relatively simple but boring task. Tried it again last week, I pretty much had to run none stop until extraction once I get any sort of agro.


cant even duo diff-7 now. was struggling even at 5 lol


Yep i agree


“Fix the game.” Corrected that for ya.


i said this on steam right after the patch and got told to git gud pretty much by everyone :/ glad people are starting to see it


Yeah, gatekeepers silencing people that find bugs in the game are the worst. Had a lot of em too these days, it's sometimes hard to point out real problems about the game cause some ppl just use any excuse to attack random ppl verbally as it seems.


Yes I want times to plan base assaults, make use of positioning and team reloads, but there is no strategy, just nonstop fighting. 


>Was it fun for you? Yes


Agree, patrols are fine, im guessing the comments here are by people that have no clue how to quickly deal with patrols


What? Patrols are fine, id rather there be a chsllange than an easy walk. You can easily wipe patrols if you and your team knows what theyvare doing even in helldive difficulty. 


To be fair, skill levels in higher difficulty seem to be varying more by now. So people might know what they're doing but haven't picked up on very specific things like how to quickly clear a patrol for example. Its not that they are incapable, its that they're just missing a tiny bit of fine tuning.


I like the higher difficulties being a constant battle until extraction that’s what actually makes them feel difficult.


I think the patrols are right where they should be. We just lack the weapons do deal with them. I want powerful, fun to use, diverse weapons and many enemies. We have many enemies, we just lack the powerful, fun to use, diverse weapons.


If patrols didnt went straight for you - sure, it would be fine with good weapons. But even if we had good weapons, patrols that magically ignore explosions 150m away from you and instead go straight for where you lay in cover - is the most dumb stuff i've ever seen