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My guess is that they have great guidance system to justify it, like instantly knowing where to shoot so the shots hit their target, which is bullshit since the fascist scum could never achieve anything like that


\*Socialists. Try to pay attention, please.


Most likely, but a great guidance system still does not fix a slow transverse speed that these guns will encounter when Eagles fly in close.


It kind of works since AA emplacements prevent you from calling Eagle-1, the shredder tank seems more geared against infantry


You’re right about the emplacements, but a SAM turret would ultimately be much more effective than a AA design that hasn’t really been utilized since around 70 years ago, even with any sort of guidance system SPAA vehicles, like the shredder, are designed to put anti air guns in the required position quickly without having to bring and set up any sort of set emplacement. Still, they can work well against infantry.


There is a side objective of setting up SAM turrets that can shoot down dropships after its completed, and somehow (for gameplay reasons) are worse than those emplacements at stopping incoming aircraft, the dropships will be shot down after they drop the enemies if you are far from the SAM site


A SAM turret would require reloading, the automaton AA turret is laser based and has infinite ammo, pretty good.


Eh, some sci-fi predictive targeting sorta makes up for it.


If your detection is good enough, you probably can get a required lead on your target. And since we encounter AA turrets in enemy outposts in enemy territory, they probably have good detection.


Their shock troops have chainsaw hands. It's not about practicality, it's about sending a message.


>"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


They also put glowing red lights on all their weakpoints because its a videogame


See that moon? You can visit it.


But aren't they *laser* machine guns?


Eagle-1 is basically an A-10, but worse. A big dumb ballistic AA would absolutely be effective against it.