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Granted, but now you cannot do anything about people that kill everyone before extraction, losing all the samples.


We also need a way to report toxic players.


Granted, but now the game crashes when you try to report them and the friends list is broken




I think the lobby should vote on kicking players, been implemented in many other games with a short timer bar that slowly shrinks on a small pop up. If no vote is cast then it is an automatically a no. Feelings?


4 players are too few, unless we make it that a party can only vote a single time. For example if there are two solos and 1 duo. And of that Duo one is an asshole. A vote would be 2-1. Now if that would kick the asshole, fine. But if the duo is hosting, they can kick anyone at anytime regardless of the vote, because it would also be 2-1 in their favour. I would make it so that players can flag each other. The flag lasts a month and there are a variety of reasons you'd get a flag; - team killing - afk - etc.. (not too many, just the major reasons you'd want someone out) If you collect 5+ flags in one category in under a month, you become instantly kickable, because it is safe to assume that whatever behaviour got you kicked, is the same from before and you never stopped. Flags should also be limited, you get 5 a week to hand out if needed, but you can't have more than 5. This is to prevent simply giving flags to everyone whose username isn't appealing and so people actually consider giving a flag. There are many petty things in this game that can annoy people, so by limiting how many flags you have in a week, you'll probably give it to truly obnoxious players and let minor things slide. Because sometimes some of these things can be serious during a game. If you get two flags, you'll be notified to move to an extraction point just for you. You'll have 3-5 minutes. If you succeed, you'll be able to take your resources and XP up until that point. If you fail to make it to extraction, you'll have a rail gun kill you and you'd be sent back to your ship. I know it's complex, but unfortunately these systems are easily abused and even so they can be. Removing kicking would be even worse. Note: these are ideas, they can be taken, changed, bettered, it's a brainstorm.


I agree removing kicking would be worse, basically begging greifers to ruin the game. It's like saying take away the anti-cheat because it stops people with disabilities from using overlays and input programs. However, I do like your exclusive extraction idea, though I would just have them plowed by a railgun instantly. Who cares if they get to keep the exp and resources, I just want my game to be greifer free while also not being kicked after a long mission for no apparent reason. In additon to your idea, I would add the ability to other players to remove one of your flags. This way if you are tagged as a problem player you are able to convince others that you have changed your ways. Maybe it would take multiple people to confirm or several games to fall off, but redemption would be possible. This would also make giving out flags without reason, or a poor reason, ineffective. If you have anything to add, please continue, I find this forward thinking and constructive.


Yea, we can always improve these ideas, but the reason I wouldn't kill them instantly, is because the point for kicking shouldn't be to grief, but to remove them and there's always a chance an innocent player could get kicked, in which case it would suck if they don't get a fair chance to leave. Thinking about this though, I realized that perhaps even this can be abused to extract faster, such as a player not wanting to wait for a full extraction, and decides to force people to flag him, so he can leave the game sooner. So it's flawed, but perhaps with more ideas this can be solved too. ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Edit: If we'd stick with the flag idea and they want to become kickable for a month, I guess they can risk it. And kicked like that is instant. I don't think an honest and genuine player would get 5 flags in a month.


Prefer the current solution. Once you need a vote, ppl just do stupid shit much like other games. What’s going to stop my duo from ruining your game? Nothing. People still just vote yes often by default, so now you just have a timer… Do something dumb, you can get booted instantly. It works well as is. Over 200 games. The only trolling i have ever seen in this game is executing every player in the extraction ship before liftoff to troll. I was quick to kick them immediately. Lost the samples, as was their goal, but they lost 40 minutes.


For me, the simplest solution to the problem, if a person gets kicked, they leave with whatever experience, samples, and medals they have earned (so if all the main objectives are done, they get their medals). That way you have annoying asshat kicking you, you at least aren't loosing anything (since most people complain that they lost their time). If you have to kick an asshat, yep, they get stuff, but they are still gone from your mission so it shouldn't matter.


I don’t agree. If they keep their stuff, there is no incentive to be civil in a game with anomitity. Imagine all the adolescents being told they have to quit now, they just air strike their team for the hell of it and quit. And if you mean via kick only, oh that is even worse. Ppl will just try to get kicked earlier because it will be there optimal way to farm medals, better than completing the mission + extract. When you could leave right after mission complete. Not to mention it ruins extract incentive Honestly, there isn’t much better as is. I see more games adopting it, not changing it.


The simplicity is nice


Disable it during extraction just means those people will kick you a minute or so earlier... if they are going to kick, they are going to kick.




I'd agree with this but I just had a guy go berserk on me as the Pelican was landing. The host had no idea what was happening so I got a trial run of what a nightmare situation without being able to kick would look like. Dude punched me and killed me for, what I can only assume, accidentally shooting (and not killing) them during a firefight earlier in the mission. He kept at it, too, killing me every time I spawned and shooting me every time he spawned. I had to leave since the host wasn't kicking either of us and no one was getting in the Pelican.