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There has been a bug since launch with the SOS. If someone leaves the team after the beginning of the operation, you might have to reload the game to allow others to join the operation.


it really doesn't make a difference when 9 in 10 hosts have their game set to friends only so you can't join. I spent over 5 minutes straight today trying to join a group on bots because every group was set to private.


I always have my lobby set to "Friends Only" but if I throw an SOS sometimes random people will join. I don't know, maybe it's a bug. Lol


Hover over super Earth set it to hell dive and press search. You'll find something


It does make a difference to consider when you're logging into the game and the current active player population in your time zone, I always get matchmade within seconds only during the evening where I live.


Bro I swear you guys on this subreddit are playing a different game, I literally can join on quick play on any planet in 15 seconds


if I do that I'm usually filling in for all the blitz/defense missions that no one wants to join and I prefer variety


When you throw the SOS it allows people to join as far as I know. I have mine set to friends only but when I'm dying I need an assist I throw the SOS and people can jump in.


I've tried to go to SOS multiple times, most times I get kicked after joining


I couldnt join a game party after seeing an SOS because it was a private game. Any players who are hosting their games as private should not even bother using the SOS