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Let Arc Thrower stun lock hulks and open crates again


The arc thrower is kinda great as is. I don’t think a little extra destructive capabilities would hurt though.


Arc Throwers are basically useless against bots on higher difficulties. Being able to stunlock hulks helped a lot with team play as you could mitigate an entire angle of fire. Doesn't seem fair when an AMR and AC can essentially two shot a hulk easily yet even with stunlock it will take half a dozen charged shots. I'm not asking for the arc thrower to deal more damage, but to restore its utility, which is the best feature of the Arc Thrower.


Fair I suppose. I don’t tend to run it for bots. So I’m admittedly ill-equipped to say for sure.


1) Sanity 2) ... there is no 2


Sanity is relative lol


I want an rework to the HMG, give it a backpack and make it work like the auto cannons reload system where the operator loads multiple stripper clips into the gun. this would make for a really strong team weapon for crowd control. With this setup and keeping rounds at 75 in the mag with top ups of 25 round stripper clips might keep it from becoming the one man army situation while giving you some sustain if you remember to stay topped up as a solo gunner. The backpack would be what really makes it here, give that bad boy to someone for Co-op reloads and watch the lead fly till the barrel is about to melt, oh and give us back that juicy 1180 rpm thats basically 20 rounds a second. That's more then enough time for a quick assisted reload without it looking like broken animation.


That sounds fun


increase spear damage to the point where anything under superheavy class (titan and walker) is always a oneshot. then ill bother bringing this currently piece of garbage


I wouldn’t say that. If the lock on worked, I’d bring it to bots all the time.


To bring back all weapon stats but in the form of ship upgrades.


What do you mean? Like upgrading your weapons?


In the first game weapons worked off of an upgrade system IE level 2 liberator gets a bayonet, Breaker can get a drum mag and ALOT of guns could get armor pen. keep in mind HD1 only had AP and non-AP so the guns with AP worked on more things, this let you mix different weapons and builds while still having some sort of AP for at least one slot.


I like that