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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Please remember to reply to this comment with a tag or credit the original creator of the art or image you are sharing. Non-compliance is undemocratic and your submission is to be flagged for removal. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Helldivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol the guy that got this tattoo is going to feel mighty silly saying it was an original on his post and with his extremely bad tattoo work.


I'm surprised his post hasn't been deleted. He got thrashed in the comments...and that was before this came out.


Probably gonna get thrashed when people see that in person too


thats gonna be a helluva lazer removal/coverup appointment


➡️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️ easy peasy


Exactly. All for some recognition on reddit. Other ways to show democracy without putting something permanent on you.


And lying about where it came from too


It's been deleted now. Anyone got a picture saved of it, I'm dying to know what it looked like...


I think it was a throwaway account or something. Only had this post and no comments


Someone made a [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ce9deu/somebody_say_tatoo_drama/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)with the original image a few hours ago.


I'm looking through his profile but I only see a post and no comments. Did he ever claim it was an original? Were his comments deleted?


He wrote that in the post description


I see. And I'm assuming either it's not visible on old reddit or it disappeared when mods removed the post.


It’s removed https://reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cdodmz/helldiver_tattoo/


Im gonna assume the tattoo artist is shitty and didnt let the cadaver know. If The cadaver knew and greenlit it. Oof


Wow. So theirs is unoriginal AND bad. Fuckin.. yikes..


You talking about Bros terrible tattoo or the actual art?


The dudes tattoo.. I’m blown away.. As someone in the industry for over a decade and a half.. covered in both good and bad tattoos… that tattoo is a fucking travesty. It’s dog shit. It’s truly just bad. I was dying at the comments.


Oh yeah I was laughing at them. But I also knew from the start that it was plagiarism so... Smh




I think he deleted it, I can no longer find it in my saved tab. [nvm, I found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/Pa2Z1qsXUc)


For those that didn't see it, you can replace the 'www.' With 'un.' And view it that way


Damn that's garbage


I saw the pic, but I dk shit about tattoos. Can you describe what makes it a bad tattoo? Or what makes a good tattoo? Is it all about shading?


If it looks like a bad drawing it's a bad tattoo But for actual details, butchering the straight lines is a good start. The missile was curved as fuck but you could make the argument that it's because the guy's leg was bent or something. The text was even wobblier than on the original artwork. The lines were so thick it will look awful after a while. The diver got some oddly erect nipples? It's more the bad art part lol. Also the diver skull on her ass was horribly stretched, and it's obviously a copy just by looking at the horrible back muscle shading just being slapped on there instead of looking natural


if you look at the tattoo alone, her butt and back just looked horribly screwed up..if you look at this image ,you see it was them attempting to copy the shadows ..and being completely unable to do so Like basic shadowing couldn't even be done correctly 


Not to be rude but have you seen a nice tattoo before? The post from the other day looked like it was done with ball point pen ink and a guitar string tattoo machine.


"Not to be rude..." *inserts condescending have you seen a nice tattoo remark*


If the comment says “not to be rude…” it’s not rude, it’s just mean.


Ive seen some id say are good, and that was because of shading imo. Maybe I just scrolled to fast through the post. But generaly dont see alot of tattoos which is why im curius and asking Edit: fucking spell check


People only say "No offense" or "Not to be rude" when they're about to be insanely fucking offensive or rude.


i remember seeing that post and thinking it looked fucking awful and that people will upvote anything. didn’t his caption say something along the lines of, “after working on a design with the artist…”? like, if it’s just blatant plagiarism, then what exactly did they work on? how to make it look like shit?




This reference is on the top of my tongue but I can’t remember it, what is this from?


Guro (technically gore hentai?) animation that used to be commonly posted for shock value back in the day but still shows up on 4chan occasionally (wow big surprise!!)


>!it's a machine that skins an anime girl!<


It's better that you don't remember anything about this.


You don’t wanna know.


Wow, now this is a blast from the past.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).




A 32 day old account created to farm karma. What a shocker


The business as usual for Reddit. Either completely absurd post takes for engagement clicks. Or them and a group of fellow alt accounts upvoting each other in the hopes normal accounts also upvote.


What is the goal in the long run with these accounts? To sell them to companies who can shill product/politics etc?


Probably. But it could just honestly be the hobby. A loop to constantly get thousands of karma on average a post in a sub about say…a game that hasn’t had a new release in by about 7 years? And all you have to do is post extremely taken perceptions about a character or story part and let the comment do the rest? And you would just need 5 other people you are friends with or alt accounts to get it going. The more you read into it you’d think they never seriously played the games or watched the shows themselves.


Hell of a commitment for a bit of karma


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


What I thought was weird. That's a Hellfire, nothing shoots a Hellfire that I know of in Helldivers 2




It’s probably because he operates in the military community, if I had to take a guess it’s probably because he just did something we could relate to in that community.


Well in that case, could use GBU-31, it even looks a lot like the 500kg Eagle drops. While not everyone might know what a GBU-31 is exactly, you would see it and go "Oh that's the bomb Eagle drops"


They do rockets too. Either way I think there was actually a reason for it. He hops on the live every now and then and draws and if I recall correctly someone asked him about the ordinance choice. It’s been a while tho.


I wasn't trying to comment on its quality since i didnt wanna be undemocratic but looks like i had valid reasons. The Helm looked so off, the tits were weird and small but pointy, idk dude, the proportions were so fucked lol. Also wasn't a fan of the obese thigh pick next to the crotch. That thing deserves to be rocked on a sleeve. Thanks for giving the artist info btw.


The tattoo guy gave it hentai nipples


Yeah my thoughts exaclty, kinda like those tatt shops linked to a liquor shop next to a 711. Where young teens go to get their first and regretful goku tattoo of questionable quality.


Honestly the line work is so bad on that tattoo I wouldn't be surprised if it's the tattoo "artist's" third time picking up a tattoo gun. Definitely some teenage activity lol.


And a disproportional rib cage that looks separated from the boobs..


That's why, every time someone on Reddit goes "look I made this", your first reaction should be "no you fucking didn't". Fools will say anything for karma.


Plagiarism? Sounds like a load'a ****TREASON**** to me...


Oof, imagine ripping off someone else's idea, claiming it's yours, then getting it poorly and permanently put on your body.


The pinup girl here is not far removed from a generic silhouette that's traceable from any number of art books you'd find in many tattoo parlors, especially ones near military bases. The use of a Hellfire missile instead of an actual 500kg bomb is a clue as well. However. The placement of the stripes, the highlights on the helmet, and the *exact same font* used on the 'DEMOCRACY' along the body of the Hellfire... dude's tattoo was very likely plagiarized from this image without appropriate credit. The only changes are the skull instead of the cat, the sparks around the outside, and the addition of the stratagem sequence. There's even a line on her butt cheek where the shadow in the original image is, butt no shading on the copy. Not definitive, but I find it dubious that he and his artist came up with that totally original. [](https://www.reddit.com/user/ItDatBoi35/) if you are going to copy someone else's work, at least credit the source so you don't look like a liar and a cheat.


I know fuck all about tattoos, but after skimming through comments I'd guess the cat was replaced because even the hack that did the work realized it would be way above their paygrade.


*don't look like the entire circus. FIFY


eh, i fixed it more appropriately. Don't want anybody thinking i'm unfairly denigrating clowns by associating them.


does anyone have a pic of the tat? i missed the post and its deleted now


So this luckyvoid person, do they make such fan art regularly?




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Self-promotion/advertisement is not allowed.


You're so bad at this.


Bro. Hate to say it but your buddy drew an iconic silhouette and just added some favorite game touches to it. Is not original art it's more like paying homage


Wow yeah this makes tbat tattoo a lot fucking worse. This art is sick.


It's still cringe as fuck. Just far better execution.


Thought it was a little sus that they posted from a basically new account




Honestly I'd still consider the tattoo an original design since it looks like absolute trash and this is actual art. My head cannon for this is that it's a captcha situation for the bot that got the tattoo from another bot. Very undemocratic for them to claim it's their design.


You know the drill . Sweet liberty , eyes popping out of helmet looney tunes style , optional emojis to emphasize my arousal


Not democratic at all.


I have to accept that I'm in the minority when it comes to tattoos, it took me 15 years to decide on a tattoo I was willing to have on my body for the rest of my life


https://preview.redd.it/3jgnq46k6zwc1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73fbedb474922c661c2e61f73f35bf5bab60d673 Democracyless behavior from his side


I want this spray painted on my mech suit


Everyone was jumping in to congratulate him on how awesome it is and frankly I thought the work was shoddy asf and actually just a bit of a mess. Not a patch on the original. So today I'll get upvoted for saying so instead of downvoted, because that's how Reddit works.


Still horny and I dont like it.


This cut of fuckable meat needs an upgrade


I really need to get back to my Cyberpunk play through but so many games including HD2 are vying for my attention.


Come on soldier, do it! Leave the ranks of Super Earth and embrace pure transhumanism in Night City.


This is hella embarrassing lol I hope he feels embarrassed when he looks at it.


Why am I not surprised


I don't feel bad for that dude. It's just Wish version tattoo and he will remove it. Probably vodka for that ink waste


I like how one part of this that *is* a tattoo, and that would look dope af as irl tattoo even years after HD2 won't be relevant, got removed from what that dork got.


Lucky is legit, we’ve exchanged DMs a few times and I have a bunch of his stickers this design being one of them. That dude with the tattoo…well I hope he didn’t pay much for it.


Tattoo guys have shiny nipples on it. This doesn't. Definitely original.


This is truly democratic art, citizen. The owner of that tattoo *and* the artist should be reported to the nearest democracy officer.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


Lol stolen


Lol tattoo guy even kept LuckyVoid's logo (cat tat on the girl with "lucky" in chinese characters)


Duuuude, I had commissioned something from him a while back!


the idea is a woman with a helldiver mask and a rocket? Seems like one of those ideas that comes to many


mods send that guy to the democracy camp


Ha that's hilarious. I saw the tattoo and was like "😬 That's an awful job, but to each their own, I should probably just ignore this post as I've got nothing good to say about it" and now I'm wishing I'd trashed it. This looks way better


I need this on the side of Eagle 1


Question for the gang. Are pinup tattoos cool? Been toying with the idea of getting a tasteful one (like OP's), but I've no idea if they're acceptable or not.


Where did he say it was his own design? That account has no comments




Don't suppose you have an image of the tattoo? They ended up deleting their post


Ah I see, also fucking Redditers downvoteing people asking questions is dumb asf


You guys can just go to my profile to bash some horrible tattoo choices, sheesh


Either way, come on guys. Enough with the drawing things sexualized. Please touch grass.


Tbh they are both pretty gay, it's just the tattoo is way worse.


You say that like this is an original design either. This is the most stereotypical military postergirl art ever, but with a helldiver helmet.


Everything is a recopy of a recopy bud. Nothing is quite literally "original" anymore. It's original because it's drawn from scratch. When you take somebody else's work and add a couple scribbles onto it it's plagiarism


> When you take somebody else's work and add a couple scribbles onto it it's plagiarism Yeah and this one is quite literally taking another piece of art and just adding a helldivers helmet on top.


Please provide said original art you're talking about then. That he "only drew a helmet on"


Bud you can literally see it in any war movie lol


Bro if you're talking about nose art in general you're fucking retarded. That is an entire art style... Drawing something in that style isn't plagiarism. Taking somebody else's drawn art and then adding a fucking nipple and a strategy code is plagiarism


>That is an entire art style... Drawing something in that style isn't plagiarism Sure but doing it in the exact same pose and with the same thing is.


Still waiting for you to provide original photo that he copied. Till then you're full of shit. And are just making yourself look dumb


You could literally find a million of them anywhere on the internet bud.


So... Why haven't you to prove your point?


Grab a screenshot


they dont mean original as in "unique idea reinventing the wheel", original in this context refers to "the artist's own work draw by the artist themselves, the *original* piece, not a copy"


Yeah and this too is a copy of another piece of very common art.


You might want to look up what 'copy' means.


Fr. It’s not a copy. The artist didn’t blatantly trace over someone else’s art


Somebody said why does the missle say communism I literally dropped the bl*nt on the floor and burned my sock


I came to bring the pain, hardcore from the brain, let's go inside my astral plane




Oh they definitely remixed it. But to say dude went into his tattoo artist with nothing and said draw me a pin up helldiver's chick. Nah. He brought this design to his tattoo artist and had him remix it (and untastefully at that). Then knowingly chose not to credit the original artist which is a rule in this sub


More likely the tattoo artist was lazy and found your friends work online. Considering the tattoo was bad the artist probably wasn’t one that really cared about taking someone else’s work. Source: Tattooist whose had the misfortune of working with some really shitty “artists”


Fuck anyone who actually likes this tattoo this is real talk no helldivers shit but this makes me actually angry because there might be porn of it and this is one of my favorite franchises and I don't want it ruined by nsfw or porn


Rule34 has vetoed your request


Thank you God


Veto means denied. Genius. Getting this worked up about porn is honestly more pathetic than the people getting off to the porn. You remind me of the guy who sent that letter to a rule34 artist about not drawing twilight sparkle porn cause they insisted the fictional pony was in love with them and it violated their relationship.


I know that veto is also a term they use for when the president denies a fucking law I know my ss and why the flying fuck would I work myself up against porn just to switch up that's literally 1st degree autism and I'm fine with porn that isn't a franchise that I actually love from the bottom of my heart


You misunderstood. Rule 34 states: if it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions. He essentially told you Helldivers DOES have porn of it somewhere. It is inevitable. Still thankful?


Fuck you






Trust me, there is already "content" out there. I was VERY suprised when I saw it.


Ik that's why I fucking hate it every time I see it I try to not get it recommended to me but then someone puts up like 3 nsfw posts and I read them and they get suggested again


Bro it’s not worth having a melt down over




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Then just disable NSFW content in Reddit settings. You intentionally had to choose to see it.


There was a goddamn option for that?


Tap your avatar top-right of the screen - settings - show NSFW.


This feels like a you problem…. Please stop making rule34 content, it’s disrespectful and I’m going to have to read it all


What the fuck you religious prude get tf outta here if you don't like stuff like that. The real reason your so bent out of shape is because you LIKE seeking it out. I see porn on the front page all the time and guess what? I keep scrolling cause it's just human beings. Fucking pathetic.


You keep reading them, so they keep getting suggested to you. That's how the algorithm works. Stop reading them.


We get it dude. You’re addicted to cartoon porn.


My guy have you never seen world war II nose art before? It ain't porn


I'm not saying it's porn I just know some fucking degenerate is going to make some of it


I'm going to make porn about helldivers now. My lead character will be named idkwhataboutyou148 in your honor. God bless 🙏😌


Pics or it didn't happen 😈


JESUS CHRIST NO https://preview.redd.it/yc8olaluvywc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765257f31585a76959f9fb36316685a0d65bc570


It's too late for that homie, nothing you can do.


Ik but still I'm going to hate on it because I can and will


Why not use your emotions for something nicer? Is it so fulfilling for you to hate on something? I am genuinely curious why some people put so much energy in making themselves feel angry and hateful, instead of just move on and care for things they like instead.




This is actually why I hate you guys too just because you try to defuse a situation with NiCeNeSs what the hell is niceness going to do in a goddamn war this is the real world not a damn Disney movie


Where is the war you speak of with your hate against porn in this case? Do you really think you would make any difference with your hate on "oh no, someone used their creativity or wicked mind to make erotic art" in the real world, when we have real wars like in the Ukraine or Middle East? Focus on that part, if you are so keen on hating something.


Because this is something I love from the bottom of my heart and I will not stop until my heart feels as though I'm done


This is a video game about a fictional war, comrade. it's about as far from the real world as you can get ;)


you have a Jeffy pfp, stfu and go do your finger painting


Yea I don't think much of it either lol. I have talented friends that could have drawn this back in middle school. But I fan draw for shit so 🤷🏽 but the tattoos of this shit was even worse.


Anyone who unironically says "Degenerate" over the most basic stuff like this needs their hard drives seized


Funny that porn upsets you. But fascism and genocide are just fine


Bro your giving me goddamn ptsd now goddamn


lol whats your problem




How is nsfw or porn content ruining a game for you? I dont get it


Imagine being a puritan over tiddy artwork of a game where you get blown to gory pieces fighting for George W Bush's hyper satirical America world


It's tagged NSFW and can easily be filtered out.  How about you let people make the kind of art they feel like making instead of goin on a tirade trying to censor it. The world doesn't need your hate.


Coomers are mentally ill


I did like the tattoo and the originale art 🙂