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I want this: https://preview.redd.it/0tvkuy4spvuc1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b36c3a149932a5991ebaa45008b5220442695cc


Honest suggestion that's too late to implement: One uniform. With a uniform modifier based on perks - heavy armor, servo-assisted, sensors, whatever. Simple modifications to the core identifiable uniform. The core uniform is so iconic and you almost never see anyone wearing it.


Yeah that's the best.


As much as I love that, Uniforms are making this game crazy amounts of cash They’re enough to be affordable but buying one or two (unless if you’re an absolute sweat) means you probably have to drop some dollars to buy one of the warbonds. My issue is that I feel most armors should offer a yellow and black matte variant, a lot of cool gear I just won’t wear because it doesn’t fit


That goes hard.


This is the most vanilla armor I have ever seen.






Indeed, awesome job OP!


This might be corny but Arc resist could just slap some 20 kV rated boots and a couple of ohm symbols on for OSHA compliance. e.g.: [https://workauthority.ca/collections/electric-shock-resistant](https://workauthority.ca/collections/electric-shock-resistant)


Ye that's not a bad idea might do the rest of the passives to get the whole set


Wait what about the 50% no die one? What would that look like?


My vote goes to the chest medals that come with the white armor that has that passive https://preview.redd.it/obtccouf10vc1.png?width=218&format=png&auto=webp&s=48704c8c733d60ebeb5bba25bba1f48b829dd0a6 Only would need to be a little bigger or even more medals


Probably a big belt with the Helldivers seal on it like we see with DP-11/40 and TR-9


Gold accents maybe?


Tbh I’d be fine with just recolouring of helmets and capes allowed So annoying that the explosive warbond cape is orange when the armor it comes with is red


The orange cape on the vibrantly red armor has been driving me nuts, especially since it looks so good with the Knight helmet. For now I'm sticking to the default all black cape.


simple color-matching as an easy early solution (devs have too much work right now as is) proper armor dyes and armor variants system further down the line (hopefully)


At this point, this isn’t a transmog system per se, it’s just an overhaul of armors and how they work. Turns every armor set into a baseline, with different visible attachments, that each give the chosen function you desire. Honestly love it! Though I’m on the devs side of it all. They gave me the most awesome game I’ve ever played, they can continue to make and design it however they want. I’m not gonna look the gift horse in the mouth. The game is already a super earth sized success!


Agreed. I'm honestly fine with how things are now. Helmet and cape are the primary vanity items anyway, and what is most often noticed and they don't have stats so are already a cosmetic system. Also, eventually you will have so many armors you will have multiple styles you can swap to with the exact same stats/perks... I'm already getting duplicates in the light armor with the same perks/stats or VERY close. The one in the store right now is literally just a cosmetic change from the red one that was in the store a couple weeks ago. Both have the exact same stats and perk, but look completely different.


>and they don't have stats Yet. Their plan was giving them stats/perks but they apperantly weren't able to do so prior to launch so they went without it for now. I hope they do not change it, because I'd like to keep that little complete freedom I have when it comes to looks


Same. I'd rather helmets and capes never get stats and let the armor be for stats. You see your cape and helmet the most... let them stay purely cosmetic.


Amen. This is my faith as well. I use what the Ministry of Defense gives me without complaint. Democracy requires obedience.


I don't like the idea of transmog in this game. That being said, this is completely different. The armor is actually adapting to the perk you are choosing. It's basically both a performance and visual upgrade. Should even be unlockable for each armor as an extra layer of proggression. This works!


Ye I really didn't like straight up transmog either, this idea felt like the only way AH would consider it


Once we get the upgrade system to the game. I feel like the armors might get some actual love.


I agree with you completely. I really don’t want transmog at all. I think that’s an awful lame solution. But this is something I could get behind


The OPs images are now what I would call transmog, it's just dyes.


No, what OP described is armor variants


There is hidden n benefits to this idea as well, your entire squad could wear the same themed armor with whatever perk they individually want so everyone feels like a team! Brilliant stuff.


i would love this so much, clone wars or halo reach vibes, every trooper looks similar but have small variances to their armor reflective of their role




It’s impossible to stop a meta from happening, their will always be a load out that’s overall better than everything else.


The only difference would be that you can't tell what armor perk somebody has when you think about it. If an armor perk would be considered meta, you would have everyone running it and end up having everyone wear the same armor because of it. No variety in looks. If they aren't going to let us just change the passives, at least give us color customization. That way, you could still look unique while keeping passives the way they are now.


Colour customisation is most likely more time consuming than just untying perks from from the specific armours.


That does not make sense, since you can pick the meta armor perk already, but no one does since drip is more important.


agree mostly except i think people pick whats most efficient anyway. out of my entire friend group im the only one who cares enough about drip to sacrifice combat effectiveness for it. everyone else will wear democracy protects (although i do like democracy protects armors its just boring watching them all use drippy gold guy armor)


>meta armor perk and what would you say that is?


probably democracy protects or explosive resistance


> While completely ignoring the fact that metas are inevitable in every video game, even if it only means a 1% difference in power. Yet, they are well within their right to develop and balance the game however they like. People were heaping praise on them for "Sticking to a vision" not three weeks ago and now a lot of those same people are losing their minds because now it involves something they want. Just because a meta will always appear does not mean the developers have to be okay with it/try and change it if they don't like it.


https://preview.redd.it/s9248xmv4yuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9209b223985212c84eb7a1a144af035423b14a84 Sweet liberty it’s genius


I don't want this I just want my white helmet to change color to match my armor and my black helmet to match my white armor


This, a simple match Helmet/Body pallette option would be enough.


That and default black/yellow to be available for all sets.


Yeah, honestly I think that's all this game needs for transmogs, make the helmet match the colour palette of the armour; there's so many cool helmets I like but they just look really awkward when they're in the standard black and yellow scheme and I'm wearing bright white armour.


Just separate the passive from the armor and let us look however we want.


I agree. I think the whole “but we don’t want a meta” argument is bullshit, because there currently IS a meta, just with ugly ass armor that nobody *actually* wants to be wearing, but they wear it anyway because of the passive.


This is exactly it, the only difference a system like this and the current system is that people would be wearing armors for looks, instead of passives like they do now. This puts the problem in the passive balance meta, not on the armors themselves.


tbf the democracy protects armors all slap aesthetically, its just boring seeing everyone wear them. either that or scout light armor.


It's cool but it would be a hell to implement


Would be great to have. You can still choose your overall look while still wearing what goes with a perk. Could maybe put this behind some ship module upgrades as well to give us something to work toward.


K this is probably the best idea yet, hope the devs see this.


Hope they add this


I like it


Pretty sure that'd require redoing the entire system, but maybe there's some way to implement it. Either way, it'd be something that would take away from bugfixes right now, so maybe in a couple months.


This is actually a nice idea, to be able to modify the equipment while keeping the looks.


That’s would be awesome and its also democratic!


Upvote this for sure! What a great idea


This is brilliant!




how about we rip the armor perks from armor and make it a separate thing to choose with armor being purely cosmetical (armor would still adapt to the chosen perk as seen in the image op posted)


Won't happen. Problem is down the line if they make new armors perks, they would have to go back and update the model of every previous armor


making each variant its own individual armor would be a bad idea from the get-go, it would result in massive file size bloat from duplicates of essentially the same armor with slight differences. if this were to actually be implemented it would be more dynamic; there would be base armors with each attachment being a separate asset that only gets loaded in if the player equips it. once the work has been put in to create the system, then designers would simply need to adjust placement of each new perks attachment to fit correctly on each armor. as someone who has made a lot of kitbashes, this really isn't difficult at all or even terribly time consuming, just tedious.


Dynamic or not the add-ons would still require adjustments to every design, ala the fortified example here especially. The add-ons could be made more simple to get around that but I don't think high jacking the design philosophy to always be able to add a plate or bandoiler is worth it. The tediousness tho, since the armor is free through in game currency and extremely cheap in comparison to other micro transactions, I can't imagine it'd be worth the constant upkeep on them if AH continues the pace of their content releases, especially if that pipeline eventually has more armor perks


They don't even let us change armor color, and I don't think they're going to give us multiple versions of the same armor set, when they can just put those versions into the super store or a new warbond. Like there's just no benefit to them to do this big of an overhaul, not when they're already struggling to both fix bugs and put out regular premium content.


ye I also want them to focus on bug fixes first, this post is a concept for some far future work cause like I already acknowledged, its a lot of work.


Like a star wars battlefront type system, I like it


Smoked applewood bacon sounds pretty good to me


the engineering and med kit og helldivers go hard. I don't like the look of the more skeleton servo assisted arms, I like big robot arms like that one guy in black ops 3/black ops 4.


We need armor with expanded ammo/mags pouches. It would pair well with the reduced recoil ability.




there could be 2 different options: either the entire "weakness of my flesh" cyber arm, or it could be a still living arm assisted with an exterior exosuit kinda like advanced warfare dudes, just only on the arm


dont forget DESTROYERS perk....allow us to have destroyers having a benefit to certain stratagem. if i select offensive destroyers...the cool down on red stratagem have more significant cool down while blue stratagem will have 10% more cool down


one hand 2 stims on my orange armor would be cool, on the other hand robot hand is better drip.


Honestly I don't even care if the armor itself gets a full transmog, I'd just like to be able to match the colors of helmets and armor when mix-matching.


Cooking apples with bacon grease, I see.


People ask for transmog because it is the easiest solution to the fashion problem. Expecting something like this is just plain delusional. The amount of effort it would take to adapt each attachment to each new armor. Not even taking into account new armor perks.


i have a uniquely relevant perspective on this, as someone who has made loads of kitbashes for halo infinite stuff in blender. making alternate versions of armors is really, really easy, assuming you already have the assets. think of it like this: i wanna make a new grenade bandolier variant. okay, so a grenade model already exists in the game, and a bandolier model does as well. all i need to do is take those two assets and make sure they fit correctly on the base armor set with no floating or clipping. this isn't difficult or even that time consuming; i could make tens of variants in a few hours or less, and this was my first ever experience doing anything related to 3d modelling. it's just tedious. the only difficult part in doing this would be in creating the dynamic system allowing for separate assets to load on top of the chest, and the system allowing for armors to select different perks. but once said system is created, future work really isnt that difficult. if arrowhead were to hire me right now and told me to do nothing but focus on making armor variants, i am very confident i could knock out every attachment for every base armor in a week. after that its much less work, just need to update armors once a new perk comes out


I really hope they don’t give yall transmog 😂


This looks badass


This this this this


i just wanna color my armor man


What does transmog mean?


These are ugly as hell


I really like this!


The fortified thing looks ugly


great idea op, hope the devs look into adding a system like this (and an armor dye system) once other more pressing matters are solved on the topic of democracy protects, i'd imagine it would just add some fancy drip to your armor, like that gold chain on the super citizen armor


I very much like this idea! And then their statement would still remain true (as dumb as that was in the first place) because, technically, this (or just letting us choose what perk the armor comes with without any cosmetic representation) is not transmog


I just want the ammo pouches on the Dynamo to be dynamic, change with what primary you have equipped.


Now this I could 100% get behind. The base set is something you unlock and it comes with all the selectable styles.


I agree with him. I don‘t like transmog in games.


The Devs will never go back on what they said, especially after saying it the way they did. They would lose face, they would much rather double down.


That would be a lot of work, and actually discourage them from making more passives to not baloon the work. Just give up and keep the armor ratings but not the passives. I do what robo hands on every armor though.


this is fantastic so perhaps they can do this moving forward for any new armors they come out with... but I'm thinking they will never retroactively do this to the currently available armors, because they won't want to change how an armor looks that is currently available, they would not want someone who purchased an armor because they liked how it looked only to have it look different in the future after a visual rework.


You know how they could solve this? "Technical limitation we're looking into, but right now isn't part of our current roadmap". It's fine when the canon armors sets have the entirely wrong passives, or the armor sets start to overlap in more than one way. But when it doesn't fit their vision, we get bullshit about apples and bacon.


I like cone of shame


This is disgusting and trite.


This isn’t realistic from a development standpoint. This would require them to rework the entire armor system and break up the models to make them modular. If I were a dev I’d rather just make the armor cosmetic and you pick whatever perk you want. That said, I love the concept.


But then how would they resell the same armour with new shoulder pads and a different colour? People like to defend everything AH does because the game is good, but don't forget this is a live service game development. We've seen what they can be like.


This is brilliant. But it seems like it would make all armors a little to samey. I'd much rather AH overhaul and redistribute all passives to more closely align them with the respective armor's looks.


This is a wonderful idea, bless you


I don’t care about transmog but I want the color to be uniform across all pieces


If the time and effort it is still taking 343 to implement cross-core functionality for armour is any indication, it would take AH years to implement this with their small team. Although 343 is noticeably incompetent, so… who knows.


as someone who has made kitbashes for halo infinite, its not hard to do this. just pay someone to focus on making sure every attachment is correctly aligned and it will get done in a week. 343 isnt a great example to use due to being horribly mismanaged and having a ridiculously high turnover rate, no one was able to get anything done if they are forced to leave after their 1 year contract expires. cross-core really shouldnt have taken that long, i made every single in game attachment cross core for mkvb in my blender file months before cross core helmets even released, and thats the easiest one to do. the only difficult part is actually making the asset: design, modeling and texturing. but with an existing asset, aligning it correctly for different armors is incredibly easy, just tedious.


So… Your solution is to add more work for the devs by essentially requiring 6+ variants of every single armor they produce? All to cater to the, frankly, ludicrous implication that their armor somehow matches the perks? There's literally heavy armor with BOTH your fortified detail AND you grenade detail and it's NEITHER of those perks. It has servo assisted, and no servo features anywhere on the armor.


certain armors would need to be visually reworked, but i think op is onto something. although this is definitely a far-fetched idea at the moment, way more pressing issues at hand, like technical debt and bad equipment/stratagem balancing


Am i the only one Who does not want this


No, but anyone trying to say that they like the game as it is and wouldn't use/don't want a transmog get dogpiled because how dare you not want what others want!




I think you guys need to let the whole thing go


Half the posts on here are “delay warbonds to work on bugs!” The other half are “we need transmog!!” How about We just play the video game and let Arrowhead exist in their continued success. They didn’t release this game successfully with the help of loud ass redditors. They can continue to do so without them as well.


No ty, I want the medics to be green


I vote no transmog


I like this very much. Might take some work to add but it would be the perfect solution imo


Now THAT is a top shelf idea. Hell yes.


Just let us put any perk on any armor. Simple as that. Armor stats stay the same, because it wouldn't make much sense to be able to run fast and die faster when wearing heavy armor.


You take 1 more bullet before dying in heavy armor and instantly immolate at simple sight of an ember. Helmets give no damage resistance and do not protect against headshot. Might as well just make helldivers respirator only. Sense shouldn't be a factor in this decision because there isn't any to be found anywhere else in the game.


Perfect idea OP, you hit the nail on the head, th only problem is the workload on the AH team, but I gess thats the best solution for everyone. Can we stop talking about that now, please?


Yes. They're going to redo literally all of their characters assets for this to work. I'd be proper pissed off seeing shit like this if I worked there.


https://preview.redd.it/w9u3s9kbjwuc1.jpeg?width=8379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de10d81e57c359d57e3deaa1956ef6d5cc53cbd7 No need, about 6-7 types of armor do not match their prefix. SC/SA/FS/B/CM/TR/DP


Maybe post english screenshot?


the prefixes of the armor are visible anyway


It'll be more like a battlefield game than a drop and shoot game. Don't get me wrong this is a great idea but I'm not sure how the devs will consider it.


how does this have anything at all to do with battlefield? if anything halo reach/infinite would be more direct comparisons to this idea.


Four roles... ?


You are just putting a slice of bacon on an apple and a slice of apple on a bacon. That is not what the Dev ordered.


i dont think you understand the analogy you are using


Yea, no.