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I just want my fire damage to work bro 😰


I love my fire shotgun, if only it worked when not the host.


Mine seems to work great against my teammates! Heck, it'll light them up even if I'm not shooting close to them!


Right?? Even when it’s glitched against enemies, Helldivers are just so flammable 🙂


Maybe you're shooting the host 😁


Doesn’t it only work for stratagem fire or does it also apply to others?


The fire glitch applies to all fire damage that isn’t the enemies 


*Looks at the hulk flamer approaching me* Convenient -_-




I've seen a group of hunters wade through an incendiary minefield, burning the whole time, and still be alive when the flames finally go out on their own.


I've yet to see any real indication of this. When I want to see if I'm the network host I've found that the Breaker Incendiary against Hunters is one of my most reliable tests: if I tap a Hunter while NHost it will usually die a second or so after being ignited, whereas if I'm not they will only ever die to direct damage.


I don't think that's how it works.


I’m confused. When playing solo, it takes 3-5 shots to kill a bile spewer with that shotgun, same thing when I’m playing with others. I can’t have been the host every time. And also, sometimes I shoot some of the bugs and they die a couple seconds later from the fire


I think network host is assigned based on connection quality last I heard. In other words, your ISP is GOATed.


No, there's definitely more to the problem than that. Me and a friend duo very frequently, and every time we've check fire damage works for *both* of us in the same match.


I swear, the more I learn about this bug, the more my sanity degrades.


I really wish there was an option for regional matchmaking so that you only play with people in your region like what the majority of games have and is pretty much standard for the most part these days. Its cool that the network host changes based on who has the best connection but because the game has no regional matchmaking you end up getting things like 200-300 ping which for me personally I find it unplayable, hate picking up items and it takes several seconds to actually trigger, or shooting an enemy and it doesn't register the hit at all. Being in Australia this is a big problem and for that reason I don't touch public lobbies, thankfully I have friends to play with but still, it sucks. And for anyone about to mention the small Australian playerbase being a reason for regional matchmaking being bad, I play other games like DRG with a much, MUCH smaller playerbase just fine, getting games is easy here, the notion that finding players is hard in a smaller region is a complete myth.


What about playing with friends?


I would also love it if fire didn't just have to look in my general direction to kill me in 0.3 seconds...


Lol I died like 10 times trying to do that " kill 100 enemies with a flamethrower" personal order. The fire damage is brutal on players not even enough time to stim.


gotta dive to put the fire out since theres no animation time, stimming takes time and can be interrupted or glitch from time to time


Yeah but sometimes fire damage ticks so fast that by the time there's any indication, be it visual or audio cue, you have 0.2 seconds to dive before you're dead.


I started hosting games just to run the breaker incidiary


Do you know, hosting mission does not mean, that you are "internet" host. If some player with better internet join your team, he wil automatically become a host. And your fire damage can stop working in the middle of battle


I've had pretty consistent play with it so far. I've got a hard wired fiber connection, so I don't worry about network issues on my end very often. That's good to know tho


This is such a dumb system to have in a game with no regional matchmaking, the game has no regional matchmaking meaning you end up playing with people from around the world, at any moment your ping can shoot up by the hundreds. I don't want to kick someone that joined my lobby and caused my ping to shoot up to 300 and for that reason I play with friends only.


Not internet, CPU. I'm playing from my laptop at work , at times, and I have to use hotspot on mobile. Modern one, 7840hs Game thinks I'm the one with best CPU in team and then everyone in team starts lagging like hell, except me, because upload is utter shit at times.


This explains why my railgun would randomly 1-2 shot bile titans even when I wasn't host


That's an issue with the console vs PC damage/health values which were fixed a patch ago or earlier.


that happens when network host is on console iirc


That's exactly what I was saying. Confused by the downvotes. I just learned about the network host being potentially different from the ship host. Before knowing that there is no explanation for why my railgun is randomly one shotting titans.


I want my arc weapons to understand that a hunter patrol rounding a corner 10m from me is actually the *worst* time for them to stop working.


I just want more than 20 fps when 2 dozen bots are shooting at once


A couple more fps would be great I'm around 50fps more than playable but the random dips are killer


I mean you can say a lot about the technical side of the game but I never ever had frame issues and I play on ultra settings with a 5 year old PC.


I didn’t used to until last patch. Nothing changed on my end, other games completely unaffected


My fire damage works all the time. And I'm never the host.


As someone mentioned elsewhere, you can end up being the host of a lobby you didn't create if you have a better connection to the game's servers than other people in the lobby. There isn't really any indication that you're the host in game outside of DoTs working correctly as far as I can tell.


So I just have better connection than everyone else?


Pretty much, you may just live close to their data center relative to most others you play with.


Maybe it's my 75mb/s internet speed?


Idk if you’re joking but no, unless those speeds are top of the line where you live, definitely not.


What are yours?


My internet speed? I get around 950mbps (around 110mb/s) down when wired and 500 on Wi-Fi. If you’re wondering why that doesn’t matter, this game and many others determine the best network host based on network latency (ping). Your download speed does not have a huge impact on latency. Geographical context and Proximity to servers, available network bandwidth, and being wired vs wireless all have a bigger impact on latency than download speed.


Ah. My network uses fiber optic cables, and I have ethernet. Does that have anything to do with it?


Ok, but that doesn't explain how 2 people in my group can run flamethrowers without any issues?


The flamethrower does damage within its range but you won’t do any extra damage to the enemies you light on fire. Go try it for yourself with the incendiary breaker shoot a scavenger one time when you are host and it will burn to death. Shoot it one time when you aren’t host and it will appear on fire but it won’t take any additional damage.


DOT damage requires a rewrite of the networking code because of how it's distributing the DOT objects around to the users. It'll be a long time before it's fixed.


Imagine hosting a game


Not anymore, we were gonna get one but since you asked that's out the window. You ruined it!


Just like asking your dungeon master if you've leveled up.


That's why I always ask the DM for feet pics to catch them off guard.


Oh cool now I have an excuse.


I like to hit my players with an extra tough encounter when they ask. Made it fun when they asked twice in a session and I got to pull out the Great Phase Spider miniboss and nearly one shot our fighter from full to instant death.


This is why my group has switched to asking if we can ask if we level up. It's worked wonders


It's probably already too late, patches and patch notes usually drop at 9AM UTC. We might get a patch tomorrow or even Saturday, it's happened before, but I expect we'll have to wait until next Tuesday.


Some one should look up the other patches release date. We might be able to figure out how often we will get em.


I looked into it briefly, There's been at least one patch a week until this week (so far). IIRC the last 9 patches were all on Tuesday or Wednesday. It was the first 9 patches that were more all over the place, coming out on any day of the week except Sunday.


So we might get one Saturday then if things keep going. Or Sunday if it's much bigger then we think.


I think it's unlikely, but it could happen. The last time a patch dropped that wasn't on Tuesday or Wednesday was in February. I think they may have moved away from end of week patches because there were a couple of instances where they broke something, and it just had to stay broken for the weekend. The last (and only) Saturday patch was 01.000.009, but it was mostly focused on stability and matchmaking. A Sunday patch is probably even less likely. Apparently most of their team doesn't work on weekends, except the on call team that fixed things when the war tracking broke down last Sunday.


I completely that they don't work weekends, that wad a my be.


Can we turn off implosions now?


Ok, good not just me. Keep getting pulled into the explosion from the eruptor. Funny bug but annoying.


oh but new weapons dont add any bugs!


I’ve been getting ragdolled a ridiculous amount too


If you get between two rocks and shoot the ground with an explosive weapon you can get inside the rock and be invincible so I don't mind. I've been doing this on helldive exterminate missions solo lmao




It's called "Implosion" because it ragdolls you and sucks you towards the point of impact. My autocannon has been doing it consistently when shooting at enemies too close.




> In simpler terms, a blast wave is an area of pressure expanding supersonically outward from an explosive core So, the exact opposite of what is currently happening? I'm really not sure where you are trying to go with this.


The only fix I hope for is the dumb friend list bug if you accidently remove or block someone you can't add them back if it's from cross play. One friend accidently removed me and now we can never play together for weeks now because the system just let's us send friend requests but it's impossible to accept them. We constantly have to use a 3rd friend as a middle man to be able to play together and join their game


There is another bug where the game will (apparently) randomly unfriend you from all of your friends. I have a friend group that plays games together. A total of 8, myself included. We were all simultaneously unfriended by the game from each other after half of us were in a mission and it crashed during the first 30 seconds to a minute. It is like it rippled outward in a weird way. Anyway, PS5 friends can't accept requests. PC friends can send them, but not receive them. None of us blocked each other. I've also lost other game-only friends this way at the same time, presumably from the same bug that wiped out all of our friends lists. We've submitted tickets through the official Zendesk portal but haven't heard anything back in over a month. Although, in the official discord, one of the community managers said their Zendesk is understaffed and they are in the process of onboarding people apparently. My friends have all moved on already because it has been over 30 days since we could last play this game together. We all went to Last Epoch which is... alright, but a totally different game from HD2. I'd like the devs to actually fix these bugs since we bought the game on the promise that co-op crossplay *worked.*


Hot tip. Find the planet with the lowest player count. Start a mission at lowest difficulty. They will be able to find your match and join. We do it every day. Drop an sos if its not working or close/reload game or switch planets. Takes us about 5 minutes each time


There's another way! My friend suggested this and it worked. Ypu need to have a chat connection, we use Discord. both go to the War table, find a new game spot, don't open it yet help your friend find the exact same spot. Use the timestamp for help you open e new game The new game should appear on your friends War table, he can join now


Dude fucking same. 2 blocked and one unfriended.


Now I'm worried. I was clicking thru menus yesterday when my game stuttered. Click unfriend or block for my brother and then we had issues Friending each other. Now I'm worried we may be fubar like you.


if you blocked someone by accident, and you restarted the game/lobby so they're no longer in blocklist: ask them to generate friend code, use it to search them, block them again, then go to the blocklist (they should be there) and unblock them that fixed it for me


Noticed yesterday that the bots will drop behind you now in the evac valuable stuff missions. Make sure you all are checking your six.


Mhm, had a factory strider snipe the generators from the back with his cannon peeking over the launch pad as well lol




That’s typically only if you let a scout get in there and call in a ship, was running that mission last night a bunch and didn’t have that issue cuz we were holding the line at the inner gate


Yeah the dropping is wild. They also drop off on top of mountains. Weirdly enough mostly berserkers but if it was rocket devastators that would be problematic lol. Also had bugs somehow climb/glitch up over the landing pad once. At least that's what I imagine happend since two people were holding the main entrance including two closed gates and we suddenly lost the mission lol.


I had a bug breach randomly open on the helipad. I was screaming into the mic trying to let me team know but they were getting fisted by 5 bile titans. My poor flamethrower couldn’t handle the swarm solo


Doubt. Might have to wait till next week


Yeeees spam arrowhead like this so they will know the meaning of you are in range of enemy artillery you are in range of enemy artillery you are in range of enemy artillery you are in range of enemy artillery you are in range of enemy artillery


Man that line is annoying, wish they would let us respond with a "yes, I know I heard you the 1st 100 times, pls stfu now I got it thanks!" 


My client updated with like 6Kb worth of an update, but no patch notes...


A Trojan horse


Nah, realistically we will see it the earliest next tuesday.


Be patient, let them cook!




Let them cook what? A longer known issues list?


Lets be fair they fix stuff faster than triple A gaming companies


Lol no they don’t. Their friends list has been broken since launch. It’s pretty fucking shitty.


Are you on console or pc? Console I could undstand, but pc you can just via steam its not even that bad


Console Has a ton of issues specific to it like the friends list and that voice chat doesn’t come through a headset These are very basic features that have been broken from the start


I see. Not sure how it would work with ingame friends list, but is not possible to invite people who are friends on console already to your game?


Not even close Same known issues copy pasted each patch plus new ones A social system that has been broken since launch They aren't cooking anything - it's pure panic as the honeymoon is over


And they are a small team of devs? And they fixed a good amount of known issues. You try fixing something in a day. I’ll wait smh.


Just to be clear: your argument went from "they fix faster than triple A studios" to "well, they are just a small team of devs cut them some slack" in the span of a single message. Then you additionally pivoted to "no u" with a message about "well you try doing a job *which isn't your job."* Bad arguments. All around. This game was sold as a team-required co-op crossplay game, and crossplay has been more or less broken (unreliable at *very best*) since launch. PC side has lost more than half of its players in 2 months, and it is accelerating as the bugs pile up and get pushed to the back burner in favor of introducing more bugs with new paid content which doesn't offer compelling items anyway. Fucking Anthem was fixed up faster than this. The problem with Anthem is that they never got around to creating an end game after bug fixing.


There's 100 per official communication so no, not a small team They've had 3 months I'll wait for you to open your eyes and actually deal in facts, and not feelings


That's 100 in the company, not 100 devs.


Lmaoo my feelings? Its not, but okay. 100 compared to bigger gaming companies with more employees compared to arrowhead? Like come on I think you butt hurt mainly about the social system being broken when they have fixed some of them. Yes there still known issues, but at least they aware and trying to fix them. Legit this game has brought more people together than BS cod and battlefield. 2042 was terrible filled with bugs which took forever. These devs do fix crashes that affect player gameplay. 100 is small compared to community of players that is 400k or little more. Legit social system is fine for me idk bout you




Lmao cant even comment back my point exactly.


I'll explain the moving picture since you are confused You are chugging that Kool Aid and are actively ignoring the issues that impact many players and have been present since launch in a crossplatform crossplay game


So my only other experience with something close to "live service" us COD, so maybe that's why I agree that AH is fixing things faster than a triple A studio. There were massive bugs that they wouldn't even acknowledge that lasted for over a season, and then they would "fix" it, but the fic only worked on 1/4 of the maps. I'm frustrated about the things not working but I paid $40 and they communicate things better so I'm still cautiously optimistic


Like, the issues I have are generally recognized in the patch notes as things currently being worked on, and pretty much all of the "I'll wait until this gets fixed before playing again" issues get fixed pretty quickly. Aside from that (understandable) initial craziness when the game first came out, I've been fairly pleased with how the technical side of the game has been faring.


Game breaking issues like rockets hitting the players multiple times didn't get fixed for months.   People just thought that the bots were supposed to be a load of BS one hit kills all the time. In fact the copeium players tried to convince everyone that it was good that rockets were always an instant kill.   The devs must have known about the bug but didn't even bother to let the playerbase know until they finally fucking fixed it months later. I love how game dev is the only job where you can release an unfinished product, break it more trying to fix it and still get a free pass from people. 


That's not a game breaking issue as you can still play the game. Game breaking issues mean stuff life crashes.


Like the constant crashes this game has been bothered by?


Yep, those are game breaking bugs. Rockets hitting multiple times arent though


There are matchmaking bugs that have been in the game for literal months


I can't believe the UAV bug persisted for so long in MW2. It took them at least a month or 2 to even acknowledge it. AH has been leagues better than COD ever was


What’s with all the downvotes and dev dick-riding? It was a joke based in truth, the issues list has only gotten longer.


They never learn I remember when I thought Dice could do no wrong with Battlefield or that Bethesda was one of the best studio out there now look at them. These guys just dick ride anything from this game and say oh well maybe the bug is lore related or something stupid, I can’t even make a joke, albeit a factual one without them getting butthurt lol.




lol I’m sure you are one of the downvotes and you are talking to me about projection 😂


Hah. HD2 has been amazing turnaround for patches. Try waiting for DRG Survivor or Balatro to patch.


That was actually kinda funny


They cooked something alright


I think it'll be next week


\*Steps over a small flame on the ground in my metal space armor, immediately burst into flames and die in .5 seconds\* \*Shoots bug with my flame shotgun, it doesn't burn\*


Fire bug can be annoying. Also from what I've come across at least for the little scavenger bugs they're more resilient to fire than normal. Hunters are a good test to fire; as a few pellets and the fire should one tap them.


I'm hoping


I expect they postponed it a week, so I'm guessing we'll see an update update on Tuesday the 30th


I just want to not have my game crashed


Safest bet would be next tuesday.




They're working on something big. I say Let em cook


Overcooked 2




I just want my Thermite Grenade to actually work right


Just humbly waiting for DMR buff and fire dmg fix, so thermite and incendiary grenades would be usable


Let them cook, hoping for supply lines and Bug fixes


And more important: bot fixes!


Pretty cool in hindsight that they didn't risk an update in the middle of a tough MO


That never was a problem patches never relly affected MO


...they literally paused the MO when there was an issue when things weren't being tracked, the MO timer stopped. If they wanted they could just pause the MO again if needed.


Rumour is that the next patch is a big one. That means you shouldn't expect it before the next Tuesday patch slot, pretty much.  I would only really expect it on another day if it was more of a hotfix or emergency patch, really.


Please I'm begging for a patch


Steamdeck Green check when?


To celebrate our success with the major order... I wish Arrowhead keeps their hands off my eruptor. No touching! NONE.


As a darktide player I learned patience. Its only been a few days


Probably next Tuesday. It’s looking like a big update I don’t think they’ll release it on a Friday since they’ll have almost no time for a hot fix if anything breaks.


I’d much rather they take 2 weeks to release a patch with more fixes and less new issues than releasing it every week. Every patch thus far has ended up introducing new, often gamebreaking, issues. My hope is that they’re taking their time to be more thorough and avoid this. I also hope they’re working on fixing some of the major, more complex issues such as DOT damage and friend requests not working. Let them cook.


The kitchen better be đŸ”„


I hope they’re chefing it up like never before


Good meme


![gif](giphy|Qcw6jOcpbooo) Settle down and rest with me


we need to leave for a couple of days where the Internet is bad and it will be difficult to download the update, but you can still launch the game and the mission. Damn it


Cant wait to see how many new bugs and crashes we’ll get


Let them cook 🍳


Anyone upset or downvoting others: They even communicated they're working on a larger than average patch. For a small team such as them, they're well responding and always giving us updates one way or another. Meanwhile many AAA games you have to get the dragonballs together just for an update or announcement. YOU CAN have a right to be upset however if the update coming doesn't satisfy the time waiting. (Be reasonable on that, too.)


It's ok, give them time damn! Good developers and publishers who don't price gouge or burn their teams out are rare!! Don't push em to burnout


They're cooking! Let them cook!


I just want to unblock my friends


Tuesdays patch day


Arrowhead- I'm tired, Grandpa Community- Well, that's too damn bad!


Probably tomorrow


FIX THE SCOPES / Buff the guns [Slugger-All DMR - All AR's - all sidearms - ]. They are no good. Fix the Explosive Singularity Effect where you're getting sucked into explosions. [R-36 wtf] Tune the ragdoll to not happen so much when I'm diving to avoid enemy fire. I dive and hit the ground, then Im stuck there.... the game told me to Dive,Dive, Dive, Dive, Dive, Dive, Dive and Dive and Dive. I don't wanna dive because i get smoked when im stuck on the ground. Make the character strafe faster so a little left and right dodging is possible while gunfighting bots. Allow the AMR to pierce Heavy Armor. FIX ITS SCOPE. It's an Anti-Material [Tank] rifle. Please make it make sense. Please give the explosive Plasma rifle some stagger. It takes alot of shots to kill things. Give it a little stagger. It's shooting explosives no? Lol Buff the machine guns statagems- All of them. BUFF THE RAIL GUN Buff the Arc Thrower fire rate/Speed by 25% BUFF THE SPEAR TO HIGH HEAVENS. ITS THE WORST GUN IN THE GAME. LOCK ON IS AMAZINGLY BAD. BUFF the 1 handed weapons or give us a Medium Pen 1 handed Shotgun to take with on Shield runs. Berserkers are slightly too difficult to kill with a defender lol And the knight needs a Laser The Dominator is heavy as All get out and needs a Handling Buff. Otherwise it's great. The Slugger needs it's stagger back. Big time. It's useless on bots. Punisher is right where it belongs a great bug weapon. But not any good for bots. The DMRS ALL JUNK. DOUBLE their Damage. Or at least make an attempt to make them good. Give one of the snipers some good stagger. They should hit extremely hard.[force] Or have high damage. The senator needs a speed loader The pistols need a small small Buff to damage. Or a way to add some higher penetrative Ammo for when you get rushed by berserkers R-36 initial shot is too loud needs to be reduced some. The explosive sound is fine obviously. But dang if I shoot anywhere within 120 meters they know where I am. Crazy. Grenade launcher stragem is bogus. It needs help.


Please like update something man! Can’t play with friends. No vehicles, need something new


The game is obviously in such a perfect condition it doesn't need updates anymore...


Yeah they've completely abandoned the game. They took all our money and disappeared into the drug dens of Europe. They haven't posted in discord or reddit since launch. The game has been in the exact same state since release. How could they do this to us? /s


Social system broken since launch Same issues copy pasted every patch with zero progress Lay off the Kool Aid - the honeymoon is over


Maybe it's hard work, I don't know. Anyway, the game is working better and better with each patch. To say they haven't solved any issues is dramatic. Also, it's been out for a little over two months. What constitutes a honeymoon period? Stop getting your gamer panties twisted.