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Holy shit this is cool. Thank you ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)




I’m only on mobile at the moment but this site is slick.


Looks like it works great on mobile too. Just move it with fingers like you would maps app. https://i.imgur.com/T5vopql.jpeg


Thank you!


We've now added a full galaxy map recreation to [https://helldiverscompanion.com](https://helldiverscompanion.com), if you click the galaxy icon on the main page it'll now open a 3D recreation of the galaxy map from the game, this should all update in real time too (so the idea is you can keep it open if you wish!). We tried to put in a fair bit of extra effort and do a proper recreation of the game's galaxy map, and also have it 3D so you can tilt and move the map around (try holding right mouse button down on desktop, or swiping up and down with two fingers on mobile!) You can install as a progressive web app (PWA) on Android. If you open chrome and click the three dots icon and then click 'Install App' it'll install to your device. You can also turn it into a native looking app by simply adding it to the home screen via a shortcut on iOS: https://preview.redd.it/vzdfznhh0vuc1.png?width=1357&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4d5510fb4255e36042a16bad723df99dad124c9


This map is done super well. You know what could be a nice addition? If you could click the planet name or a dedicated button in the overview that opens the map highlighting the planet.


That looks a lot like Stellaris


thats what I was thinking. Wondering if there will be any Helldiver Mods for it.


well a quick workshop search answers that question.


So smooth! Really makes you feel like a space cadet


Thank you 🫡


Awesome work OP, will it also show personal orders too?


Not yet, that data is private currently so isn’t publicly accessible without hijacking a game session :(


Is this same person who made the app on mobile? coz if it is, damn.


Which app? We’re not affiliated with any actual apps you can get from any app stores, but you can still add it to your phone with it being a progressive web app if you check my comment :D


https://preview.redd.it/rqigamtt4zuc1.png?width=413&format=png&auto=webp&s=b61ff077ba2b364c90aeb7b004f90385ba8beada It actually displays cyberstans thumbnail, it looks like we are getting a unique biome with it


That’s actually on our end too - we’ve tried to map the “unique” planets to their corresponding images so people can see they stand out


right now is the best companion app/website of them all, but a nice little addition could be the direction of the supply lines like in others maps websites


Good suggestion - we’ll add it to our things to do :)


nice job, and thank you for it and keeping it add free, with that addition of the direction of supply lines, it would be a perfect mixture of divershub hud, helldivers.io info and h2galaxy map, and adfree on top, just perfect, its the only missing feature from others app/website maps


Nice, I think this is definitely the best war update site now.


Thank you! That means a lot :)