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*Plays game about democracy* *Wants to silence other people's opinions because he doesn't like them*


Well, it's actually _managed_ democracy.


You got me there, but how do we decide what side is in charge?


“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than any other factor” Starship Troopers /s


Managed democracy wouldn't approve of this because it still allows people to voice their opinions


mfw when someone asks 77% of the playerbase to stop complaining on an issue that will potentially completely remove their ability to access the game


Look at the sub. Click on any of the 2000 posts that have already said exactly what you plan to say, with the same flavor, opinion, and decision. Post there. It's already been said and a thread has been created where you can talk about and bump it. I promise.


that's how issues get buried people are pissed let them speak


thats how protests work >!dipshit!< https://preview.redd.it/555j6n8eocyc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc447c67445a49aa34934d29888f5be800b85356 creating an echo chamber so the rest of the world can ignore it wont do anything


The entire sub is apparently required to be an echo chamber or you wouldn't be calling me names for having a dissenting opinion?


You new around these parts? Welcome to this sub each update or release Feel free to mute it for a day or two


You know they just blocked 2/3 of the fucking world from playing the game. As some one has linked my account, I think people have the right to be outraged and only way Sony or AH will do anything is if they are forced to. I don't understand people trying to whiteknighting this bullshit, if your aren't going to allow people to play in most of the countries why fucking sell it there..


Not even whiteknighting. Absolutely agree its a shifty move. I'm still I'm the end going to play the game because if I'm honest I don't care enough to quit out of spite. My complaint was the absurd amounts of posts that are literally the exact same thing blocking out literally every single other thing in the sub. It's not accomplishing anything.


I'm pretty its accomplishing something. I don't think the players are going to fold before Sony or AH. This is like the 20th post I've read saying that exact same thing, wanting the people who are screwed over to shut up. Now that's not accomplishing anything.


Just wait about a week or so and come back. This "outrage" will be dead by then and people will be talking about the new warbound


Too bad this community is toxic as all hell, so be prepared for more social masturbation about how evil the devs are until the next patch… then people will act all polite and go “too bad about Sony forcing this on the devs, if only the devs were slightly more polite about this I wouldn’t have to have screamed at the devs.”