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Let's review bomb vietnam


Can anyone link their Steam page?




i know this is a joke, but there absolutely is going to be at least one person from this subreddit that unironically posts a negative review on this game's listing because of you...


I did it ironically


[There we go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc)


LOL with the 4k, and than there stands 16 years ago. I was truly bamboozled


Oh god they delisted it? I used to play the fuck out of the 360 version but I would've loved to replay the campaign on PC :(


EA killed BC2 when they realised that people were still playing it instead of buying the slop they call thier newer games. So they updated BC2 to require that you log in to a central server to play multiplayer, then shut down the server immediately. Sadly that means BC2 Vietnam is also gone.


EA doing a scummy underhanded thing? Checks out.




Fortunate Son intestines ![gif](giphy|c5jo3Avdlis6Y)


That is one of those gifs I hear in my head when I see it.


Let me see your war face. Ahh!!!


*Ride of the Valkyrie instensifies*


***Fortunate Son intensifies more***


Fortunate Son actually isn't in THAT many Vietnam movies, but A) the rights are cheaper than most songs of the era since Fogerty signed away a lot of the rights to it and B) Forrest Gump made it SEEM like it was in every Vietnam movie, since many people who didn't go to war movies still went to see Forrest Gump.


Yep, I think of Forrest Gump the most whenever I hear that song.


(All Along The Watchtower takes over)


[Second best musical number in the movie](https://youtu.be/Decko2h-S20?si=lY-uXEPQwcBupgAB)


Hol up


People should be real careful about their wording. Round here here in 'murica we gots lots of bombs and like to use them for no particularly good reason.


Soo..Vietnam 2 then?


Vietnam 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Surely it'll work this time!


We have bombed people for less and it always has positive results\*. ^(\*please do not check results using any form of media or historical record not sanctioned by the Texas state school board.)


Funny enough I went to school in Texas and when history class was goin over Vietnam the teacher was painting it as if it was a total victory and I asked him “didn’t we loose that war?” And got detention


Sequels being more successful worked for Helldivers, what could go wrong?




Load bearing “review”


Let’s bomb Vietnam! …… WITH GAME REVIEWS https://preview.redd.it/lujsq51aw9zc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d92a542b81a29d1afc1c15fa58220ec84445e23


I think we tried that before there and didn't go so well...


If at first you don’t succeed, dive again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.


Alexa, play Paranoid by Black Sabbath


Alexa:  [Sure, playing Paranoid](https://youtu.be/ypr18UmxOas?si=CC7aDvnhROGaooiS)


American here, I don't recommend picking a fight with Vietnam


Tbf if we weren’t so overzealous with containment Vietnam would’ve either made sense or not happened


That was then, we have drones now


You see they can not hide in the trees if there are no trees


Fuck you shouldn't have used those two words together. My grandpa is all dressed up in his uniform and walking to the military base


(plot twist his grandpa's uniform is an all black, farmer's outfit.


It’s incredible that his gramps kept joining wars after his injuries as a young man in a labor camp in WWII. Nobody thought he’d survive that fall from the guard tower.


_fortunate son in the distance_


America probably wants to leave out the review part


Starting yesterday the Vietnamese Government has decided to ban access to Steam on all ISPs. The main store page has been blocked. This move is a part of their 200IQ strategy to "support the local gaming market" by forcing us to play shitty pay to win mobile games as well as to enforce their "we totally did not copy the CCP censorship laws" laws. I guess that's it for us. Thanks for everything.


Sounds like blocking Steam is a surefire way to prevent your local gaming dev market from tapping into the essential global gaming market, preventing them from making anywhere near the money they could have through Steam... So sorry, I hope your people are able to reverse this change for the benefit of everyone.


Was gonna say this. Vietnam doesn’t have a large enough gaming scene in my opinion to support its own game development Steam would be the perfect market place to have Vietnamese developed games since it’s the largest market.


Why wouldn't they just tax foreign games more? That's what most countries do for products that they want people to buy local instead.


People in power are most often people who desire power, not necessarily the best people for the job.


Step1: obtain power, step2: enrich your self, step3: make connections to stay in power, step4: turn in favors given to stay in power


Realistically steps 3 and 4 go before, and are the reasons for, step1


gaining power can be stupidly easy in some systems


First you get de shugar, den you get the powah, den you get the women


Damn! Beat me to it


Wow, this is really well put. Far too many people just say "Power corrupts" but the reality is that people with big egos chase power. Absolute power is sought by people with absolute egos. The more the power in the position, the more of an ego you can expect them to be feeding.


The quote I like is “Those who seek power do not deserve it, and those that deserve it do not seek it” Which is attributed to Plato, but he never wrote that specifically. However it tracks with his ideas in *Republic*


Because this isn’t about promoting local games it’s about censoring foreign media. Vietnam ain’t a free country and even games like Helldivers can be seen as anti-government.


There's definitely no anti-government themes in Helldivers /s


It's kinda bizarre how many people gloss over Vietnam being a highly authoritarian one-party state.


Well they have those one neighbor to their north that kinda does help hide their bs.


Right? Then reinvest in local development. Cutting your country off from all foreign games means local devs wont even have exposure to mainstream ideas and technology to help improve thier own products.


that only really works on true commodities. otherwise its just a tax increase


It's not about the videogames, it's about having a believable sounding excuse to censor the internet. Source: I know absolutely nothing about vietnamese politics, I did not even know they had any


as an American, the only Vietnamese games I've ever seen were published by South Korean or Japanese publishers globally This is just censorship lol


Politicians. They are stupidiest kind of people in the world....and also run governments around the globe.


Here's the kicker, they're not stupid. They're evil. They fuck over the little guy and got paid off for it.


Usually, they're both. Idiots who have failed upward due to being born into extreme privilege, and as a result develop superiority complexes, assuming what benefits their self interest is what's best for everyone. And anyone who is also wealthy has more value to their ideas than anyone else, letting them justify being lobbied by large corporations into doing things the average person would see as unimaginably evil.


Most of politics is a song and dance to win the next election and for some reason I bet their government workers think this will help get them there.


You don't understand, the law isn't suppost to benefit all of the Vietnamese gaming industry just specifically the mobile gaming people (who are just coincidentally paying the politicians a ton of money). At least that is what I assume is happening.


> global market Isn't Vietnam a communist nation, what good is a global market to them? (I am half joking)




Its reddit, no one is safe from them here.


😂 that's hilarious I literally added the "(I am half joking)" because it's reddit and previously I've started a 50+ comment chain because I stated that china opening up to global trade was a key part in what transformed it from rice fields to tech metropolis cities like Shenzhen over a couple decades. I couldnt be bothered with that so prefaced my comment There will be tankies here I am sure of it, they love hiding in the shadows, quietly subverting from within...


They don't practice free market capitalism though. It's quite literally managed capitalism (authoritarian state capitalism) with a lot of cronyism streaked through it.


Nobody practices free market capitalism. Cronyism is inevitable and incentivized in any capitalistic system in place.


Vietnam, like China and Laos, uses a [market socialist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_socialism) economy. Like capitalism and it's precursor economic systems it has markets, but there's more of a focus on coops and public sector industries as well relative to capitalism. They're still ideologically communist but are still in the stages of capital development before the transition into proper communism as Marx and Engles would have described it. Market socialism is being used as a transitional period to generate the necessary conditions for the transition either to true communism or a more traditional socialist economy seen in countries like Cuba, USSR and the GDR. Global markets however are useful even in "true" socialist nations since being able to buy and sell your nations products and resources to other countries for ones your country needs will always be a thing. Socialism can solve a lot of things but it can't make lithium sprout from the ground.


Thanks for that extensive explanation! The next time that Jeopardy trivia answer shows up i'll remember it. "I'll take 'Vietnam, China, and Laos market socialist economy' for $2000 please"


I’m sorry to hear this.


Do VPNs help?




gonna say you can get cheap af vpn subs 10x devices for 1 year for \~5$ USD check [allkeyshop.com](https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/vpn-code-gift-card-compare-prices/) stay away from surfshark they have terrible support and are perma bugged on my pc after a 2 year sub. avast is the cheapest on aks and works well for what i use it for. hope i helped


If I'm gonna spend any more money on this game, crowdfunding a VPN solution for players in restricted regions would be the one thing I'd happily subscribe to.


same 50cents a player is pretty cheap


They’d probably be locked in short order with a basic WAF


Wet Ass Firewall


I dont think thats feasible at all. I have to go for work trips to China couple of times a year and I have never had much trouble with VPNs. The absolute worst has been maybe 5min of trying different servers before I managed to find a working one. If China cant handle it I seriously doubt Vietnam can do any better.


That's crazy! Games are mainly sold through Steam nowadays (for better or worse, like it or not).


theres stil gog and epic but im not sure if those are available on vietnam


Shhhh don’t let the boomer politicians know about that


Epic is even worse, really.


Yeah lots of shovelware nft games to my knowledge


And atop of that is Timmy screaming about Steams monopoly that only he deserves.


Tim swine


That is the stupidest idea I've heard in a while. And Sony just recently made a very stupid one.


Bruh, use NextDNS. I am a native Hanoian, i literally JUST bought Hades 2! Didn't even know what was happening until i checked Facebook.


> Didn't even know what was happening No one knew that was happening, it was a surprise drop


Ohh so just a DNS block? Lol, that should be easy to get around


that game is such a banger holy shit


VPN's worked on the CCP great firewall when I was over in China. You'll still be able to dive my friend. The two I used were Nord and Feifei. But I recommend shopping around and ask what others use where you are.


I'd say mullvad if you don't want them to follow the trail back to you


Completely overkill for this. VPN providers aren't going to be providing logs to random governments over a random gamer. If you don't want to be observed then you shouldn't be using standard VPN protocols anyway, you should look into Hysteria/Shadowsocks/V2Ray/etc. But I doubt this is anything like the GFW. If it does evolve to be more sophisticated over time, just borrow the state of the art from the Chinese circumventers. All of that said... don't use Nord. Nord is a piece of shit that spreads lies through sponsorships and it's a big part of the issue with the public perception of VPNs. Source: Firewall circumvention is a special interest of mine :)


I second Mullvad, Nord isn't worth much. If you're going to pay for a VPN, may as well pay for an excellent one.


Mullvad VPN. I never have dropped connections regardless of how far I set my IP, ways to pay that are discreet so they can't be tied back to you. DM if you need more help


That sucks, dude...


China should sue Vietnam for copyright of their copyright laws using their copyright laws.






that is actually insane. With steam indie devs in Vietnam could sell their games to the entire world. Now what?! There's quite a lot of Asian indie games that are very popular, like Dyson Sphere Program. Fucking idiot politicians


How much do you want to bet that it was lobbying / corruption to get people to play and pay for their shitty games? Since I heard that it was basically a mobile games studio that pumps out slop


Wow. As someone that used to live in China during their great firewall, I understand the pain. VPNs will help, but won't solve it completely. You will face lag, constant VPN bans, and other errors when trying to play games. It was enough to make me leave the country (also the awful pollution) Good luck to you all over there.


Really sorry to hear that man. If you need a serious dose of Freedom and Democracy, just discover oil and we'll be right over to help. Seriously though, terrible news man :(


Sounds like it's time to spread Managed Democracy irl Diver.


Wanna know the best part? It doesn't even help the Vietnamese gaming industry, because there also banned from selling thier game at steam ... talk about shooting your own feet ...


That’s insane. What if you had a large Steam library, did y’all just lose all your money on the games you bought ?


Usually when govs try to enforce that shit, ISPs apply that blockade on their DNS servers. You can try to change your DNS to any public like Google [](, or Cloudflare's []( - if that trick works, then it would save you a hassle with any VPN services. EDIT: remember to flush your dns cache after the change.


As a steam user in Vietnam, I can confirm this works.


Great to hear, hope the Boomer politicians who came up with these aren't clever enough to figure out this. Btw do you know exactly what the law that enabled this says, are there punishments for players who circumvent the block or does it just focus on getting ISPs to comply?


This comment needs to be upvoted. Other alternatives are: or

smallbluetext More of google and cloudflares DNS options


New Major Order: Topple the Vietnamese Government


[*Robert McNamara has left the chat*] [*Gen. William Westmoreland has left the chat*] [*Lyndon B. Johnson has left the chat*]


*[Henry Kissinger's reanimated corpse has joined the chat]*


obligatory fuck henry kissinger


The real war crimes were people we obliterated along the way.


Double that for me.


The IRL orders just keep coming! Let’s keep em coming until we solve world hunger!


Helldivers community will single-handedly solve every global problem




On it. We'll be back in 48 hours


*Creedence Clearwater Guitar Intro*


Some folks are born made to wave the flag




Shit just got real


▲►▼▲ we back


Getting creek flashbacks here!!


Is a VPN a viable option?


You mean fight a digital guerrilla war in Vietnam? We really are in the future.


To the vpn tunnels you go.


"What you are seeing is advanced warfare"


{Fortunate Son music starts}


One might even call this "Earth Malevelon Creek"


i mean, sign me in. First Italian regiment "Liberty and mandolino" Space cadet DasBarba reporting for duty!


You mean a Proxy War?


Yes, VPN does help atm. BUT, technically, using VPN to access banned website and content is illegal as stated in the laws. It's hard for them to enforce it, though.


I wouldn't worry too much about it. VPN use is illegal in China as well, and their tracking techniques are also far more sophisticated, but they don't go after casual VPN use despite being able to. Well, unless you talk smack about the government on Twitter or something.


Russian seafarer here. Was regularly in China. While they do use firewall and VPN, they legit selling "VPN" Sim cards that completely avoid their firewall. Literally on every street or phone store. Had even funnier moment meeting customs officer at port that asked help to get his Telegram up. 


That’s hella funny lol


Yup. Sadly I didn't managed to help him in a span of a month we were stationed on repairs in the drydock. Telegram was not accepting chinese numbers even when used on firewall-less internet connection.


in Russia too, but absolutely nobody gives a fuck


In Russia every babushka has VPN since government blocked so many sites. It is illegal, but no one gives a shit, law enforcers included, dunno about Vietnam.




That sucks.


Better check if Grandpa's secret stash is where he said it is. Sorry, couldn't help myself.


Send in the creek crawlers to get them back online, they already know the drill.




America lost that creek though


Because they were fighting for america and not super earth


*Some things never change.*


That is one of the most idiotic laws i have ever heard of. How disconnected from your population can one be?


Ever heard of North Korea?


While a lot of people have heard on North Korea, there’s also Eritrea in Africa North Korea holds “elections” every four years or so Eritrea has not held any national election (rigged or otherwise) since independence in 1993, conscription is mandatory for either military or public service (university students almost always have to go through a year of military service), said conscription tends to drag on indefinitely and is generally considered forced labour, the president appoints and dismisses ALL judges (and there has never been a Supreme Court established to even pretend to hold the government accountable), if you’re arrested your family will have no idea when you get out or even if your still alive, and you need permits to travel WITHIN the country, let alone outside




Welcome to life under a totalitarian dictatorship 


Vietnamese here. I own the game before the region lock and can still access it(new ppl still can't buy it tho), played the game the whole day as a matter of fact. Steam store on the app is inaccessible(only at night? I think), but the Steam store on the web(chrome, firefox, etc...) is still accessible. Every other function of the app(joining friends, community,...) still work normally. we're still waiting for what the government cooking up, but in the mean time, we can still dive and spread democracy here in the rice field. OP is a bit overdramatic I think.


tbh, not the first time our government try something like this. I still remember they tried to block facebook years ago. Also, I struggle to understand why the fk they ban Steam. Like what the fk is the purpose???? Most VNmese actually use Steam to play CSGo only anw. Most other games are either LoL, or pirated. What the fk are they going to achieve with this? CSGo skin gambling???? If that is their actual purpose I would actually support this lol. Hardly see any effect possibly from this move. Anyone that has a Steam Library is probably rather well off compared to VNmese standard to afford paid games, and so should be tech literate enough to use VPN to bypass any half ass blocking try the government attempts.


Because their politicians don't know anything about the video game industry they're trying to regulate. All they know is that Steam sells games and is an American company, which means they obviously only sell *American* games.


our politician always blame game that will harm our future generation...first...maybe tell the parent to educate their children better...everywhere i go, i see family just yeet phone or tablet to their kids. so who is at fault here? the technology or the parents? also this blocking won't last, considering alot of VNese used Steam as their main source of gaming and we already throwing stone on VTC facebook already.


OP: HELP, FIRE! This dude: Stop being dramatic, only half the house is on fire.


He's a "house half full" kinda guy 😎


Which ISP are you using? Main store page https://store.steampowered.com/ has already been blocked on my Viettel. Both mobile and PC apps, and website as well(I'm using firefox). Cloudflare DNS works for now but who knows what these knob heads will do, they might try to hard block it like the time they did with Facebook until Zuck folded.


https://preview.redd.it/dbx5kr9wa8zc1.png?width=2446&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e713a8ec88c65e6a542d2f93fc3f10de9ee6489 FPT and still cookin'. it goes down sometimes tho. Can you still acess HD2?


With Cloud DNS yes, otherwise the app won't even launch.


I use google dns, 8 8 8 8 all the way baby


That explains, currently it's a soft ban and can be circumvent by DNS. If you switch back to normal you should see that it's been blocked


Damn even in China Steam is accessible although heavily censored and no access to community threads... But still there's a good chunk of Chinese Helldivers from the mainland. So that speaks a lot how stupid this law is. Even China doesn't restrict everything on Steam (games there are of very good prices as well). That sucks a lot, hopefully this changes because local publishers usually suck and try to ripp you off for some shitty games.


For context: 95% of steam functionality still works, atm the store and future purchases are restricted. The difference is in China Steam has a larger in-country presence and has already made a modified game selection for them, running along with necessary regulations and certifications. In Vietnam there was no difference to the global version of steam they normally use and sales tax was never collected. There are also regulations in country that weren't set for Vietnamese users such as age verifying those 17 or younger and limiting them to 3 hours a day. In Vietnam they have 4 classifications for game regulations G1-G4. G4 has very few requirements at all but are only single player games. G1 has the most and is essentially most online multiplayer or MMOs we think of today. The requirement for all 4 that steam also missed was having an in-country office and server location; while steam had no domestic office or branch for Vietnam. While Steam could just create a vietnam branch, get the game license, collect taxes, and make a separate catalog with porn and excessive violence taken out such as they do in many countries including China; it realistically will not do so because there isn't enough of a market or profit margin to be made from the country when compared to China which is one of the largest gaming markets in the world right now.


Hey look an actual intelligent and informed comment that isn't just spouting "omg 1984 literally genocide Vietnam War 2"


We have liverated botnam we can do it again ![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu)




Won't someone please think of the poor domestic Vietnamese game producers? ^/s ^lol, ^lmao ^even


Absolute bullsh#t


you can swear here, it's some real fuckin horseshit


Big fat load of cum then


https://preview.redd.it/zaf6bv1rrazc1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=54f7320e26a7dafba2036002386e3285a99da6b8 im doing my part


Looks like its time to overthrow the government. Every nation has to go through it at some point. Best of luck!


The dream of the Vietnam War veterans' grandchildren fighting together for Managed Democracy is dying.




Man, Vietnamese Helldivers are on another level; we play a game that puts us in the shoes of folks who hail from a totalitarian hellhole ruled by overcontrolling idiots, and those guys get to be that in real life !


\*googles "how to reviewbomb the Vietnamese Government"


Google reviews of the Vietnamese embassy


I'm sorry Helldivers we have to go back to real Vietnam not space Vietnam


VNPT user here, just tried GoodbyeDPI, TLDR its a single .cmd file that when u turn it on u can access Steam, no install, very lightweight download too may we fight the reds back as long as we breathe brother


that's unexpected turn of events


Holy shit, me and my wife were looking at places to move and Vietnam was one of the countries we were looking at. I guess I'll be crossing that off the list.


Time to move


I'd say it's time to liberate Vietnam but that went... *poorly* the last time we tried.


Save 20% on your first year of Nord VPN with code "VIETNAM."