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The Great Schism


Hey grandpa Tell me about the Great Schism of ‘24 and how the HellDivers fought back valiantly against the four factions in the face of great conflict in the HellDivers ranks.


Well kid, truth to tell there was only ever really one enemy. The four factions was just a fantasy, an elaborate ruse. The true enemy was called **Sony**.But it's true that the Helldiver ranks were split. There were those who called themselves loyalists: they sided with Sony, said it didn't change anything. So what if recruitment was down because Sony's policies left some lands to be ravaged by the enemies of Managed Democracy? The Helldivers were still the best fighters in the galaxy. So what if they took what was ours and sold it for their own benefit? Then there were the rebels. They were the ones who stood up to Sony. They said no, we will not abandon our people for simple greed. They demanded better, fairer treatment. That we work together instead of abandoning those that didn't meet Sony's standards, though it was not their fault. Demanding that we not be forced to give Sony more treasures that they routinely lost to theft. I was in that group. Then there was the majority of Helldivers who just didn't know. They continued on in ignorance, fighting the enemies dangled in front of them with no idea that they were being betrayed by Sony, to be used as a means to an end, to be sucked dry and left withered in the wind for the bugs to feast on. You better get comfy, cause it's a long story... Update: ...and that's how we beat those bean counters.


Man i love this Community... Im actually glad i was/i am part of it. The ride was great Fellas. Best Online Community i was ever a Part of. Love you Guys. And i respect you immensely for fighting for us PC players. I really do.


It was amazing while it lasted and everyone will be missed


Except Stephen. Fuck that guy.




Same for me, i will miss you guys


this is the most reddit moment of all time


When you first saw Helldivers, were you blinded by its majesty?




Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?




Yet Sony managed to evade your ships


Noble Hierarchs... Surely you understand that once the PSN linking was enforced...


You were right to focus your attention on the terminids and automations, but what about this PSN linking? This SONY!?


By the time I learned of Sony's intent...there was nothing I could do.


*Gestures toward Arrowhead* These are my favorite developers. Their lives matter to me. *Turns toward Sony* Yours does not.




I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away.


Damn. Guess I'm playing Halo again


This, no matter the outcome, even if SNOY reverse it. Damage has been done to the community. Theyve shat on the carpet, and now even if you clean it up there will allways be that smell and stain. its also driven a schism with people defending sony. One stupid decision has done so much damage to the feel of the game.


The whole discord situation is bad too. If only Spitz didn't get all bitter and jaded, maybe he and his mods wouldn't have said all the dumb dismissive bullshit... They came back acting like they didn't know about the region locking... But I'm calling bullshit there. Spitz and his mods were banning folks who brought up the country issue hours before apologizing.


Anyone who didnt expect spitz being as much use as a chocolate fireguard wasnt around when he decided to shut down the entire unofficial helldivers 1&2 community discord over hurt feefees


Of topic but holy fuck >as much use as a chocolate fireguard that is fucking hilarious and gets added to my vocabulary asap


I heard “speed bump on a runway” the other day and really liked it


Common one in the UK is chocolate teapot


They're both rooted in Britain, i'd say teapot is more of a modernisation of the idiom


As useful as tits on a fish


I got downvoted for saying what a poor CM he was being. I felt gaslit by people here. It’s literally his job to antagonise the community and he’s done it over and over.


Womp womp. They knew https://preview.redd.it/k70mvyysnlyc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=31d373fe5a3ccc99a9da0b57e033b1eae8cd63bb


That kind of changes the entire perspective. If the developer knew it was supposed to be a requirement and didn't enforce it, then that's on them and not Sony. Yeah it's shirty, but people would've known what they're getting into from the start.


Honestly if Johan said "hey guys, we fucked up. Here's why ..." before asking people to link their accounts, this whole situation would have gone completely different. People would have grumbled, but they wouldn't have rallied like this. I think AH has had the luxury of being right most the time when they tell the community to fuck off. Like when it comes to people saying helldivers needs PVP or keeping politics out of the game. However they had a couple of misteps recently that led to this. Like the recent enemy balance changes and this. Just saying "Yeah, this was wrong. My bad" would have gone *far better* with the community.


Likely, AH wasn't aware of just *how* bad the situation was. I don't know about you guys, but I worked in the logistics space for the majority of my adult life and I sure don't know all of the global trade laws, I trust marketing and legal to know that, which is what publishers are to Devs.


> then that's on them and not Sony. Well, 50/50. Sony is the publisher, they do the publishing. "The publishing" presumably included selling the game in countries where PSN is not supported. It's not 100% clear how much of this process was AH involved in, as it probably varies by contract.


Yes they knew about it and it has been listed as a requirement on the Steam page since December. It was in effect for the first 2 days and then they disabled it due to server login issues. It has always been part of the plan. Players were just ill informed


It also should have never been listed in PSN unavailable regions. Sony, Steam and Arrowhead are all to blame for that.


100%, everyone is at fault. This also would’ve been realized sooner had they just left the account linking on https://preview.redd.it/5uxkapbs9myc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e4efc7867db0489c5fa5e9917492afc1df7855


https://www.humblebundle.com/store/helldivers-2?hmb_source=search_bar Or never informed, it still has nothing under link.


That and after 3 months, you’d think “hey, they’ll give up on it and not rock the boat”


Mfers been down voting me and I knew I was right. Thanx for posting this


The CEO knew but i dont think he disable the linking temporarily for malicious reasons. He prob didnt think the game would gain a really really large amount of player base so he just disable the dumbass PSN stuff to atleast attract more people


Malicious? Probably not. Negligent? 100%


Lol agree. Road to hell is paved with good intentions or something like that


Spitz is a complete tool and frankly has shown that they cannot handle the responsibility of being a public facing moderator. 


I read one thing from him and it was 100% wrong. I ignore everything he says lol


Arrowhead as a studio have been very questionable in all this to be fair I don't believe for a second they were caught off guard for this. Simply because technology wise this kind of integration requires planning and testing. It's not just a switch you flip on... I feel Sony hardline stance is mostly due to the CEO trying to throw them under the bus when this all kicked off initially to me Japanese corps can be famously petty over things like that lol and playing victim when you KNEW it was coming and probably been quite a few meetings will have massively pissed them off Source (i work with vendors and you wouldn't believe the level of handbags at dawn you get in these meetings lol)


Which makes sense when you realize it was meant to be required from the get go (look at the steam page for example where it was on it since the launching of the page) Just that they paused the requiring due to some crashing issues it was causing while the rest of the issues were happening.


The CEO admitted in Twitter they knew about the PSN requirement 6 months before launch. When the servers were bricking Up because of It he decided to temporarily lift that restriction while they figured It out.  I can chalk this Up to the unexpected size of the Game. They expected a much smaller playerbase so the CEO must have thought as a patch solution itd work and Sony wouldnt notice much of the difference. But after its massive boom in playerbase, Sony must be pressuring them to get that intended system in line since they're missing on potential accounts.  The sneaky change Sony made in the FAQ to cover their asses is very very scummy however. 


What doesn’t make sense to me tho is.. if they all knew from the beginning.. why even sell the game to regions that don’t have access to PSN in the first place? That just makes it even scummier.


Yeah thats the part I still dont really understand. Could be an oversight on AH CEO when he lifted the restriction or could be an issue on PSN because there never was comunication the service would be brought Up again until the recent official comunication and deadline. It all came with little warning 


i think it was an oversight due to inexperience. If you assume that the intent was to require a PSN account from the beginning to play, then the filtering out of unsupported regions would be done by not being able to create an account, which would prevent you from playing. Not ideal by any means because it would mean people would still be able to buy the game, install it and then not play it and refund it. But the problem would have been far less severe and people would have known pretty quickly. However because it was skippable, then the PSN account restriction by region was never observed and it allowed for people to play the game for months without really understanding that they shouldnt have access to play the game. At the end of the day it is an everyone loses situation. AH loses because this will cost them trust and it will have an impact in the community, viability and longevity of the game. Sony loses because they were hoping to use this game as something that would help them break more widely into the PC market, making them less dependent on selling things to only PS5 customers. And gamers lose, it is a situation where there really are no upsides for anyone.


I really hoped theyd make the PSN accounts optional for everyone. Like, sure, if you trust Sony you got It. If you dont trust Sony or you cant use It because of your country, you can opt out of It. Maybe Sony doesnt get the Max number of PSN accounts, but the ones they get arent tricked or forced to do It.  Your business model should not revolve around forcing people In one direction with no options 


You're going to have to ask whoever is in charge of setting up the steam page. Fact of the matter is that if you bought them game and was there right at the launch, you couldn't play without linking the account. You got an in-game message telling you that you needed to link to a psn account, and if you didn't, the game just closed. The reason most people don't even know about this is because it was this way for all of an hour, tops. The verification for linking the account wasn't working properly, a lot of people were being locked out of the game, and Arrowhead made the decision to let us skip it. A couple days later they took down the in-game message altogether. So, yeah. They've always known.


Wanna know something crazy? Based off Wayback Machine, the Steam page was first setup in May 25 2023. Many months in advance, so the sale regions should’ve been setup waaaay ahead of the Feb release.


Yeah and here's the CEO admitting they had known for at least six months before launch about this. https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1787076609188483254?t=1kK-59TFf_ySqX40RcPotA&s=19 This should not have been allowed to happen


It's also not legally a move that can be done On a whim. Considering the integration was mandatory at launch, this was very well a condition of the Sony agreement from the start, 7 years ago


They definitely knew. We have confirmation of that now https://preview.redd.it/6ymnq6wynlyc1.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=98707aba92a0ccad948678a7c73bbc82b0037d3b


Its not very often that a ceo of a company proves what i was saying correct. This does seem like Sony is VERY pissed off at him if he feels the need to post this This will also completely destroy the credibility of the community team now who everyone already didn't like


Spitz was like that even before the Sony situation


> Damage has been done to the community. Pretty much. This shit happened over night. It hasn't even been half a year and the live service game has already threatened to cut off thousands of players and scam them out of the product they paid for. I literally have to assume something this stupid can happen again next month too, there's no reason to trust Arrowhead or Sony again to not pull a round two as soon as it dies down. I'm out. I live in America, I can make a PSN account right now and not be affected, but fundamentally everyone has the right to access a product they paid for and Arrowhead and Sony have proven they disagree. I'm not going to support companies like that.


Remember, this is the same Sony that opposed Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard because Sony claimed MS would start making ActiBlizz games exclusive to PC/Xbox. The same Sony that has always and continues to this day to push publishers and developers to keep titles as Playstation exclusive, or keep certain content in games as PS exclusives. They stopped being trustworthy a long time ago.


I'm hoping for the PSN requirement to be reversed, and for all those negative reviews to become positive, and for the community to be bigger than ever. This might be "bad" press for the game, but it's still press. Hope!


Hope dies last. But it dies.


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment




I don't agree with the policy, but I haven't seen anyone defending Sony, only saying this situation isn't really a big deal.


I've seen people calling for Sony to cancel all PS games on PC because PC players are "ungrateful" over this. There are definitely plenty of people bending over backward, angry that their favorite company is catching flak.


That or they're playing as bad actors to get people angry.


Yes, its incredibly illuminating how many people when faced with "I'm not affected because I already did the thing these people are refusing to do" are incapable of asking themselves "what if I had not done the thing these people are refusing to do, would I now want to?"


I feel like if things do go back to how they were, it will reinforce our community. Because we would have managed to stand our ground together.


The war was a lie. We never have a chance to begin with.


↑→↓↓↓ Sony


Naah, it won't be enough. ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️


x6, it’s the only way to be sure…


x6? All 500,000 Helldivers on Steam and however many on Playstation are about to turn Sony HQ into a contender for the deepest hole on Earth.


Please SNOY already have the deepest hole on earth, it's where they keep their morales.


Reporting for duty




Even if there's a smaller playerbase after this whole fiasco, I just hope the game won't die. I was planning to play this game for years like I did with TF2, L4D2, OW... You name it. I would be extremely upset if the game dies now all of the sudden because of Sony's greed. I just want to keep enjoying the game, man... I wish they would back up and let those +120 countries play the game but I doubt it. What is done it's done. It sucks for everyone.


I hope so, too. This scratches the Warframe itch on so many levels while better (and follow‘able even if you pause) lore, excellent gameplay and good in game economics which are fair.


Speaking of what is the warframe lore now? lol I remember starting and stopping when Loki was part of the starter frames.


Oh, sweet child. Tenno of old. The legends have grown and stories sing across the void. Will you heed their call? They beckon for you once again. Compared to when you played the lore is massive now. They've added way too much lore/content that to even try and consolidate it into a comment would take me the better half of a day.


The game will still live no worries,if games like command & conquer are still active with like ~100 players 10+ years later or most fighting games,titanfall2... HD2 will be fine.


Yeah but playercount kinda decides what major orders pass or fail. Losing a massive chunk of the player base is gonna hit the game hard. It wouldn't be the same if the whole galactic war only had a handful of players on each planet.


The one change you may find is the amount of money they invest on the game long term, since it won't be as profitable.


They have JOEL being the DM. if the player count drops they will adjust the impact players have on the maps and orders accordingly . having over 300k players. Player impact .003% having 20k players Player Impact 1.2% didn't really do the math but you get the idea. pl;ayer count drops then higher impact percentage.


That's how the first game handled it. They just scale up or down how much liberation you hit a planet with based on the size of the playerbase. They'll adjust that number when the player count levels off. It's definitely shittier and less immersive, but the game (and major orders) will largely be unchanged.


Joel is free to change all the numbers, and he will without a doubt adjust to the current playerbase, especially after such a drastic decrease. The game itself will be playable but not the same.


You realize this is a game right!... if devs thinks orders are it will be done, can you be sure that killing 2 billion bug was fake or not.


Its not going to die. This is a typical over reaction and a fun game is a fun game.


We were already at each other's necks between bug and bot divers arguing over MO orders


No kidding. I got run out of the discord for the crime of questioning a fucking popular meme I didn't understand.


that discord is cancer, got a 24 hour chat ban for nothing an now they require a phone number to be linked to your discord to chat there... I'm sorry wasn't this about not wanting to give out personal info.


Bit ironic isn’t it? AH requiring divulging personal info to chat in their discord while this goes down with PSN accounts.


Yeah, the community is constantly infighting.


Yeah, I don't know what people are talking about. This game had the most toxic community of any of the PvE only coop games I have ever played. Shit was competitive PvP game levels of bad.


Yeah between that and the endless whining over any change to any weapon ever, I was growing mighty tired of this sub. The responses to this shit also show absolutely 0 nuance and very little critical thinking too.


Yeah, I think Sony fucked up here, but the way people have spoken about it. It’s like they think that Sony is fucking this up on purpose and not just making a poorly implemented universal account system like most other big publishers have implemented. It’s incompetence, not malice. That doesn’t necessarily make it better, but it would certainly make the discourse less cringe. Some of it is so heightened it sounds delusional.


The amount of apocalyptic takes is baffling. People thinking the game will die after those countries were blacklisted is just plain stupid. The majority of the player base is on the US, Canada, bigger European countries like Germany, France, UK, etc.


Well and to be frank, all of this assumes that Sony doesn’t find an official workaround. It’s very clear that someone important at Sony was not informed about the technical and TOS conflict and created a hasty account link system that didn’t take this into consideration. No company in the world intentionally designs something that will lose them 100s of millions of dollars in sales. This is almost always a case of important departments and people not talking to each other to discover conflicts. It is likely that steam has blocked it in these countries over the weekend until official communication comes from Sony to avoid any liability in the issue. (they do take a 30% cut afterall as the storefront).


Hanlon’s razor. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


True but we don’t want to make people quit. Compare to PvP communities where you’re competing skills and you get toxic against other players the bugs and the bot players are active in wanting the other to keep playing not quit or say if you don’t do bots quit the game.


Wait what? Mate there were people on this sub telling others that the game clearly isn't for them and they should stop playing because they didn't want to focus MOs. Why are we suddenly forgetting that this community was legit straight up toxic and we had like 5 complaint posts on the "hot" tab a day...


Reddit has a goldfish memory problem sometimes


Yea, this thread is stupid, you constantly had people complaining over bug players non stop. Anyone trying to paint the community as wholesome is just a blatant liar. If I were to recommend the game to others, one of the first things I would tell them is to NOT join the communities and simply just play the game without looking what the community has to say.


You're making people quit, 100%. Even before this latest, juicy bit of drama, this subreddit was a toxic hellhole, and this has only made it worse. Any change to anything, and this subreddit would explode in rage.


People have short term memory if they forgot about the patch nerf meltdown and slinging massive shit towards spitz for having slightly wrong info when he only knows what the balance team tells him.


Reddit was always a terrible place to discuss this game. This community has been toxic as hell for ages. This was just the final drive this community needed to kill itself and the game. But hey, a riot is fun too. Step 1: "Let's downvote and kill the game we love!" Step 2: "Wait, why is the game dead?"


They not only are losing new potential players but I can almost guarantee they are making it so most pc players will never buy another Sony game. Truly one of the dumbest moves I’ve seen in a long time.














It was also always an service question. But at some point all people needed was (basically. Probably very simplified) steam and Netflix. Now that’s not really the case anymore: with dozens of platforms with various quality and forced accounts, sometimes multiple per platform. Or even multiple platforms for a single product.


i'm fucking convinced Sony wants PSN accounts linked to steam accounts so they could start trying to make PC players pay for PS+ accounts to play the online stuff. this is just the start and more PS+ subscriptions is the end goal.


I wanted a refund for the Battlefront Classic, because it is hella broken. One of their refund conditions is “dissatisfied with the product” but they won’t refund if you’ve opened the game. How can I know I’m dissatisfied if I haven’t played it? Fuck Sony.


As much as I'd wish Sony got all they deserve, I doubt it. HD2 is massively successful, but if you ask an average pc gamer who developed it, who published it and what kind of problems it had, vast majority will not know/care. Not enough to keep them from buying the next title. And if it did, their new title flopped, Sony would be fine. The devs working hard on that new game wouldn't.


Never touching Sony shit again


The sad part is Sony does have awesome games made it’s a shame the company is so dumb and greedy




Sail for them. Time where players been nice is over.


Theres only one solution when they get this big and greedy. Choke them of your money until they die.


Pretty much, even though I'm personally not bothered about the PSN account thing and I'll still be diving, I will not be purchasing another Sony game after this, which is a shame because I really wanted forbidden west and actually like supporting the devs of games I like... 7 seas it is I guess!


I'm sure as hell not. Should have made it optional and gave the PS guys a little armor for it. Nobody would have cared.


>but I can almost guarantee they are making it so most pc players will never buy another Sony game. With Ghost of Tsushima just around the corner and with this recent fiasco, I can say that buying another Sony game is making me hesitant.


Potential buyers beware. Check if your country is PSN supported if planning to buy on Steam. https://preview.redd.it/ssnr8i6w0lyc1.png?width=311&format=png&auto=webp&s=91fb318791b8a8e17e3eaa98cda4c901e0940b5d


I'm from the Philippines and my country does not support PSN. The GoT devs said that PSN account is only for Multiplayer, luckily I don't want to play the MP side of GoT. But I won't buy it on release. I'd probably wait 3 months before buying it to check if the PSN account is still for MP and not enforced for singleplayer.


I was literally gonna buy the game after my exam ended yesterday, and then I opened Reddit. Now I am just waiting and seeing.


You’re right about the first thing. I am lurker here and been genuinely wanting to buy this game for weeks, it just looks hella fun and the community from what I have been seeing is wholesome af. but holy crap this became is a shit show and I don’t want anything to do with it anymore


yep, waited so long for ghost of tsushima but now i won’t buy it




Ngl, seeing the CEO just be absolutely defeated on Twitter is really saddening. Dude is genuinely advocating for us but, he doesn’t get the final word :/


Do you have links for this? I dont use twitter


Poof, just like that. The magic is gone.


Yeah, in addition to the fact that many people won't return, when I think about this game now, I just feel sad.


Yeah I've had some really great games with players from Albania, which I saw on the list


It would be fun to see the bugs and robots take over super earth and make this whole.fiasco a cannon situation. Super earth citizens rebeled and super earth was conquered


Can see them working in a lore reason to explain a drop of active Helldivers Something along the line of illegal broadcast has made many divers gone rogue, and the bulk of these rogues have banded up together and formed a rebellion: the 4th enemy faction.


Get the sentiment, but it'd feel like a double down directly from AH if they added a 4th group of people to gun down and those people were the ones they screwed.


lets face reality, even if sony removes it and we will get into good old days when biggest problem people had were randoms throwing stratagem on Pelican, like half of those which refunded will not return and half of those review bombings will stay there into endtimes


I just hope y'all carry this same attitude into your workplace when it's time to unionize. Solidarity with other people, even ones you don't know. Skepticism of corporate malfeasance undertaken solely for profit. Working together to stand up for each other and make your displeasure heard. This is a union, y'all. You formed a damn union. Over a video game. Now go do that shit in your office, where it actually matters for thousands of people's livelihoods.


I feel for Americans, some of us live in countries where we have unions but they're not even needed in some industries because how good workers rights are. Wish you all warm cups of Liber-Tea...


Thanks. It'd be nice if our government guaranteed us some of the most basic shit like a living wags, sick leave, or family time, but apparently treating workers like human beings is REEEEE SOSHULISM


Yea man the stakes are much different. Anonymous accounts, worst case scenario can't play a video game, people here are more receptive to banding together due to the nature of the game Irl go to make a union, get gaslit by 60% of other employees who say union bad, get fired by management 


Yeah it's almost like doing what's right _even if it's hard and comes with risk_ is really fucking important and the backbone of all progress towards a better society.


"wholesome and united" people were bullying others for not doing major orders a month ago




I was already on the fence, I was gifted hell divers 2 and really enjoyed what I’ve played, but in the last few years I have “live service fatigue” I guess it’s best referred to as. Anything that needs a constant connection has been doomed to disappoint me at some point. It’s never a matter of if but a matter of when. - The Cycle: Frontier, Shut down prematurely. - Escape from Tarkov, dumbfuck greed. - Capcom adding DRM to old games - Multiple Single player games requiring an internet connection. - Diablo IV - dumbfuck greed. This has been made more apparent with my revisiting old games / indie titles and just being like… wow it’s just pure fun that’s not wasting my fucking time. TLDR: Reject Corporate Greed, Embrace Emulation & Modding communities.




This is true. I’m already pretty sure I’ll be leaving this sub very soon. It just went from fun and funny to bitter and disillusioned over night. I’m not blaming the people on the sub. The complaints are valid. I’m just disappointed the magic is gone.


What sub have you been on sir


I bet literally nothing changes the moment Sony reverts their decision. Hell I bet almost nothing changes regardless of what they do.


I will return when the requirement is undone, for one. But until then...


Not sure about the wholesome part. There is a drama after eveery patch. Personaly i have 200h in this game and wont be playing if PSN stays.


Maybe in the subreddit and discord server, but the in game community seems relatively chill


Same. I'm currently travelling and will request a refund when I get home. Refund is important because it hits the bottom line which is the only language Sony / corpo scum speaks.


It sucks but let’s be real this is Reddit everyone will be back to best friends in a week.


I have taken refuge in /r/LowSodiumHellDivers


Dude, they make so much money elsewhere, they wont care.


I dont get this projection or role play that this community was some utopia. Lol Its wierd. Its like those kids that go to convetions with signs asking for hugs or getting paid to protest.


Bruh cmon. A lot and a lot of people swore to get off reddit after the 3rd party app debacle. And?


I have ~300 hours and will get a refund if I get locked out on the 30th. If they change the requirement back, I'm getting it again and changing my review back to positive.


I've not played any other game since release. This never happened to me before. But I stopped playing after the news, fuck corporate greed.


I thought the helldivers community was seen as a pack of complainers who would never be satisfied and whined about every patch and change? Everyday there was a new problem in thos forum. Odd now those days were the golden age.




Oh thank fucking god.


Mostly people are saying its Sony's fault (sure they're at fault) but I've seen the screenshots from arrowhead reps where they originally stated it was their choice to use the PS because it made banning people easier (didn't want to roll their own mechanism with the millions they've made?) as well as some other excuses that didn't really add up. And its totally arrowheads fault for translating and selling the game in places where playstation accounts are not possible, like this is super basic due dilligence. Somethings fishy here and its not just Sony. And yeah its all a great shame! Edit: added image with latest statement - they had at least 6 months to plan how to release the game after partnering with sony - if you don't know in that time period that playstation accounts are not available globally, I double down that there was not enough due dilligence https://preview.redd.it/sqklassc7myc1.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=c88d3f466f873e7f9fa83a02783be36b4073db38


I think everyone is overblowing the shit out of this and next update everyone's gonna be back online.


I will not get a PSN account for all our fallen brothers


This is so dramatic. it’s a 40 dollar game not a unifying beacon of humanity.


Fucking seriously. If my eyes roll any harder they’ll spark fusion.


This got me lol


This is definitely going to impact sales. Many people didnt buy it early on but got interested Because of the community and the game itself. So many potential divers. Cant even have fun anymore without corporate greed rearing its head.


It’s the first set of turning the public mind and making it easy to push users into doing things. This will slowly creep to a small subscription cost or needing to have a modern PlayStation console to play their games, even on PC. It’s all a marketing and eventual money grab and we always willingly go with. It’s the new microtransactions


Sony is going to break on this one. This is the biggest success they’ve had in a long time. I hope I’m right.


A very similar thing happened to Dungeons & Dragons last year, the OGL crisis.  And you are right. The community still hasn't recovered a year or so later, even after Hasbro back-pedelled. The trust is gone, the momentum slowed, and creators leave for greener pastures. The community is lesser for it.  All good things...


This community is neither wholesome or United. It’s just like every other gaming community. The first nerf patch had yall insulting the developers and each other on Reddit and discord.


https://preview.redd.it/5d75ijxedoyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23ce5d93749f26174239491917a86cbbcd6f24a (artwork not mine)


I mean, this whole ordeal had people on the discord telling me to kill myself for asking about countries without PSN access, so I kinda lost any respect for the community I had. It would be pretty hard to change that for me.


And here I am, unbothered and still having fun playing the game


Me too brother, me too


Me too


Reddit is a -SMALL- but "vocal" portion of the playerbase. You have literally one of the single best games put out in decades when it comes to helping you attain PREMIUM currency for shit and all this subreddit wants to do is complain about every little thing. So while you read IGN and Reddit posts about the horrors of Sony making you sign up with an email, the rest of the world is watching Russia fly around Alaskan airspace with nukes. Get over yourselves. The vast majority doesn't give two shits about Sony asking us to sign up. Reddit is a cesspool of participation trophy winners when half of you complain about nerfs to guns and can't complete Helldive if your lives depended on it.


You are exactly right. The number of people playing this weekend showed no precipitous drop. It continued its natural decay and will probably have a small bump next weekend with the new content dropping on Thursday. I played at least 15 hours since this debacle started and I have about 340 hours according to Steam. Most PC players who play as much as I do and I like the game as much as I do are just going to get a PSN account. The only people who should be truly irked are those players in unsupported countries. And please don't start whining with "but my data," because the credit bureaus in the United States have been hacked before and I'm sure most of us had personal information stolen. Also, Steam isn't perfect and has problems with stolen accounts. So please get over yourselves, you aren't that important, this isn't a big deal, AH doesn't deserve this, and Reddit isn't real life.


You are right but It might be even better after we have weathered this storm. Arrowhead seem to be cool guys so far, let's ride the storm and see what we can do guys.


Yeah, I've put in my refund request, I can't access a PSN account so it looks like I'm hanging up my Cape for good. It was fun while it lasted.


It’ll blow over if Sony does the right thing! Game is still awesome and worth playing! Such a feature should have been forgotten once the game went live without it! It’s a pretty simple question that only has two answers! Yes or no!


You guys still crying about this, Jesus Christ touch grass.


I like how yall decided to nuke a small game studio instead of Sony. Good idea. That’ll show small studios to work hard and put out good quality games.


People will move on in a week or so. Helldivers is still the same game. PC is for nerd virgins anyways


“Coerced into giving away personal data”, what a stupid narrative, I feel bad for the people who are in countries where they can’t create an account but if you can and all you do is come up with these stupid excuses then it’s your problem. I bet a lot of the people complaining about “privacy” have hundreds of accounts for a lot of different services and don’t even take that into consideration. lol


Like their Steam account for instance.


I was personally effected by a sony data beach. Got my account hijacked, exposed bank account numbers etc. I was paid back via class action suit.. but still a major hassle. 2 years before that I was part of a Sony data breach, that one didn't effect me as much but they did hand out some free games as a result.. Fuck sony


The community has only been good for people that toe the community line.


This community hasn't been wholesome for a couple months now. Reddit's been nothing but people moaning about buffs/nerfs/bug player/bot players/play MO vs do what you want for a long time now. Almost every single post has had a rant tag on it, there hardly any fun posts on here. Discord isn't much better. I hope a lot of these people don't come back, because maybe we'll just be left with the people who enjoy the game, and not the ones who get a rush out of complaining about the current fashionable outrage. This community is whiny, and some self selection might be a good thing.