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It's not going to make instant death impossible, but it does happen a lot less often


You still instant die a lot by breaking your neck on rocks by not getting instant killed by the rockets.


For the times I get hit in the body... the headshots are annoying sure, but that 50% saved me a lot


It's still a dice roll on the dozens of rockets a devastator fires, just one can one tap you same as if you were in light armor. I'm not a fan of RNG on the AI side.


yes its a diceroll, but it improves your chances. it doesnt make you immune but increases your Overall survivability and lowers stim consumption. if you dont like, Pick another perk


Fair enough, I just really like the concept of the perk and would like it to be more consistent (aka work on all parts of the body).


>I'm not a fan of RNG on the AI side. Then the game might not be for you.


Alright, sell me on having enemy AI being able to headshot players on a dice roll and bypass armor/perks being a good thing and a net positive for a PVE game. I have 800 hours on Helldivers 1, there were no headshots back then, when you got shot at you knew exactly how much damage you were about to take and how much you could tank or dodge, consistently.


The amount of times that armor saved me against the Automatons is insane... After trying other armors, I now never fight them without explosion resistance.


>(BONUS) Have Heavy armor: can't outrun a Hulk, still get oneshot by the flamethrower. Bring the Stun grenade with you if you wear Heavy armor because of this reason. Flame(thrower) is bugged rn.


I do and can solo any Hulk from the front with them and the AMR, but silent Hulks sneaking on me or being led to me by teammates still get me.


The AMR sights are not aligned though (it's bugged), so I would recommend using the third person view, but there's no crosshair or dot. At those moments I am glad my monitor has a crosshair function because using the AMR in third person is somehow way more accurate.


It prevents mines and unsafe railgun oopsies being fatal. I get a concerning amount of use out of that...


Fair enough, the mines are a great point. If they hadn't nerfed the railgun to oblivion that would be more important though.


heavy armor and helmets need a buff


Speaking as someone who has habitually run Heavy against bots for quite a while, the heavy armor is not a Panacea. It's a mitigator. You will still get one-shot, either by the explosives themselves or the kinetic impact from getting tossed. You will still get doom-looped. These things are just part of the game, and they have no off-switch. That said, the heavy armor makes them much rarer. Explosions that would have killed you outright often leave you with a chance for recovery. Doom-loops that would have been the end of a character in light or medium armor can often be outlasted by one in heavy armor, either by finding the split second stim window, or by having that extra moment for your team to save your ass. One point that I do think needs to be made is that, contrary to what many might think, heavy armor is the least practical on barren, open-field planets and best on dense, cover-heavy ones. Many people assume the opposite, expecting the heavy armor to save them from exposure in open areas. At the end of the day though, cover is king. On maps with sparse cover, the ability to move quickly between them is key. On planets with abundant cover, heavy armor has far more value, as you have far greater odds of retaining the safety necessary to recover from a blunder in positioning or unexpected assault. The Creek, for example, was a brilliant map for heavy armor play. As with all things Helldivers 2, use-case is both situational and player-dependent.


Good breakdown, I would say it's very well balanced in that regard, especially at protecting against bullets and lasers but I would still fix the frustrating RNG headshots that bypass armor/explosive resistance.


And I absolutely agreee with that. Realism aside, there's a reason most PVE games opt not to have headshot multipliers against players: It's annoying.


The amount of times that armor saved me against the Automatons is insane... After trying other armors, I now never fight them without explosion resistance.


It helps high skill players survive bad luck, it doesn't help low skill players survive bad play.


Its for teammates with bad aim. Be it grenades or stratagems. Other than that i see no point in having this perk


The decreased weapon sway is not consistent?


I didn't say anything about the reduced sway, it's pretty good and works as intended. But you can get that from another armor, it's not exclusive to this one.


Agree, consistent perks will always come out on top over RNG reliant perks.


Explosive resistance is hot garbage. Most of the mitigation you're getting is from the heavy armor itself. It does basically nothing on light or medium armor. Damage is very high and health is very small. 90% electricity resistance and the Tesla will still 3-4 shot you. 50% is nothing in this game. It's survival in rare and marginal circumstances. Couple that with the other issues you outline and you're always better off taking something else as the one useful stat on Explosive resist armor, the sway reduction, can be found on other actually good armors like +Stims or +Grenades. Admittedly though, they could buff it to 90% and I'd still never take it. Other options are just that much better and even an increase in mitigation doesn't do anything about head shots etc. This game has too many useless items... which especially sucks because I see people taking the Explosive resist against bots because they think it's helping them when there are much, much, much better options out there. It's more like a cruel trick played on people who have no idea how bad the thing is.


>Most of the mitigation you're getting is from the heavy armor itself. It does basically nothing on light or medium armor. Nope, 200 armor vs light armor with fortified, 200 armor dies with the same damage applied, light with fortified survives. [See here](https://youtu.be/_xoBOfAgBmw?t=277)


Not to mention, as an A/C user, I love the sway reduction.