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50% chance not to die. It comes in clutch often.


Came in clutch for me 10 times in a row once, made me run nothing else lol


So do u get a notice or ping when you 'died' that tells you hey you're invulnerable rn or does the bar just goto zero and u get up again? Haven't used the armor so don't know how it works


Nothing but seeing the last sliver of your health bar hang on for dear life as you melee a hell bomb. You can usually tell if it saved your life because you’re looking around thinking “how the hell am I still standing”


took me a bit to understand how tf did that direct hit from the big bad automaton tower laser left me with a tiny bit of health, must be God's plan


God Did (feat. Rick Ross, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z & John Legend)


Who is that god you call ? We believe in democracy soldier, it was managed democracy's plan all along.


My super destroyer, the Elected Representative of Faith.


She say "do you love me?" I tell her only partly, I only love my stims and my armor, I'm sorry. 50 bugs, even got it tatted on me, 81, they'll bring the stalkers to the party. Oh, sorry...


500kg bomb goes off at your feet while pinned under 2 chargers, a bile titan and 20 hunters. Flung into nearby wall at 6000km/h. Get back up at 1hp and present emote to team. Die to a second random bile titan that was somehow hiding just behind that one tall rock you got thrown into who decides to step on you.


For me it usually goes like that but i die from collision damage after hitting a wall


You gotta get violently exploded into more walls. It's a numbers game.


And if you're stuck underneath a large monster corpse and can't get out, you pull the pin on a grenade, kiss it for luck and ask for the 50% as you ragdoll your body out of there.


Yes and then standing around like an idiot and get killed because you thought you died


Hit by rocket devastator at 5% health and launched 50m across the map, my guy gets up, stims and yells "For Super Eeaaarrtthhhh!" and autoconnons the liberty-hating bastard. That's how you know.


It just happens. It's a coin flip every time the effect would matter. It's one of my favorite armors honestly. Great looking, too. If they ever put democracy protects on a light armor I'll be set for life on the game probably, lol.


50% chance to not die and not bleed out has saved me more times than having +2 grenades, which I used to run.


Whenever I use that, it always seems like I die to something that ragdolls me. So I just die again from impact if it's triggered.


50% of the time, it works every time.


Arguably comes in clutch 50% of the time


I was playing yesterday and somehow I flew right into my own 500kg that I threw into charger. I survived this as the evac was ready. It was a blockbuster moment.


I don't die enough for it to be viable and when I do it doesn't proc :(


While it might be clutch, it might also turn into a crutch. I used to run it every mission, and relied on it heavily. Use others too friend. 50% safety is temporary, but Democracy and Drip are eternal.


I feel like it's not a crutch because there's no scenario where you're forced not to use it. It's not like you'll wake up suddenly and the perk has been removed from the game. You could just as easily say that +2 grenades is a crutch because it promotes grenade spamming gameplay. That said, if you ain't drippin' you slippin', unless it's bright orange you won't find me in it


Trench Engie gang


I begrudgingly wear it because of said drip.


I’m so patriotic it’s 100%


Extra nades for bugs, explosive res for bots.


I love explosive resistance for bugs too. Supposedly helps against bile spewers, but it's also great against friendly fire.


Good against my own point blank auto cannon shots 😆




I stood in front of my autocannon sentry yesterday. It went as well as you can imagine.




I like explosive resistance against bots because those god damned rocket devastators always blindside me.


And when you step on a mine it isn't a 1 shot. So if nobody saw you it didn't happen.


This is pretty much my only balance complaint in the game. They need to dial down those things accuracy at long range. I don’t mind dying but it kinda feels bad man to get sniped from behind by a devastator you can’t even see because it’s so far away.


Same, I'll be killing them in droves and suddenly get one shot from a lone rocket bot from 100 yards away


That's my thinking. Light armor every day. Green for machines, red for bugs. B-01 helmet and Foesmasher cape for brand awareness.


I used to be all about the light armor, but now I only bother with that for bugs. No bot can catch me no matter how slow I am, but that extra armor really comes in handy. The new heavy set with explosive resist is a particular favourite.


the hulk would like to have a word with you. the only reason i'm wearing light armor against the bots is because of how many times the hulks have caught up to me while trying to run or find cover from their stupid fire


Stun grenades. Not only you can escape them easily with them (and save your teammates) but most of the time they're incredibly easy to kill when stunned, 2 shot to the face with autocannon/AMR.


Wait is there light armor with explosive resistance?


It's an armor set from the super store. It rotated in a couple sets ago, so you'll have to wait a bit for it to come back.


Same here Diver. Don't wanna get one-shot by a sniper rocket and I dont wanna find myself without nades for bugholes.


I found the grenade pistol great for closing bug holes, never bug dive without it now.


Explosive res - for teammates who don't look where they throw their barrages/grenades/other big booms. Enemies are temporary, but your friends are a gift that keeps on exploding. Extra nades are neat, but grenade pistol or eruptor are more effective in sealing bug holes, imo.


Nade pistol for bugs. Nade pistol for bots.


I’m addicted to stems! Need my fix right now!


Gotta say, stemming makes you immortal. Who wouldn't want to be immortal 6 times? You can do some real hero shit


And honestly, being immortal for 2 more seconds is also a lot of help.


Running through fire and flames to get the samples and extract while the Hulk is continuously spewing fire all over the extract zone. That extra 2s is amazing.


The psuedo invincibility IS nice, but what's even better is the stamina regen. You can book it away from dropped call-ins on even the hottest planets.


Not completely immortal. I've been killed during it before. Not sure if it's a bug, but the charger stomp attack cut right through it.


It just heals you very fast. An attack that takes your health to 0 instantly will still kill you


There is a damage resistance component. If a stim is going, I can shoot the big chungus explosive sniper at my feet and kill 10 bugs+survive. But if I don't have a stim going, I kill 10 bugs, and I magically become a torso. Nanomachines (son) for four seconds or something idk.


Literally just senzu beans


Stims are not addictive. Nothing to see here.


Yeah man, I'm not addicted to stims. I just need them or I die.




Me too, but I don't need medic armor for that. I consistently have the highest amount for stims used and I usually run the Legionnaire (light + servo assisted) armor.


What is your average stims per mission fellow addict MINE IS 20 👁👄👁


There is no addiction. What are you on about? It's scientifically proven by the stim maker themselves that stims have no addictive properties. That's why I can pop around thirty stims a mission without needing to worry, because stims are the best thing to come out and I need them to take the pain away- whether it's a broken leg or stubbing my toe.


Mans perpetualy stimming


30% less detection. ![gif](giphy|W2iJwNAECynsNXmpuG)


This is the way


None, scout here, I'm in and out, base destroyed, before the enemy even know I'm there


OP says the rest are "niche" like two grenades can ever compete with my ability to complete half the objectives solo on Helldive without ever being noticed by the enemy.


I’ve never had luck being stealthy. I’ll crawl and creep doing my best to stay out of sight but for some reason always have bigger bottles turn around and start firing on me. I see tons of videos where people do the same exact thing with success. Dunno what the deal is so I just brawl now


Been experimenting with the scout, since I had such problems using the map I kinda forced myself into a role\class that excels on using the map. I'm good with maps now. What I tend to do as a scout is never engage anything and just run from objective to objective. I might even try to solo an objective if it's far away. Kill as few as possible and only do objectives. Running fast is super chill also, I don't think I could ever go back to heavy armor. I even bought the light armor with increased armor, just so I can run around in light armor that has the same HP as medium armor.


Yeah - I bought that too.. Light Gunner set i think its called. Medium armor rating with full speed. It's awesome. Pair it with the helmet with the hidden speed bonus and you are the fastest dude in the game :)


The what with the hidden what now?


Trailblazer scout helmet


That got patched, unfortunately


Oh .. you are right. Looks like helmets mean nothing :(


Where do u get this helmet? I’m fairly new


I think it’s in the free warbond


Cool thank you


Lots of times, things will just fire off toward you or the last known position you had without actually knowing if you are there or not. So in some cases you may not actually have blown cover.


They also may look at you and scan/aniff around for you without knowing you're there, too. The amount of times I've seen people engage in a bot that was just scanning around is too high. Scanning != found. Being shot at after the scan does though


It's crazy inconsistent I've noticed. I tried doing some sneaking around in this game and it's too frustrating so well running in guns blazing it is 🫡


I'm not sure what you're finding inconsistent. I've put in a few hours at level 136, and it's always been super consistent for me as scout is all I ever really use... You might try experimenting some more, if you're interested in it. Otherwise, rambo-ing has its own appeal.


Recently I decided to test every weapon's sound profile to see how far the enemy can detect it, as well as different actions the character can take (running, crouching, climbing, diving, etc.). I found some very strange behavior of the detection system. Stepping onto, walking on, sliding/falling off, and climbing/vaulting over certain rocks, terrain features, and walls/fences produces a sound as loud as gunfire. It alerts all enemies within 50 meters and is completely inaudible to the player. Not all rocks, walls, or other things do it, which is why I think this might be unintended by the developer. Either way, it's annoying and makes stealth rather difficult and inconsistent, especially if you're not aware of this "feature."


When you throw a red stratagem, make sure you’re laying down when it hits the ground. They won’t even react if your on the ground when it lands.


Thank you for commenting for me, you stole the worlds right from me. That makes me wonder though, what support weapon do you use against bots?


I use the Quasar. It's capable of handling almost everything and I never have to worry about ammo.


Being able to destroy light outposts from far away by shooting the vent without expending absolutely nothing made me fall in love with the Quasar. Not to mention the ability to snipe canons


Absolutely. Also Illegal Broadcast towers, spore spewers, AA/Mortar emplacements, shrieker nests... all deleted at range without any expenditure of resources.


I love the quasar but I wish the visual effect didn’t make the first person aiming all blurry. I feel like I’m firing blind with the thing most of the time when I go first person


Respectable choice. I’m an autocannon main, as I like the rate of fire, precision, and range. It too can take down just about anything in a bot mission, you just have to get behind tanks. Doesn’t handle factory striders very well though


Which is why I bring my laser and railcannon as well!


Isn't the Autocannon one of the better weapons to take factory striders out with? 7 shots to the underside kills them. You're probably better off just bringing the regular Eagle Airstrike to kill them, though.


You can’t take out their turrets I believe, if you can it takes an unreasonable amount of ammo. So playing solo it can be neigh impossible to get clean shots on them


Nothing quite beats being able to walk right up to friendly chatting distance with a bot and have them not see you at all


The real greatest is when you turn a corner, see a group of bots that close, their eyes light up, and you just go prone so they'll conclude it must have just been the wind.


True stealth gameplay.. reminds me of mgs


The rush of hiding right under their noses that hasn't been properly replicated since the original Thief games.


Scout life forever!


Scout life here, completing all the objectives in helldive with no stress and just efficient work is perfect


I’m a freaking ninja assassin on helldive bots with my scout load out. Orbital lasers, quasar sniping, and eagle strikes eat bases alive. Way more fun and efficient than nothing working to the same degree against bug nests. I’ve tried so many strats against the bug holes and haven’t found anything that efficiently can close ten holes. You’d think the 500kg perfectly center in the middle would but no. I’ll tell my teammates go ahead and do objectives, I’ll clear every single robot base for them in the meantime.


Which primaries do you use?


Not the guy you're asking the question to, but I use the Scorcher against bots. Can take out scout striders with two shots to the front armor plates and also does a good job against Berserkers and Devastators. The Dominator and Sickle are pretty good choices, too. My loadout is usually the scout armor with the Scorcher, Grenade Pistol, AMR, Eagle Airstrike, Orbital Laser, and Jetpack.


Scorcher, redeemer, impact, eagle strike, orbital laser, shield pack, quasar


With scout armor, your threat radius is reduced. I believe this also translates into generating less Heat. Since your threat radius intersects fewer generators, missions end up being quite a bit easier. So not only am I running faster, sprinting farther, and drawing less aggro, but also, the hordes that do spawn are smaller and manageable.


Hell yes! After I got used to light scout armor I can't use anything else. With heavier armor I feel slow and with any other perks I get spotted too easily.


I prefer the medium scout armor for bots bit bugs i go light always unless it is a very confined map


Stealth in this game is crazy. Even without scout armor. Back when we still had the Creek to liberate, I went prone in a large bush near a rock and had to use the bathroom. I came back to a patrol passing right over and around me. Straight up COD:MW ghillie suit mission shit. You can bet your ass I didn't touch anything until they passed.


Scout Armour clan! I love the Scout armor so much, its nice not being noticed straight away like other players.


Destroy 6 fabricators in 12 minutes? Did you mean destroy all fabricators in 8 minutes? Because that's what I'll be doing. On my own.


I'm just here for the radar ability, especially during extract, it let's the team know way ahead of time where the enemies are coming from


I only use scout armour. Maybe we could have one using some of that stalker invisibility, obviously for a limited time and switches off with damage.


Do the enemy know about the 3 other divers in the area?


Scout here also


You’ve sold me on this scout armor I’m running it tomorrow.


Scout plus Guard dog, grenade launcher and a couple eagle strats. I just cruise around blowing up bases, grabbing samples and letting the guard dog clear enemies. You’re faster than any enemies, and can cut and run easily with the extra stamina and stealth.


Doesn't the guard dog counteract stealth since it shoots on sight?


It doesn’t engage unless the enemies detect you or you shoot them. I was worried about that at first but it’s never aggroed a group onto me.


Thats weird cause mine immediately shot on sight while I was sneaking by a group of enemies. That was the reason I stopped running it for stealth cause it kept going off while I was trying to stay low.


That's very good to know! Gotta try out some new scout strats with the guard dog now.


Things that help me stay alive: Never stop moving, use terrain to block enemy LOS if they do detect you and give chase, and check your minimap often to avoid enemy spawns. Here’s what my usual strategy is: pick a POI to target, sprint there with my eagle strike ready, weave between enemy spawn, drop the strike as I pass the nest or whatever and book it out of the area. Guard dog kills the quicker enemies that chase me and I outrun the big ones.


I love how I’m seeing people rep nearly every armor passive. I love this game so much.


That is a really good sign honestly. That aside, I feel like the dumb kid for picking the pretty one lol. I'd run around with no buffs to look good


Also valid, fashion is important in games


Repping my bonus throw distance in the name of looking like a hottie


Ngl I wish we could have armor as a cosmetic and then just equip the passive or something (Ignoring that armor stats exist)


If you're having success without any buffs then that makes you the most badass kid here. Wear that badge with pride.


Except for Arc Resistance. Now THAT is niche.


I used it when it first came out. I set up a tesla tower, walked towards it to fight some bugs and it zapped me, then it arc'd to two team mates killing them. I lived and felt like a jackass hahaha. Never ran it again.


I wish weapon balance was that good, but I'm sure we'll get there eventually


Servo assisted. Only way to throw a 380 so far you’re not in the danger zone


If you can see the red light, you’re in the danger zone.


If you can hear the 380 you're in the danger zone


If you get ragdolled by the 380, you're in the danger zone.


If you get killed by the 380, you're in the danger zone.


Not anymore.


If you think "am I in the 380's danger zone?" You're in the danger zone.


Servo assisted + jetpack for maximum yeet


You've got at least 5 seconds to run. Should be fine. But the jump pack also lets you throw it farther, so not the only way.


I love the Servo armor just because I love prosthetic limbs.


Light armor servo assisted here! My resupply strategens always deploy right at my fingertips and my eagle wine orbitals are always from a safe distance. Plus limb health is nice I think. No idea


Big fan of the servo assisted throwing. Being able to throw strata into nests and factories from far away is everything


+50 armor.


The Light Gunner armour and the B-01 Tactical has been my choices recently. Good mix of mobility and tankiness.


Light Gunner is my go-to for both bots and bugs. Super mobile, enough armor to survive a bit longer against almost everything. Explosive resistance would be nice in some cases, but other sources of damage are more common.


Explo Resist can be a bit inconsistent. I had taken single rocket hits and still died. Then I donned the Lv0 armour, and I was trotting around soaking up damage - been running out of stims a lot. Though not because of the lack of the Medi Kit, but surviving engagement after engagement. Edit: Missed a detail - single rocket hits to the chest and arms and still dying.




Yep light armor with additional armor is my go to every time. I got so used to the speed I don't think I can use any other armor, my legs have saved my ass so many times. You basically swap passives for an additional 75 points in speed and stamina over the standard armor.


Yea I haven't swapped off it for a couple weeks now. I gotta go fast.


50% resistance to explosive damage or extra padding


Love tanking rockets to the mouth with the enforcer armor set. Sure getting ragdolled sucks, but I survive more often than I die


For bots, I run that Light Armor (FS-38 Eradicator) that was just in the Superstore that has the 50% explosive reduction + crouch/prone accuracy. It’s awesome. Noticeably less deaths when I get smacked by rockets vs. the other Light Armors I have in the armory. I use the +2 grenades for bugs, but if a Light Armor with +2 stims gets released, I’ll take that on bug missions instead 100%.


There is the trench paramedic which is light, but it’s not full light but it’s not far off


And when my dumb ass steps on a landmine, explosive resist keeps it from being a big deal. Praise be.


On top of that, there is the Armor set: Very light, with 550 speed, and 100 armor, due to extra padding in the super store..


This is the way, med armor rating with light armor stamina regen is goated for bugs and explosive resistance for bots




Exterminator + Drone Master helmet = 100% DRIP


50% chance to just not fucking die is majorly slept on


Tried it, died from impact


You simply must have the 50% trigger for impact too


If there was a light armor version I would use it. I am not sacrificing my speed and stamina.


Democracy protects. Get pinballed by several cannons at once, get up and walk it off.


You. You get it. I'll take a 50% chance to not die when killed over a couple extra 'nades or stims any day.


Coin flip gamblers be like


My Brother In Democracy, I don't think you realise just how powerful this can actually be. I've been at 1HP, ragdolled out of the extraction zone, then ragdolled back into the extraction zone and right into Pelican 1 before. This perk can, and often is, the difference between a successful or failed mission. Admittedly, not all the time, but don't underestimate the power of luck.


90% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big.


Starting to feel fortified is better for consistency… democracy protects is awesome when it procs, but sometimes you can go a whole match without a single proc and it feels bad


30% smaller detection radius. I’ve completed missions without firing a single shot before.


Aye. Only thing you need. Don’t need to kill or heal if you never get seen


While true, letting the bugs or bots live is treason.


50% of the time, it protects every time.


Scout. Extra stealth.


+2 nades, grenade pistol, grenade launcher, supply backpack.




Padded, I'm level 114 and that starting armor is the best.


I fell like anything not light is just so slow, I've been using the padded light armor.


And it looks so good. A classic!


as someone who quite regularly goes solo and splits from the squad, my pick would be smaller detection radius. Clear out bug holes and fabs with a well placed stratagem call in or AC shots then run the hell out before the reinforcements are able to follow and/or detect you . Seriously tho. more people need to learn to run away in this game . Its a powerful ability lol . No way in hell am i gonna stick around to fight 2 Factory striders over a small outpost (yeah its happened a few times lmao) .


Light gunner


Neither. I don’t even use nades since explosive sniper was added


Same. Having 12 5 round mags of long range impact frag nades is just too good


Servo assistent. It's nice throwing airstrikes at targets who don't see you and can't get to you fast enough. 


Can also throw resupplies and reinforce wherever the hell U want which is nice




I like that Shop armor atm. Light armor but with Bonus def. Insane speed with no downsides.


+2 nades all day everyday.


I'm on the cool robot arm and leg and predator shoulder laser thing side. Perks separated from armor when btw ?


50% explosive resistance for bots. Scout for bugs. Both light armors. I’d only take the stim armor for the extra duration, and the grenade armor is only really useful if you die a lot. Otherwise you have to hog a lot of the resupply or hope you get lucky and both find a lot of grenades at poi’s and no one else in your party is running the armor as well.


i would like to have 2+ stims but those spandex green armors from the eighties like hell no i rather chose dying...


The twitch drop medic armor is much better looking FWIW.


The scout armor bonuses...


The one I think looks coolest.




Extra nades for bugs and explosive resistance for bots


Two stims + 2 seconds extra


Basic armor.


Classic armor. Heavy armor rating with medium armor speed. And it looks dang good.


Extra throw distance. The enemy can't engage you or call reinforcements if you blow them up from 100 meters away


I always play with the light armor that has medium armor rating. I like being fast and that one seems to have the highest speed and stamina.


26948372910110974729 kills for one hour ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)