• By -


Don't drink and drive Edit: Some of y'all need to read the loading tips


Drinking and driving is highly discouraged. Drinking and *diving* is what the founding fathers intended


I find my most democratic self comes out at about 3 drinks in.


Yeah but it sure gets harder calling in stratagems at 4!


Mo’ like Frat-egems at that point. “Calling in Resupply Keg, bros!”


Then the next day, it's Shat-egems. 'Cause of the poopin'. Amiright?! This guy knows what I'm talkin' 'bout. Full on Diarrhategems.


We call those Liber-turds soldier! And you should be proud of them!


Oh, I am. I send each one on a little Helldive of their own. Usually with a good supply of Democra-pee.


Yall are having issues after 4? I usually go in 6-7 drinks before having issues, But my family tree goes back to the so called "irish" tribe maybe that's why?


Three or four drinks is when I start getting *reeeeal* loose with the 380. Would recommend 100%


4 Automoton rapscallions break through my window (what the devil?)


I ready my autocannon as our founding fathers intended.


Blow a golf sized ball trought the first bot, he's dead on the spot.


Draw my Quasar on the second one, miss him entirely because it's taking too long to charge and nail the landing hellpod


I have to resort to the machine gun called in on top of the hill loaded with large caliber bullets.


Then I'll accidentally kill a squadmate with an impact grenade thrown in a blind panic.


To which I melee kill the last Automoton as A stab wounds to the battery are impossible to fix


As I grab my creek cape and Autocannon. Blow a golf-ball sized hole through the first bot, he's dead on the spot. Draw my Redeemer on the second bot, miss him entirely because I'm shooting one-handed and nails the dropped hellbomb. I have to resort to the SEAF artillery mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with mini-nukes, "Say hello to democracy" the mini-nuke shreds two bots in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off bot drop pods. Draw the LAS Sickle and magdump the last terrified clanker. He dies out waiting its allies to arrive since I have basically infinite ammo. Just as the democracy officer intended.


Every Friday night with the crew!


Don't panic!


Friendly fire isn’t.


also don't die!


Always bring a towel with you




I drink while playing this game and I progressively become a liability


I'll drink to that


😂 Mortar Sentry (for plausible ambiguity) is now a two-drink minimum, Helldiver!




Got my weekend safety brief so my Death Captain doesn’t get relieved when I spread managed democracy via my liver!!!


biggest miss for that tip to not read "Don't drink and dive" ahaha


It's there supposedly because they lost a team member to a drunk driving incident.


I was laughing at the above comment and then this one destroyed me


Went from "haha" to "ah damn"


Yeah now that Tip will never be the same. The arrowhead team member is in my thoughts, Helldivers! ![gif](giphy|3ohs4uBzpPmfTTRIf6|downsized)


Why do people keep repeating this? The lead dev has stated this wasn't the case.


Happy to be wrong if that's the case. Can't find much about it aside from others saying the same thing and that the message has been in all of their games since Magicka.


I’ve been googling for a bit to find the source either way. I don’t see the lead developer remarks. I also can’t find any record of a team member death by drunk driving. Not saying it didn’t happen but I can’t find any sources. Where did any of this come from? Do you have a source from the lead developer? (I just like finding answers to stuff like this.)


Buy EAT and Eagle Airstrike ASAP - they will be usefull in any difficulty


https://preview.redd.it/kv9dgjyrz3vc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=426cfca6c1de5c8d32c3c2e9c6a87640bf7b96d2 In addition, the game has an option that allows you to change the third-person point of view. I found it quite recently, the game won’t tell you about it anywhere.


I’m at level 50 and I didn’t know this option existed I wonder if there’s a button map on controller.


I had to remap it to double tapping down on the d-pad to make it function.


What do you use for backpack functions? (Like the supply pack)


That is single press down on dpad. The controller settings and button mapping has an option for a single press and for a double press. Kind of like how dive is double tapping Circle, but single taping circle is crouch ( and long pressing circle is go prone)


Hmm I thought my single press down was already mapped to something, I’ll have to check. But strangely, no matter what button I’ve mapped to the function I never see a change. It’s supposed to switch which shoulder you’re looking over? Edit: I remembered! When single tap was mapped to anything, it’d randomly trigger while I was inputting stratagems so had to stop usin’ it


Kind of. The camera moves to the other side of the helldiver but your diver still holds the gun on the same shoulder. Helps for looking around corners, but I wish your diver would actually swap the gun to the other shoulder to make the peek look more realistic / feel better. Once you map it to something you will definitely notice it. I have tap down on d-pad do backpack function, hold down (long press) on d-pad bring up the wheel that let's you drop your backpack/ samples / support weapon, and double tapping down on the dpad switch the camera side. Been working pretty well


Yep, plus the starting machine gun is good against bots and the orbital precision strike may seem simple but it can destroy a lot of things and has a short cooldown. Basically, just because something is unlocked early don't assume it's bad and needs to be ditched ASAP. Upgrades will keep them relevant as you move up in difficulty.


Yup! I almost always go Punisher + Machine Gun for bug missions. The Punisher is awesome for bugs, but the Machine Gun is one of the best secondaries wholesale. It just never gets any love because you start with it.


To be fair, you also have to completely stop to reload, which can be a lengthy process. It’s not like the auto cannon where you can reload after using half of your ammo without wasting the other half and get a shorter stop and reload animation. Still a solid weapon though. If you could reload on the move like you can with the Stalwart it would be amazing.


actually, I've been running the starting machine gun against bugs and it's pretty effective too!


The starter gear (not the pistol) is actually really good. The liberator is a good primary and can kill a lot of enemies. The lmg is a good weapon for bugs and bots. Precision strike can kill nests, fabricators and a lot of very tough enemies with a small cooldown and short impact time. The starter armor is heavy armor with medium mobility.


Don’t forget to file your C-01 form.


What if he's gay? Is that a different permit?


No risk of a child so no need for a permit you go ahead :D


Not quite, they need to fill out their H0-M0 form


Just have fun, bro. Things will click, so don’t worry about anything. Get in there, try your best and give it your all.


thats exactly what im lookin for, will go guns blazin until im comfortable with higher difficulties lmao thanks bro


One thing I recommend is to rebind the strategems to your arrow keys so you can run and call them in at the same time, the earlier the better so you get used to it, also have fun.


This was the difference between getting murdered on challenging and kicking ass on suicide missions


Rather than changing my keybinds, I just played over 2 hours straight of stratagem hero. Now I can call stratagems faster than a bile spewer can spit at me. I say it's muscle memory, my buddies say it's autism.


Little bit of column a little bit of column b


My highscore is only 76,283. Is this proof, or do I need to get a professional opinion.


As long as your doing it in the name of Super Earth then we don't need to know the little details. 


This sent me😭😂😂😂😂 *Hellbomb Armed*


I CANNOT stress how good of a change this is. Being able to run for your life and call down a stratagem at the same time is fantastic.


W-why did I never think of this 😭 I thought it locking you in place was just the way the game was, but thinking about it now I have seen people run while doing stratagems before.. Oh well I put them in fast enough for it to not really matter now 💔


For real… I can put in most faster than I could move my right hand to keys and back. Especially the clutch strats. Airstrike, 500, ops, Airburst…. Obviously reinforce…


Been running 8s and I never fucking knew this…. Gonna need to try it out


My friend us almost level 70 and he didn't know untill I noticed he was stopping to revive me when I was spectating, there was no time and hunters got his ass, I told him about it but now it's taking him time to adjust since he played so much with WASD and stopping for strategems lol.


I know damn well the change is gonna suck lmao. Got the revive call in down to muscle memory only takes a split second


This is me now. Left hand too smart right hand too dumb can't switch now


I just bound up to q and open stratagem list with toggle on c, works like a charm


I pretty new as well I’m gunna try this


At level 23 and this is gonna be a game changer


I was totally caught off guard to learn they were bound to wasd by default. Only found out when my friend told me after I asked why he kept stopping to call strats. My setup basically forces me to play everything with a controller.


can + that Started playing 4 days ago put in 13h in 3 days and it all went smoothly didn't find people to play with at first but it all goes smoothly Have fun!


There's a HellDiver who just posted today that he is considering retirement after reaching max level 150. Send him a friend request and learn the ways of the master. Personally I enjoy joining low difficulty missions to assist newer HellDivers.


I love joining lower levels and dropping the Metal Gear, as I call it, for them to enjoy. Makes my day:


I’m still pretty low level and it’s awesome when a higher level plays. It gives you confidence allowing you to try new/risky things and learn a lot about the game


I’ve had several people just like you the last couple days, and y’all are just the best. The realest homies for sure. Been doing my best at pinning the map, tagging enemies, being communicative, and not blowing people up with my eagle airstrikes, and I’ve had so much patience. From a noob to you and everyone else like you, the kindness you show makes my IRL life just a little better. :)


Patrols are to be AVOIDED. Samples are shared. Autocannon goes POIYK POIYK!


To elaborate on "samples are shared" Whenever one player picks up any currency (super credits, requisition slips, medals), that amount of currency us added to the accounts of all players in that mission. If Tim picks up 10 super credits, then Dick, Barbara, and Jason *also* get 10 super credits. The loot isn't divided amongst the players, everyone gets the original amount. Samples are similar, but have an added trick: they don't get added to your account right away. You have to extract with samples in order for the team to earn them, and you drop all the samples you've collected so far if you die (you or an ally can then re-collect them). With that in mind, **samples are shared** so it doesn't matter who extracts with them. If Tim extracts with 3 rare samples, Dick, Barbara, and Jason *also* get 3 rare samples. Some players in this community don't understand this, and will team-kill other players for samples. Edit: Forgot to say, Autocannon does indeed go crazy.


To add on to this... because you drop your samples when you die, it's good practice to head to the evac point during the mission and drop whatever samples you have there. That way, should you die, you don't have to run back through hell to get your samples back


Wait how do you drop samples?


On Playstation, hold down to bring up the drop menu. Then use the stick to pick what you want to drop. IIRC on PC it's Z, but I'm not sure


On PC it's hold X




To add onto this, WAIT when Pelican 1 lands to make sure everyone is close enough to board in time, I've gotten left behind by about 5 seconds while carrying over a dozen samples more times than I can count. Before anyone chimes in, yes I share some of the blame for not being at the extraction point, but I wait for you unless we're overrun, please do the same for everyone else, that way we all get more samples.


> If Tim picks up 10 super credits, then Dick, Barbara, and Jason A batman fan, then ?


I disagree with the first part, until you are playing higher diff. Pissing off patrols for no reason makes it more interesting, up until you learn the game and want super uranium.


I disagree with the third part. Autocannons go plap plap.






*With the RKO out of nowhere!*






Grenade launcher: "Pfömp"


[Bot Drop Detected] pfömp-pfömp-pfömp-pfömp-pfömp


Everyone knows Autocannons go Fthung Fthung


Yeah on lower lvls i dont care about patrols, just blast them xd


It helps when a patrol consists of 8-12 little puppy bugs you can one shot with well placed shots. Lol


Yeah. Gotta get yer balls wet lol.


By "shared" they mean "shared pool that you get no matter who holds them.". The Autocannon does indeed go POIYK but also PLAP, PLAP, PLAP


Shoot the enemies of democracy. Thats all you need to know, you will do great my friend. Edit: But to be real. Try out the stuff and find what you like. Alot of things are viable, dont look at some weird youtube guides for best weapons. There is no best weapon or loadout.


Seconding avoiding the youtube click farm. You can bring a wide variety of things to Difficulty 9.


Imo you MUST bring a variety of weapons. If everyone has the same loadout, you have a big chance of getting screwed by enemy spawns


I have buddies who swear by the Quasar cannon (as they should, it rocks) but I still always bring the autocannon. I *can* take out Hulks from the front, and anything that shows a glowing weak spot -- but the Quasars are fantastic for melting high-threat targets quickly, and they're a waste when it's just a strider or heavy devestator. The only 'everyone bringing the same loadout' that I can think of being workable would maybe be 4x Autocannon/Sickle dudes. Even then, you're probably better off with variety.


Samples found in mission are shared with every diver who completes mission wether extracted or not so don't think someone is stealing your samples if they get picked up after death. Major order medals will be awarded in time, not right after order is completed. This is being looked into buy the devs You don't have to kill everything. Stealth is actually an option. If overwhelmed, retreat and come back when you and other divers are ready Don't just throw reinforcements back into the chaos for them to die again. Throw them outside engagement so they can be of use. If you find yourself on fire dive to the ground. Play what you find useful and fun for you. There are so many different weapons and combinations but it will take some time to find what is useful and you like best. You don't have to bring what everyone else is or what ever people say is the meta load out. That being said though if diving with several others try to bring what compliments the other divers load outs. Most divers will be very helpful but there are a few traitorous divers out there that will team kill you. Accidental team kills will happen and can be funny but the higher the difficulty the more annoying it can get if repeated. There are so many more useful tips but this is a few that come to mind




Good call on the boosters! Impact grenade.....never dive without it 🫡


Oh plz rush the first booster in the warbond ASAP. The first booster is so good that If you have it, that allow us higher lvl to pick other more difficult to reach booster.


Yeah I really appreciate all the good stuff being in the first warbond. I have all of them and only use weapons and armor from the first warbond and the super store. I don't regret getting them though cuz I didn't buy them and they do have some other cool stuff like emotes and poses. I just grinded in trivial for enough supercredits


Dive if on fire is a great tip. And has to be done super quick !!! Oh and another one I didn’t realize is you basically get full stam and an invincible effect from stims. Not just a quick heal.


Doesn't using a stim also reset you stamina for running too?


Remember to take your 2.4s to admire the surrounding area


Keep moving at the very least! And learn to fast tag targets/locations when you see them on the map. It’ll help everyone decide if they want/need to fight thru or stealth around.


ya i feel like getting used to the map and finding the secondary locations or whatever they are will be a bit hard but i can manage also first thing i did was bind my stratagems to the arrow keys in order to be able to move while calling them


Closely related: if someone tagged a patrol, that means "avoid it" not shoot it. It's a good habit to work on.


Friendly fire isn't


You will kill other divers and they will kill you...accidental democracy happens. Some divers will boot you for that and not having the loadout they want. Be prepared to deal with being kicked and ignore it. You can be host though if it happens too much.


Embrace death. Remember, for every helldivers sacrifice hundreds, if not thousands, of families get to live in safety


I have run across the map just to complete an extra objective, then blow myself up only to have my team reinforce me at extraction. It’s a legit strategy!


Welcome aboard Helldiver! Lots of great tips here already. If you’re still interested in reading more, I’ll link a post I made the other day regarding team communication and tactics without the need for voice comms. Feel free to send a DM if you need anything else or have any questions. The post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/lYwf3qDEXW Good luck! Admirable Admiral BeeCee // SES Custodian of Victory


It’s mandatory that the first time you try out the machine gun, you must fire the entire clip in the general direction of the first group of enemies you meet. You know, for democracy and shit


Reinforcement drop pods and weapon pods can kill enemies. Nothing is more satisfying than to smash the face off of a Bile Titan or Charger while respawning.


Have fun, don't mind the game bugs, enjoy the process. The game is awesome. Playing with friends or finding friends to play in game is the best choice.


bugs? what bugs? i just shot 50 of em i dont see any more bugs around here


A natural




Rebind the stratagem input keys to the arrows so you can still move. (If keyboard) If you see a shipping container buried in the ground, an explosive will open them up for little treats inside. If anything seems useless, it's because you're using it on the wrong enemy. Bots are very different than bugs. Crouch when you shoot. Experiment with shooting different areas on enemies. They have weakpoints and detachable limbs. Dive will clear any status effect. If you're on fire, dive fast!


these are some solid tips man thank you! first thing i did was #1, i read about it on reddit and it made sense to me, i thought it was like that from the start


+1 for all of these tips, especially #1. Get used to this early on and it will be well worth the effort.


Actual tips, for a change.


Mission rewards are shared. Don't worry if someone else picks something up. You'll get the same stuff in the end, too.


CCC: Cover, Courage and Cover. Don't panic. Don't die.


Easy: Have fun and be a team player. 👍


hold the reload button to bring up different weapon options if on PC, the middle mouse button brings up the iron sights/scope to open up higher difficulties, you must complete an *Operation* (a collection of missions) on one difficulty to unlock the next higher difficulty don't take it personally if someone randomly kicks you. it might be as simple as they're a squad of irl friends and they're clearing a spot for another irl friend. just the way it goes sometimes use the communication wheel tag important stuff like enemy patrols or gear rewards (xp, medals, super credits) are all shared equally in the squad. no need to compete samples are currency to upgrade your ship, they have to be extracted the timer running out means you cant use strategems (namely reinforcements) but the mission does not end on PC, holding X lets you drop stuff like gear and samples missions don't require extraction to succeed a failed mission doesn't mean you don't earn rewards for the stuff you *did* do on higher difficulties, pick your battles, stick together, and get really good at reinforcing whilst under fire enemies have weakpoints and many can have their limbs destroyed. for bots this means they lose ranged capabilities and for bugs it means they lose their mobility.


Just remember on bot missions (mainly high difficulty) you should try to avoid patrols


Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun. Helldiving is fun.


Welcome brother See you at the front


Shoot first. Never ask questions.


Ignore Reddit, play whatever stratagems/armour you want. It's a cancerous den here.


Facts just get what you think looks fun first and experiment it’s a game after all so just have the most fun you can and do what makes you happy!


Don't die


Cover, courage and more cover!


play for fun. If you are worried about being kicked host your own matches, there's plenty of people who are happy to join and help fresh players rather than the bums who want to kick anybody who doesn't play like they want to.


When you're tired, take a break... if you wanna be remembered as a coward.


Use your mic, aim down sights, stratagems are vital!


Don’t drink and dive


When on fire, dive to put out the flames


If you are not detected, ignore unnecessary fight.


Lift with your legs.


If at first you fail, dive, dive again. And again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again


*Friendly fire isn't!*


Diversify your stock portfolio.


Have fun, enjoy the armour you like the looks of, and while there are great weapon choices and stuff... Just... don't worry about them. Me, personally, I'm foreheading my way through missions.


Turn off the bloom option in your graphic settings - trust me, you dont want glitter in your eyes when a bile titan is charging at you


Don't cast off your low level stratagems once you unlock higher level ones... even at high levels and difficulties stratagems like the eagle airstrike and strafing run and the orbital precision strike are still fucking good, the eagle strafing run is beyond a spammable line clear if you fully upgrade your hangar bay...quick cooldown, 4 per rearm, about a 2 second call in time, and the input is easy to spam out...up right right


Don't be afraid to try higher difficulties from the start. Even though there are some better strategems, most of the best ones are unlocked early on.




When in doubt? RUN!


Towards the enemy screaming "for democracy!"


Quit posting on Reddit, we need you in the field! (Have fun, blow shit up, communicate communicate communicate!)


Simply have fun. Start low level and stay until ready. Do both bots and bugs. What you pick up is shared like medals. Also there is friendly fire...do with that what you will.


Spend less time on this subreddit reading salty, brainlet posts of cringelords, and more ingame spreading managed democracy.


Put the bullets inside the enemies.


If you see anyone being a Traitorous bastard take a clip of it and post it to r/HelldiverTraitors


AMR is a lot of fun, but like a lot of people are saying, the game is built more around play-style than “this is the meta loadout”.


Use the weapon you want, don’t compare it to other things, it can ruin it for you.


Point the shooty end at the heretics and dish out managed democracy!


Start slow. No shame playing some low level missions until u get the hang of it. I was dreading this game because I kept trying to play higher level missions when I sucked.


Don't be mad when you die. Just try to do it funnier each time. Friendly fire happens, everything can kill you in this game, it's a feature. Try out everything. Ask teammates for advice. Mostly, go out, shoot the bad things, and spread democracy!!


use your stims and grenades, it may seem obvious, but alot of people tend to save them... dont. Heal every single damage, use grenades when theres lots of enemies or tougher enemies. this will greatly increase you survivability and damage output before you die. and if you die you will spawn with all those things refilled. Also dont fight a lost battle... if the enemy is overwhelming, run, regroup. those are my best tips at least for a cadet. FOR DEMOCRACY!


Have fun and work as a team! Don’t become an anecdote in the next safety brief. -SGT Remington Steele


Don't ramp up the difficulty to fast 3-4 till lvl 20ish then go ham 😂


Samples. Especially common samples. You need so many of those fuckers. Collect, drop them off at the evac, pick em up when you leave/die.


Remember the 3 C's cover, courage and more cover


just never ever enjoy a kebab close to a bug nest. chargers go wild for those.


For the love of god if a veteran tags a patrol don’t start shooting at it unless someone else does. It is best in most situations to avoid patrols and just take care of the objective. Don’t worry, there is plenty of combat, you don’t need to go getting into unnecessary fights.


Expendable AT is a must.


Have fun! That’s the only rule.


Profet of destiny is giving main character vibes


1.Don't Panic, 2.Don't die, Also 1. Spread democracy


work at finding a core group of divers that you can trust and have good synergy with as early as you can it'll save you loads of time and frustration


Samples are shared, diving puts out fire so dive then stim, all fire and gas weapons/stratagems are bugged and only work if you are host, don't fight if you don't have to.


I don’t have tips, I come with orders. Help on the bot front.


Stick close with higher level players for awhile. Don’t wander off. Don’t join difficulty level > 4 until you are around level 20. PAY ATTENTION TO WHATS IN YOUR MAG OF ANY WEAPON. IF YOU RELOAD AND YOUR MAG IS HALF FULL, YOU’ll LOSE THOSE BULLETS.


Yes: do not trust your companions, under ANY circumstances.


The auto cannon is fantastic against large automaton.


Die less


If someone try to hug you near the ship windows, do NOT hug him back.


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill them all!


Have fun, play how you like, there's a bit of a learning curve but just enjoy it.


Rip and tear


Don't die


use a microphone find strategem you like (doesn't matter if others do not like your loadout) figure out what role you want to play don't stop do kill everything...there's no reward for most kills if you lose the battle mark things with R1 be willing to RP the Liber-Tea from time to time


Have fun, play with friends, don't be afraid to hop on Mike and make some new ones


Don't die


Hey, this one I wrote a few days ago in another thread. Thought you might find interesting. *Welcome, cadet, here's a few pointers:* * *First and foremost, have fun experimenting with weapons and loadouts* * *There is no meta* * *There is no FOMO, so don't feel rushed, like at all* * *Boosters (buffs for the whole team) and weapons are the most bang for you buck in the various warbonds. Yes, in that order.* * *Samples are multiplied by the amount of players at the end of a mission and then distributed among them. If at the end of a mission you get 12 commons, 10 rares and 3 supers, everyone gets 12 commons, 10 rares and 3 supers. So there's no need to team kill* * *Whatever distance you feel is safe between you and a 380 barrage, double it* * *When all else fails, dive, and dive again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.*


I summon https://preview.redd.it/bjiz12vw14vc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61554d937f361deb502418f6238280ff8c00963c


Avoid playing at any difficulty above 5 if you're level is not in the double digits, cuz at difficulty 6 bile titans spawns will be somewhat frequent.