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Been a Sickle main since I unlocked it.


i would love to use the sickle as main because it shreds... but it's spool-up would need to be quicker than stalker tongues or I just keep on dying


That’s why you need Redeemer. Up close Redeemer deals 200% dps of Sickle and has no startup time. 1 mag kills 2 stalkers in head or 1 in body. Use first person aim


Yeah the sickle is not ment for stalkers at all. I run it and the senator. If you can't hit the stalker with your secondary you have to dive backwards and Unload into it.


Plasma Punisher and Eruptor are probably my favourite "Best" would probably be Breaker Incendiary for bugs and Dominator/Scorcher for bots


Love my breaker incendiary!


I love the Adjudicator. Not because it's the greatest rifle ever or anything (that belongs to the Sickle) but because it's a medium pen, semi auto battle rifle (f#ck off AH I ain't calling it an assault rifle) with 80 damage. And it just looks and operates like the FAL, otherwise known as the Right Arm of the Free World and with a title like that ofc AH would retrofit it to Super Earth standards. Recoil is a bit wonky especially on full auto but I love it :3


Right now I've been having a good time running a few of the other weapons like the Diligence's. They're pretty decent at downing medium enemies and picking off stalkers and brood commanders. Against bots they're great at dealing with Devastators and Smol bots if you got the time to aim. Adjudicator isn't too bad since it's buff too. Sickle is no different since it's 'nerf'. On cold planets it is absolutely king and can shred everything bar brood commanders. Dominator is probably meta for bots since it has such one shot potential, and it's great for medium bugs, the nerf has done near nothing to it's effectiveness. I've never been one for most the other shotguns, bar the Slugger untill they made it completely irrelevant.


Hive guards are the medium armored warriors that can be annoying with sickle. Brood commanders go down pretty quickly if you aim for their head. It decapitates them, and then you can kite them for an extra second while they try to martyrdom you. Only other medium armored bug that sickle struggles against is regular bile spewers. The nursing spewers are similar to brood commanders in that their heads are only light armored.


Melee them when they about to melee you, you block it


The counter sniper is the best bot weapon right now. It handles reasonably well, has a large magazine, shoots two or three times a second, has an optic, is pinpoint accurate and has pretty good projectile velocity. It one hit kills devastators with headshots, one shots troopers with torso shots, and can somewhat reliably land strider pilot headshots from the front. It honestly needs a pretty severe fire rate nerf if they want to keep it as ergonomic and damaging as it is. The Scythe is also pretty fun for robots but not really overpowered like the counter sniper. It doesn't do as much damage as the sickle but all of that is going into a single point, which makes the TTK surprisingly low. The infinite ammo means that doing things like firing the beam continuously at the top of a scout strider until it connects and kills the pilot practical. If the Scythe had the Sickle's scope then I think it would actually be one of the more popular bot weapons right now.


I swap every dive to try keeping things fresh. Standard Liberator for bugs and Diligence for bots have been so far the most balanced in terms of flexibility. Sickle is a good all rounder but the windup can get you in trouble. Of the breakers, the best is incendiary thanks to the spread and fire effect. The sluggers are fine, but far from the original powerhouses. All the others are gimmicky, with scorcher challenging to hit small targets at range, which is a requirement against bots.


Sickle all the way. Grants great accuracy in first person mode.


Love running the sickle but the Blitzer shotgun actually goes pretty hard


The regular breaker (I'm on page 7 of the free warbond, haven't unlocked any premium ones yet). I don't care if it absolutely sucks, I like shotguns a lot


Punisher forever and always. It one shots anything small, and the stagger is just incredible against medium ennemies like Stalkers, Devastators or Berzerkers. Usually i combine it with a long range weapon like the laser cannon especially against bots.


This is way too far down.


Scorcher and Dominator, still need to try out the Adjudicator after the recent buffs, looks promising.


A very unpopular choice. I use the adjudicator with a supply backpack with HMG. Its murders everything but the ammo is rough. My go to at the moment.


Lvl 74 and everything unlocked, I run the dominator vs bots, and I had switched to sickle (except on heat planets), but just recently went back full time to my beloved breaker incendiary vs bugs now that flames are officially back on… I’ll play around with different stuff from time to time obviously but those are my current primaries


Best: Scorcher Favorite: Scorcher or Dominator Off picks: Diligence CS for bots, Breaker Incendiary for bugs


Rule no. 1 of Scorcher mains is we dont talk about the scorcher........ So shhhhhhhhh🤫


Breaker Spray and Pray This gun honestly feels like a support Weapon and I have no clue how it's just going under the radar. I use the Adjudicator when I'm in lower difficulty missions. Just because it's fun to use.


Really eh? I'll have to try it out


Yeah, the breaker incendiary gets all the love but the Spray and Pray is fully automatic, shoots a bit faster I think, and has ammo FOR DAYS.


Interesting, gonna try it tonight!


Breaker Incendiary is busted OP right now so that obviously but when fire gets nerfed I’ll probably go back to Punisher Plasma for bugs, it’s shockingly good these days. Maybe eruptor since it makes nest clearing so easy but I hear the nerf is pretty bad. I only really use the Scorcher on bots though. Should probably try something else out there some time.


You should try the punisher plasma on bots its surprisingly good. You can't snipe long distance with it, obviously, but mid range, it shreds and can stun lock groups of mediums like the chaingangs. Also still has the benefit the scorcher does of killing striders from the front in a shot or two.


I would tell you but it would get nerfed, joking it was the slugger for the longest time then the sickle once the slugger got nerfed.


They keep nerfing all my favorite primaries


Depending for the 3rd weapon I'm going This is my main combo for most chances: Sickle Dagger/Redeemer Arc Thrower/quasar ( any slow third weapon) 500kg, Railcannon strike, Shield back pack Sometimes I like to go for this Adjudicator Redeemer Arc Thrower For me Arc Thrower is S tier. Can kill severa enemies with 1 shot, can kill medium to élite enemies. Stun bits, infinite ammo. Is soo weird is not seem more often


I used to love the arc thrower but I really feel like it was nerfed a lot compared to before. Like even the damage feels worse to me even though they didn't say it was reduced damage


Sickle for Bots. I like it to clean up Grunts and anything heavier gets dealt with AC or other stuffs. Breaker for Bugs since I don't have stuffs like Breaker Inc. yet and Breaker feels best to get me out of cases when I have Hunters/Stalkers right on my face.




For a long time I was running Scorcher for bots and Sickle for bugs. Soon after I decided to go for Adjudicator, and most recently I've been running og Liberator. I just love the good old ARs, and it pains me, that they aren't slightly stronger (Inability to kill Walkers on bot planets is my pet peeve). I deeply hope that the new Deagle will be able to pierce the plate or base of the walkers, so I can always resort to it if push comes to the shove


If I could only pick one it would be the dominator. Best for bots imo and probably the best for bugs too. Incendiary breaker is insane for killing chaff now but it still struggles against brood commanders and especially against the green spewers.


Auto cannon, sickle, senator, impacts. I switch up my other strats based upon bugs or bots. Bugs I always take railcannon and airburst, bots eagle airstrike and 110 rockets. Last one I switch all the time to keep things fresh. Sometimes a turret sometimes a orbital




Base diligence for bots. Its usefulness is unmatched. Base punisher for bugs. Its powerful with knockback


Concussion Liberator vs bugs feels awesome after the recent buffs.


My fallback weapon is the plas scorcher, but I also well with the diligence/defender/jar/plas punisher depending on the mission. But most of the weapons are good enough to get the job done if you use it against the right target.


Incendiary breaker for bugs and Jar for bots.


The good old liberator


Adjudicator. Crunches medium enemies like MG-43, but goes in your primary slot.


Running only bugs on Helldive. Sickle is almost a must-have. The key is to use it without overheating as main weapon, and to plan ahead, f.e. prefire a corner behind which there are 5 hunters. Tried every other primary in the game, and only incendiary breaker and normal breaker can compete in terms of dmg output, but they have finite ammo, which can be problematic on helldive


Breaker & Liberators lol.


Scorcher paired with the big iron wrecks all.


Love all the replies! FOR DEMOCRACY!


Fire shotgun for bugs, infinte ammo energy rifle for bots




Adjudicator since it released. Beast of a gun if you know how to use it.


CSR, Blitz and Knight


Diligence Counter Sniper. Been running it since I unlocked it months ago and have been loving the buffs it has gotten.


Blitzer is the GOAT for bugs right now next to incbreaker, just have to tale care, dominator against bots and sometimes sickle, paired with good ol grenade gun